
317 lines
7.0 KiB
Raw Normal View History

1997-02-19 19:54:50 +00:00
# Creates HTML version from Latin-1 FAQ
# (c) 1996 Volker G<>tz <> (V 1.0)
# modified 08-Nov-96 Bernhard Hailer <>
# modified 11-Nov-96 Matthias He<48>ler <>
# $Id:,v 1.1 1997/02/19 19:54:52 hailer Exp $
# variables
$maincount = 0;
$subcount = 0;
$qcount = 0;
$state = "title";
$buffer = "-";
$script = "FALSE";
# Get file names from prompt
$in = $ARGV[0];
die "Usage: infile [outfile] [headtempfile] [tailtempfile]\n" unless length ($in) gt 0;
$out = $ARGV[1];
$out = "$in.html" unless length ($out) gt 0;
$head = $ARGV[2];
$head = "head.tmp" unless length ($head) gt 0;
$tail = $ARGV[3];
$tail = "tail.tmp" unless length ($tail) gt 0;
# Open files
open(IN,"<$in") || die "Can not open $in for input!\n";
open(TAIL,">$tail") || die "Can not open $tail for output!\n";
open(HEAD,">$head") || die "Can not open $head for output!\n";
# Create FAQ
print ("Creating html temp files...\n");
print HEAD "<HTML>\n";
while($line = <IN>) {
chop($line); # kill \n character (newline)
$line = &latin2html ($line); # convert Umlaut's
if ($state eq "title") { # pre text of FAQ
print HEAD "<HEAD>\n";
print HEAD "<TITLE>$inputfile</TITLE>\n";
print HEAD "</HEAD>\n\n";
print HEAD "<BODY>\n";
print HEAD "<PRE>\n";
print HEAD "$line\n";
$state = "begin";
elsif ($line =~ /^!1/) { # main headline
if ($state eq "begin") {
print HEAD "</PRE>\n\n<HR>\n<P>\n\n<H1>$'</H1>\n\n";
print TAIL "</PRE>\n\n<HR>\n<P>\n\n<H1>$'</H1>\n\n";
$state = "!1";
else {
print "ERROR: too many !1 or !1 improper located:\n";
print "$line\n";
elsif ($state eq "begin") { # body of FAQ begins
print HEAD "$line\n";
elsif ($line =~ /^!old/) {
# DUMMY; sonst erscheint das !old in der HTML-Version.
# Hier sp<73>ter die !old-Auswertung einf<6E>gen.
elsif ($line =~ /^!2/) { # bigger headlines
$subcount = 0;
$qcount = 0;
if ($state eq "!1") { # first headline needs no </OL>
print HEAD "\n\n<H2>$maincount $'</H2>\n\n<OL>\n";
print TAIL "\n\n<H2>$maincount $'</H2>\n\n<OL>\n";
else {
print HEAD "</OL>\n<P>\n\n<H2>$maincount $'</H2>\n\n<OL>\n";
print TAIL "</OL>\n<P>\n<BR><BR>\n<H2>$maincount $'</H2>\n\n<OL>\n";
$state = "!2";
elsif ($line =~ /^!3/) { # smaller headlines
$qcount = 0;
print HEAD "</OL>\n<P>\n\n<H3>$maincount.$subcount $'</H3>\n\n<OL>\n";
print TAIL "</OL>\n<P>\n<BR><BR>\n<H3>$maincount.$subcount $'</H3>\n\n<OL>\n";
$state = "!3";
elsif ($line =~ /^Q: /) { # questions
# index part
if ($state eq "question") {
print HEAD "$'\n"; # first line was already printed
print TAIL "$'\n";
else {
print HEAD "<LI><A HREF=\"#$maincount.$subcount.$qcount\">$'\n";
print TAIL "<BR><BR>\n" unless $maincount == 0;
print TAIL "<A NAME=\"$maincount.$subcount.$qcount\"></A>\n";
print TAIL "<LI><B>$'\n";
$state = "question";
elsif ($line =~ /^A: /) { # answers
if ($state eq "question") {
print HEAD "</A>\n"; # stop link in question line
print TAIL "</B>\n<BR>\n<BR>\n\n$'\n";
$state = "answer";
elsif ($line =~ /^!verbon/) { # script mode on
if ($script eq "TRUE") {
print "ERROR: !verbon is already active ($state $maincount.$subcount.$qcount):\n";
print "$line\n";
else {
$script = "TRUE";
print TAIL "<PRE>\n";
elsif ($line =~ /^!verboff/) { # script mode off
if ($script eq "TRUE") {
$script = "FALSE";
print TAIL "</PRE><BR>\n";
else {
print "ERROR: missing !verbon ($state $maincount.$subcount.$qcount):\n";
print "$line\n";
elsif ($line =~ /^!commenton/) { # comment mode on
if ($state eq "comment") {
print "ERROR: !commenton is already active ($state $maincount.$subcount.$qcount):\n";
print "$line\n";
else {
$buffer = $state;
$state = "comment";
print TAIL "<P>\n";
elsif ($line =~ /^!commentoff/) { # comment mode off
if ($state eq "comment") {
$state = $buffer;
else {
print "ERROR: missing !commenton ($state $maincount.$subcount.$qcount):\n";
print "$line\n";
elsif ($state eq "question") { # do while in question mode
print HEAD "$line\n";
print TAIL "$line\n";
elsif ($state eq "answer") { # do while in answer mode
if (length ($line) > 0) {
print TAIL "$line\n";
else {
print TAIL "<P>\n";
# $old = 0;
elsif ($script eq "TRUE") {
if ($state eq "question") {
print HEAD "$line\n";
print TAIL "$line\n";
elsif ($state eq "answer") {
print TAIL "$line\n";
elsif ($state eq "comment") {
print TAIL "$line\n";
else {
print TAIL "$line\n";
print HEAD "</OL>\n";
print TAIL "</OL>\n";
print TAIL "<HR>\n";
print TAIL "&copy; 1995,1996 ";
print TAIL "<A HREF=\"mailto:dl4mhk\\\?subject=i4l-faq\">Das FAQ-Team</A>\n";
print TAIL "</BODY>\n</HTML>\n";
# Close files
close (IN);
close (HEAD);
close (TAIL);
# Write output file (concat head and tail)
print ("Writing html file...\n");
open(OUT,">$out") || die "Can not open $out for output!\n";
open(HEAD,"<$head") || die "Can not reopen $head for input!\n";
while (<HEAD>) { print OUT; }
close (HEAD);
open(TAIL,"<$tail") || die "Can not reopen $tail for input!\n";
while (<TAIL>) { print OUT; }
close (TAIL);
close (OUT);
# Cleanup
unlink ($head) || die "Could not delete temp file $head!\n";
unlink ($tail) || die "Could not delete temp file $head!\n";
# subroutines
sub latin2html
local ($line) = @_;
# native codes
$line =~ s/&/&amp;/g;
$line =~ s/</&lt;/g;
$line =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
$line =~ s/<2F>/&auml;/g;
$line =~ s/<2F>/&ouml;/g;
$line =~ s/<2F>/&uuml;/g;
$line =~ s/<2F>/&Auml;/g;
$line =~ s/<2F>/&Ouml;/g;
$line =~ s/<2F>/&Uuml;/g;
$line =~ s/<2F>/&szlig;/g;
# special codes
$line =~ s|!br|<BR>|g;
while ($line =~ /!link /) {
my $pos1= 0;
my $pos2= 0;
my $url= "";
$pos1= index($line, "!link ");
$pos2= index($line, ";", $pos1);
if ($pos2 == -1) {
$pos2= length($line);
$url= substr($line, $pos1+length("!link "),
$pos2-$pos1-length("!link "));
$line = substr($line, 0, $pos1)
. "<A HREF=\"$url\" TARGET=_top>$url</A>"
. substr($line, $pos2+1);
# Hervorhebungen
$line =~ s|!b1|<B>|g;
$line =~ s|!b0|</B>|g;
$line =~ s|!i1|<I>|g;
$line =~ s|!i0|</I>|g;
$line =~ s|!u1|<U>|g;
$line =~ s|!u0|</U>|g;
return $line;