In this directory you find the FAQ for isdn4linux. It contains answers for those questions that are frequently asked in the mailing list/news group for isdn4linux (and some more). The FAQ is now maintained in English. A German version exists, but updates to the English version are only translated on a best effort basis. To see the latest information always use the English version. The source code of the FAQ is formatted in SGML, which can easily be converted by using: sgml2txt i4lfaq.sgml or sgml2html i4lfaq.sgml To download converted versions, or see the latest version online, visit the homepage of the FAQ: or visit: "i4lfaq.sgml" is the source code for all versions of the FAQ. "_example" and "_howto" contain postings from the mailing list/news group that appeared helpful/interesting to me. They may be helpful to you, but be careful: THEY ARE ALMOST SURELY OUTDATED BY NOW! See the FAQ for more information about the author of the FAQ. Matthias Hessler