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* Copyright 2008 Arsen Chaloyan
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file apt_net_server_task.h
* @brief Network Server Task Base
#include <apr_poll.h>
#include "apt_task.h"
/** Opaque network server task declaration */
typedef struct apt_net_server_task_t apt_net_server_task_t;
/** Network server connection declaration */
typedef struct apt_net_server_connection_t apt_net_server_connection_t;
/** Virtual table of network server events */
typedef struct apt_net_server_vtable_t apt_net_server_vtable_t;
/** Network server connection */
struct apt_net_server_connection_t {
/** Memory pool */
apr_pool_t *pool;
/** External object */
void *obj;
/** Client IP address */
char *client_ip;
/** Accepted socket */
apr_socket_t *sock;
/** Socket poll descriptor */
apr_pollfd_t sock_pfd;
/** String identifier used for traces */
const char *id;
/** Virtual table of network server events */
struct apt_net_server_vtable_t {
/** Connect event handler */
apt_bool_t (*on_connect)(apt_net_server_task_t *task, apt_net_server_connection_t *connection);
/** Disconnect event handler */
apt_bool_t (*on_disconnect)(apt_net_server_task_t *task, apt_net_server_connection_t *connection);
/** Message receive handler */
apt_bool_t (*on_receive)(apt_net_server_task_t *task, apt_net_server_connection_t *connection);
* Create network server task.
* @param listen_ip the listen IP address
* @param listen_port the listen port
* @param max_connection_count the number of max connections to accept
* @param obj the external object
* @param server_vtable the table of virtual methods of the net server task
* @param msg_pool the pool of task messages
* @param pool the pool to allocate memory from
APT_DECLARE(apt_net_server_task_t*) apt_net_server_task_create(
const char *listen_ip,
apr_port_t listen_port,
apr_size_t max_connection_count,
void *obj,
const apt_net_server_vtable_t *server_vtable,
apt_task_msg_pool_t *msg_pool,
apr_pool_t *pool);
* Destroy network server task.
* @param task the task to destroy
APT_DECLARE(apt_bool_t) apt_net_server_task_destroy(apt_net_server_task_t *task);
* Start network server task and wait for incoming requests.
* @param task the task to start
APT_DECLARE(apt_bool_t) apt_net_server_task_start(apt_net_server_task_t *task);
* Terminate connection task.
* @param task the task to terminate
APT_DECLARE(apt_bool_t) apt_net_server_task_terminate(apt_net_server_task_t *task);
* Get task base.
* @param task the network server task to get task base from
APT_DECLARE(apt_task_t*) apt_net_server_task_base_get(apt_net_server_task_t *task);
* Get task vtable.
* @param task the network server task to get vtable from
APT_DECLARE(apt_task_vtable_t*) apt_net_server_task_vtable_get(apt_net_server_task_t *task);
* Get external object.
* @param task the task to get object from
APT_DECLARE(void*) apt_net_server_task_object_get(apt_net_server_task_t *task);
* Close connection.
APT_DECLARE(apt_bool_t) apt_net_server_connection_close(apt_net_server_task_t *task, apt_net_server_connection_t *connection);
* Destroy connection.
APT_DECLARE(void) apt_net_server_connection_destroy(apt_net_server_connection_t *connection);
#endif /*__APT_NET_SERVER_TASK_H__*/