mainmenu_option next_comment comment 'Options for eurofile' comment 'eftp4linux, an implementation of the EUROFILE transfer protocol' bool 'eftd, an EUROFILE server / daemon' CONFIG_EFTD if [ "$CONFIG_EFTD" = "y" ]; then CONFIG_EFTD_WUAUTH=${CONFIG_EFTD_WUAUTH:-"y"} bool ' use wu-ftpd authentification for eftd' CONFIG_EFTD_WUAUTH fi bool 'eftp, an EUROFILE client with command line user interface' CONFIG_EFTP if [ "$CONFIG_EFTP" = "y" ]; then CONFIG_EFTP_READLINE=${CONFIG_EFTP_READLINE:-"y"} bool ' command line editing with GNU readline for eftp' CONFIG_EFTP_READLINE fi endmenu