
618 lines
19 KiB

* This file is part of the Sofia-SIP package
* Copyright (C) 2005 Nokia Corporation.
* Contact: Pekka Pessi <>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA
/**@CFILE tport_tag.c
* @brief Tags for transport module
* @note This file is used to automatically generate
* tport_tag_ref.c and tport_tag_dll.c
* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Research Center. All rights reserved.
* @author Pekka Pessi <>
* @date Created: Thu Jun 6 00:38:07 2002 ppessi
#include "config.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#define TAG_NAMESPACE "tp"
#include "sofia-sip/tport.h"
#include <sofia-sip/su_tag_class.h>
/* ==== Globals ========================================================== */
/** Filter for tport tags. */
tagi_t tport_tags[] = { { tptag_any, 0 }, { TAG_END() } };
tag_typedef_t tptag_any = NSTAG_TYPEDEF(*);
/**@def TPTAG_IDENT(cstr)
* Identify a transport interface.
* Use with tport_tbind(), tport_tsend(), nua_create(), nta_agent_create(),
* nta_agent_add_tport(), nta_outgoing_tcreate(), nta_outgoing_mcreate(),
* nth_engine_create(), nth_client_tcreate(), or initial nth_site_create().
tag_typedef_t tptag_ident = CSTRTAG_TYPEDEF(ident);
/**@def TPTAG_REUSE(boolean)
* Allow reusing transport connection (true by default).
* Use with tport_tcreate(), tport_tbind(), tport_set_params(),
* tport_tsend(), nua_create(), nta_agent_create(), nta_agent_add_tport(),
* nta_outgoing_tcreate(), nta_outgoing_mcreate(), nth_engine_create(),
* nth_client_tcreate(), or initial nth_site_create().
tag_typedef_t tptag_reuse = BOOLTAG_TYPEDEF(reuse);
/**@def TPTAG_FRESH(boolean)
* Create new connection (but allow other messages to reuse the new one).
* Use with tport_tsend(), nta_outgoing_tcreate(), nta_outgoing_mcreate(),
* or nth_client_tcreate().
tag_typedef_t tptag_fresh = BOOLTAG_TYPEDEF(fresh);
/**@def TPTAG_SERVER(boolean)
* Bind server sockets (true by default, disable with TPTAG_SERVER(0)).
* Use with tport_tbind().
tag_typedef_t tptag_server = BOOLTAG_TYPEDEF(server);
/**@def TPTAG_PUBLIC(tport_via)
* Define how the public transport connects to Internet.
* Use with tport_tbind(), nua_create(), nta_agent_create(),
* nta_agent_add_tport(), nth_engine_create(), or initial nth_site_create().
* @sa TPTAG_PUBLIC(), tport_is_public().
tag_typedef_t tptag_public = INTTAG_TYPEDEF(public);
/**@def TPTAG_MTU(usize_t)
* Specify MTU.
* Use with tport_tcreate(), tport_tbind(), tport_set_params(),
* tport_tsend(), nua_create(), nta_agent_create(), nta_agent_add_tport(),
* nta_outgoing_tcreate(), nta_outgoing_mcreate(), nth_engine_create(),
* nth_client_tcreate(), or initial nth_site_create().
tag_typedef_t tptag_mtu = USIZETAG_TYPEDEF(mtu);
/**@def TPTAG_CONNECT(x)
* Specify that tport must always use connections (even with UDP).
* @note Unimplemented (?).
* Use with tport_tcreate(), tport_tbind(), tport_set_params(), nua_create(),
* nta_agent_create(), nta_agent_add_tport(), nth_engine_create(), or
* initial nth_site_create().
tag_typedef_t tptag_connect = BOOLTAG_TYPEDEF(connect);
* If true, half close of a connection by remote is considered as an error.
* Use with tport_tcreate(), tport_tbind(), tport_set_params(), nua_create(),
* nta_agent_create(), nta_agent_add_tport(), nth_engine_create(), or
* initial nth_site_create().
tag_typedef_t tptag_sdwn_error = BOOLTAG_TYPEDEF(sdwn_error);
* Half-close (shutdown(c, 1)) after sending the message.
* Use with tport_tsend(), nta_outgoing_tcreate(), nta_outgoing_mcreate(),
* or nth_client_tcreate().
tag_typedef_t tptag_sdwn_after = BOOLTAG_TYPEDEF(sdwn_after);
* Close of a connection after sending the message.
* Use with tport_tsend(), nta_outgoing_tcreate(), nta_outgoing_mcreate(),
* or nth_client_tcreate().
tag_typedef_t tptag_close_after = BOOLTAG_TYPEDEF(sdwn_after);
/**@def TPTAG_IDLE(x)
* How long transports may be idle (value in milliseconds).
* If 0, zap immediately,
* if UINT_MAX, leave them there (default value for now).
* @par Use With
* tport_tcreate(), tport_tbind(), tport_set_params(), nua_create(),
* nta_agent_create(), nta_agent_add_tport(), nth_engine_create(), or
* initial nth_site_create().
tag_typedef_t tptag_idle = UINTTAG_TYPEDEF(idle);
/**@def TPTAG_TIMEOUT(x)
* Timeout for incomplete incoming message (value in milliseconds).
* If UINT_MAX, leave the incomplete messages there for ever.
* Default value for now is UINT_MAX.
* Use with tport_tcreate(), tport_tbind(), tport_set_params(), nua_create(),
* nta_agent_create(), nta_agent_add_tport(), nth_engine_create(), or
* initial nth_site_create().
tag_typedef_t tptag_timeout = UINTTAG_TYPEDEF(timeout);
* Keepalive interval set on socket (where supported) in seconds.
* If 0 or UINT_MAX, do not use keepalives. Default value is 30.
tag_typedef_t tptag_socket_keepalive = UINTTAG_TYPEDEF(socket_keepalive);
* Keepalive interval in milliseconds.
* If 0 or UINT_MAX, do not use keepalives. Default value is 0.
* On TCP, the keepalive if a CR-LF-CR-LF sequence.
* Use with tport_tcreate(), tport_tbind(), tport_set_params(), nua_create(),
* nta_agent_create(), nta_agent_add_tport(), nth_engine_create(), or
* initial nth_site_create().
* @NEW_1_12_7.
tag_typedef_t tptag_keepalive = UINTTAG_TYPEDEF(keepalive);
* Ping-pong interval in milliseconds.
* If 0 or UINT_MAX, do not check for PONGs. Default value is 0.
* If set, the ping-pong protocol is used on TCP connections. If pinger
* sends a ping and receives no data in the specified ping-pong interval, it
* considers the connection failed and closes it. The value recommended in
* draft-ietf-sip-outbound-10 is 10 seconds (10000 milliseconds).
* Use with tport_tcreate(), tport_tbind(), tport_set_params(), nua_create(),
* nta_agent_create(), nta_agent_add_tport(), nth_engine_create(), or
* initial nth_site_create().
* draft-ietf-sip-outbound-10.txt
* @NEW_1_12_7.
tag_typedef_t tptag_pingpong = UINTTAG_TYPEDEF(pingpong);
/**@def TPTAG_PONG2PING(x)
* Respond PING with PONG.
* If true, respond with PONG to PING. Default value is 0 (false).
* If set, the ping-pong protocol is used on TCP connections. If a ping (at
* least 4 whitespace characters) is received between messages, a pong
* (CR-LF) is sent in response.
* Use with tport_tcreate(), tport_tbind(), tport_set_params(), nua_create(),
* nta_agent_create(), nta_agent_add_tport(), nth_engine_create(), or
* initial nth_site_create().
* @NEW_1_12_7.
tag_typedef_t tptag_pong2ping = BOOLTAG_TYPEDEF(pong2ping);
* Default SigComp lifetime in seconds.
* If value is UINT_MAX, keep SigComp compartments around for ever.
* @note Experimental.
* Use with tport_tcreate(), tport_tbind(), tport_set_params(), nua_create(),
* nta_agent_create(), nta_agent_add_tport(), nth_engine_create(), or
* initial nth_site_create().
tag_typedef_t tptag_sigcomp_lifetime = UINTTAG_TYPEDEF(sigcomp_lifetime);
* Path to the public key certificate directory.
* Use with tport_tbind(), nua_create(), nta_agent_create(),
* nta_agent_add_tport(), nth_engine_create(), or initial nth_site_create().
tag_typedef_t tptag_certificate = STRTAG_TYPEDEF(certificate);
* Pointer to SigComp compartment.
* @note Not used.
tag_typedef_t tptag_compartment = PTRTAG_TYPEDEF(compartment);
* Sets the supported TLS cipher suites.
* Use with tport_tbind(), nua_create(), nta_agent_create(),
* nta_agent_add_tport(), nth_engine_create(), or initial nth_site_create().
tag_typedef_t tptag_tls_ciphers = STRTAG_TYPEDEF(tls_ciphers);
* Sets the TLS version (version 0 implies SSL2/SSL3).
* Use with tport_tbind(), nua_create(), nta_agent_create(),
* nta_agent_add_tport(), nth_engine_create(), or initial nth_site_create().
tag_typedef_t tptag_tls_version = UINTTAG_TYPEDEF(tls_version);
* Sets the maximum TLS session lifetime in seconds.
* The default value is 300 seconds.
* Use with tport_tbind(), nua_create(), nta_agent_create(),
* nta_agent_add_tport(), nth_engine_create(), or initial nth_site_create().
tag_typedef_t tptag_tls_timeout = UINTTAG_TYPEDEF(tls_timeout);
* @par Depreciated:
* @NEW_1_12_10.
tag_typedef_t tptag_tls_verify_peer = UINTTAG_TYPEDEF(tls_verify_peer);
* Sets the passphrase password to be used by openSSL to encrypt/decrypt
* private key files.
* @NEW_1_12_11.
tag_typedef_t tptag_tls_passphrase = STRTAG_TYPEDEF(tls_passphrase);
* The verification of certificates can be controlled:
* @par Values:
* Do not verify Peer Certificates.
* Drop incoming connections which fail signature verification
* against trusted certificate authorities. Peers must provide a
* certificate during the initial TLS Handshake.
* Drop outgoing connections which fail signature verification
* against trusted certificate authorities.
* Match the certificate subject on incoming connections against
* a provided list. If no match is found, the connection is
* rejected. If no list is provided, subject checking is bypassed.
* Note: Implies #TPTLS_VERIFY_IN.
* Match the certificate subject on outgoing connections against
* a provided list. If no match is found, the connection is
* rejected.
* Note: Implies #TPTLS_VERIFY_OUT.
* @par Used with
* tport_tbind(), nua_create(), nta_agent_create(), nta_agent_add_tport(),
* nth_engine_create(), initial nth_site_create(),
* @NEW_1_12_11.
tag_typedef_t tptag_tls_verify_policy = UINTTAG_TYPEDEF(tls_verify_policy);
* Define the maximum length of a valid certificate chain.
* @par Default
* 2
* @par Used with
* tport_tbind(), nua_create(), nta_agent_create(), nta_agent_add_tport(),
* nth_engine_create(), or initial nth_site_create().
* @par Parameter Type:
* unsigned int
* @NEW_1_12_11.
tag_typedef_t tptag_tls_verify_depth = UINTTAG_TYPEDEF(tls_verify_depth);
* Enable/Disable verification of notBefore and notAfter parameters of
* X.509 Certificates.
* @par Default
* Enabled
* @par Values
* - 0 - Disable date verification.
* - Non-Zero - Enable date verification.
* @par Used with
* tport_tbind(), nua_create(), nta_agent_create(), nta_agent_add_tport(),
* nth_engine_create(), or initial nth_site_create().
* @par Parameter Type:
* unsigned int
* @par Note
* This tag should be only used on devices which lack accurate timekeeping.
* @NEW_1_12_11.
tag_typedef_t tptag_tls_verify_date = UINTTAG_TYPEDEF(tls_verify_date);
* Incoming TLS connections must provide a trusted X.509 certificate.
* The character strings provided with this tag are matched against
* the subjects from the trusted certificate. If a match is not found,
* the connection is automatically rejected.
* @par Used with
* tport_tbind(), nua_create(), nta_agent_create(), nta_agent_add_tport(),
* nth_engine_create(), initial nth_site_create(),
* @par Parameter Type:
* void const * (actually su_strlst_t const *)
* @par Values
* - SIP Identity - or
* - DNS -
* - IP Address - Both IPv4 and IPv6 Supported
* @NEW_1_12_11.
tag_typedef_t tptag_tls_verify_subjects = PTRTAG_TYPEDEF(tls_verify_subjects);
#if 0
/**@def TPTAG_X509_SUBJECT(x)
* Requires that a message be sent over a TLS transport with trusted X.509
* certificate. The character string provided must match against a subject
* from the trusted certificate.
* @par Used with
* @par Parameter Type:
* char const *
* @par Values
* @note Not Implemented.
* Specify the number of messages that can be queued per connection.
* Use with tport_tcreate(), tport_tbind(), tport_set_params(), nua_create(),
* nta_agent_create(), nta_agent_add_tport(), nth_engine_create(), or
* initial nth_site_create().
tag_typedef_t tptag_queuesize = UINTTAG_TYPEDEF(queuesize);
* Sets the drop propability for incoming/outgoing packets.
* The incoming/outgoing packets are dropped with the given probablity
* (in the range 0..1000) on unreliable transports.
* This is a parameter suitable for debugging only.
* Use with tport_tcreate(), tport_tbind(), tport_set_params(), nua_create(),
* nta_agent_create(), nta_agent_add_tport(), nth_engine_create(), or
* initial nth_site_create().
tag_typedef_t tptag_debug_drop = UINTTAG_TYPEDEF(debug_drop);
/**@def TPTAG_UDP_RMEM(x)
* Sets the maximum receive buffer in bytes for primary UDP socket.
* This is a parameter suitable for tuning.
* On Linux systems, the default value for receive buffer is set with
* the sysctl "net.core.rmem_default", and the maximum value is set with
* the sysctl "net.core.rmem_max".
* Use with tport_tbind(), nua_create(), nta_agent_create(),
* nta_agent_add_tport(), nth_engine_create(), or initial nth_site_create().
tag_typedef_t tptag_udp_rmem = UINTTAG_TYPEDEF(udp_rmem);
/**@def TPTAG_UDP_WMEM(x)
* Sets the maximum send buffer in bytes for primary UDP socket.
* This is a parameter suitable for tuning.
* On Linux systems, the default value for receive buffer is set with
* the sysctl "net.core.wmem_default", and the maximum value is set with
* the sysctl "net.core.wmem_max".
* Use with tport_tbind(), nua_create(), nta_agent_create(),
* nta_agent_add_tport(), nth_engine_create(), or initial nth_site_create().
tag_typedef_t tptag_udp_wmem = UINTTAG_TYPEDEF(udp_wmem);
* Determines the number of threads in the pool.
* The thread pools can have multiple threads receiving, uncompressing,
* parsing, compressing, and sending messages.
* This is a parameter suitable for tuning.
* @note Thread pools are currently broken.
* Use with tport_tcreate(), tport_tbind(), tport_set_params(), nua_create(),
* nta_agent_create(), nta_agent_add_tport(), nth_engine_create(), or
* initial nth_site_create().
tag_typedef_t tptag_thrpsize = UINTTAG_TYPEDEF(thrpsize);
* Length of per-thread receive queue (as messages).
* This is a parameter suitable for tuning.
* Use with tport_tcreate(), tport_tbind(), tport_set_params(), nua_create(),
* nta_agent_create(), nta_agent_add_tport(), nth_engine_create(), or
* initial nth_site_create().
tag_typedef_t tptag_thrprqsize = UINTTAG_TYPEDEF(thrprqsize);
* Specify that tport can use HTTP connect method.
* Use with tport_tbind(), nua_create(), nta_agent_create(),
* nta_agent_add_tport(), nth_engine_create(), or initial nth_site_create().
tag_typedef_t tptag_http_connect = STRTAG_TYPEDEF(http_connect);
* Enable STUN server.
* Use with tport_tcreate(), tport_tbind(), tport_set_params(), nua_create(),
* nta_agent_create(), nta_agent_add_tport(), nth_engine_create(), or
* initial nth_site_create().
tag_typedef_t tptag_stun_server = BOOLTAG_TYPEDEF(stun_server);
/**@def TPTAG_TOS(x)
* Sets the IP TOS for the socket.
* Use with tport_tcreate(), tport_tbind(), tport_set_params(), nua_create(),
* nta_agent_create(), nta_agent_add_tport(), nth_engine_create(), or
* initial nth_site_create().
* @NEW_1_12_5.
tag_typedef_t tptag_tos = INTTAG_TYPEDEF(tos);
/**@def TPTAG_LOG(x)
* If set, print out parsed or sent messages at transport layer.
* Use with tport_tcreate(), nua_create(), nta_agent_create(),
* nth_engine_create(), or initial nth_site_create().
* @sa #TPORT_LOG environment variable, TPTAG_DUMP()
* @NEW_1_12_5.
tag_typedef_t tptag_log = INTTAG_TYPEDEF(log);
/**@def TPTAG_DUMP(x)
* Filename for dumping unparsed messages from transport.
* Use with tport_tcreate(), nta_agent_create(), nua_create(),
* nth_engine_create(), or initial nth_site_create().
* @sa #TPORT_DUMP environment variable, TPTAG_LOG().
* @NEW_1_12_5.
tag_typedef_t tptag_dump = STRTAG_TYPEDEF(dump);
/**@def TPTAG_CAPT(x)
* URL for capturing unparsed messages from transport.
* Use with tport_tcreate(), nta_agent_create(), nua_create(),
* nth_engine_create(), or initial nth_site_create().
* @sa #TPORT_CAPT environment variable, TPTAG_LOG().
tag_typedef_t tptag_capt = STRTAG_TYPEDEF(capt);
/** Mark transport as trusted.
* @note Not implemented by tport module.
* Use with tport_tcreate(), tport_tbind(), tport_set_params(), nua_create(),
* nta_agent_create(), nta_agent_add_tport(), nth_engine_create(), or
* initial nth_site_create().
tag_typedef_t tptag_trusted = BOOLTAG_TYPEDEF(trusted);