README for Distributors ----------------------- Some remarks for binary distributions of isdnlog Isdnlog contains till now some country specific code, which makes it difficult, to build a binary version of isdnlog. The problem is, that in the ISDN-protocol there are some country specifc variations, which are by now handled by preprocessor defines in code itself. An isdnlog binary built for Germany or Austria might run in other countrys too, but is not guaranteed to. Isdnlog and the accompanying utils isdnrate and isdnrep rely on datafiles, which are by now built during the make-run for the selected country from make config => Options for isdnlog (s. tools/zone/ and tools/dest/ for details). Nethertheless there are targets to build all possible datafiles: tools/zone: make zonefiles tools/dest: make alldata The destination database has also a paramete LANG which allowes to build a database with english country names (s. dest/makedest for usage) There is also country specific stuff in decoding telephonnumbers for alternate telephon providers, where every country has it's own method to encode such a number. These options are since isdnlog 3.57 configurable with config-variables (s. isdnlog/samples/idsn.conf.CC), but might not handle all possiblities. -lt- Leopold Toetsch 26.10.1999