
1938 lines
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* This file is part of the Sofia-SIP package
* Copyright (C) 2005 Nokia Corporation.
* Contact: Pekka Pessi <>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA
/**@CFILE nta_tag.c
* @brief Tags for Nokia SIP Transaction API
* @note This file is used to automatically generate
* nta_tag_ref.c and nta_tag_dll.c
* @author Pekka Pessi <>
* @date Created: Tue Jul 24 22:28:34 2001 ppessi
#include "config.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#define TAG_NAMESPACE "nta"
#include "sofia-sip/nta_tag.h"
#include <sofia-sip/su_tag_class.h>
#include <sofia-sip/sip_tag_class.h>
#include <sofia-sip/url_tag_class.h>
#include <sofia-sip/sip_protos.h>
tag_typedef_t ntatag_any = NSTAG_TYPEDEF(*);
/**@def NTATAG_MCLASS(x)
* Message class used by NTA.
* The nta can use a custom or extended parser created with
* msg_mclass_clone().
* @par Used with
* nua_create(), nua_set_params(),
* nta_agent_create(), nta_agent_set_params()
* @par Parameter type
* pointer to #msg_mclass_t.
* @par Values
* - custom or extended parser created with msg_mclass_clone()
* - NULL - use default parser
* @par Default Value
* - Value returned by sip_default_mclass()
tag_typedef_t ntatag_mclass = PTRTAG_TYPEDEF(mclass);
* Mask for bad request messages.
* If an incoming request has erroneous headers matching with the mask, nta
* automatically returns a 400 Bad Message response to them.
* If mask ~0U (all bits set) is specified, all requests with any bad header
* are dropped. By default only the requests with bad headers essential for
* request processing or proxying are dropped.
* @par Used with
* nua_create(), nua_set_params(),
* nta_agent_create(), nta_agent_set_params()
* @par Parameter type
* unsigned int
* @par Values
* - bitwise or of enum #sip_bad_mask values
* @par Default Value
* - <code>sip_mask_response | sip_mask_ua | sip_mask_100rel | </code><br>
* <code>sip_mask_events | sip_mask_timer | sip_mask_publish</code>
* The following headers are considered essential by default:
* - @ref sip_request \"request line\"", @From, @To, @CSeq, @CallID,
* @ContentLength, @Via, @ContentType, @ContentDisposition,
* @ContentEncoding, @Supported, @Contact, @Require, @RecordRoute, @RAck,
* @RSeq, @Event, @Expires, @SubscriptionState, @SessionExpires,
* @MinSE, @SIPETag, and @SIPIfMatch.
* @sa enum #sip_bad_mask, NTATAG_BAD_RESP_MASK()
tag_typedef_t ntatag_bad_req_mask = UINTTAG_TYPEDEF(bad_req_mask);
* Mask for bad response messages.
* If an incoming response has erroneous headers matching with the mask, nta
* drops the response message.
* If mask ~0U (all bits set) is specified, all responses with any bad header
* are dropped. By default only the responses with bad headers essential for
* response processing or proxying are dropped.
* @par Used with
* nua_create(), nua_set_params(),
* nta_agent_create(), nta_agent_set_params()
* @par Parameter type
* unsigned int
* @par Values
* - bitwise or of enum #sip_bad_mask values
* @sa enum #sip_bad_mask, NTATAG_BAD_REQ_MASK()
* @par Default Value
* - <code>sip_mask_response | sip_mask_ua | sip_mask_100rel | </code><br>
* <code>sip_mask_events | sip_mask_timer | sip_mask_publish</code>
* The following headers are considered essential by default:
* - @ref sip_status \"status line\"", @From, @To, @CSeq, @CallID,
* @ContentLength, @Via, @ContentType, @ContentDisposition,
* @ContentEncoding, @Supported, @Contact, @Require, @RecordRoute, @RAck,
* @RSeq, @Event, @Expires, @SubscriptionState, @SessionExpires,
* @MinSE, @SIPETag, and @SIPIfMatch.
tag_typedef_t ntatag_bad_resp_mask = UINTTAG_TYPEDEF(bad_resp_mask);
* URL for (default) proxy.
* The requests are sent towards the <i>default outbound proxy</i> regardless
* the values of request-URI or @Route headers in the request. The URL of
* the default proxy is not added to the request in the @Route header or in
* the request-URI (against the recommendation of @RFC3261 section 8.1.2).
* The outbound proxy set by NTATAG_DEFAULT_PROXY() is used even if the
* dialog had an established route set or registration provided User-Agent
* with a @ServiceRoute set.
* @par Used with
* nua_create(), nua_set_params(),
* nta_agent_create(), nta_agent_set_params(),
* nta_outgoing_mcreate(), nta_outgoing_tcreate(),
* nta_outgoing_tcancel(), nta_outgoing_prack(), nta_msg_tsend()
* @par Parameter type
* Pointer to a url_t structure or a string containg a SIP or SIPS URI
* @par Values
* - Valid SIP or SIPS URI
tag_typedef_t ntatag_default_proxy = URLTAG_TYPEDEF(default_proxy);
* Contact used by NTA.
tag_typedef_t ntatag_contact = SIPHDRTAG_NAMED_TYPEDEF(contact, contact);
/** @def NTATAG_TARGET(x)
* Dialog target (contact) used by NTA.
tag_typedef_t ntatag_target = SIPHDRTAG_NAMED_TYPEDEF(target, contact);
/** @def NTATAG_ALIASES(x)
* Aliases used by NTA.
* @deprecated
tag_typedef_t ntatag_aliases = SIPHDRTAG_NAMED_TYPEDEF(aliases, contact);
/**@def NTATAG_METHOD(x)
* Method name.
* Create a dialogless #nta_leg_t object matching only requests with
* the specified method.
* @par Used with
* nta_leg_tcreate()
* @par Parameter type
* String containing method name.
* @par Values
* - A SIP method name (e.g., "SUBSCRIBE").
* @par Default Value
* - None (i.e., all requests methods match with the leg)
tag_typedef_t ntatag_method = STRTAG_TYPEDEF(method);
* Branch ID to the topmost @Via header.
* The NTA generates a random branch ID for the topmost @Via header by default.
* The application can the branch by itself, for intance, if it wants to
* create a @RFC2543-era transaction.
* Note that according to @RFC3261 the branch ID must start with "z9hG4bK".
* @par Used with
* nta_outgoing_mcreate(), nta_outgoing_tcreate(),
* nta_outgoing_tcancel(), nta_outgoing_prack(), nta_msg_tsend()
* @par Parameter type
* string
* @par Value
* - The "branch" ID to to insert into topmost @Via header of the
* request to be sent
* @par Default Value
* - A token is generated, either by random when a client transaction is
* created or by hashing the headers and contents of the request when
* request is sent statelessly
* @sa @RFC3261 section
tag_typedef_t ntatag_branch_key = STRTAG_TYPEDEF(branch_key);
* Branch of the transaction to ACK.
* When creating a ACK transaction, the application should provide the
* branch parameter from the original transaction to the stack. The ACK
* transaction object then receives all the retransmitted 2XX responses to
* the original INVITE transaction.
* @par Used with
* nta_outgoing_mcreate(), nta_outgoing_tcreate()
* @par Parameter type
* string
* @par Value
* - "branch" ID used to store the ACK transaction in the nta hash
* table for outgoing client transaction
* @par Default Value
* - The INVITE transaction is looked from the hash table using the @CallID,
* @CSeq, @From and @To tags and its branch ID is used
tag_typedef_t ntatag_ack_branch = STRTAG_TYPEDEF(ack_branch);
/**@def NTATAG_COMP(x)
* Compression algorithm.
* Set compression algorithm for request as described in @RFC3486.
* @note This tag is has no effect without a compression plugin.
* @par Used with
* nta_outgoing_mcreate(), nta_outgoing_tcreate(),
* nta_outgoing_tcancel(), nta_outgoing_prack(), nta_msg_tsend()
* @par
* Note that NTATAG_COMP(NULL) can be used with nta_incoming_set_params()
* and nta_incoming_treply(), too. It indicates that the response is sent
* uncompressed, no matter what the client has in @a comp parameter of @Via
* header.
* @par Parameter type
* string
* @par Values
* - name of the compression algorithm
* @par Default Value
* - "sigcomp"
* @sa @RFC3320, @RFC3486, TPTAG_COMPARTMENT(),
tag_typedef_t ntatag_comp = CSTRTAG_TYPEDEF(comp);
/**@def NTATAG_MSG(x)
* Pass a SIP message to treply()/tcreate() functions.
* @par Used with
* nta_outgoing_tcreate(), nta_incoming_treply()
* @par Parameter type
* #msg_t
* @par Values
* - A message object which will be completed, serialized and encoded.
* Note that the functions modify directly the message.
* @par Default Value
* - A new message object is created and populated by the function call.
* @sa msg_copy(), msg_dup(), msg_create(), sip_default_mclass()
tag_typedef_t ntatag_msg = PTRTAG_TYPEDEF(msg);
/**@def NTATAG_TPORT(x)
* Pass a transport object. The transport object is used to send the request
* or response message(s).
* @par Used with
* nta_outgoing_tcreate(), nta_outgoing_mcreate(), nta_outgoing_tcancel(),
* nta_incoming_create(), nta_msg_tsend(), nta_msg_mreply()
* @par Parameter type
* - #tport_t
* @par Values
* - A pointer to the transport object. Note that a new reference to the transport
* is created.
* @par Default Value
* - The transport is selected by resolving the outbound URI (specified with
* NTATAG_DEFAULT_PROXY(), the topmost @Route URI or Request-URI.
tag_typedef_t ntatag_tport = PTRTAG_TYPEDEF(tport);
/**@def NTATAG_SMIME(x)
* Provide S/MIME context to NTA.
* @todo S/MIME is not implemented.
tag_typedef_t ntatag_smime = PTRTAG_TYPEDEF(smime);
* Remote CSeq number.
* Specify remote command sequence number for a #nta_leg_t dialog object. If
* an request is received matching with the dialog but with @CSeq number
* less than the remote sequence number associated with the dialog, a <i>500
* Internal Server Error</i> response is automatically returned to the client.
* @par Used with
* nta_leg_tcreate()
* @par Parameter type
* - uint32_t
* @par Values
* - Remote command sequence number
* @par Default Value
* - Initially 0, then determined by the received requests
tag_typedef_t ntatag_remote_cseq = UINTTAG_TYPEDEF(remote_cseq);
* Maximum size of incoming message.
* If the size of an incoming request message would exceed the
* given limit, the stack will automatically respond with <i>413 Request
* Entity Too Large</i>.
* @par Used with
* nua_create(), nua_set_params(),
* nta_agent_create(), nta_agent_set_params()
* @par Parameter type
* - #usize_t
* @par Values
* - Maximum acceptable size of an incoming request message.
* @par Default Value
* - 2097152 (bytes or 2 megabytes)
* @sa msg_maxsize(), NTATAG_UDP_MTU()
tag_typedef_t ntatag_maxsize = USIZETAG_TYPEDEF(maxsize);
* Maximum size of proceeding queue.
* If the size of the proceedng message queue would exceed the
* given limit, the stack will automatically respond with <i>503
* Service Unavailable</i>.
* @par Used with
* nua_create(), nua_set_params(),
* nta_agent_create(), nta_agent_set_params()
* @par Parameter type
* - #usize_t
* @par Values
* - Maximum acceptable size of a queue (size_t).
* @NEW_1_12_9
tag_typedef_t ntatag_max_proceeding = USIZETAG_TYPEDEF(max_proceeding);
/**@def NTATAG_UDP_MTU(x)
* Maximum size of outgoing UDP request.
* The maximum UDP request size is used to control use of UDP with overtly
* large messages. The IETF requires that the SIP requests over 1300 bytes
* are sent over congestion-controlled transport such as TCP. If a SIP
* message size exceeds the UDP MTU, the TCP is tried instead of UDP. (If
* the TCP connection is refused, the stack reverts back to UDP).
* @par Used with
* nua_create(), nua_set_params(),
* nta_agent_create(), nta_agent_set_params()
* @par Parameter type
* - unsigned
* @par Values
* - Maximum size of an outgoing UDP request
* @par Default Value
* - 1300 (bytes)
* @sa @RFC3261 section 18.1.1, NTATAG_MAXSIZE()
tag_typedef_t ntatag_udp_mtu = UINTTAG_TYPEDEF(udp_mtu);
* Default value for @MaxForwards header.
* The default value of @MaxForwards header added to the requests. The
* initial value recommended by @RFC3261 is 70, but usually SIP proxies use
* much lower default value, such as 24.
* @par Used with
* nua_create(), nua_set_params(),
* nta_agent_create(), nta_agent_set_params()
* @par Parameter type
* unsigned
* @par Values
* - Default value added to the @MaxForwards header in the sent requests
* @par Default Value
* - 70 (hops)
* @since New in @VERSION_1_12_2.
tag_typedef_t ntatag_max_forwards = UINTTAG_TYPEDEF(max_forwards);
/**@def NTATAG_SIP_T1(x)
* Initial retransmission interval (in milliseconds)
* Set the T1 retransmission interval used by the SIP transaction engine. The
* T1 is the initial duration used by request retransmission timers A and E
* (UDP) as well as response retransmission timer G.
* @par Used with
* nua_create(), nua_set_params(),
* nta_agent_create(), nta_agent_set_params()
* @par Parameter type
* unsigned int
* @par Values
* - Value of SIP T1 in milliseconds
* @par Default Value
* - #NTA_SIP_T1 or 500 (milliseconds)
* @sa @RFC3261 appendix A, #NTA_SIP_T1, NTATAG_SIP_T1X4(), NTATAG_SIP_T1(), NTATAG_SIP_T4()
tag_typedef_t ntatag_sip_t1 = UINTTAG_TYPEDEF(sip_t1);
/**@def NTATAG_SIP_T1X64(x)
* Transaction timeout (defaults to T1 * 64).
* Set the T1x64 timeout value used by the SIP transaction engine. The T1x64 is
* duration used for timers B, F, H, and J (UDP) by the SIP transaction engine.
* The timeout value T1x64 can be adjusted separately from the initial
* retransmission interval T1, which is set with NTATAG_SIP_T1().
* The default value for T1x64 is 64 times value of T1, or 32000 milliseconds.
* @par Used with
* nua_create(), nua_set_params(),
* nta_agent_create(), nta_agent_set_params()
* @par Parameter type
* unsigned int
* @par Values
* - Value of T1x64 in milliseconds
* @par Default Value
* - 64 * #NTA_SIP_T1 or 32000 (milliseconds)
* @sa @RFC3261 appendix A, #NTA_SIP_T1, NTATAG_SIP_T1(), NTATAG_SIP_T2(), NTATAG_SIP_T4()
tag_typedef_t ntatag_sip_t1x64 = UINTTAG_TYPEDEF(sip_t1x64);
/**@def NTATAG_SIP_T2(x)
* Maximum retransmission interval (in milliseconds)
* Set the maximum retransmission interval used by the SIP transaction
* engine. The T2 is the maximum duration used for the timers E (UDP) and G
* by the SIP transaction engine. Note that the timer A is not capped by T2.
* Retransmission interval of INVITE requests grows exponentially until the
* timer B fires.
* @par Used with
* nua_create(), nua_set_params(),
* nta_agent_create(), nta_agent_set_params()
* @par Parameter type
* unsigned int
* @par Values
* - Value of SIP T2 in milliseconds
* @par Default Value
* - #NTA_SIP_T2 or 4000 (milliseconds)
* @sa @RFC3261 appendix A, #NTA_SIP_T2, NTATAG_SIP_T1(), NTATAG_SIP_T1X4(), NTATAG_SIP_T4()
tag_typedef_t ntatag_sip_t2 = UINTTAG_TYPEDEF(sip_t2);
/**@def NTATAG_SIP_T4(x)
* Transaction lifetime (in milliseconds)
* Set the lifetime for completed transactions used by the SIP transaction
* engine. A completed transaction is kept around for the duration of T4 in
* order to catch late responses. The T4 is the maximum duration for the
* messages to stay in the network and the duration of SIP timer K.
* @par Used with
* nua_create(), nua_set_params(),
* nta_agent_create(), nta_agent_set_params()
* @par Parameter type
* unsigned int
* @par Values
* - Value of SIP T4 in milliseconds
* @par Default Value
* - #NTA_SIP_T4 or 4000 (milliseconds)
* @sa @RFC3261 appendix A, #NTA_SIP_T4, NTATAG_SIP_T1(), NTATAG_SIP_T1X4(), NTATAG_SIP_T2()
tag_typedef_t ntatag_sip_t4 = UINTTAG_TYPEDEF(sip_t4);
* Progress timer for User-Agents (interval for retranmitting 1XXs).
* The UAS should retransmit preliminary responses to the INVITE
* transactions every minute in order to re-set the timer C within the
* intermediate proxies.
* The default value for the progress timer is 60000.
* @par Used with
* nua_create(), nua_set_params(),
* nta_agent_create(), nta_agent_set_params()
* @par Parameter type
* unsigned int
* @par Values
* Value of progress timer in milliseconds.
* @par Default Value
* - 90000 (milliseconds, 1.5 minutes)
* @sa @RFC3261 sections, 16.7 and 16.8, NTATAG_TIMER_C(),
tag_typedef_t ntatag_progress = UINTTAG_TYPEDEF(progress);
/**@def NTATAG_TIMER_C(x)
* Value for timer C in milliseconds.
* By default the INVITE transaction will not timeout after a preliminary
* response has been received. However, an intermediate proxy can timeout
* the transaction using timer C. Timer C is reset every time a response
* belonging to the transaction is received.
* The default value for the timer C is 185000 milliseconds (3 minutes and 5
* seconds). By default, timer C is not run on user agents (if NTATAG_UA(1)
* without NTATAG_TIMER_C() is given).
* @par Used with
* nua_create(), nua_set_params(),
* nta_agent_create(), nta_agent_set_params()
* @par Parameter type
* unsigned int
* @par Values
* Value of SIP timer C in milliseconds. The default value is used
* instead if NTATAG_TIMER_C(0) is given.
* @par Default Value
* - 185000 (milliseconds, 3 minutes)
* @sa @RFC3261 sections, 16.7 and 16.8,
* @NEW_1_12_7.
tag_typedef_t ntatag_timer_c = UINTTAG_TYPEDEF(timer_c);
* Avoid failed servers.
* The NTATAG_GRAYLIST() provides the time that the servers are avoided
* after a request sent to them has been failed. Avoiding means that if a
* domain provides multiple servers, the failed servers are tried last.
* @par Used with
* nua_create(), nua_set_params(),
* nta_agent_create(), nta_agent_set_params()
* @par Parameter type
* unsigned int
* @par Values
* - Number of seconds that server is kept in graylist, from 0 to 86400.
* @par Default Value
* - 600 (graylist server for 10 minutes)
* @NEW_1_12_8
tag_typedef_t ntatag_graylist = UINTTAG_TYPEDEF(graylist);
* Add Retry-After header to error responses returned to application.
* The NTATAG_BLACKLIST() provides a default value for @RetryAfter header
* added to the internally generated responses such as <i>503 DNS Error</i>
* or <i>408 Timeout</i>. The idea is that the application can retain its
* current state and retry the operation after a while.
* @par Used with
* nua_create(), nua_set_params(),
* nta_agent_create(), nta_agent_set_params()
* @par Parameter type
* unsigned int
* @par Values
* - Value of @a delta-seconds in @RetryAfter header, from 0 to 86400
* @par Default Value
* - 0 (no @RetryAfter header is included)
* @sa NTATAG_TIMEOUT_408()
tag_typedef_t ntatag_blacklist = UINTTAG_TYPEDEF(blacklist);
* Packet drop probability for debugging.
* The packet drop probability parameter is useful mainly for debugging
* purposes. The stack drops an incoming message received over an unreliable
* transport (such as UDP) with the given probability. The range is in 0 ..
* 1000, 500 means p=0.5.
* @par Used with
* nua_create(), nua_set_params(),
* nta_agent_create(), nta_agent_set_params()
* @par Parameter type
* unsigned integer
* @par Values
* - Valid values are in range 0 ... 1000
* - Probablity to drop a given message is value / 1000.
* @par Default Value
* - 0 (no packets are dropped)
tag_typedef_t ntatag_debug_drop_prob = UINTTAG_TYPEDEF(debug_drop_prob);
* Semicolon-separated SigComp options.
* @note This tag is has no effect without a SigComp plugin.
* @par Used with
* nua_create(), nua_set_params(),
* nta_agent_create(), nta_agent_set_params(),
* nta_agent_add_tport()
* @par Parameter type
* string
* @par Values
* - semicolon-separated parameter-value pairs, passed to the SigComp plugin
tag_typedef_t ntatag_sigcomp_options = STRTAG_TYPEDEF(sigcomp_options);
* Close SigComp compartment after completing transaction.
* @note This tag is has no effect without a SigComp plugin.
* @par Used with
* nta_incoming_set_params(), nta_incoming_treply()
* nta_outgoing_mcreate(), nta_outgoing_tcreate(),
* nta_outgoing_tmcreate(), nta_outgoing_tcancel(),
* nta_outgoing_prack(), nta_msg_tsend(), nta_msg_treply()
* @par Parameter type
* boolean: true (non-zero or non-NULL pointer)
* or false (zero or NULL pointer)
* @par Values
* - true - application takes care of compartment management
* - false - stack manages compartments
tag_typedef_t ntatag_sigcomp_close = BOOLTAG_TYPEDEF(sigcomp_close);
* Indicate that the application is SigComp-aware.
* @note This tag is has no effect without a SigComp plugin.
* @par Used with
* nua_create(), nua_set_params(),
* nta_agent_create(), nta_agent_set_params()
* @par Parameter type
* boolean: true (non-zero or non-NULL pointer)
* or false (zero or NULL pointer)
* @par Values
* - true - application takes care of compartment management
* - false - stack manages compartments
tag_typedef_t ntatag_sigcomp_aware = BOOLTAG_TYPEDEF(sigcomp_aware);
* Specify SigComp algorithm.
* @note This tag is has no effect without a SigComp plugin.
* @par Used with
* nua_create(), nua_set_params(),
* nta_agent_create(), nta_agent_set_params(),
* nta_agent_add_tport()
* @par Parameter type
* string
* @par Values
* - opaque string passed to the SigComp plugin
tag_typedef_t ntatag_sigcomp_algorithm = STRTAG_TYPEDEF(sigcomp_algorithm);
/**@def NTATAG_UA(x)
* If true, NTA acts as User Agent Server or Client by default.
* When acting as an UA, the NTA stack will
* - respond with 481 to a PRACK request with no matching "100rel" response
* - check for out-of-order CSeq headers for each #nta_leg_t dialog object
* - if NTATAG_MERGE_482(1) is also used, return <i>482 Request Merged</i> to
* a duplicate request with same @CallID, @CSeq, @From tag but different
* topmost @Via header (see @RFC3261 section Merged Requests)
* - silently discard duplicate final responses to INVITE
* - retransmit preliminary responses (101..199) to INVITE request in regular
* intervals ("timer N2")
* - retransmit 2XX response to INVITE request with exponential intervals
* - handle ACK sent in 2XX response to an INVITE using the
* #nta_ack_cancel_f callback bound to #nta_incoming_t with
* nta_incoming_bind()
* - not use timer C unless its value has been explicitly set
* @note This NUTAG_UA(1) is set internally by nua_create()
* @par Used with
* nta_agent_create() \n
* nta_agent_set_params() \n
* @par Parameter type
* boolean: true (non-zero or non-NULL pointer)
* or false (zero or NULL pointer)
* @par Values
* - true - act as an UA
* - false - act as an proxy
* @par Default Value
* - 0 (false)
* @sa NTATAG_MERGE_482()
tag_typedef_t ntatag_ua = BOOLTAG_TYPEDEF(ua);
* Enable stateless processing.
* @par Server side
* The incoming requests are processed statefully if there is a default leg
* (created with nta_leg_default()). This option is provided for proxies or
* other server elements that process requests statelessly.
* @par Used with
* nua_create(), nua_set_params(),
* nta_agent_create(), nta_agent_set_params()
* @par Values
* - true - do not pass incoming requests to default leg
* - false - pass incoming requests to default leg, if it exists
* @par Default Value
* - 0 (false, pass incoming requests to default leg)
* @par Client side
* The outgoing requests can be sent statelessly, too, if the
* NTATAG_STATELESS(1) is included in the tag list of nta_outgoing_tcreate().
* @par Used with
* nta_outgoing_mcreate(), nta_outgoing_tcreate(),
* nta_outgoing_tcancel(), nta_outgoing_prack()
* @par Parameter type
* boolean: true (non-zero or non-NULL pointer)
* or false (zero or NULL pointer)
* @par Values
* - true - create only a transient #nta_outgoing_t transaction object
* - false - create an ordinary client transaction object
* @par Default Value
* - 0 (false, create client transaction)
* @sa NTATAG_IS_UA(), nta_incoming_default(), nta_outgoing_default(),
* nta_leg_default()
tag_typedef_t ntatag_stateless = BOOLTAG_TYPEDEF(stateless);
/**@def NTATAG_USER_VIA(x)
* Allow application to insert Via headers.
* @par Used with
* nua_create(), nua_set_params(),
* nta_agent_create(), nta_agent_set_params(),
* nta_outgoing_mcreate(), nta_outgoing_tcreate(),
* nta_outgoing_tcancel(), nta_outgoing_prack(), nta_msg_tsend()
* @par Parameter type
* boolean: true (non-zero or non-NULL pointer)
* or false (zero or NULL pointer)
* @par Values
* - true - do not add @Via header to the request (if it has one)
* - false - always add a @Via header
* @par Default Value
* - 0 (false, always add a @Via header)
tag_typedef_t ntatag_user_via = BOOLTAG_TYPEDEF(user_via);
/**@def NTATAG_PASS_100(x)
* Pass "<i>100 Trying</i>" provisional answers to the application.
* By default, the stack silently processes the <i>100 Trying</i> responses
* from the server. Usually the <i>100 Trying</i> responses are not
* important to the application but rather sent by the outgoing proxy
* immediately after it has received the request. However, the application
* can ask nta for them by setting NTATAG_PASS_100(1) if, for instance, the
* <i>100 Trying</i> responses are needed for user feedback.
* @par Used with
* nua_create(), nua_set_params(),
* nta_agent_create(), nta_agent_set_params(),
* nta_outgoing_mcreate(), nta_outgoing_tcreate(),
* nta_outgoing_tcancel(), nta_outgoing_prack(), nta_msg_tsend()
* @par Parameter type
* boolean: true (non-zero or non-NULL pointer)
* or false (zero or NULL pointer)
* @par Values
* - true - pass <i>100 Trying</i> to application
* - false - silently process <i>100 Trying</i> responses
* @par Default Value
* - 0 (false, save application from seeing 100 Trying)
tag_typedef_t ntatag_pass_100 = BOOLTAG_TYPEDEF(pass_100);
/**@def NTATAG_EXTRA_100(x)
* Respond with "100 Trying" if application has not responded.
* As per recommended by @RFC4320, the stack can generate a 100 Trying
* response to the non-INVITE requests if the application has not responded
* to a request within half of the SIP T2 (the default value for T2 is 4000
* milliseconds, so the extra <i>100 Trying</i> would be sent after 2 seconds).
* At agent level, this option applies to retransmissions of both non-INVITE
* and INVITE transactions.
* At incoming request level, this option can disable sending the 100 Trying for
* both retransmissions (if set at agent level) and N1 firings, for just a given
* incoming request.
* @par Used with
* nua_create(), nua_set_params(),
* nta_agent_create(), nta_agent_set_params(),
* nta_incoming_set_params()
* @par Parameter type
* boolean: true (non-zero or non-NULL pointer)
* or false (zero or NULL pointer)
* @par Values
* - true - send extra 100 Trying if application does not respond
* - false - do not send 100 Trying
* @par Default Value at Agent level
* - 0 (false, do not respond with 100 Trying to retransmissions)
* @par Default Value at incoming transaction level
* - 1 (true, respond with 100 Trying to retransmissions and when N1 fired)
* @sa @RFC4320, NTATAG_PASS_408(), NTATAG_TIMEOUT_408()
tag_typedef_t ntatag_extra_100 = BOOLTAG_TYPEDEF(extra_100);
/**@def NTATAG_TIMEOUT_408(x)
* Generate "408 Request Timeout" response when request times out.
* This tag is used to prevent stack from generating extra 408 response
* messages to non-INVITE requests upon timeout. As per recommended by
* @RFC4320, the <i>408 Request Timeout</i> responses to non-INVITE
* transaction are not sent over the network to the client by default. The
* application can ask stack to pass the 408 responses with
* NTATAG_PASS_408(1).
* @par Used with
* nua_create(), nua_set_params(),
* nta_agent_create(), nta_agent_set_params()
* @par Parameter type
* boolean: true (non-zero or non-NULL pointer)
* or false (zero or NULL pointer)
* @par Values
* - true - generate 408 response
* - false - invoke #nta_response_f callback with NULL sip pointer
* when a non-INVITE transaction times out
* @sa @RFC4320, NTATAG_PASS_408(), NTATAG_EXTRA_100(),
tag_typedef_t ntatag_timeout_408 = BOOLTAG_TYPEDEF(timeout_408);
/**@def NTATAG_PASS_408(x)
* Pass "408 Request Timeout" responses to the client.
* As per recommended by @RFC4320, the <i>408 Request Timeout</i> responses
* to non-INVITE transaction are not sent over the network to the client by
* default. The application can ask stack to pass the 408 responses with
* NTATAG_PASS_408(1).
* Note that unlike NTATAG_PASS_100(), this tags changes the way server side
* works.
* @par Used with
* nua_create(), nua_set_params(),
* nta_agent_create(), nta_agent_set_params()
* @par Parameter type
* boolean: true (non-zero or non-NULL pointer)
* or false (zero or NULL pointer)
* @par Values
* - true - pass superfluous 408 responses
* - false - discard superfluous 408 responses
* @sa @RFC4320, NTATAG_EXTRA_100(), NTATAG_TIMEOUT_408()
tag_typedef_t ntatag_pass_408 = BOOLTAG_TYPEDEF(pass_408);
/**@def NTATAG_MERGE_482(x)
* Merge requests, send 482 to other requests.
* If an User-Agent receives a duplicate request with same @CallID, @CSeq,
* @From tag but different topmost @Via header (see @RFC3261 section
* Merged Requests), it should return <i>482 Request Merged</i> response to
* the duplicate request. Such a duplicate request has been originally
* generated by a forking proxy and usually routed via different route to
* the User-Agent. The User-Agent should only respond meaningfully to the
* first request and return the 482 response to the following forked
* requests.
* Note that also NTATAG_UA(1) should be set before nta detects merges and
* responds with 482 to them.
* @note If your application is an multi-lined user-agent, you may consider
* disabling request merging. However, you have to somehow handle merging
* within a single line.
* @par Used with
* nua_create(), nua_set_params(),
* nta_agent_create(), nta_agent_set_params()
* @par Parameter type
* boolean: true (non-zero or non-NULL pointer)
* or false (zero or NULL pointer)
* @par Values
* - true - detect duplicate requests and respond with 482 to them
* - false - process duplicate requests separately
* @sa NTATAG_UA(1)
tag_typedef_t ntatag_merge_482 = BOOLTAG_TYPEDEF(merge_482);
/**@def NTATAG_CANCEL_2543(x)
*Follow @RFC2543 semantics with CANCEL.
* By default, the nta follows "@RFC3261" semantics when CANCELing a
* request. The CANCEL does not terminate transaction, rather, it is just a
* hint to the server that it should respond immediately (with <i>487
* Request Terminated</i> if it has no better response). Also, if the
* original request was sent over unreliable transport such as UDP, the
* CANCEL is delayed until the server has sent a preliminary response to the
* original request.
* If NTATAG_CANCEL_2543(1) is given, the transaction is canceled
* immediately internally (a 487 response is generated locally) and the
* CANCEL request is sent without waiting for an provisional response.
* @par Used with
* nua_create(), nua_set_params(),
* nta_agent_create(), nta_agent_set_params()
* nta_outgoing_tcancel()
* @par Parameter type
* boolean: true (non-zero or non-NULL pointer)
* or false (zero or NULL pointer)
* @par Values
* - true - follow "RFC 2543" semantics with CANCEL
* - false - follow "RFC 3261" semantics with CANCEL
* @sa NTATAG_CANCEL_408()
tag_typedef_t ntatag_cancel_2543 = BOOLTAG_TYPEDEF(cancel_2543);
/**@def NTATAG_CANCEL_408(x)
* Do not send a CANCEL but just timeout the request.
* Calling nta_outgoing_tcancel() with this tag set marks request as
* canceled but does not actually send a CANCEL request. If
* NTATAG_CANCEL_2543(1) is also included, a 487 response is generated
* internally.
* @par Used with
* nta_outgoing_tcancel() \n
* @par Parameter type
* boolean: true (non-zero or non-NULL pointer)
* or false (zero or NULL pointer)
* @par Values
* - true - do not send CANCEL
* - false - let request to timeout
* @sa NTATAG_CANCEL_2543()
tag_typedef_t ntatag_cancel_408 = BOOLTAG_TYPEDEF(cancel_408);
/**@def NTATAG_CANCEL_487(x)
* When a CANCEL is received, automatically return 487 response to original request.
* When the CANCEL is received for an ongoing server transaction
* #nta_incoming_t, the stack will automatically return a <i>487 Request
* Terminated</i> response to the client after returning from the
* #nta_incoming_f callback bound to the transaction with
* nta_incoming_bind()
* The application can delay sending the response to the original request
* when NTATAG_CANCEL_408(0) is used. This is useful, for instance, with a
* proxy that forwards the CANCEL downstream and the forwards the response
* back to upstream.
* @par Used with
* nua_create(), nua_set_params(),
* nta_agent_create(), nta_agent_set_params()
* @par Parameter type
* boolean: true (non-zero or non-NULL pointer)
* or false (zero or NULL pointer)
* @par Values
* - true - respond automatically to the CANCELed transaction
* - false - application takes care of responding
* @sa NTATAG_CANCEL_2543(), nta_incoming_bind()
tag_typedef_t ntatag_cancel_487 = BOOLTAG_TYPEDEF(cancel_487);
/**@def NTATAG_TAG_3261(x)
* When responding to requests, use unique tags.
* If set the UA would generate an unique @From/@To tag for all dialogs. If
* unset UA would reuse same tag in order to make it easier to re-establish
* dialog state after a reboot.
* @par Used with
* nua_create(), nua_set_params(),
* nta_agent_create(), nta_agent_set_params()
* @par Parameter type
* boolean: true (non-zero or non-NULL pointer)
* or false (zero or NULL pointer)
* @par Values
* - true - use different tag for each dialog
* - false - use same tag for all dialogs
* @sa @RFC3261 section 12.2.2
tag_typedef_t ntatag_tag_3261 = BOOLTAG_TYPEDEF(tag_3261);
/**@def NTATAG_REL100(x)
* Include rel100 in INVITE requests.
* Include feature tag "100rel" in @Supported header of the INVITE requests.
* @par Used with
* nua_create(), nua_set_params(),
* nta_agent_create(), nta_agent_set_params()
* @par Parameter type
* boolean: true (non-zero or non-NULL pointer)
* or false (zero or NULL pointer)
* @par Values
* - true - include "100rel"
* - false - do not include "100rel"
* @sa nta_outgoing_prack(), nta_reliable_treply(), nta_reliable_mreply()
tag_typedef_t ntatag_rel100 = BOOLTAG_TYPEDEF(rel100);
* Create a leg without dialog. */
tag_typedef_t ntatag_no_dialog = BOOLTAG_TYPEDEF(no_dialog);
* Use @Timestamp header.
* If set, a @Timestamp header would be added to stateful requests. The
* header can be used to calculate the roundtrip transport latency between
* client and server.
* @par Used with
* nua_create(),
* nta_agent_create(),
* nta_agent_set_params(),
* nta_outgoing_mcreate(), nta_outgoing_tcreate(),
* nta_outgoing_tcancel(), and nta_outgoing_prack().
* @par Parameter type
* boolean: true (non-zero or non-NULL pointer)
* or false (zero or NULL pointer)
* @par Values
* - true - Add @Timestamp header
* - false - do not add @Timestamp header
* @sa @RFC3261 section 8.2.6
tag_typedef_t ntatag_use_timestamp = BOOLTAG_TYPEDEF(use_timestamp);
* Set SIP parser flags.
* The SIP parser flags affect how the messages are parsed and the result
* presented to the application. They also control encoding of messages.
* The most important flags are as follows:
* - MSG_FLG_COMPACT - use compact form
* (single-letter header names, minimum whitespace)
* - MSG_FLG_EXTRACT_COPY - cache printable copy of headers when parsing.
* Using this flag can speed up proxy processing considerably. It is
* implied when the parsed messages are logged (because #TPORT_LOG
* environment variable is set, or TPTAG_LOG() is used.
* @par Used with
* nua_create(), nua_set_params(),
* nta_agent_create(), nta_agent_set_params()
* @par Parameter type
* unsigned int
* @par Values
* - Bitwise OR of SIP parser flags (enum #msg_flg_user)
* @sa NTATAG_PRELOAD(), enum #msg_flg_user, sip_s::sip_flags
tag_typedef_t ntatag_sipflags = UINTTAG_TYPEDEF(sipflags);
* Enable client-side "rport".
* This tag controls @RFC3581 support on client side. The "rport" parameter
* is used when the response has to be routed symmetrically through a NAT box.
* The client-side support involves just adding the "rport" parameter to the topmost
* @Via header before the request is sent.
* @note By default, the client "rport" is disabled when nta is used, and
* enabled when nua is used.
* @par Used with
* nua_create() (nua uses NTATAG_CLIENT_RPORT(1) by default) \n
* nta_agent_create() \n
* nta_agent_set_params() \n
* @par Parameter type
* boolean: true (non-zero or non-NULL pointer)
* or false (zero or NULL pointer)
* @par Values
* - true - add "rport" parameter
* - false - do not add "rport" parameter
* @note The NTATAG_RPORT() is a synonym for this.
tag_typedef_t ntatag_client_rport = BOOLTAG_TYPEDEF(client_rport);
* Use rport parameter at server.
* This tag controls @RFC3581 support on server side. The "rport" parameter
* is used when the response has to be routed symmetrically through a NAT
* box.
* If the topmost @Via header has an "rport" parameter, the server stores
* the port number from which the request was sent in it. When sending the
* response back to the client, the server uses the port number in the
* "rport" parameter rather than the client-supplied port number in @Via
* header.
* Note that on server-side the port number is stored regardless of the
* transport protocol. (It is assumed that client supports rport if it
* includes "rport" parameter in @Via field).
* @par Used with
* nua_create(), nua_set_params(),
* nta_agent_create(), nta_agent_set_params()
* @par Parameter type
* boolean: true (non-zero or non-NULL pointer)
* or false (zero or NULL pointer)
* @par Values
* - 2 - add "rport" parameter even if was not present in request
* - 1 - use "rport" parameter (default)
* - 0 - do not use "rport" parameter
* @since Tag type and NTATAG_SERVER_RPORT(2) was added in @VERSION_1_12_9.
tag_typedef_t ntatag_server_rport = INTTAG_TYPEDEF(server_rport);
* Use rport with TCP, too.
* @par Used with
* nua_create(), nua_set_params(),
* nta_agent_create(), nta_agent_set_params()
* @par Parameter type
* boolean: true (non-zero or non-NULL pointer)
* or false (zero or NULL pointer)
* @par Values
* - true - include rport parameter in the TCP via line on client side
* - false - do not include rport parameter in the TCP via line on client side
tag_typedef_t ntatag_tcp_rport = BOOLTAG_TYPEDEF(tcp_rport);
* Use rport with TLS, too.
* @par Used with
* nua_create(), nua_set_params(),
* nta_agent_create(), nta_agent_set_params()
* @par Parameter type
* boolean: true (non-zero or non-NULL pointer)
* or false (zero or NULL pointer)
* @par Values
* - true - include rport parameter in the TLS via line on client side
* - false - do not include rport parameter in the TLS via line
* on client side
* @NEW_1_12_10
tag_typedef_t ntatag_tls_rport = BOOLTAG_TYPEDEF(tls_rport);
* Preload by N bytes.
* When the memory block is allocated for an incoming request by the stack,
* the stack can allocate some extra memory for the parser in addition to
* the memory used by the actual message contents.
* While wasting some memory, this can speed up parsing considerably.
* Recommended amount of preloading per packet is 1500 bytes.
* @par Used with
* nua_create(), nua_set_params(),
* nta_agent_create(), nta_agent_set_params()
* @par Parameter type
* unsigned
* @par Values
* Amount of extra per-message memory allocated for parser.
tag_typedef_t ntatag_preload = UINTTAG_TYPEDEF(preload);
* If true, try to use NAPTR records when resolving.
* The application can disable NTA from using NAPTR records when resolving
* @par Used with
* nua_create(), nua_set_params(),
* nta_agent_create(), nta_agent_set_params()
* @par Parameter type
* boolean: true (non-zero or non-NULL pointer)
* or false (zero or NULL pointer)
* @par Values
* - true - enable NAPTR resolving
* - false - disable NAPTR resolving
* @bug NAPTRs are not used with SIPS URIs in any case.
* @sa @RFC3263, NTATAG_USE_SRV()
tag_typedef_t ntatag_use_naptr = BOOLTAG_TYPEDEF(naptr);
/**@def NTATAG_USE_SRV(x)
* If true, try to use SRV records when resolving.
* The application can disable NTA from using SRV records when resolving
* @par Used with
* nua_create(), nua_set_params(),
* nta_agent_create(), nta_agent_set_params()
* @par Parameter type
* boolean: true (non-zero or non-NULL pointer)
* or false (zero or NULL pointer)
* @par Values
* - true - enable SRV resolving
* - false - disable SRV resolving
* @sa @RFC3263, NTATAG_USE_NAPTR()
tag_typedef_t ntatag_use_srv = BOOLTAG_TYPEDEF(srv);
/**@def NTATAG_SRV_503(x)
* If true, try to use another destination from SRV records on 503 response. RFC3263
* The application can disable NTA from using a new route after 503
* @par Used with
* nua_create(), nua_set_params(), agent_recv_response(),
* nta_agent_create(), nta_agent_set_params()
* @par Parameter type
* boolean: true (non-zero or non-NULL pointer)
* or false (zero or NULL pointer)
* @par Values
* - true - enable new destination on 503
* - false - still use the same destination after timeout
* @sa @RFC3263
tag_typedef_t ntatag_srv_503 = BOOLTAG_TYPEDEF(srv_503);
/**@def NTATAG_RSEQ(x)
* @RSeq value for nta_outgoing_prack().
* @par Used with
* nta_outgoing_prack()
* @par Parameter type
* @c unsigned @c int
* @par Values
* Response sequence number from the @RSeq header.
tag_typedef_t ntatag_rseq = UINTTAG_TYPEDEF(rseq);
/* Status */
* Get size of hash table for server-side transactions.
* Return number of transactions that fit in the hash table for server-side
* transactions.
* @sa nta_agent_get_stats(), NTATAG_S_IRQ_HASH_USED_REF(),
tag_typedef_t ntatag_s_irq_hash = USIZETAG_TYPEDEF(s_irq_hash);
* Get size of hash table for client-side transactions.
* Return number of transactions that fit in the hash table for client-side
* transactions.
* @sa nta_agent_get_stats(), NTATAG_S_ORQ_HASH_USED_REF(),
tag_typedef_t ntatag_s_orq_hash = USIZETAG_TYPEDEF(s_orq_hash);
* Get size of hash table for dialogs.
* Return number of dialog objects that fit in the hash table for dialogs.
* @sa nta_agent_get_stats(), NTATAG_S_LEG_HASH_USED_REF(),
tag_typedef_t ntatag_s_leg_hash = USIZETAG_TYPEDEF(s_leg_hash);
* Get number of server-side transactions in the hash table.
* Return number of server-side transactions objects in the hash table. The
* number includes all transactions destroyed by the application which have
* not expired yet.
* @sa nta_agent_get_stats(), NTATAG_S_IRQ_HASH_REF(),
* Get number of server-side transactions in the hash table.
* Return number of server-side transactions objects in the hash table. The
* number includes all transactions destroyed by the application which have
* not expired yet.
* @sa nta_agent_get_stats(), NTATAG_S_IRQ_HASH_REF(),
tag_typedef_t ntatag_s_irq_hash_used = USIZETAG_TYPEDEF(s_irq_hash_used);
* Get number of client-side transactions in the hash table.
* Return number of client-side transactions objects in the hash table. The
* number includes all transactions destroyed by the application which have
* not expired yet.
* @sa nta_agent_get_stats(), NTATAG_S_ORQ_HASH_REF(),
tag_typedef_t ntatag_s_orq_hash_used = USIZETAG_TYPEDEF(s_orq_hash_used);
* Get number of dialogs in the hash table.
* Return number of dialog objects in the hash table. Note that the
* nta_leg_t objects created with NTATAG_NO_DIALOG(1) and this not
* corresponding to a dialog are not included in the number.
* @sa nta_agent_get_stats(), NTATAG_S_LEG_HASH_REF(),
tag_typedef_t ntatag_s_leg_hash_used = USIZETAG_TYPEDEF(s_leg_hash_used);
* Get number of SIP messages received.
* Return number SIP messages that has been received. The number includes
* also bad and unparsable messages.
* @sa nta_agent_get_stats(), NTATAG_S_BAD_MESSAGE_REF(),
tag_typedef_t ntatag_s_recv_msg = USIZETAG_TYPEDEF(s_recv_msg);
* Get number of SIP requests received.
* Return number SIP requests that has been received. The number includes
* also number of bad requests available with NTATAG_S_BAD_REQUEST_REF().
* @sa nta_agent_get_stats(), NTATAG_S_BAD_REQUEST_REF(),
tag_typedef_t ntatag_s_recv_request = USIZETAG_TYPEDEF(s_recv_request);
* Get number of SIP responses received.
* Return number SIP responses that has been received. The number includes
* also number of bad and unusable responses available with
* @sa nta_agent_get_stats(), NTATAG_S_BAD_RESPONSE_REF(),
tag_typedef_t ntatag_s_recv_response = USIZETAG_TYPEDEF(s_recv_response);
* Get number of bad SIP messages received.
* Return number of bad SIP messages that has been received.
* @sa nta_agent_get_stats(), NTATAG_S_RECV_MSG_REF(),
tag_typedef_t ntatag_s_bad_message = USIZETAG_TYPEDEF(s_bad_message);
* Get number of bad SIP requests received.
* Return number of bad SIP requests that has been received.
* @sa nta_agent_get_stats(), NTATAG_S_BAD_MESSAGE_REF(),
tag_typedef_t ntatag_s_bad_request = USIZETAG_TYPEDEF(s_bad_request);
* Get number of bad SIP responses received.
* Return number of bad SIP responses that has been received.
* @sa nta_agent_get_stats(), NTATAG_S_BAD_MESSAGE_REF(),
tag_typedef_t ntatag_s_bad_response = USIZETAG_TYPEDEF(s_bad_response);
* Get number of SIP requests dropped.
* Return number of SIP requests that has been randomly dropped after
* receiving them because of NTATAG_DEBUG_DROP_PROB() has been set.
* @sa nta_agent_get_stats(), NTATAG_DEBUG_DROP_PROB(),
* @note The value was not calculated before @VERSION_1_12_7.
tag_typedef_t ntatag_s_drop_request = USIZETAG_TYPEDEF(s_drop_request);
* Get number of SIP responses dropped.
* Return number of SIP responses that has been randomly dropped after
* receiving them because of NTATAG_DEBUG_DROP_PROB() has been set.
* @sa nta_agent_get_stats(), NTATAG_DEBUG_DROP_PROB(),
* @note The value was not calculated before @VERSION_1_12_7.
tag_typedef_t ntatag_s_drop_response = USIZETAG_TYPEDEF(s_drop_response);
* Get number of client transactions created.
* Return number of client transactions created. The number also includes
* client transactions with which stack failed to send the request because
* the DNS resolving failed or the transport failed.
* @note The number include stateless requests sent with nta_msg_tsend(),
* too.
* @sa nta_agent_get_stats(), NTATAG_S_SENT_REQUEST_REF(),
tag_typedef_t ntatag_s_client_tr = USIZETAG_TYPEDEF(s_client_tr);
* Get number of server transactions created.
* Return number of server transactions created.
* @sa nta_agent_get_stats(), NTATAG_S_RECV_RESPONSE_REF(),
tag_typedef_t ntatag_s_server_tr = USIZETAG_TYPEDEF(s_server_tr);
* Get number of in-dialog server transactions created.
* Return number of in-dialog server transactions created. The number
* includes only those transactions that were correlated with a dialog
* object.
* @sa nta_agent_get_stats(), NTATAG_S_SERVER_TR_REF(),
tag_typedef_t ntatag_s_dialog_tr = USIZETAG_TYPEDEF(s_dialog_tr);
* Get number of server transactions that have received ACK.
* Return number of INVITE server transactions for which an ACK request has
* been received.
* @sa nta_agent_get_stats(), NTATAG_S_SERVER_TR_REF(),
tag_typedef_t ntatag_s_acked_tr = USIZETAG_TYPEDEF(s_acked_tr);
* Get number of server transactions that have been CANCELed.
* Return number of server transactions for which an CANCEL request has been
* received. Currently, the count includes only INVITE server transactions
* that have been CANCELed.
* @sa nta_agent_get_stats(), NTATAG_S_SERVER_TR_REF(),
tag_typedef_t ntatag_s_canceled_tr = USIZETAG_TYPEDEF(s_canceled_tr);
* Get number of requests that were processed stateless.
* Return number of received requests that were processed statelessly,
* either with #nta_message_f message callback given with the
* nta_agent_create() or, missing the callback, by returning a <i>501 Not
* Implemented</i> response to the request.
* @sa nta_agent_get_stats(), <sofia-sip/nta_stateless.h>,
* nta_agent_create(), #nta_message_f, NTATAG_S_TRLESS_TO_TR_REF(),
tag_typedef_t ntatag_s_trless_request = USIZETAG_TYPEDEF(s_trless_request);
* Get number of requests converted to transactions by message callback.
* Return number of requests that were converted to a server transaction
* with nta_incoming_create().
* @sa nta_agent_get_stats(), nta_incoming_create(), nta_agent_create(),
* #nta_message_f, NTATAG_S_TRLESS_REQUEST_REF()
tag_typedef_t ntatag_s_trless_to_tr = USIZETAG_TYPEDEF(s_trless_to_tr);
* Get number of responses without matching request.
* Return number of received responses for which no matching client
* transaction was found. Such responses are processed either by the
* client transaction created with nta_outgoing_default(), the
* #nta_message_f message callback given to nta_agent_create(), or, missing
* both the default client transaction and message callback, they are
* silently discarded.
* The NTATAG_S_TRLESS_200_REF() counter counts those successful 2XX
* responses to the INVITE without client transaction which are silently
* discarded.
* @sa nta_agent_get_stats(), nta_outgoing_default(), nta_agent_create(),
* <sofia-sip/nta_stateless.h>, #nta_message_f, nta_msg_ackbye(),
tag_typedef_t ntatag_s_trless_response = USIZETAG_TYPEDEF(s_trless_response);
/**@def NTATAG_S_TRLESS_200_REF(x)
* Get number of successful responses missing INVITE client transaction.
* Return number of received 2XX responses to INVITE transaction for which
* no matching client transaction was found nor which were processed by a
* default client transaction created with nta_outgoing_default() or
* #nta_message_f message callback given to nta_agent_create().
* @sa nta_agent_get_stats(), nta_outgoing_default(), nta_agent_create(),
* <sofia-sip/nta_stateless.h>, #nta_message_f, nta_msg_ackbye(),
tag_typedef_t ntatag_s_trless_200 = USIZETAG_TYPEDEF(s_trless_200);
* Get number of requests merged by UAS.
* Return number of requests for which UAS already has returned a response
* and which were merged (that is, returned a <i>482 Request Merged</i>
* response).
* @sa nta_agent_get_stats(), NTATAG_UA(1), @RFC3261 section
tag_typedef_t ntatag_s_merged_request = USIZETAG_TYPEDEF(s_merged_request);
* Get number of SIP messages sent by stack.
* Return number of SIP messages given to the transport layer for
* transmission by the SIP stack. The number includes also messages which
* the transport layer failed to send for different reasons.
* @sa nta_agent_get_stats(), NTATAG_S_RECV_MSG_REF(),
tag_typedef_t ntatag_s_sent_msg = USIZETAG_TYPEDEF(s_sent_msg);
* Get number of SIP requests sent by stack.
* Return number of SIP requests given to the transport layer for
* transmission by the SIP stack. The number includes retransmissions and
* messages which the transport layer failed to send for different reasons.
* @sa nta_agent_get_stats(), NTATAG_S_RECV_REQUEST_REF(),
tag_typedef_t ntatag_s_sent_request = USIZETAG_TYPEDEF(s_sent_request);
* Get number of SIP responses sent by stack.
* Return number of SIP responses given to the transport layer for
* transmission by the SIP stack. The number includes retransmissions and
* messages which the transport layer failed to send for different reasons.
* @sa nta_agent_get_stats(), NTATAG_S_RECV_RESPONSE_REF(),
tag_typedef_t ntatag_s_sent_response = USIZETAG_TYPEDEF(s_sent_response);
* Get number of SIP requests retransmitted by stack.
* Return number of SIP requests given to the transport layer for
* retransmission by the SIP stack. The number includes messages which the
* transport layer failed to send for different reasons.
* @sa nta_agent_get_stats(), NTATAG_S_SENT_MSG_REF(),
tag_typedef_t ntatag_s_retry_request = USIZETAG_TYPEDEF(s_retry_request);
* Get number of SIP responses retransmitted by stack.
* Return number of SIP responses given to the transport layer for
* retransmission by the SIP stack. The number includes messages which the
* transport layer failed to send for different reasons.
* @sa nta_agent_get_stats(), NTATAG_S_SENT_MSG_REF(),
tag_typedef_t ntatag_s_retry_response = USIZETAG_TYPEDEF(s_retry_response);
* Get number of retransmitted SIP requests received by stack.
* Return number of SIP requests received by the stack. This number only
* includes retransmission for which a matching server transaction object
* was found.
* @sa nta_agent_get_stats(), NTATAG_S_RETRY_REQUEST_REF().
tag_typedef_t ntatag_s_recv_retry = USIZETAG_TYPEDEF(s_recv_retry);
* Get number of SIP client transactions that has timeout.
* Return number of SIP client transactions that has timeout.
* @sa nta_agent_get_stats(), NTATAG_S_TOUT_RESPONSE_REF().
tag_typedef_t ntatag_s_tout_request = USIZETAG_TYPEDEF(s_tout_request);
* Get number of SIP server transactions that has timeout.
* Return number of SIP server transactions that has timeout. The number
* includes only the INVITE transactions for which the stack has received no
* ACK requests.
* @sa nta_agent_get_stats(), NTATAG_S_TOUT_REQUEST_REF().
tag_typedef_t ntatag_s_tout_response = USIZETAG_TYPEDEF(s_tout_response);
/* Internal */
tag_typedef_t ntatag_delay_sending = BOOLTAG_TYPEDEF(delay_sending);
tag_typedef_t ntatag_incomplete = BOOLTAG_TYPEDEF(incomplete);