/* * capiconnect.c - pppd plugin to make ISDN connections over CAPI2.0 * * Copyright 2000 Carsten Paeth (calle@calle.in-berlin.de) * Copyright 2000 AVM GmbH Berlin (info@avm.de) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "pppd.h" #include "capiconn.h" #include #include #include static char *revision = "$Revision: 1.8 $"; static capiconn_context *ctx; static capi_connection *conn = 0; static int isconnected = 0; static unsigned applid; #define CM(x) (1<<(x)) #define CIPMASK_ALL 0x1FFF03FF #define CIPMASK_VOICE (CM(1)|CM(4)|CM(5)|CM(16)|CM(26)) #define CIPMASK_DATA (CM(2)|CM(3)) static unsigned long cipmask = CIPMASK_ALL; static int controller = 1; static capi_contrinfo cinfo = { 0 , 0, 0 }; static char *opt_controller = "1"; static char *opt_numberprefix = 0; static char *opt_number = 0; static char *opt_callbacknumber = 0; static char *opt_msn = 0; static char *opt_inmsn = 0; static char *opt_proto = 0; static char *opt_channels = 0; static unsigned char AdditionalInfo[1+2+2+31]; static int opt_dialtimeout = 60; static int opt_dialmax = 4; static int opt_redialdelay = 5; static int opt_cbdelay = 2; static int opt_connectdelay = 0; static char *opt_cli = 0; static int opt_cbflag = 0; static int opt_cbwait = 60; static int opt_acceptdelayflag = 0; typedef struct stringlist { struct stringlist *next; char *s; } STRINGLIST; static STRINGLIST *numbers; static STRINGLIST *callbacknumbers; static STRINGLIST *clis; static STRINGLIST *parsed_controller; static int optcb(void) { return opt_cbflag = 1; } static int optacceptdelay(void) { return opt_acceptdelayflag = 1; } static option_t my_options[] = { { "controller", o_string, &opt_controller, "capi controller specification" }, { "number", o_string, &opt_number, "number to call (may be comma separated)" }, { "numberprefix", o_string, &opt_numberprefix, "prefix for number" }, { "msn", o_string, &opt_msn, "number to call from" }, { "protocol", o_string, &opt_proto, "protocol x75, hdlc or modem" }, { "inmsn", o_string, &opt_inmsn, "called number for incoming calls" }, { "cli", o_string, &opt_cli, "calling number for incoming calls (may be comma separated list)" }, { "clicb", o_special_noarg, &optcb, "call number and wait for callback" }, { "cbwait", o_int, &opt_cbwait, "number of seconds to wait for callback" }, { "dialtimeout", o_int, &opt_dialtimeout, "number of seconds to wait for connection or reject" }, { "dialmax", o_int, &opt_dialmax, "number of dial retries" }, { "redialdelay", o_int, &opt_redialdelay, "number of seconds to wait between dial retries" }, { "channels", o_string, &opt_channels, "channel to use for leased line (may be comma separated list)" }, { "cbdelay", o_int, &opt_cbdelay, "number of seconds to wait before calling back" }, { "cbnumber", o_string, &opt_callbacknumber, "number to call (may be comma separated)" }, { "connectdelay", o_int, &opt_connectdelay, "number of seconds to wait after connection is established" }, { "acceptdelay", o_special_noarg, &optacceptdelay, "wait 1 second before accept incoming call" }, { NULL } }; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void stringlist_free(STRINGLIST **pp) { STRINGLIST *p, *next; p = *pp; while (p) { next = p->next; if (p->s) free(p->s); free(p); p = next; } *pp = 0; } static int stringlist_append_string(STRINGLIST **pp, char *s) { STRINGLIST *p; for (; *pp; pp = &(*pp)->next) ; if ((p = (STRINGLIST *)malloc(sizeof(STRINGLIST))) == 0) return -1; memset(p, 0, sizeof(STRINGLIST)); if ((p->s = strdup(s)) == 0) { free(p); return -1; } p->next = 0; *pp = p; return 0; } static STRINGLIST *stringlist_split(char *tosplit, char *seps) { STRINGLIST *p = 0; char *str = strdup(tosplit); char *s; if (!str) return 0; for (s = strtok(str, seps); s; s = strtok(0, seps)) { if (*s == 0) continue; /* if strtok is not working correkt */ if (stringlist_append_string(&p, s) < 0) { stringlist_free(&p); free(str); return 0; } } free(str); return p; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int timeoutrunning = 0; static int timeoutshouldrun = 0; static void timeoutfunc(void *arg) { unsigned char *msg = 0; /* info("capiplugin: checking for capi messages"); */ while (capi20_get_message (applid, &msg) == 0) capiconn_inject(applid, msg); if (timeoutshouldrun) timeout (timeoutfunc, 0, 1); } static void setup_timeout(void) { timeoutshouldrun = 1; if (!timeoutrunning) timeout (timeoutfunc, 0, 1); } static void unsetup_timeout(void) { timeoutshouldrun = 0; if (timeoutrunning) untimeout (timeoutfunc, 0); timeoutrunning = 0; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void handlemessages(void) { unsigned char *msg = 0; struct timeval tv; tv.tv_sec = 1; tv.tv_usec = 0; if (capi20_waitformessage(applid, &tv) == 0) { if (capi20_get_message(applid, &msg) == 0) capiconn_inject(applid, msg); } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void dodisconnect(void) { time_t t; if (!conn) return; (void)capiconn_disconnect(conn, 0); t = time(0)+10; while (conn && time(0) < t) handlemessages(); if (conn) fatal("capiplugin: timeout while waiting for disconnect"); } static void setupconnection(char *num) { char number[256]; snprintf(number, sizeof(number), "%s%s", opt_numberprefix ? opt_numberprefix : "", num); if (opt_proto == 0 || strcasecmp(opt_proto, "hdlc") == 0) { conn = capiconn_connect(ctx, controller, /* contr */ 2, /* cipvalue */ opt_channels ? 0 : number, opt_channels ? 0 : opt_msn, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, opt_channels ? AdditionalInfo : 0, 0); } else if (strcasecmp(opt_proto, "x75") == 0) { conn = capiconn_connect(ctx, controller, /* contr */ 2, /* cipvalue */ opt_channels ? 0 : number, opt_channels ? 0 : opt_msn, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, opt_channels ? AdditionalInfo : 0, 0); } else if (strcasecmp(opt_proto, "v42bis") == 0) { conn = capiconn_connect(ctx, controller, /* contr */ 2, /* cipvalue */ opt_channels ? 0 : number, opt_channels ? 0 : opt_msn, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, opt_channels ? AdditionalInfo : 0, 0); } else if (strcasecmp(opt_proto, "modem") == 0) { conn = capiconn_connect(ctx, controller, /* contr */ 1, /* cipvalue */ opt_channels ? 0 : number, opt_channels ? 0 : opt_msn, 8, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, opt_channels ? AdditionalInfo : 0, 0); } else { fatal("capiplugin: unknown protocol \"%s\"", opt_proto); return; } if (opt_channels) { info("capiplugin: leased line (%s)", opt_proto ? opt_proto : "hdlc"); } else { info("capiplugin: dial %s (%s)", number, opt_proto ? opt_proto : "hdlc"); } } static void makeleasedline(void) { time_t t; setupconnection(""); t = time(0)+opt_dialtimeout; do { handlemessages(); if (status != EXIT_OK && conn) dodisconnect(); } while (time(0) < t && conn && !isconnected); if (status != EXIT_OK) die(status); if (conn && isconnected) { t = time(0)+opt_connectdelay; do { handlemessages(); } while (time(0) < t); } if (status != EXIT_OK) die(status); if (!conn) fatal("capiplugin: couldn't make connection"); } static void makeconnection(STRINGLIST *numbers) { time_t t; STRINGLIST *p; int retry = 0; do { for (p = numbers; p; p = p->next) { if (retry || p != numbers) { t = time(0)+opt_redialdelay; do { handlemessages(); if (status != EXIT_OK) die(status); } while (time(0) < t); } setupconnection(p->s); t = time(0)+opt_dialtimeout; do { handlemessages(); if (status != EXIT_OK && conn) dodisconnect(); } while (time(0) < t && conn && !isconnected); if (conn && isconnected) goto connected; if (status != EXIT_OK) die(status); } } while (++retry < opt_dialmax); connected: if (!conn) fatal("capiplugin: couldn't make connection after %d retries", retry); } static void makeconnection_with_callback(void) { STRINGLIST *p; time_t t; for (p = numbers; p; p = p->next) { setupconnection(p->s); info("capiplugin: wait for call reject"); /* Wait specific time for the server rejecting the call */ t = time(0)+opt_dialtimeout; do { handlemessages(); if (status != EXIT_OK) die(status); } while (time(0) < t && conn && !isconnected); if (!conn) { /* Call has been rejected */ (void) capiconn_listen(ctx, controller, cipmask, 0); info("capiplugin: waiting for callback..."); /* Wait for server calling back */ t = time(0)+opt_cbwait; do { handlemessages(); if (status != EXIT_OK) { (void) capiconn_listen(ctx, controller, 0, 0); die(status); } } while (!isconnected && time(0) < t); if (isconnected) { add_fd(capi20_fileno(applid)); setup_timeout(); return; } if (p->next == 0) fatal("capiplugin: callback failed (no call)"); else info("capiplugin: callback failed (no call)"); } else { dodisconnect(); fatal("capiplugin: callback failed (no reject)"); } } } static void makecallback(void) { time_t t; t = time(0)+opt_cbdelay; do { handlemessages(); if (status != EXIT_OK) die(status); } while (time(0) < t); makeconnection(callbacknumbers); } static void waitforcall(void) { (void) capiconn_listen(ctx, controller, cipmask, 0); info("capiplugin: waiting for incoming call ..."); do { handlemessages(); if (status != EXIT_OK) { (void) capiconn_listen(ctx, controller, 0, 0); die(status); } } while (!isconnected); add_fd(capi20_fileno(applid)); setup_timeout(); } static void init_capiconn(void) { static int init = 0; if (init) return; init = 1; if (capiconn_addcontr(ctx, controller, &cinfo) != CAPICONN_OK) { (void)capiconn_freecontext(ctx); (void)capi20_release(applid); fatal("capiplugin: add controller %d failed", controller); return; } if (cinfo.ddi) dbglog("capiplugin: contr=%d ddi=\"%s\" n=%d", controller, cinfo.ddi, cinfo.ndigits); else dbglog("capiplugin: contr=%d", controller); add_fd(capi20_fileno(applid)); setup_timeout(); } /* * Handle leased lines (CAPI-Bundling) */ static int decodechannels(char *teln, unsigned long *bmaskp, int *activep) { unsigned long bmask = 0; int active = !0; char *s; int channel; int i; s = teln; while (*s && *s == ' ') s++; if (!*s) fatal("capiplugin; option channels: list empty"); if (*s == 'p' || *s == 'P') { active = 0; s++; } if (*s == 'a' || *s == 'A') { active = !0; s++; } while (*s) { int digit1 = 0; int digit2 = 0; if (!isdigit(*s)) goto illegal; while (isdigit(*s)) { digit1 = digit1*10 + (*s - '0'); s++; } channel = digit1; if (channel <= 0 && channel > 30) goto rangeerror; if (*s == 0 || *s == ',' || *s == ' ') { bmask |= (1 << digit1); digit1 = 0; if (*s) s++; continue; } if (*s != '-') goto illegal; s++; if (!isdigit(*s)) return -3; while (isdigit(*s)) { digit2 = digit2*10 + (*s - '0'); s++; } channel = digit2; if (channel <= 0 && channel > 30) goto rangeerror; if (*s == 0 || *s == ',' || *s == ' ') { if (digit1 > digit2) for (i = digit2; i <= digit1 ; i++) bmask |= (1 << i); else for (i = digit1; i <= digit2 ; i++) bmask |= (1 << i); digit1 = digit2 = 0; if (*s) s++; continue; } goto illegal; } if (activep) *activep = active; if (bmaskp) *bmaskp = bmask; return 0; illegal: fatal("capiplugin: option channels: illegal octet '%c'", *s); return -1; rangeerror: fatal("capiplugin: option channels: channel %d out of range", channel); return -1; } static int channels2capi20(char *teln, unsigned char *AdditionalInfo) { unsigned long bmask; int active; int i; decodechannels(teln, &bmask, &active); /* info("capiplugin: \"%s\" 0x%lx %d\n", teln, bmask, active); */ /* Length */ AdditionalInfo[0] = 2+2+31; /* Channel: 3 => use channel allocation */ AdditionalInfo[1] = 3; AdditionalInfo[2] = 0; /* Operation: 0 => DTE mode, 1 => DCE mode */ if (active) { AdditionalInfo[3] = 0; AdditionalInfo[4] = 0; } else { AdditionalInfo[3] = 1; AdditionalInfo[4] = 0; } /* Channel mask array */ AdditionalInfo[5] = 0; /* no D-Channel */ for (i=1; i <= 30; i++) AdditionalInfo[5+i] = (bmask & (1 << i)) ? 0xff : 0; return 0; } static void check_options(void) { if ( opt_proto && strcasecmp(opt_proto, "hdlc") && strcasecmp(opt_proto, "x75") && strcasecmp(opt_proto, "v42bis") && strcasecmp(opt_proto, "modem")) { option_error("capiplugin: unknown protocol \"%s\"", opt_proto); die(1); } if (strcasecmp(opt_proto, "modem") == 0) cipmask = CIPMASK_VOICE; else cipmask = CIPMASK_DATA; if (opt_channels) { channels2capi20(opt_channels, AdditionalInfo); if (opt_number) option_error("capiplugin: option number ignored"); if (opt_numberprefix) option_error("capiplugin: option numberprefix ignored"); if (opt_callbacknumber) option_error("capiplugin: option callbacknumber ignored"); if (opt_msn) option_error("capiplugin: option msn ignored"); if (opt_inmsn) option_error("capiplugin: option inmsn ignored"); } else if (opt_number) { stringlist_free(&numbers); numbers = stringlist_split(opt_number, " \t,"); if (opt_callbacknumber) option_error("capiplugin: option callbacknumber ignored"); } else if (opt_cbflag) { if (opt_callbacknumber == 0) { option_error("capiplugin: option callbacknumber missing"); die(1); } stringlist_free(&callbacknumbers); callbacknumbers = stringlist_split(opt_callbacknumber, " \t,"); } else { if (opt_callbacknumber) { opt_cbflag = 1; stringlist_free(&callbacknumbers); callbacknumbers = stringlist_split(opt_callbacknumber, " \t,"); } } if (opt_cli) { stringlist_free(&clis); clis = stringlist_split(opt_cli, " \t,"); } if (opt_controller) { STRINGLIST *sl; char *tmp; stringlist_free(&parsed_controller); memset(&cinfo, 0, sizeof(cinfo)); parsed_controller = stringlist_split(opt_controller, " \t,"); sl = parsed_controller; if (!sl) goto illcontr; tmp = sl->s; controller = strtol(sl->s, &tmp, 10); if (tmp == sl->s || *tmp) goto illcontr; if (sl->next) { sl = sl->next; cinfo.ddi = sl->s; if (sl->next && sl->next->s) { sl = sl->next; cinfo.ndigits = strtol(sl->s, &tmp, 10); if (tmp == sl->s || *tmp) goto illcontr; } } } else { memset(&cinfo, 0, sizeof(cinfo)); controller = 1; } return; illcontr: option_error("capiplugin: illegal controller specification \"%s\"", opt_controller); die(1); } static int capi_new_phase_hook(int phase) { int fd; switch (phase) { case PHASE_DEAD: info("capiplugin: phase dead"); if ((fd = capi20_fileno(applid)) >= 0) remove_fd(fd); unsetup_timeout(); dodisconnect(); break; case PHASE_INITIALIZE: info("capiplugin: phase initialize"); break; case PHASE_SERIALCONN: info("capiplugin: phase serialconn%s", opt_cbflag ? " (callback)" : ""); check_options(); init_capiconn(); if (opt_number) { if (opt_cbflag) { makeconnection_with_callback(); } else { makeconnection(numbers); } } else if (opt_channels) { makeleasedline(); } else { waitforcall(); } break; case PHASE_DORMANT: info("capiplugin: phase dormant"); break; case PHASE_ESTABLISH: info("capiplugin: phase establish"); break; case PHASE_AUTHENTICATE: info("capiplugin: phase authenticate"); break; case PHASE_CALLBACK: info("capiplugin: phase callback"); break; case PHASE_NETWORK: info("capiplugin: phase network"); break; case PHASE_RUNNING: info("capiplugin: phase running"); break; case PHASE_TERMINATE: info("capiplugin: phase terminate"); break; case PHASE_DISCONNECT: info("capiplugin: phase disconnect"); break; case PHASE_HOLDOFF: info("capiplugin: phase holdoff"); break; } return 0; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static char *conninfo(capi_connection *p) { static char buf[1024]; capi_conninfo *cp = capiconn_getinfo(p); char *callingnumber = ""; char *callednumber = ""; if (cp->callingnumber && cp->callingnumber[0] > 2) callingnumber = cp->callingnumber+3; if (cp->callednumber && cp->callednumber[0] > 1) callednumber = cp->callednumber+2; if (debug) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "\"%s\" -> \"%s\" %s (pcli=0x%x/ncci=0x%x)", callingnumber, callednumber, cp->isincoming ? "incoming" : "outgoing", cp->plci, cp->ncci ); } else { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "\"%s\" -> \"%s\" %s", callingnumber, callednumber, cp->isincoming ? "incoming" : "outgoing"); } buf[sizeof(buf)-1] = 0; return buf; } static void disconnected(capi_connection *cp, int localdisconnect, unsigned reason, unsigned reason_b3) { if (reason != 0x3304 || debug) /* Another Applikation got the call */ info("capiplugin: disconnect(%s): %s 0x%04x (0x%04x) - %s", localdisconnect ? "local" : "remote", conninfo(cp), reason, reason_b3, capi_info2str(reason)); conn = 0; isconnected = 0; } static void incoming(capi_connection *cp, unsigned contr, unsigned cipvalue, char *callednumber, char *callingnumber) { STRINGLIST *p; char *s; info("capiplugin: incoming call: %s (0x%x)", conninfo(cp), cipvalue); if (opt_inmsn) { if ( (s = strstr(callednumber, opt_inmsn)) == 0 || strcmp(s, opt_inmsn) != 0) { info("capiplugin: ignoring call, msn mismatch (%s != %s)", opt_inmsn, callednumber); (void) capiconn_ignore(cp); return; } } else if (opt_msn) { if ( (s = strstr(callednumber, opt_msn)) == 0 || strcmp(s, opt_msn) != 0) { info("capiplugin: ignoring call, msn mismatch (%s != %s)", opt_msn, callednumber); (void) capiconn_ignore(cp); return; } } if (opt_cli) { for (p = clis; p; p = p->next) { if (strcmp(p->s, callingnumber) == 0) break; } if (!p) { info("capiplugin: ignoring call, cli mismatch (%s != %s)", opt_cli, callingnumber); (void) capiconn_ignore(cp); return; } } else if (opt_number) { for (p = numbers; p; p = p->next) { if ( (s = strstr(callingnumber, p->s)) != 0 || strcmp(s, p->s) == 0) break; } if (!p) { info("capiplugin: ignoring call, number mismatch (%s != %s)", opt_number, callingnumber); (void) capiconn_ignore(cp); return; } } else if (opt_acceptdelayflag) { /* * non cli or number match, * give more specific listen a chance (bad) */ info("capiplugin: accept delayed, no cli or number match"); sleep(1); } switch (cipvalue) { case 1: /* Speech */ case 4: /* 3.1 kHz audio */ case 5: /* 7 kHz audio */ case 16: /* Telephony */ case 26: /* 7 kHz telephony */ if (opt_proto && strcasecmp(opt_proto, "modem") == 0) { if (opt_cbflag) goto callback; (void) capiconn_accept(cp, 8, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); goto accepted; } else { info("capiplugin: ignoring speech call from %s", callingnumber); (void) capiconn_ignore(cp); } break; case 2: /* Unrestricted digital information */ case 3: /* Restricted digital information */ if (opt_proto == 0 || strcasecmp(opt_proto, "hdlc") == 0) { if (opt_cbflag) goto callback; (void) capiconn_accept(cp, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); goto accepted; } else if (strcasecmp(opt_proto, "x75") == 0) { if (opt_cbflag) goto callback; (void) capiconn_accept(cp, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); goto accepted; } else if (strcasecmp(opt_proto, "v42bis") == 0) { if (opt_cbflag) goto callback; (void) capiconn_accept(cp, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); goto accepted; } else { info("capiplugin: ignoring digital call from %s", callingnumber); (void) capiconn_ignore(cp); } break; case 17: /* Group 2/3 facsimile */ info("capiplugin: ignoring fax call from %s", callingnumber); (void) capiconn_ignore(cp); break; default: info("capiplugin: ignoring type %d call from %s", cipvalue, callingnumber); (void) capiconn_ignore(cp); break; } return; accepted: (void) capiconn_listen(ctx, controller, 0, 0); return; callback: (void) capiconn_listen(ctx, controller, 0, 0); info("capiplugin: rejecting call: %s (0x%x)", conninfo(cp), cipvalue); capiconn_reject(cp); makecallback(); return; } static void connected(capi_connection *cp, _cstruct NCPI) { capi_conninfo *p = capiconn_getinfo(cp); char buf[PATH_MAX]; char *tty; info("capiplugin: connected: %s", conninfo(cp)); tty = capi20ext_get_tty_devname(p->appid, p->ncci, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (tty == 0) fatal("capiplugin: failed to get tty devname"); info("capiplugin: using %s: %s", tty, conninfo(cp)); strcpy(devnam, tty); if (opt_connectdelay) sleep(opt_connectdelay); isconnected = 1; } void put_message(unsigned appid, unsigned char *msg) { unsigned err; err = capi20_put_message (appid, msg); if (err) fatal("capiplugin: putmessage(appid=%d) = 0x%x", appid, err); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ capiconn_callbacks callbacks = { malloc: malloc, free: free, disconnected: disconnected, incoming: incoming, connected: connected, received: 0, datasent: 0, chargeinfo: 0, capi_put_message: put_message, debugmsg: dbglog, infomsg: info, errmsg: error }; void plugin_init(void) { int err; info("capiplugin: %s", revision); add_options(my_options); if ((err = capi20_register (30, 8, 2048, &applid)) != 0) { fatal("capiplugin: CAPI_REGISTER failed - 0x%04x", err); return; } if (capi20ext_set_flags(applid, 1) < 0) { (void)capi20_release(applid); fatal("capiplugin: failed to set highjacking mode"); return; } if ((ctx = capiconn_getcontext(applid, &callbacks)) == 0) { (void)capi20_release(applid); fatal("capiplugin: get_context failed"); return; } new_phase_hook = capi_new_phase_hook; }