
202 lines
5.8 KiB

* FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application
* Copyright (C) 2005/2006, Anthony Minessale II <>
* Version: MPL 1.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
* Anthony Minessale II <>
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C)
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Anthony Minessale II <>
* mod_pcre.c -- Regex Dialplan Module
#include <switch.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <pcre.h>
static const char modname[] = "mod_pcre";
#define cleanre() if (re) {\
re = NULL;\
switch_caller_extension *dialplan_hunt(switch_core_session *session)
switch_caller_profile *caller_profile;
switch_caller_extension *extension = NULL;
switch_channel *channel;
char *cf = "regextensions.conf";
switch_config cfg;
char *var, *val;
char app[1024] = "";
int catno = -1;
char *exten_name = NULL;
pcre *re = NULL;
int match_count = 0;
int ovector[30];
channel = switch_core_session_get_channel(session);
caller_profile = switch_channel_get_caller_profile(channel);
switch_console_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_CONSOLE, "Processing %s->%s!\n", caller_profile->caller_id_name, caller_profile->destination_number);
if (!switch_config_open_file(&cfg, cf)) {
switch_console_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_CONSOLE, "open of %s failed\n", cf);
return NULL;
while (switch_config_next_pair(&cfg, &var, &val)) {
if (cfg.catno != catno) { /* new category */
catno = cfg.catno;
exten_name = cfg.category;
match_count = 0;
if (!strcasecmp(var, "regex")) {
const char *error = NULL;
int erroffset = 0;
re = pcre_compile(
val, /* the pattern */
0, /* default options */
&error, /* for error message */
&erroffset, /* for error offset */
NULL); /* use default character tables */
if (error) {
switch_console_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_CONSOLE, "COMPILE ERROR: %d [%s]\n", erroffset, error);
return NULL;
match_count = pcre_exec(
re, /* result of pcre_compile() */
NULL, /* we didn't study the pattern */
caller_profile->destination_number, /* the subject string */
strlen(caller_profile->destination_number), /* the length of the subject string */
0, /* start at offset 0 in the subject */
0, /* default options */
ovector, /* vector of integers for substring information */
sizeof(ovector) / sizeof(ovector[0])); /* number of elements (NOT size in bytes) */
} else if (match_count > 0 && !strcasecmp(var, "match")) {
if (!re) {
switch_console_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_CONSOLE, "ERROR: match without regex in %s line %d\n", cfg.path, cfg.lineno);
} else {
char newval[1024] = "";
char index[10] = "";
char replace[128] = "";
int x, y=0, z=0, num = 0;
char *data;
for (x = 0; x < sizeof(newval) && x < strlen(val);) {
if (val[x] == '$') {
while(val[x] > 47 && val[x] < 58) {
index[z++] = val[x];
index[z++] = '\0';
z = 0;
num = atoi(index);
if (pcre_copy_substring(caller_profile->destination_number, ovector, match_count, num, replace, sizeof(replace)) > 0) {
int r;
for(r = 0; r < strlen(replace); r++) {
newval[y++] = replace[r];
} else {
newval[y++] = val[x];
newval[y++] = '\0';
memset(app, 0, sizeof(app));
switch_copy_string(app, newval, sizeof(app));
if ((data = strchr(app, ' '))) {
*data = '\0';
} else {
switch_console_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_CONSOLE, "invalid extension on line %d\n", cfg.lineno);
if (!extension) {
if (!(extension = switch_caller_extension_new(session, exten_name, caller_profile->destination_number))) {
switch_console_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_CONSOLE, "memory error!\n");
switch_caller_extension_add_application(session, extension, app, data);
if (extension) {
switch_channel_set_state(channel, CS_EXECUTE);
} else {
return extension;
static const switch_dialplan_interface dialplan_interface = {
/*.interface_name =*/ "pcre",
/*.hunt_function = */ dialplan_hunt
/*.next = NULL */
static const switch_loadable_module_interface dialplan_module_interface = {
/*.module_name = */ modname,
/*.endpoint_interface = */ NULL,
/*.timer_interface = */ NULL,
/*.dialplan_interface = */ &dialplan_interface,
/*.codec_interface = */ NULL,
/*.application_interface =*/ NULL
SWITCH_MOD_DECLARE(switch_status) switch_module_load(const switch_loadable_module_interface **interface, char *filename) {
/* connect my internal structure to the blank pointer passed to me */
*interface = &dialplan_module_interface;
/* indicate that the module should continue to be loaded */