# This script attempts to install SQLite3 so that it can be used # by TCL. Invoke this script with single argument which is the # version number of SQLite. Example: # # tclsh tclinstaller.tcl 3.0 # set VERSION [lindex $argv 0] set LIBFILE .libs/libtclsqlite3[info sharedlibextension] if { ![info exists env(DESTDIR)] } { set env(DESTDIR) "" } set LIBDIR $env(DESTDIR)[lindex $auto_path 0] set LIBNAME [file tail $LIBFILE] set LIB $LIBDIR/sqlite3/$LIBNAME file delete -force $LIBDIR/sqlite3 file mkdir $LIBDIR/sqlite3 set fd [open $LIBDIR/sqlite3/pkgIndex.tcl w] puts $fd "package ifneeded sqlite3 $VERSION \[list load $LIB sqlite3\]" close $fd # We cannot use [file copy] because that will just make a copy of # a symbolic link. We have to open and copy the file for ourselves. # set in [open $LIBFILE] fconfigure $in -translation binary set out [open $LIB w] fconfigure $out -translation binary puts -nonewline $out [read $in] close $in close $out