
1219 lines
41 KiB

FileName: q931StateNT.c
Contents: Q.931 State Engine for NT (Network Mode).
The controlling state engine for Q.931 is the state engine
on the NT side. The state engine on the TE side is a slave
of this. The TE side maintain it's own states as described in
ITU-T Q931, but will in raise conditions be overridden by
the NT side.
Copyright (c) 2007, Jan Vidar Berger, Case Labs, Ltd. All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* Neither the name of the Case Labs, Ltd nor the names of its contributors
may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
without specific prior written permission.
#include "Q931.h"
extern L3INT Q931L4HeaderSpace;
Function: Q931CreateNT
Description: Will create the Q931 NT as a Dialect in the stack. The first
bulk set up the message handlers, the second bulk the IE
encoders/coders, and the last bulk set up the state table.
Parameters: i Dialect index
void Q931CreateNT(L3UCHAR i)
Q931SetMesProc(Q931mes_ALERTING, i, Q931ProcAlertingNT, Q931Umes_Alerting, Q931Pmes_Alerting);
Q931SetMesProc(Q931mes_CALL_PROCEEDING, i, Q931ProcCallProceedingNT, Q931Umes_CallProceeding, Q931Pmes_CallProceeding);
Q931SetMesProc(Q931mes_CONNECT, i, Q931ProcConnectNT, Q931Umes_Connect, Q931Pmes_Connect);
Q931SetMesProc(Q931mes_CONNECT_ACKNOWLEDGE, i, Q931ProcConnectAckNT, Q931Umes_ConnectAck, Q931Pmes_ConnectAck);
Q931SetMesProc(Q931mes_PROGRESS, i, Q931ProcProgressNT, Q931Umes_Progress, Q931Pmes_Progress);
Q931SetMesProc(Q931mes_SETUP, i, Q931ProcSetupNT, Q931Umes_Setup, Q931Pmes_Setup);
Q931SetMesProc(Q931mes_SETUP_ACKNOWLEDGE, i, Q931ProcSetupAckNT, Q931Umes_SetupAck, Q931Pmes_SetupAck);
Q931SetMesProc(Q931mes_RESUME, i, Q931ProcResumeNT, Q931Umes_Resume, Q931Pmes_Resume);
Q931SetMesProc(Q931mes_RESUME_ACKNOWLEDGE, i, Q931ProcResumeAckNT, Q931Umes_ResumeAck, Q931Pmes_ResumeAck);
Q931SetMesProc(Q931mes_RESUME_REJECT, i, Q931ProcResumeRejectNT, Q931Umes_ResumeReject, Q931Pmes_ResumeReject);
Q931SetMesProc(Q931mes_SUSPEND, i, Q931ProcSuspendNT, Q931Umes_Suspend, Q931Pmes_Suspend);
Q931SetMesProc(Q931mes_SUSPEND_ACKNOWLEDGE, i, Q931ProcSuspendAckNT, Q931Umes_SuspendAck, Q931Pmes_SuspendAck);
Q931SetMesProc(Q931mes_SUSPEND_REJECT, i, Q931ProcSuspendRejectNT, Q931Umes_SuspendReject, Q931Pmes_SuspendReject);
Q931SetMesProc(Q931mes_USER_INFORMATION, i, Q931ProcUserInformationNT, Q931Umes_UserInformation, Q931Pmes_UserInformation);
Q931SetMesProc(Q931mes_DISCONNECT, i, Q931ProcDisconnectNT, Q931Umes_Disconnect, Q931Pmes_Disconnect);
Q931SetMesProc(Q931mes_RELEASE, i, Q931ProcReleaseNT, Q931Umes_Release, Q931Pmes_Release);
Q931SetMesProc(Q931mes_RELEASE_COMPLETE, i, Q931ProcReleaseCompleteNT, Q931Umes_ReleaseComplete, Q931Pmes_ReleaseComplete);
Q931SetMesProc(Q931mes_RESTART, i, Q931ProcRestartNT, Q931Umes_Restart, Q931Pmes_Restart);
Q931SetMesProc(Q931mes_RESTART_ACKNOWLEDGE, i, Q931ProcRestartAckNT, Q931Umes_RestartAck, Q931Pmes_RestartAck);
Q931SetMesProc(Q931mes_CONGESTION_CONTROL, i, Q931ProcCongestionControlNT, Q931Umes_CongestionControl, Q931Pmes_CongestionControl);
Q931SetMesProc(Q931mes_INFORMATION, i, Q931ProcInformationNT, Q931Umes_Information, Q931Pmes_Information);
Q931SetMesProc(Q931mes_NOTIFY, i, Q931ProcNotifyNT, Q931Umes_Notify, Q931Pmes_Notify);
Q931SetMesProc(Q931mes_STATUS, i, Q931ProcStatusNT, Q931Umes_Status, Q931Pmes_Status);
Q931SetMesProc(Q931mes_STATUS_ENQUIRY, i, Q931ProcStatusEnquiryNT, Q931Umes_StatusEnquiry, Q931Pmes_StatusEnquiry);
Q931SetMesProc(Q931mes_SEGMENT, i, Q931ProcSegmentNT, Q931Umes_Segment, Q931Pmes_Segment);
Q931SetMesProc(Q932mes_FACILITY, i, Q932ProcFacilityNT, Q932Umes_Facility, Q932Pmes_Facility);
Q931SetMesProc(Q932mes_HOLD, i, Q932ProcHoldNT, Q932Umes_Hold, Q932Pmes_Hold);
Q931SetMesProc(Q932mes_HOLD_ACKNOWLEDGE, i, Q932ProcHoldAckNT, Q932Umes_HoldAck, Q932Pmes_HoldAck);
Q931SetMesProc(Q932mes_HOLD_REJECT, i, Q932ProcHoldRejectNT, Q932Umes_HoldReject, Q932Pmes_HoldReject);
Q931SetMesProc(Q932mes_REGISTER, i, Q932ProcRegisterNT, Q932Umes_Register, Q932Pmes_Register);
Q931SetMesProc(Q932mes_RETRIEVE, i, Q932ProcRetrieveNT, Q932Umes_Retrieve, Q932Pmes_Retrieve);
Q931SetMesProc(Q932mes_RETRIEVE_ACKNOWLEDGE, i, Q932ProcRetrieveAckNT, Q932Umes_RetrieveAck, Q932Pmes_RetrieveAck);
Q931SetMesProc(Q932mes_RETRIEVE_REJECT, i, Q932ProcRetrieveRejectNT, Q932Umes_RetrieveReject, Q932Pmes_RetrieveReject);
/* Set up the IE encoder/decoder handle table.*/
Q931SetIEProc(Q931ie_SEGMENTED_MESSAGE, i, Q931Pie_Segment, Q931Uie_Segment);
Q931SetIEProc(Q931ie_BEARER_CAPABILITY, i, Q931Pie_BearerCap, Q931Uie_BearerCap);
Q931SetIEProc(Q931ie_CAUSE, i, Q931Pie_Cause, Q931Uie_Cause);
Q931SetIEProc(Q931ie_CALL_IDENTITY, i, Q931Pie_CallID, Q931Uie_CallID);
Q931SetIEProc(Q931ie_CALL_STATE, i, Q931Pie_CallState, Q931Uie_CallState);
Q931SetIEProc(Q931ie_CHANNEL_IDENTIFICATION, i, Q931Pie_ChanID, Q931Uie_ChanID);
Q931SetIEProc(Q931ie_PROGRESS_INDICATOR, i, Q931Pie_ProgInd, Q931Uie_ProgInd);
Q931SetIEProc(Q931ie_NETWORK_SPECIFIC_FACILITIES, i, Q931Pie_NetFac, Q931Uie_NetFac);
Q931SetIEProc(Q931ie_NOTIFICATION_INDICATOR, i, Q931Pie_NotifInd, Q931Uie_NotifInd);
Q931SetIEProc(Q931ie_DISPLAY, i, Q931Pie_Display, Q931Uie_Display);
Q931SetIEProc(Q931ie_DATETIME, i, Q931Pie_DateTime, Q931Uie_DateTime);
Q931SetIEProc(Q931ie_KEYPAD_FACILITY, i, Q931Pie_KeypadFac, Q931Uie_KeypadFac);
Q931SetIEProc(Q931ie_SIGNAL, i, Q931Pie_Signal, Q931Uie_Signal);
Q931SetIEProc(Q931ie_TRANSIT_DELAY_SELECTION_AND_IND, i, Q931Pie_TransNetSel, Q931Uie_TransNetSel);
Q931SetIEProc(Q931ie_CALLING_PARTY_NUMBER, i, Q931Pie_CallingNum, Q931Uie_CallingNum);
Q931SetIEProc(Q931ie_CALLING_PARTY_SUBADDRESS, i, Q931Pie_CallingSub, Q931Uie_CallingSub);
Q931SetIEProc(Q931ie_CALLED_PARTY_NUMBER, i, Q931Pie_CalledNum, Q931Uie_CalledNum);
Q931SetIEProc(Q931ie_CALLED_PARTY_SUBADDRESS, i, Q931Pie_CalledSub, Q931Uie_CalledSub);
Q931SetIEProc(Q931ie_TRANSIT_NETWORK_SELECTION, i, Q931Pie_TransNetSel, Q931Uie_TransNetSel);
Q931SetIEProc(Q931ie_RESTART_INDICATOR, i, Q931Pie_RestartInd, Q931Uie_RestartInd);
Q931SetIEProc(Q931ie_LOW_LAYER_COMPATIBILITY, i, Q931Pie_LLComp, Q931Uie_LLComp);
Q931SetIEProc(Q931ie_HIGH_LAYER_COMPATIBILITY, i, Q931Pie_HLComp, Q931Uie_HLComp);
Q931SetIEProc(Q931ie_USER_USER, i, Q931Pie_UserUser, Q931Uie_UserUser);
Q931SetIEProc(Q931ie_CONNECTED_NUMBER, i, Q931Pie_Generic, Q931Uie_Generic);
Q931SetIEProc(Q931ie_FACILITY, i, Q931Pie_Generic, Q931Uie_Generic);
Q931SetIEProc(Q931ie_REDIRECTING_NUMBER, i, Q931Pie_Generic, Q931Uie_Generic);
/* The following define a state machine. The point is that the Message
* procs can when search this to find out if the message/state
* combination is legale. If not, the proc for unexpected message apply.
/* TODO define state table here */
/* Timer default values */
Q931SetTimerDefault(i, Q931_TIMER_T301, 180000); /* T301: 180s */
Q931SetTimerDefault(i, Q931_TIMER_T302, 15000); /* T302: 15s */
Q931SetTimerDefault(i, Q931_TIMER_T303, 4000); /* T303: 4s */
Q931SetTimerDefault(i, Q931_TIMER_T304, 20000); /* T304: 20s */
Q931SetTimerDefault(i, Q931_TIMER_T305, 30000); /* T305: 30s */
Q931SetTimerDefault(i, Q931_TIMER_T306, 30000); /* T306: 30s */
Q931SetTimerDefault(i, Q931_TIMER_T307, 180000); /* T307: 180s */
Q931SetTimerDefault(i, Q931_TIMER_T308, 4000); /* T308: 4s */
Q931SetTimerDefault(i, Q931_TIMER_T309, 60000); /* T309: 60s */
Q931SetTimerDefault(i, Q931_TIMER_T310, 10000); /* T310: 10s */
Q931SetTimerDefault(i, Q931_TIMER_T312, 12000); /* T312: 12s */
Q931SetTimerDefault(i, Q931_TIMER_T314, 4000); /* T314: 4s */
Q931SetTimerDefault(i, Q931_TIMER_T316, 120000); /* T316: 120s */
Q931SetTimerDefault(i, Q931_TIMER_T317, 90000); /* T317: 90s */
Q931SetTimerDefault(i, Q931_TIMER_T320, 30000); /* T320: 30s */
Q931SetTimerDefault(i, Q931_TIMER_T321, 30000); /* T321: 30s */
Q931SetTimerDefault(i, Q931_TIMER_T322, 4000); /* T322: 4s */
Function: Q931ProcAlertingNT
L3INT Q931ProcAlertingNT(Q931_TrunkInfo_t *pTrunk, L3UCHAR * buf, L3INT iFrom)
Q931mes_Header *pMes = (Q931mes_Header *)&buf[Q931L4HeaderSpace];
L3INT callIndex;
L3INT ret = Q931E_NO_ERROR;
/* Find the call using CRV */
ret = Q931FindCRV(pTrunk, pMes->CRV, &callIndex);
if (ret != Q931E_NO_ERROR)
return ret;
/* Reset 4 sec timer. */
Q931StartTimer(pTrunk, callIndex, Q931_TIMER_T303);
if (iFrom == 4) {
ret = Q931Tx32Data(pTrunk, 0, buf, pMes->Size);
else if (iFrom == 2) {
ret = Q931Tx34(pTrunk, buf, pMes->Size);
return ret;
Function: Q931ProcCallProceedingNT
L3INT Q931ProcCallProceedingNT(Q931_TrunkInfo_t *pTrunk, L3UCHAR * buf, L3INT iFrom)
Q931mes_Header *pMes = (Q931mes_Header *)&buf[Q931L4HeaderSpace];
L3INT callIndex;
L3INT ret = Q931E_NO_ERROR;
/* Find the call using CRV */
ret = Q931FindCRV(pTrunk, pMes->CRV, &callIndex);
if (ret != Q931E_NO_ERROR)
return ret;
/* TODO chack against state table for illegal or unexpected message here*/
/* TODO - Set correct timer here */
Q931StartTimer(pTrunk, callIndex, Q931_TIMER_T303);
if (iFrom == 4) {
/* TODO Add proc here */
ret = Q931Tx32Data(pTrunk, 0, buf, pMes->Size);
else if (iFrom == 2) {
/* TODO Add proc here */
ret = Q931Tx34(pTrunk, buf, pMes->Size);
return ret;
Function: Q931ProcConnectNT
L3INT Q931ProcConnectNT(Q931_TrunkInfo_t *pTrunk, L3UCHAR * buf, L3INT iFrom)
Q931mes_Header *pMes = (Q931mes_Header *)&buf[Q931L4HeaderSpace];
L3INT callIndex;
L3INT ret = Q931E_NO_ERROR;
/* Find the call using CRV */
ret = Q931FindCRV(pTrunk, pMes->CRV, &callIndex);
if (ret != Q931E_NO_ERROR)
return ret;
/* TODO chack against state table for illegal or unexpected message here*/
/* TODO - Set correct timer here */
Q931StartTimer(pTrunk, callIndex, Q931_TIMER_T303);
if (iFrom == 4) {
/* TODO Add proc here */
ret = Q931Tx32Data(pTrunk, 0, buf, pMes->Size);
else if (iFrom == 2) {
/* TODO Add proc here */
ret = Q931Tx34(pTrunk, buf, pMes->Size);
return ret;
Function: Q931ProcConnectAckNT
L3INT Q931ProcConnectAckNT(Q931_TrunkInfo_t *pTrunk, L3UCHAR * buf, L3INT iFrom)
Q931mes_Header *pMes = (Q931mes_Header *)&buf[Q931L4HeaderSpace];
L3INT callIndex;
L3INT ret = Q931E_NO_ERROR;
/* Find the call using CRV */
ret = Q931FindCRV(pTrunk, pMes->CRV, &callIndex);
if (ret != Q931E_NO_ERROR)
return ret;
/* TODO chack against state table for illegal or unexpected message here*/
/* TODO - Set correct timer here */
Q931StartTimer(pTrunk, callIndex, Q931_TIMER_T303);
if (iFrom == 4) {
/* TODO Add proc here */
ret = Q931Tx32Data(pTrunk, 0, buf, pMes->Size);
else if (iFrom == 2) {
/* TODO Add proc here */
ret = Q931Tx34(pTrunk, buf, pMes->Size);
return ret;
Function: Q931ProcProgressNT
L3INT Q931ProcProgressNT(Q931_TrunkInfo_t *pTrunk, L3UCHAR * buf, L3INT iFrom)
Q931mes_Header *pMes = (Q931mes_Header *)&buf[Q931L4HeaderSpace];
L3INT callIndex;
L3INT ret = Q931E_NO_ERROR;
/* Find the call using CRV */
ret = Q931FindCRV(pTrunk, pMes->CRV, &callIndex);
if (ret != Q931E_NO_ERROR)
return ret;
/* TODO chack against state table for illegal or unexpected message here*/
/* TODO - Set correct timer here */
Q931StartTimer(pTrunk, callIndex, Q931_TIMER_T303);
if (iFrom == 4) {
/* TODO Add proc here */
ret = Q931Tx32Data(pTrunk, 0, buf, pMes->Size);
else if (iFrom == 2) {
/* TODO Add proc here */
ret = Q931Tx34(pTrunk, buf, pMes->Size);
return ret;
Function: Q931ProcSetupNT
Description: Process a SETUP message.
L3INT Q931ProcSetupNT(Q931_TrunkInfo_t *pTrunk, L3UCHAR * buf, L3INT iFrom)
Q931mes_Generic *pMes = (Q931mes_Generic *)&buf[Q931L4HeaderSpace];
L3INT rc = 0;
L3INT callIndex;
L3INT ret = Q931E_NO_ERROR;
/* Reject SETUP on existing calls */
if (Q931GetCallState(pTrunk, pMes->CRV) != Q931_U0) {
Q931Disconnect(pTrunk, iFrom, pMes->CRV, 81);
/* outgoing call */
if (iFrom == 4) {
ret = Q931CreateCRV(pTrunk, &callIndex);
if (ret)
return ret;
pMes->CRV = pTrunk->call[callIndex].CRV;
* Outgoing SETUP message will be broadcasted in PTMP mode
ret = Q931Tx32Data(pTrunk, Q931_IS_PTP(pTrunk) ? 0 : 1, buf, pMes->Size);
if (ret)
return ret;
Q931StartTimer(pTrunk, callIndex, Q931_TIMER_T303);
Q931SetState(pTrunk, callIndex, Q931_U1);
/* incoming call */
else {
/* Locate free CRV entry and store info */
ret = Q931AllocateCRV(pTrunk, pMes->CRV, &callIndex);
if (ret != Q931E_NO_ERROR) {
/* Not possible to allocate CRV entry, so must reject call */
Q931Disconnect(pTrunk, iFrom, pMes->CRV, 42);
return ret;
/* store TEI in call */
pTrunk->call[callIndex].Tei = pMes->Tei;
/* Send setup indication to user */
ret = Q931Tx34(pTrunk, (L3UCHAR*)pMes, pMes->Size);
if (ret != Q931E_NO_ERROR) {
return ret;
} else {
/* Must be full queue, meaning we can't process the call */
/* so we must disconnect */
Q931Disconnect(pTrunk, iFrom, pMes->CRV, 81);
return ret;
#if 0
/* TODO: Unreachable code??? */
/* Set state U6 */
Q931SetState(pTrunk, callIndex, Q931_U6);
Q931StartTimer(pTrunk, callIndex, Q931_TIMER_T303);
return rc;
Function: Q931ProcSetupAckNT
Description: Used to acknowedge a SETUP. Usually the first initial
response recevide back used to buy some time.
Note that ChanID (B Channel Assignment) might come here from
NT side.
L3INT Q931ProcSetupAckNT(Q931_TrunkInfo_t *pTrunk, L3UCHAR * buf, L3INT iFrom)
Q931mes_Header *pMes = (Q931mes_Header *)&buf[Q931L4HeaderSpace];
L3INT callIndex;
L3INT ret = Q931E_NO_ERROR;
/* Find the call using CRV */
ret = Q931FindCRV(pTrunk, pMes->CRV, &callIndex);
if (ret != Q931E_NO_ERROR)
return ret;
/* TODO chack against state table for illegal or unexpected message here*/
/* TODO - Set correct timer here */
Q931StartTimer(pTrunk, callIndex, Q931_TIMER_T303);
if (iFrom == 4) {
/* TODO Add proc here */
ret = Q931Tx32Data(pTrunk, 0, buf, pMes->Size);
else if (iFrom == 2) {
/* TODO Add proc here */
ret = Q931Tx34(pTrunk, buf, pMes->Size);
return ret;
Function: Q931ProcResumeNT
L3INT Q931ProcResumeNT(Q931_TrunkInfo_t *pTrunk, L3UCHAR * buf, L3INT iFrom)
Q931mes_Header *pMes = (Q931mes_Header *)&buf[Q931L4HeaderSpace];
L3INT callIndex;
L3INT ret = Q931E_NO_ERROR;
/* Find the call using CRV */
ret = Q931FindCRV(pTrunk, pMes->CRV, &callIndex);
if (ret != Q931E_NO_ERROR)
return ret;
/* TODO chack against state table for illegal or unexpected message here */
/* TODO - Set correct timer here */
Q931StartTimer(pTrunk, callIndex, Q931_TIMER_T303);
if (iFrom == 4) {
/* TODO Add proc here */
ret = Q931Tx32Data(pTrunk, 0, buf, pMes->Size);
else if (iFrom == 2) {
/* TODO Add proc here */
ret = Q931Tx34(pTrunk, buf, pMes->Size);
return ret;
Function: Q931ProcResumeAckNT
L3INT Q931ProcResumeAckNT(Q931_TrunkInfo_t *pTrunk, L3UCHAR * buf, L3INT iFrom)
Q931mes_Header *pMes = (Q931mes_Header *)&buf[Q931L4HeaderSpace];
L3INT callIndex;
L3INT ret = Q931E_NO_ERROR;
/* Find the call using CRV */
ret = Q931FindCRV(pTrunk, pMes->CRV, &callIndex);
if (ret != Q931E_NO_ERROR)
return ret;
/* TODO chack against state table for illegal or unexpected message here*/
/* TODO - Set correct timer here */
Q931StartTimer(pTrunk, callIndex, Q931_TIMER_T303);
if (iFrom == 4) {
/* TODO Add proc here */
ret = Q931Tx32Data(pTrunk, 0, buf, pMes->Size);
else if (iFrom == 2) {
/* TODO Add proc here */
ret = Q931Tx34(pTrunk, buf, pMes->Size);
return ret;
Function: Q931ProcResumeRejectNT
L3INT Q931ProcResumeRejectNT(Q931_TrunkInfo_t *pTrunk, L3UCHAR * buf, L3INT iFrom)
Q931mes_Header *pMes = (Q931mes_Header *)&buf[Q931L4HeaderSpace];
L3INT callIndex;
L3INT ret = Q931E_NO_ERROR;
/* Find the call using CRV */
ret = Q931FindCRV(pTrunk, pMes->CRV, &callIndex);
if (ret != Q931E_NO_ERROR)
return ret;
/* TODO chack against state table for illegal or unexpected message here*/
/* TODO - Set correct timer here */
Q931StartTimer(pTrunk, callIndex, Q931_TIMER_T303);
if (iFrom == 4) {
/* TODO Add proc here */
ret = Q931Tx32Data(pTrunk, 0, buf, pMes->Size);
else if (iFrom == 2) {
/* TODO Add proc here */
ret = Q931Tx34(pTrunk, buf, pMes->Size);
return ret;
Function: Q931ProcSuspendNT
L3INT Q931ProcSuspendNT(Q931_TrunkInfo_t *pTrunk, L3UCHAR * buf, L3INT iFrom)
Q931mes_Header *pMes = (Q931mes_Header *)&buf[Q931L4HeaderSpace];
L3INT callIndex;
L3INT ret = Q931E_NO_ERROR;
/* Find the call using CRV */
ret = Q931FindCRV(pTrunk, pMes->CRV, &callIndex);
if (ret != Q931E_NO_ERROR)
return ret;
/* TODO chack against state table for illegal or unexpected message here*/
/* TODO - Set correct timer here */
Q931StartTimer(pTrunk, callIndex, Q931_TIMER_T303);
if (iFrom == 4) {
/* TODO Add proc here */
ret = Q931Tx32Data(pTrunk, 0, buf, pMes->Size);
else if (iFrom == 2) {
/* TODO Add proc here */
ret = Q931Tx34(pTrunk, buf, pMes->Size);
return ret;
Function: Q931ProcSuspendAckNT
L3INT Q931ProcSuspendAckNT(Q931_TrunkInfo_t *pTrunk, L3UCHAR * buf, L3INT iFrom)
Q931mes_Header *pMes = (Q931mes_Header *)&buf[Q931L4HeaderSpace];
L3INT callIndex;
L3INT ret = Q931E_NO_ERROR;
/* Find the call using CRV */
ret = Q931FindCRV(pTrunk, pMes->CRV, &callIndex);
if (ret != Q931E_NO_ERROR)
return ret;
/* TODO chack against state table for illegal or unexpected message here*/
/* TODO - Set correct timer here */
Q931StartTimer(pTrunk, callIndex, Q931_TIMER_T303);
if (iFrom == 4) {
/* TODO Add proc here */
ret = Q931Tx32Data(pTrunk, 0, buf, pMes->Size);
else if (iFrom == 2) {
/* TODO Add proc here */
ret = Q931Tx34(pTrunk, buf, pMes->Size);
return ret;
Function: Q931ProcSuspendRejectNT
L3INT Q931ProcSuspendRejectNT(Q931_TrunkInfo_t *pTrunk, L3UCHAR * buf, L3INT iFrom)
Q931mes_Header *pMes = (Q931mes_Header *)&buf[Q931L4HeaderSpace];
L3INT callIndex;
L3INT ret = Q931E_NO_ERROR;
/* Find the call using CRV */
ret = Q931FindCRV(pTrunk, pMes->CRV, &callIndex);
if (ret != Q931E_NO_ERROR)
return ret;
/* TODO chack against state table for illegal or unexpected message here*/
/* TODO - Set correct timer here */
Q931StartTimer(pTrunk, callIndex, Q931_TIMER_T303);
if (iFrom == 4) {
/* TODO Add proc here */
ret = Q931Tx32Data(pTrunk, 0, buf, pMes->Size);
else if (iFrom == 2) {
/* TODO Add proc here */
ret = Q931Tx34(pTrunk, buf, pMes->Size);
return ret;
Function: Q931ProcInformationNT
L3INT Q931ProcUserInformationNT(Q931_TrunkInfo_t *pTrunk, L3UCHAR * buf, L3INT iFrom)
Q931mes_Header *pMes = (Q931mes_Header *)&buf[Q931L4HeaderSpace];
L3INT callIndex;
L3INT ret = Q931E_NO_ERROR;
/* Find the call using CRV */
ret = Q931FindCRV(pTrunk, pMes->CRV, &callIndex);
if (ret != Q931E_NO_ERROR)
return ret;
/* TODO chack against state table for illegal or unexpected message here*/
/* TODO - Set correct timer here */
Q931StartTimer(pTrunk, callIndex, Q931_TIMER_T303);
if (iFrom == 4) {
/* TODO Add proc here */
ret = Q931Tx32Data(pTrunk, 0, buf, pMes->Size);
else if (iFrom == 2) {
/* TODO Add proc here */
ret = Q931Tx34(pTrunk, buf, pMes->Size);
return ret;
Function: Q931ProcDisconnectNT
L3INT Q931ProcDisconnectNT(Q931_TrunkInfo_t *pTrunk, L3UCHAR * buf, L3INT iFrom)
Q931mes_Header *pMes = (Q931mes_Header *)&buf[Q931L4HeaderSpace];
L3INT callIndex;
L3INT ret = Q931E_NO_ERROR;
/* Find the call using CRV */
ret = Q931FindCRV(pTrunk, pMes->CRV, &callIndex);
if (ret != Q931E_NO_ERROR)
return ret;
/* TODO chack against state table for illegal or unexpected message here*/
/* TODO - Set correct timer here */
Q931StartTimer(pTrunk, callIndex, Q931_TIMER_T303);
if (iFrom == 4) {
/* TODO Add proc here */
ret = Q931Tx32Data(pTrunk, 0, buf, pMes->Size);
else if (iFrom == 2) {
/* TODO Add proc here */
ret = Q931Tx34(pTrunk, buf, pMes->Size);
return ret;
Function: Q931ProcReleaseNT
L3INT Q931ProcReleaseNT(Q931_TrunkInfo_t *pTrunk, L3UCHAR * buf, L3INT iFrom)
Q931mes_Header *pMes = (Q931mes_Header *)&buf[Q931L4HeaderSpace];
L3INT callIndex;
L3INT ret = Q931E_NO_ERROR;
/* Find the call using CRV */
ret = Q931FindCRV(pTrunk, pMes->CRV, &callIndex);
if (ret != Q931E_NO_ERROR)
return ret;
/* TODO chack against state table for illegal or unexpected message here*/
/* TODO - Set correct timer here */
Q931StartTimer(pTrunk, callIndex, Q931_TIMER_T303);
if (iFrom == 4) {
/* TODO Add proc here */
ret = Q931Tx32Data(pTrunk, 0, buf, pMes->Size);
else if (iFrom == 2) {
/* TODO Add proc here */
ret = Q931Tx34(pTrunk, buf, pMes->Size);
return ret;
Function: Q931ProcReleaseCompleteNT
L3INT Q931ProcReleaseCompleteNT(Q931_TrunkInfo_t *pTrunk, L3UCHAR * buf, L3INT iFrom)
Q931mes_Header *pMes = (Q931mes_Header *)&buf[Q931L4HeaderSpace];
L3INT callIndex;
L3INT ret = Q931E_NO_ERROR;
/* Find the call using CRV */
ret = Q931FindCRV(pTrunk, pMes->CRV, &callIndex);
if (ret != Q931E_NO_ERROR)
return ret;
/* TODO chack against state table for illegal or unexpected message here*/
/* TODO - Set correct timer here */
Q931StartTimer(pTrunk, callIndex, Q931_TIMER_T303);
if (iFrom == 4) {
/* TODO Add proc here */
ret = Q931Tx32Data(pTrunk, 0, buf, pMes->Size);
else if (iFrom == 2) {
/* TODO Add proc here */
ret = Q931Tx34(pTrunk, buf, pMes->Size);
return ret;
Function: Q931ProcRestartNT
L3INT Q931ProcRestartNT(Q931_TrunkInfo_t *pTrunk, L3UCHAR * buf, L3INT iFrom)
Q931mes_Header *pMes = (Q931mes_Header *)&buf[Q931L4HeaderSpace];
L3INT callIndex;
L3INT ret = Q931E_NO_ERROR;
/* Find the call using CRV */
ret = Q931FindCRV(pTrunk, pMes->CRV, &callIndex);
if (ret != Q931E_NO_ERROR)
return ret;
/* TODO chack against state table for illegal or unexpected message here*/
/* TODO - Set correct timer here */
Q931StartTimer(pTrunk, callIndex, Q931_TIMER_T303);
if (iFrom == 4) {
/* TODO Add proc here */
ret = Q931Tx32Data(pTrunk, 0, buf, pMes->Size);
else if (iFrom == 2) {
/* TODO Add proc here */
ret = Q931Tx34(pTrunk, buf, pMes->Size);
return ret;
Function: Q931ProcRestartAckNT
L3INT Q931ProcRestartAckNT(Q931_TrunkInfo_t *pTrunk, L3UCHAR * buf, L3INT iFrom)
Q931mes_Header *pMes = (Q931mes_Header *)&buf[Q931L4HeaderSpace];
L3INT callIndex;
L3INT ret = Q931E_NO_ERROR;
/* Find the call using CRV */
ret = Q931FindCRV(pTrunk, pMes->CRV, &callIndex);
if (ret != Q931E_NO_ERROR)
return ret;
/* TODO chack against state table for illegal or unexpected message here*/
/* TODO - Set correct timer here */
Q931StartTimer(pTrunk, callIndex, Q931_TIMER_T303);
if (iFrom == 4) {
/* TODO Add proc here */
ret = Q931Tx32Data(pTrunk, 0, buf, pMes->Size);
else if (iFrom == 2) {
/* TODO Add proc here */
ret = Q931Tx34(pTrunk, buf, pMes->Size);
return ret;
Function: Q931ProcCongestionControlNT
L3INT Q931ProcCongestionControlNT(Q931_TrunkInfo_t *pTrunk, L3UCHAR * buf, L3INT iFrom)
Q931mes_Header *pMes = (Q931mes_Header *)&buf[Q931L4HeaderSpace];
L3INT callIndex;
L3INT ret = Q931E_NO_ERROR;
/* Find the call using CRV */
ret = Q931FindCRV(pTrunk, pMes->CRV, &callIndex);
if (ret != Q931E_NO_ERROR)
return ret;
/* TODO chack against state table for illegal or unexpected message here*/
/* TODO - Set correct timer here */
Q931StartTimer(pTrunk, callIndex, Q931_TIMER_T303);
if (iFrom == 4) {
/* TODO Add proc here */
ret = Q931Tx32Data(pTrunk, 0, buf, pMes->Size);
else if (iFrom == 2) {
/* TODO Add proc here */
ret = Q931Tx34(pTrunk, buf, pMes->Size);
return ret;
Function: Q931ProcInformationNT
L3INT Q931ProcInformationNT(Q931_TrunkInfo_t *pTrunk, L3UCHAR * buf, L3INT iFrom)
Q931mes_Header *pMes = (Q931mes_Header *)&buf[Q931L4HeaderSpace];
L3INT callIndex;
L3INT ret = Q931E_NO_ERROR;
/* Find the call using CRV */
ret = Q931FindCRV(pTrunk, pMes->CRV, &callIndex);
if (ret != Q931E_NO_ERROR)
return ret;
/* TODO chack against state table for illegal or unexpected message here*/
/* TODO - Set correct timer here */
Q931StartTimer(pTrunk, callIndex, Q931_TIMER_T303);
if (iFrom == 4) {
/* TODO Add proc here */
ret = Q931Tx32Data(pTrunk, 0, buf, pMes->Size);
else if (iFrom == 2) {
/* TODO Add proc here */
ret = Q931Tx34(pTrunk, buf, pMes->Size);
return ret;
Function: Q931ProcNotifyNT
L3INT Q931ProcNotifyNT(Q931_TrunkInfo_t *pTrunk, L3UCHAR * buf, L3INT iFrom)
Q931mes_Header *pMes = (Q931mes_Header *)&buf[Q931L4HeaderSpace];
L3INT callIndex;
L3INT ret = Q931E_NO_ERROR;
/* Find the call using CRV */
ret = Q931FindCRV(pTrunk, pMes->CRV, &callIndex);
if (ret != Q931E_NO_ERROR)
return ret;
/* TODO chack against state table for illegal or unexpected message here*/
/* TODO - Set correct timer here */
Q931StartTimer(pTrunk, callIndex, Q931_TIMER_T303);
if (iFrom == 4) {
/* TODO Add proc here */
ret = Q931Tx32Data(pTrunk, 0, buf, pMes->Size);
else if (iFrom == 2) {
/* TODO Add proc here */
ret = Q931Tx34(pTrunk, buf, pMes->Size);
return ret;
Function: Q931ProcStatusNT
L3INT Q931ProcStatusNT(Q931_TrunkInfo_t *pTrunk, L3UCHAR * buf, L3INT iFrom)
Q931mes_Header *pMes = (Q931mes_Header *)&buf[Q931L4HeaderSpace];
L3INT callIndex;
L3INT ret = Q931E_NO_ERROR;
/* Find the call using CRV */
ret = Q931FindCRV(pTrunk, pMes->CRV, &callIndex);
if (ret != Q931E_NO_ERROR)
return ret;
/* TODO chack against state table for illegal or unexpected message here*/
/* TODO - Set correct timer here */
Q931StartTimer(pTrunk, callIndex, Q931_TIMER_T303);
if (iFrom == 4) {
/* TODO Add proc here */
ret = Q931Tx32Data(pTrunk, 0, buf, pMes->Size);
else if (iFrom == 2) {
/* TODO Add proc here */
ret = Q931Tx34(pTrunk, buf, pMes->Size);
return ret;
Function: Q931ProcStatusEnquiryNT
L3INT Q931ProcStatusEnquiryNT(Q931_TrunkInfo_t *pTrunk, L3UCHAR * buf, L3INT iFrom)
Q931mes_Header *pMes = (Q931mes_Header *)&buf[Q931L4HeaderSpace];
L3INT callIndex;
L3INT ret = Q931E_NO_ERROR;
/* Find the call using CRV */
ret = Q931FindCRV(pTrunk, pMes->CRV, &callIndex);
if (ret != Q931E_NO_ERROR)
return ret;
/* TODO chack against state table for illegal or unexpected message here*/
/* TODO - Set correct timer here */
Q931StartTimer(pTrunk, callIndex, Q931_TIMER_T303);
if (iFrom == 4) {
/* TODO Add proc here */
ret = Q931Tx32Data(pTrunk, 0, buf, pMes->Size);
else if (iFrom == 2) {
/* TODO Add proc here */
ret = Q931Tx34(pTrunk, buf, pMes->Size);
return ret;
Function: Q931ProcSegmentNT
L3INT Q931ProcSegmentNT(Q931_TrunkInfo_t *pTrunk, L3UCHAR * buf, L3INT iFrom)
Q931mes_Header *pMes = (Q931mes_Header *)&buf[Q931L4HeaderSpace];
L3INT callIndex;
L3INT ret = Q931E_NO_ERROR;
/* Find the call using CRV */
ret = Q931FindCRV(pTrunk, pMes->CRV, &callIndex);
if (ret != Q931E_NO_ERROR)
return ret;
/* TODO chack against state table for illegal or unexpected message here*/
/* TODO - Set correct timer here */
Q931StartTimer(pTrunk, callIndex, Q931_TIMER_T303);
if (iFrom == 4) {
/* TODO Add proc here */
ret = Q931Tx32Data(pTrunk, 0, buf, pMes->Size);
else if (iFrom == 2) {
/* TODO Add proc here */
ret = Q931Tx34(pTrunk, buf, pMes->Size);
return ret;
/******************* Q.932 - Supplementary Services *************************/
Function: Q932ProcFacilityNT
L3INT Q932ProcFacilityNT(Q931_TrunkInfo_t *pTrunk, L3UCHAR * buf, L3INT iFrom)
Q931mes_Header *pMes = (Q931mes_Header *)&buf[Q931L4HeaderSpace];
L3INT callIndex;
L3INT ret = Q931E_NO_ERROR;
/* Find the call using CRV */
ret = Q931FindCRV(pTrunk, pMes->CRV, &callIndex);
if (ret != Q931E_NO_ERROR)
return ret;
/* TODO chack against state table for illegal or unexpected message here*/
/* TODO - Set correct timer here */
Q931StartTimer(pTrunk, callIndex, Q931_TIMER_T303);
if (iFrom == 4) {
/* TODO Add proc here */
ret = Q931Tx32Data(pTrunk, 0, buf, pMes->Size);
else if (iFrom == 2) {
/* TODO Add proc here */
ret = Q931Tx34(pTrunk, buf, pMes->Size);
return ret;
Function: Q932ProcHoldNT
L3INT Q932ProcHoldNT(Q931_TrunkInfo_t *pTrunk, L3UCHAR * buf, L3INT iFrom)
Q931mes_Header *pMes = (Q931mes_Header *)&buf[Q931L4HeaderSpace];
L3INT callIndex;
L3INT ret = Q931E_NO_ERROR;
/* Find the call using CRV */
ret = Q931FindCRV(pTrunk, pMes->CRV, &callIndex);
if (ret != Q931E_NO_ERROR)
return ret;
/* TODO chack against state table for illegal or unexpected message here*/
/* TODO - Set correct timer here */
Q931StartTimer(pTrunk, callIndex, Q931_TIMER_T303);
if (iFrom == 4) {
/* TODO Add proc here */
ret = Q931Tx32Data(pTrunk, 0, buf, pMes->Size);
else if (iFrom == 2) {
/* TODO Add proc here */
ret = Q931Tx34(pTrunk, buf, pMes->Size);
return ret;
Function: Q932ProcHoldAckNT
L3INT Q932ProcHoldAckNT(Q931_TrunkInfo_t *pTrunk, L3UCHAR * buf, L3INT iFrom)
Q931mes_Header *pMes = (Q931mes_Header *)&buf[Q931L4HeaderSpace];
L3INT callIndex;
L3INT ret = Q931E_NO_ERROR;
/* Find the call using CRV */
ret = Q931FindCRV(pTrunk, pMes->CRV, &callIndex);
if (ret != Q931E_NO_ERROR)
return ret;
/* TODO chack against state table for illegal or unexpected message here*/
/* TODO - Set correct timer here */
Q931StartTimer(pTrunk, callIndex, Q931_TIMER_T303);
if (iFrom == 4) {
/* TODO Add proc here */
ret = Q931Tx32Data(pTrunk, 0, buf, pMes->Size);
else if (iFrom == 2) {
/* TODO Add proc here */
ret = Q931Tx34(pTrunk, buf, pMes->Size);
return ret;
Function: Q932ProcHoldRejectNT
L3INT Q932ProcHoldRejectNT(Q931_TrunkInfo_t *pTrunk, L3UCHAR * buf, L3INT iFrom)
Q931mes_Header *pMes = (Q931mes_Header *)&buf[Q931L4HeaderSpace];
L3INT callIndex;
L3INT ret = Q931E_NO_ERROR;
/* Find the call using CRV */
ret = Q931FindCRV(pTrunk, pMes->CRV, &callIndex);
if (ret != Q931E_NO_ERROR)
return ret;
/* TODO chack against state table for illegal or unexpected message here*/
/* TODO - Set correct timer here */
Q931StartTimer(pTrunk, callIndex, Q931_TIMER_T303);
if (iFrom == 4) {
/* TODO Add proc here */
ret = Q931Tx32Data(pTrunk, 0, buf, pMes->Size);
else if (iFrom == 2) {
/* TODO Add proc here */
ret = Q931Tx34(pTrunk, buf, pMes->Size);
return ret;
Function: Q932ProcRegisterTE
L3INT Q932ProcRegisterNT(Q931_TrunkInfo_t *pTrunk, L3UCHAR * buf, L3INT iFrom)
Q931mes_Header *pMes = (Q931mes_Header *)&buf[Q931L4HeaderSpace];
L3INT callIndex;
L3INT ret = Q931E_NO_ERROR;
/* Find the call using CRV */
ret = Q931FindCRV(pTrunk, pMes->CRV, &callIndex);
if (ret != Q931E_NO_ERROR)
return ret;
/* TODO chack against state table for illegal or unexpected message here*/
/* TODO - Set correct timer here */
Q931StartTimer(pTrunk, callIndex, Q931_TIMER_T303);
if (iFrom == 4) {
/* TODO Add proc here */
ret = Q931Tx32Data(pTrunk, 0, buf, pMes->Size);
else if (iFrom == 2) {
/* TODO Add proc here */
ret = Q931Tx34(pTrunk, buf, pMes->Size);
return ret;
Function: Q932ProcRetrieveNT
L3INT Q932ProcRetrieveNT(Q931_TrunkInfo_t *pTrunk, L3UCHAR * buf, L3INT iFrom)
Q931mes_Header *pMes = (Q931mes_Header *)&buf[Q931L4HeaderSpace];
L3INT callIndex;
L3INT ret = Q931E_NO_ERROR;
/* Find the call using CRV */
ret = Q931FindCRV(pTrunk, pMes->CRV, &callIndex);
if (ret != Q931E_NO_ERROR)
return ret;
/* TODO chack against state table for illegal or unexpected message here*/
/* TODO - Set correct timer here */
Q931StartTimer(pTrunk, callIndex, Q931_TIMER_T303);
if (iFrom == 4) {
/* TODO Add proc here */
ret = Q931Tx32Data(pTrunk, 0, buf, pMes->Size);
else if (iFrom == 2) {
/* TODO Add proc here */
ret = Q931Tx34(pTrunk, buf, pMes->Size);
return ret;
Function: Q931ProcRetrieveAckNT
L3INT Q932ProcRetrieveAckNT(Q931_TrunkInfo_t *pTrunk, L3UCHAR * buf, L3INT iFrom)
Q931mes_Header *pMes = (Q931mes_Header *)&buf[Q931L4HeaderSpace];
L3INT callIndex;
L3INT ret = Q931E_NO_ERROR;
/* Find the call using CRV */
ret = Q931FindCRV(pTrunk, pMes->CRV, &callIndex);
if (ret != Q931E_NO_ERROR)
return ret;
/* TODO chack against state table for illegal or unexpected message here*/
/* TODO - Set correct timer here */
Q931StartTimer(pTrunk, callIndex, Q931_TIMER_T303);
if (iFrom == 4) {
/* TODO Add proc here */
ret = Q931Tx32Data(pTrunk, 0, buf, pMes->Size);
else if (iFrom == 2) {
/* TODO Add proc here */
ret = Q931Tx34(pTrunk, buf, pMes->Size);
return ret;
Function: Q931ProcRetrieveRejectNT
L3INT Q932ProcRetrieveRejectNT(Q931_TrunkInfo_t *pTrunk, L3UCHAR * buf, L3INT iFrom)
Q931mes_Header *pMes = (Q931mes_Header *)&buf[Q931L4HeaderSpace];
L3INT callIndex;
L3INT ret = Q931E_NO_ERROR;
/* Find the call using CRV */
ret = Q931FindCRV(pTrunk, pMes->CRV, &callIndex);
if (ret != Q931E_NO_ERROR)
return ret;
/* TODO chack against state table for illegal or unexpected message here*/
/* TODO - Set correct timer here */
Q931StartTimer(pTrunk, callIndex, Q931_TIMER_T303);
if (iFrom == 4) {
/* TODO Add proc here */
ret = Q931Tx32Data(pTrunk, 0, buf, pMes->Size);
else if (iFrom == 2) {
/* TODO Add proc here */
ret = Q931Tx34(pTrunk, buf, pMes->Size);
return ret;