
273 lines
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* definitions for runtime session specific data handling
* This file is part of ANT (Ant is Not a Telephone)
* Copyright 2002, 2003 Roland Stigge
* ANT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* ANT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with ANT; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#ifndef _ANT_SESSION_H
#define _ANT_SESSION_H
#include "config.h"
/* regular GNU system includes */
#include <termios.h>
#include <time.h>
/* GTK */
#include <gtk/gtk.h>
/* own header files */
#include "recording.h"
enum state_t {
STATE_READY, /* completely idle */
STATE_RINGING, /* somebody's calling */
STATE_RINGING_QUIET, /* same as above, audio off (device blocked) */
STATE_DIALING, /* we are dialing out */
STATE_CONVERSATION, /* we are talking */
STATE_SERVICE, /* special mode (llcheck) */
STATE_PLAYBACK, /* sound playback, usually recorded conversation */
STATE_NUMBER /* dummy to calculate size */
enum effect_t {
EFFECT_NONE, /* nothing is played currently */
EFFECT_RING, /* somebody's calling */
EFFECT_RINGING, /* waiting for the other end to pick up the phone */
EFFECT_TEST, /* play test sound (e.g. line level check) */
EFFECT_TOUCHTONE,/* play a touchtone */
EFFECT_SOUNDFILE /* play sound from file */
* Data needed for setting the session state (the state is the index)
struct state_data_t {
char *status_bar;
char *pick_up_label;
int pick_up_state;
char *hang_up_label;
int hang_up_state;
struct state_data_t state_data[STATE_NUMBER];
* session data
typedef struct {
/* audio device data */
char *audio_device_name_in; /* allocated memory! */
char *audio_device_name_out; /* allocated memory! */
int audio_fd_in; /* audio device file descriptors */
int audio_fd_out;
unsigned int audio_speed_in; /* sound device recording speed */
unsigned int audio_speed_out; /* sound device playback speed */
int fragment_size_in; /* sound device buffer fragment sizes in bytes */
int fragment_size_out;
int *format_priorities; /* 0-terminated sorted list of preferenced formats */
int audio_format_in; /* the actual formats */
int audio_format_out;
int audio_sample_size_in; /* number of bytes of a sample */
int audio_sample_size_out;
unsigned char *audio_inbuf; /* buffer: should have size fragment_size_in */
unsigned char *audio_outbuf; /* buffer: should have size fragment_size_out */
int audio_outbuf_index; /* needed for conversation mode output memory */
/* isdn data */
char* isdn_device_name; /* "/dev/ttyIxx", xx == 0 .. 63 */
int isdn_fd;
char* isdn_lockfile_name;
int isdn_inbuf_size;
int isdn_outbuf_size;
unsigned char *isdn_inbuf; /* 8 bit ulaw */
unsigned char *isdn_outbuf;
int isdn_inbuf_len; /* index of '\0' in audio_inbuf in command mode,
if char at this index != 0 -> reading line */
int isdn_outbuf_index; /* needed for conversation mode output memory */
int escape; /* escape mode/state RECEIVING isdn data */
int no_input; /* after this many select calls without isdn input
get back from blockmode */
struct termios isdn_backup; /* saved state to restore on exit */
char *from; /* caller's number */
char *to; /* callee's number */
/* mediation data */
/* Look-up-tables for audio <-> isdn conversion: */
unsigned char *audio_LUT_in; /* isdn -> audio */
unsigned char *audio_LUT_out; /* audio -> isdn */
unsigned char *audio_LUT_generate; /* 8 bit unsigned -> isdn */
unsigned char *audio_LUT_analyze; /* isdn -> 8 bit unsigned */
short *audio_LUT_ulaw2short; /* unsigned char (ulaw) -> short */
double ratio_in; /* ratio: audio output rate / isdn input rate */
double ratio_out; /* ratio: isdn output rate / audio input rate */
unsigned int samples_in; /* ring counter of samples: from isdn */
unsigned int samples_out; /* ... ... : from sound device */
/* recording data */
short *rec_buf_local; /* pointers to recording buffers */
short *rec_buf_remote;
int rec_buf_local_index; /* number of shorts in local recording buffer */
int rec_buf_remote_index; /* number of shorts in local recording buffer */
int rec_buf_local_size; /* recording buffer sizes */
int rec_buf_remote_size;
struct recorder_t *recorder; /* recorder internal data */
/* GUI elements in this session (GTK specific) */
GtkWidget *main_window; /* the main window (with style ...) */
GtkWidget *pick_up_button; /* the pick up button to enable / disable */
GtkWidget *pick_up_label; /* the label on the pick up button */
GtkWidget *hang_up_button; /* the hang up button to enable / disable */
GtkWidget *hang_up_label; /* the label on the hang up button */
GtkWidget *dial_number_box; /* the dial number combo box */
GList *dial_number_history; /* the last called numbers */
unsigned int dial_number_history_maxlen; /* how many numbers to remember */
unsigned int dial_number_history_pointer; /* which one to use next if req */
GtkWidget *status_bar; /* the status bar */
gint phone_context_id; /* a context for the status bar */
GtkWidget *audio_warning; /* inside status bar */
gint audio_context_id; /* a context for audio_warning */
GtkWidget *llcheck; /* line level check widget inside status bar */
GtkWidget *llcheck_in; /* input level meter */
GtkWidget *llcheck_out; /* output level meter */
GtkWidget *llcheck_check_menu_item; /* state of line levels (status bar) */
guint gtk_isdn_input_tag; /* these tags are saved to later remove handlers */
guint gtk_audio_input_tag;
GtkWidget *controlpad; /* key pad etc. */
GtkWidget *controlpad_check_menu_item; /* display state of control pad */
GtkWidget *mute_button; /* toggle button */
GtkWidget *muted_warning; /* show in status bar if muted */
gint muted_context_id; /* a context for the status bar */
GtkWidget *record_checkbutton; /* recording checkbutton */
GtkWidget *record_checkbutton_local; /* local recording checkbutton */
GtkWidget *record_checkbutton_remote; /* remote recording checkbutton */
/* caller id related */
GtkWidget *cid; /* the caller id widget itself (to show/hide) */
GtkWidget *cid_check_menu_item; /* to handle state of cid monitor (show?) */
GtkWidget *cid_list; /* the list to hold the individual call data */
GtkWidget *cid_scrolled_window; /* the home of the clist with adjustments */
gint cid_num; /* number of rows in list */
gint cid_num_max; /* maximum number of rows in list */
time_t vcon_time; /* the start of conversation mode (for duration calc.) */
time_t ring_time; /* the first sign of the conversation (dial/ring) */
/* the symbols for the CList */
GdkPixmap *symbol_in_pixmap;
GdkBitmap *symbol_in_bitmap;
GdkPixmap *symbol_out_pixmap;
GdkBitmap *symbol_out_bitmap;
GdkPixmap *symbol_record_pixmap;
GdkBitmap *symbol_record_bitmap;
GtkWidget *menuitem_settings; /* Menu items to select / deselect */
GtkWidget *menuitem_line_check;
/* ringing etc. */
guint effect_tag; /* remove this callback after e.g. ringing */
enum effect_t effect; /* which effect is currently been played? */
unsigned int effect_pos; /* sample position in effect */
char* effect_filename; /* the file to playback */
SNDFILE* effect_sndfile; /* the handle */
SF_INFO effect_sfinfo; /* info struct about effect_sndfile */
short* effect_sndfile_buffer;/*temporary buffer to construct playback output*/
int effect_sndfile_buffer_frames;/*number of frames of effect_sndfile_buffer*/
time_t effect_playback_start_time; /* start time of playback */
int touchtone_countdown_isdn; /* number of samples yet to play */
int touchtone_countdown_audio;
int touchtone_index; /* which touchtone */
/* phone specific */
enum state_t state; /* which state we are currently in */
int hangup; /* remote hangup */
int aborted; /* i/o error (isdn or audio) */
char* msn; /* originating msn, allocated memory! */
char* msns; /* comma-separated list of msns to listen on, allocated memory!*/
int unanswered; /* unanswered calls for this session */
/* some options (useful for options file handling) */
int option_save_options; /* save options on exit */
int option_release_devices; /* close sound devices while not needed */
int option_show_llcheck; /* show line level checks in main window */
int option_show_callerid; /* show callerid part in main window */
int option_show_controlpad; /* show control pad (key pad etc.) */
int option_muted; /* mute microphone (other party gets zeros) */
int option_record; /* record to file */
int option_record_local; /* record local channel */
int option_record_remote; /* record remote channel */
enum recording_format_t option_recording_format; /* recording file format */
int option_calls_merge; /* merge isdnlog */
int option_calls_merge_max_days;
char *exec_on_incoming; /* string with command to execute on incoming call */
int option_popup; /* push main window to foreground on incoming call */
char* preset_names[SESSION_PRESET_SIZE]; /* names and numbers for */
char* preset_numbers[SESSION_PRESET_SIZE]; /* preset buttons */
int local_sock; /* unix domain socket for local server functionality */
guint gtk_local_input_tag; /* gtk tag for gtk main loop select */
} session_t;
extern session_t session;
int session_set_state(session_t *session, enum state_t state);
void session_io_handlers_start(session_t *session);
void session_io_handlers_stop(session_t *session);
int session_reset_audio(session_t *session);
int session_audio_open(session_t *session);
int session_audio_close(session_t *session);
int session_audio_init(session_t *session);
int session_audio_deinit(session_t *session);
int session_init(session_t *session,
char *audio_device_name_in,
char *audio_device_name_out,
char *msn, char *msns);
void session_audio_free(session_t *session);
int session_deinit(session_t *session);
void session_effect_start(session_t *session, enum effect_t kind);
void session_effect_stop(session_t *session);
void gtk_handle_isdn_input(gpointer data, gint fd,
GdkInputCondition condition);
void gtk_handle_audio_input(gpointer data, gint fd,
GdkInputCondition condition);
void session_make_call(session_t *session, char *number);
void gtk_handle_pick_up_button(GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data);
void gtk_handle_hang_up_button(GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data);
void session_history_add(session_t *session, const char *number);
void session_history_append(session_t *session, char *number);
#endif /* session.h */