/* * libbencodetools * * Written by Heikki Orsila and * Janne Kulmala in 2011. */ /* Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Bram Cohen and Ross Cohen All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of Codeville nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define die(fmt, ...) /*fprintf(stderr, "bencode: fatal error: " fmt, __VA_ARGS__ ); abort()*/ abort() #define warn(fmt, ...) /*fprintf(stderr, "bencode: warning: " fmt, __VA_ARGS__ )*/ #define MAX_ALLOC (((size_t) -1) / sizeof(struct bencode *) / 2) #define DICT_MAX_ALLOC (((size_t) -1) / sizeof(struct bencode_dict_node) / 2) struct ben_decode_ctx { const char *data; const size_t len; size_t off; int error; int level; char c; int line; struct bencode_type **types; }; struct ben_encode_ctx { char *data; size_t size; size_t pos; }; /* * Buffer size for fitting all unsigned long long and long long integers, * assuming it is at most 64 bits. If long long is larger than 64 bits, * an error is produced when too large an integer is converted. */ #define LONGLONGSIZE 21 static struct bencode *decode_printed(struct ben_decode_ctx *ctx); static void inplace_ben_str(struct bencode_str *b, const char *s, size_t len); static int resize_dict(struct bencode_dict *d, size_t newalloc); static int resize_list(struct bencode_list *list, size_t newalloc); static int unpack(const struct bencode *b, struct ben_decode_ctx *ctx, va_list *vl); static struct bencode *pack(struct ben_decode_ctx *ctx, va_list *vl); static size_t type_size(int type) { switch (type) { case BENCODE_BOOL: return sizeof(struct bencode_bool); case BENCODE_DICT: return sizeof(struct bencode_dict); case BENCODE_INT: return sizeof(struct bencode_int); case BENCODE_LIST: return sizeof(struct bencode_list); case BENCODE_STR: return sizeof(struct bencode_str); default: die("Unknown type: %d\n", type); } } static void *alloc(int type) { struct bencode *b = calloc(1, type_size(type)); if (b == NULL) return NULL; b->type = type; return b; } void *ben_alloc_user(struct bencode_type *type) { struct bencode_user *user = calloc(1, type->size); if (user == NULL) return NULL; user->type = BENCODE_USER; user->info = type; return user; } static int insufficient(struct ben_decode_ctx *ctx) { ctx->error = BEN_INSUFFICIENT; return -1; } static int invalid(struct ben_decode_ctx *ctx) { ctx->error = BEN_INVALID; return -1; } static int mismatch(struct ben_decode_ctx *ctx) { ctx->error = BEN_MISMATCH; return -1; } void *ben_insufficient_ptr(struct ben_decode_ctx *ctx) { ctx->error = BEN_INSUFFICIENT; return NULL; } void *ben_invalid_ptr(struct ben_decode_ctx *ctx) { ctx->error = BEN_INVALID; return NULL; } void *ben_oom_ptr(struct ben_decode_ctx *ctx) { ctx->error = BEN_NO_MEMORY; return NULL; } int ben_need_bytes(const struct ben_decode_ctx *ctx, size_t n) { return ((ctx->off + n) <= ctx->len) ? 0 : -1; } char ben_current_char(const struct ben_decode_ctx *ctx) { return ctx->data[ctx->off]; } const char *ben_current_buf(const struct ben_decode_ctx *ctx, size_t n) { return ben_need_bytes(ctx, n) ? NULL : ctx->data + ctx->off; } void ben_skip(struct ben_decode_ctx *ctx, size_t n) { ctx->off += n; } static struct bencode *internal_blob(void *data, size_t len) { struct bencode_str *b = alloc(BENCODE_STR); if (b == NULL) return NULL; b->s = data; b->len = len; assert(b->s[len] == 0); return (struct bencode *) b; } static void skip_to_next_line(struct ben_decode_ctx *ctx) { for (; ctx->off < ctx->len; ctx->off++) { if (ben_current_char(ctx) == '\n') { ctx->line++; ctx->off++; break; } } } static int seek_char(struct ben_decode_ctx *ctx) { while (ctx->off < ctx->len) { char c = ben_current_char(ctx); if (isspace(c)) { if (c == '\n') ctx->line++; ctx->off++; } else if (c == '#') { /* Skip comment */ ctx->off++; skip_to_next_line(ctx); } else { return 0; } } return insufficient(ctx); } /* * Test if string 's' is located at current position. * Increment current position and return 0 if the string matches. * Returns -1 otherwise. The function avoids buffer overflow. */ static int try_match(struct ben_decode_ctx *ctx, const char *s) { size_t n = strlen(s); if (ben_need_bytes(ctx, n)) return -1; if (memcmp(ctx->data + ctx->off, s, n) != 0) return -1; ctx->off += n; return 0; } static int try_match_with_errors(struct ben_decode_ctx *ctx, const char *s) { size_t n = strlen(s); size_t left = ctx->len - ctx->off; assert(ctx->off <= ctx->len); if (left == 0) return insufficient(ctx); if (left < n) { if (memcmp(ctx->data + ctx->off, s, left) != 0) return invalid(ctx); return insufficient(ctx); } if (memcmp(ctx->data + ctx->off, s, n) != 0) return invalid(ctx); ctx->off += n; return 0; } int ben_allocate(struct bencode *b, size_t n) { switch (b->type) { case BENCODE_DICT: return resize_dict(ben_dict_cast(b), n); case BENCODE_LIST: return resize_list(ben_list_cast(b), n); default: die("ben_allocate(): Unknown type %d\n", b->type); } } static struct bencode *clone_dict(const struct bencode_dict *d) { struct bencode *key; struct bencode *value; struct bencode *newkey; struct bencode *newvalue; size_t pos; struct bencode *newdict = ben_dict(); if (newdict == NULL) return NULL; ben_dict_for_each(key, value, pos, (const struct bencode *) d) { newkey = ben_clone(key); newvalue = ben_clone(value); if (newkey == NULL || newvalue == NULL) { ben_free(newkey); ben_free(newvalue); goto error; } if (ben_dict_set(newdict, newkey, newvalue)) { ben_free(newkey); ben_free(newvalue); goto error; } newkey = NULL; newvalue = NULL; } return newdict; error: ben_free(newdict); return NULL; } static struct bencode *clone_list(const struct bencode_list *list) { struct bencode *value; struct bencode *newvalue; size_t pos; struct bencode *newlist = ben_list(); if (newlist == NULL) return NULL; ben_list_for_each(value, pos, (const struct bencode *) list) { newvalue = ben_clone(value); if (newvalue == NULL) goto error; if (ben_list_append(newlist, newvalue)) { ben_free(newvalue); goto error; } newvalue = NULL; } return newlist; error: ben_free(newlist); return NULL; } static struct bencode *clone_str(const struct bencode_str *s) { return ben_blob(s->s, s->len); } static struct bencode *share_dict(const struct bencode_dict *d) { struct bencode *newdict = ben_dict(); if (newdict == NULL) return NULL; memcpy(newdict, d, sizeof(*d)); ((struct bencode_dict *) newdict)->shared = 1; return newdict; } static struct bencode *share_list(const struct bencode_list *list) { struct bencode *newlist = ben_list(); if (newlist == NULL) return NULL; memcpy(newlist, list, sizeof(*list)); ((struct bencode_list *) newlist)->shared = 1; return newlist; } struct bencode *ben_clone(const struct bencode *b) { switch (b->type) { case BENCODE_BOOL: return ben_bool(ben_bool_const_cast(b)->b); case BENCODE_DICT: return clone_dict(ben_dict_const_cast(b)); case BENCODE_INT: return ben_int(ben_int_const_cast(b)->ll); case BENCODE_LIST: return clone_list(ben_list_const_cast(b)); case BENCODE_STR: return clone_str(ben_str_const_cast(b)); default: die("Invalid type %c\n", b->type); } } struct bencode *ben_shared_clone(const struct bencode *b) { switch (b->type) { case BENCODE_DICT: return share_dict(ben_dict_const_cast(b)); break; case BENCODE_LIST: return share_list(ben_list_const_cast(b)); break; default: return ben_clone(b); } } static int cmp_dict(const struct bencode *a, const struct bencode *b) { size_t len = ben_dict_len(a); size_t pos; struct bencode *key; struct bencode *va; struct bencode *vb; int ret = 0; struct bencode_keyvalue *pairs; if (len != ben_dict_len(b)) { /* Returning any non-zero value is allowed */ return (len < ben_dict_len(b)) ? -1 : 1; } pairs = ben_dict_ordered_items(a); for (pos = 0; pos < len; pos++) { key = pairs[pos].key; va = pairs[pos].value; vb = ben_dict_get(b, key); if (vb == NULL) { /* Returning any non-zero value is allowed */ ret = (a < b) ? -1 : 1; break; } ret = ben_cmp(va, vb); if (ret) break; } free(pairs); return ret; } static int cmp_list(const struct bencode *a, const struct bencode *b) { const struct bencode_list *la; const struct bencode_list *lb; struct bencode *va; struct bencode *vb; size_t cmplen; size_t i; int ret; la = ben_list_const_cast(a); lb = ben_list_const_cast(b); cmplen = (la->n <= lb->n) ? la->n : lb->n; for (i = 0; i < cmplen; ++i) { va = ben_list_get(a, i); vb = ben_list_get(b, i); ret = ben_cmp(va, vb); if (ret) return ret; } if (la->n != lb->n) return (la->n < lb->n) ? -1 : 1; return 0; } int ben_cmp(const struct bencode *a, const struct bencode *b) { size_t cmplen; int ret; const struct bencode_int *ia; const struct bencode_int *ib; const struct bencode_str *sa; const struct bencode_str *sb; const struct bencode_user *ua; const struct bencode_user *ub; if (a->type != b->type) return (a->type == BENCODE_INT) ? -1 : 1; switch (a->type) { case BENCODE_INT: ia = ben_int_const_cast(a); ib = ben_int_const_cast(b); if (ia->ll < ib->ll) return -1; if (ib->ll < ia->ll) return 1; return 0; case BENCODE_STR: sa = ben_str_const_cast(a); sb = ben_str_const_cast(b); cmplen = (sa->len <= sb->len) ? sa->len : sb->len; ret = memcmp(sa->s, sb->s, cmplen); if (ret) return ret < 0 ? -1 : 1; if (sa->len != sb->len) return (sa->len < sb->len) ? -1 : 1; return 0; case BENCODE_DICT: return cmp_dict(a, b); case BENCODE_LIST: return cmp_list(a, b); case BENCODE_USER: ua = ben_user_const_cast(a); ub = ben_user_const_cast(b); if (ua->info != ub->info) return (a < b) ? -1 : 1; return ua->info->cmp(a, b); default: die("Invalid type %c\n", b->type); } } int ben_cmp_with_str(const struct bencode *a, const char *s) { struct bencode_str b; inplace_ben_str(&b, s, strlen(s)); return ben_cmp(a, (struct bencode *) &b); } int ben_cmp_qsort(const void *a, const void *b) { const struct bencode *akey = ((const struct bencode_keyvalue *) a)->key; const struct bencode *bkey = ((const struct bencode_keyvalue *) b)->key; return ben_cmp(akey, bkey); } static struct bencode *decode_bool(struct ben_decode_ctx *ctx) { struct bencode_bool *b; char value; char c; if (ben_need_bytes(ctx, 2)) return ben_insufficient_ptr(ctx); ctx->off++; c = ben_current_char(ctx); if (c != '0' && c != '1') return ben_invalid_ptr(ctx); value = (c == '1'); b = alloc(BENCODE_BOOL); if (b == NULL) return ben_oom_ptr(ctx); b->b = value; ctx->off++; return (struct bencode *) b; } static size_t hash_bucket(long long hash, const struct bencode_dict *d) { return hash & (d->alloc - 1); } static size_t hash_bucket_head(long long hash, const struct bencode_dict *d) { if (d->buckets == NULL) return -1; return d->buckets[hash_bucket(hash, d)]; } static int resize_dict(struct bencode_dict *d, size_t newalloc) { size_t *newbuckets; struct bencode_dict_node *newnodes;; size_t pos; if (newalloc == -1) { if (d->alloc >= DICT_MAX_ALLOC) return -1; if (d->alloc == 0) newalloc = 4; else newalloc = d->alloc * 2; } else { size_t x; if (newalloc < d->n || newalloc > DICT_MAX_ALLOC) return -1; /* Round to next power of two */ x = 1; while (x < newalloc) x <<= 1; assert(x >= newalloc); newalloc = x; if (newalloc > DICT_MAX_ALLOC) return -1; } /* size must be a power of two */ assert((newalloc & (newalloc - 1)) == 0); newbuckets = realloc(d->buckets, sizeof(newbuckets[0]) * newalloc); newnodes = realloc(d->nodes, sizeof(newnodes[0]) * newalloc); if (newnodes == NULL || newbuckets == NULL) { free(newnodes); free(newbuckets); return -1; } d->alloc = newalloc; d->buckets = newbuckets; d->nodes = newnodes; /* Clear all buckets */ memset(d->buckets, -1, d->alloc * sizeof(d->buckets[0])); /* Reinsert nodes into buckets */ for (pos = 0; pos < d->n; pos++) { struct bencode_dict_node *node = &d->nodes[pos]; size_t bucket = hash_bucket(node->hash, d); node->next = d->buckets[bucket]; d->buckets[bucket] = pos; } return 0; } /* The string/binary object hash is copied from Python */ static long long str_hash(const unsigned char *s, size_t len) { long long hash; size_t i; if (len == 0) return 0; hash = s[0] << 7; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) hash = (1000003 * hash) ^ s[i]; hash ^= len; if (hash == -1) hash = -2; return hash; } long long ben_str_hash(const struct bencode *b) { const struct bencode_str *bstr = ben_str_const_cast(b); const unsigned char *s = (unsigned char *) bstr->s; return str_hash(s, bstr->len); } long long ben_int_hash(const struct bencode *b) { long long x = ben_int_const_cast(b)->ll; return (x == -1) ? -2 : x; } long long ben_hash(const struct bencode *b) { switch (b->type) { case BENCODE_INT: return ben_int_hash(b); case BENCODE_STR: return ben_str_hash(b); default: die("hash: Invalid type: %d\n", b->type); } } static struct bencode *decode_dict(struct ben_decode_ctx *ctx) { struct bencode *key; struct bencode *lastkey = NULL; struct bencode *value; struct bencode_dict *d; d = alloc(BENCODE_DICT); if (d == NULL) { //warn("Not enough memory for dict\n"); return ben_oom_ptr(ctx); } ctx->off++; while (ctx->off < ctx->len && ben_current_char(ctx) != 'e') { key = ben_ctx_decode(ctx); if (key == NULL) goto error; if (key->type != BENCODE_INT && key->type != BENCODE_STR) { ben_free(key); key = NULL; ctx->error = BEN_INVALID; //warn("Invalid dict key type\n"); goto error; } if (lastkey != NULL && ben_cmp(lastkey, key) >= 0) { ben_free(key); key = NULL; ctx->error = BEN_INVALID; goto error; } value = ben_ctx_decode(ctx); if (value == NULL) { ben_free(key); key = NULL; goto error; } if (ben_dict_set((struct bencode *) d, key, value)) { ben_free(key); ben_free(value); key = NULL; value = NULL; ctx->error = BEN_NO_MEMORY; goto error; } lastkey = key; } if (ctx->off >= ctx->len) { ctx->error = BEN_INSUFFICIENT; goto error; } ctx->off++; return (struct bencode *) d; error: ben_free((struct bencode *) d); return NULL; } static size_t find(const struct ben_decode_ctx *ctx, char c) { char *match = memchr(ctx->data + ctx->off, c, ctx->len - ctx->off); if (match == NULL) return -1; return (size_t) (match - ctx->data); } /* off is the position of first number in */ static int read_long_long(long long *ll, struct ben_decode_ctx *ctx, int c) { char buf[LONGLONGSIZE]; /* fits all 64 bit integers */ char *endptr; size_t slen; size_t pos = find(ctx, c); if (pos == -1) return insufficient(ctx); slen = pos - ctx->off; if (slen == 0 || slen >= sizeof buf) return invalid(ctx); assert(slen < sizeof buf); memcpy(buf, ctx->data + ctx->off, slen); buf[slen] = 0; if (buf[0] != '-' && !isdigit(buf[0])) return invalid(ctx); errno = 0; *ll = strtoll(buf, &endptr, 10); if (errno == ERANGE || *endptr != 0) return invalid(ctx); /* * Demand a unique encoding for all integers. * Zero may not begin with a (minus) sign. * Non-zero integers may not have leading zeros in the encoding. */ if (buf[0] == '-' && buf[1] == '0') return invalid(ctx); if (buf[0] == '0' && pos != (ctx->off + 1)) return invalid(ctx); ctx->off = pos + 1; return 0; } static struct bencode *decode_int(struct ben_decode_ctx *ctx) { struct bencode_int *b; long long ll; ctx->off++; if (read_long_long(&ll, ctx, 'e')) return NULL; b = alloc(BENCODE_INT); if (b == NULL) return ben_oom_ptr(ctx); b->ll = ll; return (struct bencode *) b; } static int resize_list(struct bencode_list *list, size_t newalloc) { struct bencode **newvalues; size_t newsize; if (newalloc == -1) { if (list->alloc >= MAX_ALLOC) return -1; if (list->alloc == 0) newalloc = 4; else newalloc = list->alloc * 2; } else { if (newalloc < list->n || newalloc > MAX_ALLOC) return -1; } newsize = sizeof(list->values[0]) * newalloc; newvalues = realloc(list->values, newsize); if (newvalues == NULL) return -1; list->alloc = newalloc; list->values = newvalues; return 0; } static struct bencode *decode_list(struct ben_decode_ctx *ctx) { struct bencode_list *l = alloc(BENCODE_LIST); if (l == NULL) return ben_oom_ptr(ctx); ctx->off++; while (ctx->off < ctx->len && ben_current_char(ctx) != 'e') { struct bencode *b = ben_ctx_decode(ctx); if (b == NULL) goto error; if (ben_list_append((struct bencode *) l, b)) { ben_free(b); ctx->error = BEN_NO_MEMORY; goto error; } } if (ctx->off >= ctx->len) { ctx->error = BEN_INSUFFICIENT; goto error; } ctx->off++; return (struct bencode *) l; error: ben_free((struct bencode *) l); return NULL; } static size_t read_size_t(struct ben_decode_ctx *ctx, int c) { long long ll; size_t s; if (read_long_long(&ll, ctx, c)) return -1; if (ll < 0) return invalid(ctx); /* * Test that information is not lost when converting from long long * to size_t */ s = (size_t) ll; if (ll != (long long) s) return invalid(ctx); return s; } static struct bencode *decode_str(struct ben_decode_ctx *ctx) { struct bencode *b; size_t datalen = read_size_t(ctx, ':'); /* Read the string length */ if (datalen == -1) return NULL; if (ben_need_bytes(ctx, datalen)) return ben_insufficient_ptr(ctx); /* Allocate string structure and copy data into it */ b = ben_blob(ctx->data + ctx->off, datalen); ctx->off += datalen; return b; } struct bencode *ben_ctx_decode(struct ben_decode_ctx *ctx) { char c; struct bencode_type *type; struct bencode *b; ctx->level++; if (ctx->level > 256) return ben_invalid_ptr(ctx); if (ctx->off == ctx->len) return ben_insufficient_ptr(ctx); assert (ctx->off < ctx->len); c = ben_current_char(ctx); switch (c) { case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': b = decode_str(ctx); break; case 'b': b = decode_bool(ctx); break; case 'd': b = decode_dict(ctx); break; case 'i': b = decode_int(ctx); break; case 'l': b = decode_list(ctx); break; default: if (ctx->types && (unsigned char) c < 128) { type = ctx->types[(unsigned char) c]; if (type) { ctx->off++; b = type->decode(ctx); } else return ben_invalid_ptr(ctx); } else return ben_invalid_ptr(ctx); } ctx->level--; return b; } struct bencode *ben_decode(const void *data, size_t len) { struct ben_decode_ctx ctx = {.data = data, .len = len}; struct bencode *b = ben_ctx_decode(&ctx); if (b != NULL && ctx.off != len) { ben_free(b); return NULL; } return b; } struct bencode *ben_decode2(const void *data, size_t len, size_t *off, int *error) { struct ben_decode_ctx ctx = {.data = data, .len = len, .off = *off}; struct bencode *b = ben_ctx_decode(&ctx); *off = ctx.off; if (error != NULL) { assert((b != NULL) ^ (ctx.error != 0)); *error = ctx.error; } return b; } struct bencode *ben_decode3(const void *data, size_t len, size_t *off, int *error, struct bencode_type *types[128]) { struct ben_decode_ctx ctx = {.data = data, .len = len, .off = *off, .types = types}; struct bencode *b = ben_ctx_decode(&ctx); *off = ctx.off; if (error != NULL) { assert((b != NULL) ^ (ctx.error != 0)); *error = ctx.error; } return b; } static struct bencode *decode_printed_bool(struct ben_decode_ctx *ctx) { struct bencode *b; int bval = -1; if (try_match(ctx, "True")) { if (ben_need_bytes(ctx, 4)) return ben_insufficient_ptr(ctx); } else { bval = 1; } if (bval < 0) { /* It's not 'True', so it can only be 'False'. Verify it. */ if (try_match_with_errors(ctx, "False")) return NULL; bval = 0; } assert(bval == 0 || bval == 1); b = ben_bool(bval); if (b == NULL) return ben_oom_ptr(ctx); return b; } static struct bencode *decode_printed_dict(struct ben_decode_ctx *ctx) { struct bencode *d = ben_dict(); struct bencode *key = NULL; struct bencode *value = NULL; if (d == NULL) return ben_oom_ptr(ctx); ctx->off++; while (1) { if (seek_char(ctx)) goto nullpath; if (ben_current_char(ctx) == '}') { ctx->off++; break; } key = decode_printed(ctx); if (key == NULL) goto nullpath; if (seek_char(ctx)) goto nullpath; if (ben_current_char(ctx) != ':') goto invalidpath; ctx->off++; value = decode_printed(ctx); if (value == NULL) goto nullpath; if (ben_dict_set(d, key, value)) { ben_free(key); ben_free(value); ben_free(d); return ben_oom_ptr(ctx); } key = NULL; value = NULL; if (seek_char(ctx)) goto nullpath; if (ben_current_char(ctx) == ',') ctx->off++; else if (ben_current_char(ctx) != '}') goto invalidpath; } return d; invalidpath: ben_free(key); ben_free(value); ben_free(d); return ben_invalid_ptr(ctx); nullpath: ben_free(key); ben_free(value); ben_free(d); return NULL; } static struct bencode *decode_printed_int(struct ben_decode_ctx *ctx) { long long ll; char buf[LONGLONGSIZE]; char *end; size_t pos = 0; struct bencode *b; int gotzero = 0; int base = 10; int neg = 0; if (ben_current_char(ctx) == '-') { neg = 1; ctx->off++; } if (ctx->off == ctx->len) return ben_insufficient_ptr(ctx); if (ben_current_char(ctx) == '0') { buf[pos] = '0'; pos++; ctx->off++; gotzero = 1; } if (gotzero) { if (ctx->off == ctx->len) { ll = 0; goto returnwithval; } if (ben_current_char(ctx) == 'x') { pos = 0; base = 16; ctx->off++; if (ctx->off == ctx->len) return ben_insufficient_ptr(ctx); } else if (isdigit(ben_current_char(ctx))) { base = 8; } } else { if (ctx->off == ctx->len) return ben_insufficient_ptr(ctx); } while (ctx->off < ctx->len && pos < sizeof buf) { char c = ben_current_char(ctx); if (base == 16) { if (!isxdigit(c)) break; } else { if (!isdigit(c)) break; } buf[pos] = c; pos++; ctx->off++; } if (pos == 0 || pos == sizeof buf) return ben_invalid_ptr(ctx); buf[pos] = 0; ll = strtoll(buf, &end, base); if (*end != 0) return ben_invalid_ptr(ctx); returnwithval: if (neg) ll = -ll; b = ben_int(ll); if (b == NULL) return ben_oom_ptr(ctx); return b; } static struct bencode *decode_printed_list(struct ben_decode_ctx *ctx) { struct bencode *l = ben_list(); struct bencode *b = NULL; if (l == NULL) return ben_oom_ptr(ctx); ctx->off++; while (1) { if (seek_char(ctx)) goto nullpath; if (ben_current_char(ctx) == ']') { ctx->off++; break; } b = decode_printed(ctx); if (b == NULL) goto nullpath; if (ben_list_append(l, b)) { ben_free(b); ben_free(l); return ben_oom_ptr(ctx); } b = NULL; if (seek_char(ctx)) goto nullpath; if (ben_current_char(ctx) == ',') ctx->off++; else if (ben_current_char(ctx) != ']') { ben_free(l); return ben_invalid_ptr(ctx); } } return l; nullpath: ben_free(b); ben_free(l); return NULL; } static struct bencode *decode_printed_str(struct ben_decode_ctx *ctx) { size_t pos; char *s = NULL; size_t len = 0; char initial = ben_current_char(ctx); struct bencode *b; ctx->off++; pos = ctx->off; while (pos < ctx->len) { char c = ctx->data[pos]; if (!isprint(c)) return ben_invalid_ptr(ctx); if (c == initial) break; len++; pos++; if (c != '\\') continue; /* Normal printable char, e.g. 'a' */ /* Handle '\\' */ if (pos == ctx->len) return ben_insufficient_ptr(ctx); c = ctx->data[pos]; pos++; if (c == 'x') { /* hexadecimal value: \xHH */ pos += 2; } } if (pos >= ctx->len) return ben_insufficient_ptr(ctx); s = malloc(len + 1); if (s == NULL) return ben_oom_ptr(ctx); pos = 0; while (ctx->off < ctx->len) { char c = ben_current_char(ctx); assert(isprint(c)); if (c == initial) break; assert(pos < len); ctx->off++; if (c != '\\') { s[pos] = c; pos++; continue; /* Normal printable char, e.g. 'a' */ } /* Handle '\\' */ /* * Note, we do assert because we have already verified in the * previous loop that there is sufficient data. */ assert(ctx->off != ctx->len); c = ben_current_char(ctx); ctx->off++; if (c == 'x') { /* hexadecimal value: \xHH */ char *end; unsigned long x; char buf[3]; assert((ctx->off + 1) < ctx->len); buf[0] = ctx->data[ctx->off + 0]; buf[1] = ctx->data[ctx->off + 1]; buf[2] = 0; ctx->off += 2; x = strtoul(buf, &end, 16); if (*end != 0) goto invalid; assert(x < 256); c = (char) x; } s[pos] = c; pos++; } assert(pos == len); if (ctx->off >= ctx->len) return ben_insufficient_ptr(ctx); ctx->off++; s[pos] = 0; /* the area must always be zero terminated! */ b = internal_blob(s, len); if (b == NULL) { free(s); return ben_oom_ptr(ctx); } return b; invalid: free(s); return ben_invalid_ptr(ctx); } static struct bencode *decode_printed(struct ben_decode_ctx *ctx) { struct bencode *b; ctx->level++; if (ctx->level > 256) return ben_invalid_ptr(ctx); if (seek_char(ctx)) return NULL; switch (ben_current_char(ctx)) { case '\'': case '"': b = decode_printed_str(ctx); break; case '-': case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': b = decode_printed_int(ctx); break; case 'F': case 'T': b = decode_printed_bool(ctx); break; case '[': b = decode_printed_list(ctx); break; case '{': b = decode_printed_dict(ctx); break; default: return ben_invalid_ptr(ctx); } ctx->level--; return b; } struct bencode *ben_decode_printed(const void *data, size_t len) { struct ben_decode_ctx ctx = {.data = data, .len = len}; return decode_printed(&ctx); } struct bencode *ben_decode_printed2(const void *data, size_t len, size_t *off, struct bencode_error *error) { struct ben_decode_ctx ctx = {.data = data, .len = len, .off = *off}; struct bencode *b = decode_printed(&ctx); *off = ctx.off; if (error != NULL) { assert((b != NULL) ^ (ctx.error != 0)); error->error = ctx.error; if (b != NULL) { error->off = 0; error->line = 0; } else { error->off = ctx.off; error->line = ctx.line; } } return b; } static void free_dict(struct bencode_dict *d) { size_t pos; if (d->shared) return; for (pos = 0; pos < d->n; pos++) { ben_free(d->nodes[pos].key); ben_free(d->nodes[pos].value); d->nodes[pos].key = NULL; d->nodes[pos].value = NULL; } free(d->buckets); free(d->nodes); } static void free_list(struct bencode_list *list) { size_t pos; if (list->shared) return; for (pos = 0; pos < list->n; pos++) { ben_free(list->values[pos]); list->values[pos] = NULL; } free(list->values); } int ben_put_char(struct ben_encode_ctx *ctx, char c) { if (ctx->pos >= ctx->size) return -1; ctx->data[ctx->pos] = c; ctx->pos++; return 0; } int ben_put_buffer(struct ben_encode_ctx *ctx, const void *buf, size_t len) { if ((ctx->pos + len) > ctx->size) return -1; memcpy(ctx->data + ctx->pos, buf, len); ctx->pos += len; return 0; } static int puthexchar(struct ben_encode_ctx *ctx, unsigned char hex) { char buf[5]; int len = snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "\\x%.2x", hex); assert(len == 4); return ben_put_buffer(ctx, buf, len); } static int putlonglong(struct ben_encode_ctx *ctx, long long ll) { char buf[LONGLONGSIZE]; int len = snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "%lld", ll); assert(len > 0); return ben_put_buffer(ctx, buf, len); } static int putunsignedlonglong(struct ben_encode_ctx *ctx, unsigned long long llu) { char buf[LONGLONGSIZE]; int len = snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "%llu", llu); assert(len > 0); return ben_put_buffer(ctx, buf, len); } static int putstr(struct ben_encode_ctx *ctx, char *s) { return ben_put_buffer(ctx, s, strlen(s)); } static int print(struct ben_encode_ctx *ctx, const struct bencode *b) { const struct bencode_bool *boolean; const struct bencode_int *integer; const struct bencode_list *list; const struct bencode_str *s; size_t i; size_t len; struct bencode_keyvalue *pairs; switch (b->type) { case BENCODE_BOOL: boolean = ben_bool_const_cast(b); return putstr(ctx, boolean->b ? "True" : "False"); case BENCODE_DICT: if (ben_put_char(ctx, '{')) return -1; pairs = ben_dict_ordered_items(b); if (pairs == NULL) { //warn("No memory for dict serialization\n"); return -1; } len = ben_dict_len(b); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (print(ctx, pairs[i].key)) break; if (putstr(ctx, ": ")) break; if (print(ctx, pairs[i].value)) break; if (i < (len - 1)) { if (putstr(ctx, ", ")) break; } } free(pairs); pairs = NULL; if (i < len) return -1; return ben_put_char(ctx, '}'); case BENCODE_INT: integer = ben_int_const_cast(b); if (putlonglong(ctx, integer->ll)) return -1; return 0; case BENCODE_LIST: if (ben_put_char(ctx, '[')) return -1; list = ben_list_const_cast(b); for (i = 0; i < list->n; i++) { if (print(ctx, list->values[i])) return -1; if (i < (list->n - 1) && putstr(ctx, ", ")) return -1; } return ben_put_char(ctx, ']'); case BENCODE_STR: s = ben_str_const_cast(b); if (ben_put_char(ctx, '\'')) return -1; for (i = 0; i < s->len; i++) { if (!isprint(s->s[i])) { if (puthexchar(ctx, s->s[i])) return -1; continue; } switch (s->s[i]) { case '\'': case '\\': /* Need escape character */ if (ben_put_char(ctx, '\\')) return -1; default: if (ben_put_char(ctx, s->s[i])) return -1; break; } } return ben_put_char(ctx, '\''); default: die("serialization type %d not implemented\n", b->type); } } static size_t get_printed_size(const struct bencode *b) { size_t pos; const struct bencode_bool *boolean; const struct bencode_dict *d; const struct bencode_int *i; const struct bencode_list *l; const struct bencode_str *s; size_t size = 0; char buf[1]; switch (b->type) { case BENCODE_BOOL: boolean = ben_bool_const_cast(b); return boolean->b ? 4 : 5; /* "True" and "False" */ case BENCODE_DICT: size++; /* "{" */ d = ben_dict_const_cast(b); for (pos = 0; pos < d->n; pos++) { size += get_printed_size(d->nodes[pos].key); size += 2; /* ": " */ size += get_printed_size(d->nodes[pos].value); if (pos < (d->n - 1)) size += 2; /* ", " */ } size++; /* "}" */ return size; case BENCODE_INT: i = ben_int_const_cast(b); return snprintf(buf, 0, "%lld", i->ll); case BENCODE_LIST: size++; /* "[" */ l = ben_list_const_cast(b); for (pos = 0; pos < l->n; pos++) { size += get_printed_size(l->values[pos]); if (pos < (l->n - 1)) size += 2; /* ", " */ } size++; /* "]" */ return size; case BENCODE_STR: s = ben_str_const_cast(b); size++; /* ' */ for (pos = 0; pos < s->len; pos++) { if (!isprint(s->s[pos])) { size += 4; /* "\xDD" */ continue; } switch (s->s[pos]) { case '\'': case '\\': size += 2; /* escaped characters */ break; default: size++; break; } } size++; /* ' */ return size; default: die("Unknown type: %c\n", b->type); } } int ben_ctx_encode(struct ben_encode_ctx *ctx, const struct bencode *b) { const struct bencode_bool *boolean; const struct bencode_int *integer; const struct bencode_list *list; const struct bencode_str *s; const struct bencode_user *u; size_t i; size_t len; struct bencode_keyvalue *pairs; switch (b->type) { case BENCODE_BOOL: boolean = ben_bool_const_cast(b); return putstr(ctx, boolean->b ? "b1" : "b0"); case BENCODE_DICT: if (ben_put_char(ctx, 'd')) return -1; pairs = ben_dict_ordered_items(b); if (pairs == NULL) { //warn("No memory for dict serialization\n"); return -1; } len = ben_dict_len(b); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (ben_ctx_encode(ctx, pairs[i].key)) break; if (ben_ctx_encode(ctx, pairs[i].value)) break; } free(pairs); pairs = NULL; if (i < len) return -1; return ben_put_char(ctx, 'e'); case BENCODE_INT: if (ben_put_char(ctx, 'i')) return -1; integer = ben_int_const_cast(b); if (putlonglong(ctx, integer->ll)) return -1; return ben_put_char(ctx, 'e'); case BENCODE_LIST: if (ben_put_char(ctx, 'l')) return -1; list = ben_list_const_cast(b); for (i = 0; i < list->n; i++) { if (ben_ctx_encode(ctx, list->values[i])) return -1; } return ben_put_char(ctx, 'e'); case BENCODE_STR: s = ben_str_const_cast(b); if (putunsignedlonglong(ctx, ((long long) s->len))) return -1; if (ben_put_char(ctx, ':')) return -1; return ben_put_buffer(ctx, s->s, s->len); case BENCODE_USER: u = ben_user_const_cast(b); return u->info->encode(ctx, b); default: die("serialization type %d not implemented\n", b->type); } } static size_t get_size(const struct bencode *b) { size_t pos; const struct bencode_dict *d; const struct bencode_int *i; const struct bencode_list *l; const struct bencode_str *s; const struct bencode_user *u; size_t size = 0; char buf[1]; switch (b->type) { case BENCODE_BOOL: return 2; case BENCODE_DICT: d = ben_dict_const_cast(b); for (pos = 0; pos < d->n; pos++) { size += get_size(d->nodes[pos].key); size += get_size(d->nodes[pos].value); } return size + 2; case BENCODE_INT: i = ben_int_const_cast(b); return 2 + snprintf(buf, 0, "%lld", i->ll); case BENCODE_LIST: l = ben_list_const_cast(b); for (pos = 0; pos < l->n; pos++) size += get_size(l->values[pos]); return size + 2; case BENCODE_STR: s = ben_str_const_cast(b); return snprintf(buf, 0, "%zu", s->len) + 1 + s->len; case BENCODE_USER: u = ben_user_const_cast(b); return u->info->get_size(b); default: die("Unknown type: %c\n", b->type); } } size_t ben_encoded_size(const struct bencode *b) { return get_size(b); } void *ben_encode(size_t *len, const struct bencode *b) { size_t size = get_size(b); void *data = malloc(size + 1); struct ben_encode_ctx ctx = {.data = data, .size = size}; if (data == NULL) { //warn("No memory to encode\n"); return NULL; } if (ben_ctx_encode(&ctx, b)) { free(ctx.data); return NULL; } assert(ctx.pos == size); ctx.data[size] = '\0'; *len = ctx.pos; return data; } size_t ben_encode2(char *data, size_t maxlen, const struct bencode *b) { struct ben_encode_ctx ctx = {.data = data, .size = maxlen, .pos = 0}; if (ben_ctx_encode(&ctx, b)) return -1; return ctx.pos; } void ben_free(struct bencode *b) { struct bencode_str *s; struct bencode_user *u; size_t size; if (b == NULL) return; switch (b->type) { case BENCODE_BOOL: break; case BENCODE_DICT: free_dict(ben_dict_cast(b)); break; case BENCODE_INT: break; case BENCODE_LIST: free_list(ben_list_cast(b)); break; case BENCODE_STR: s = ben_str_cast(b); free(s->s); break; case BENCODE_USER: u = ben_user_cast(b); if (u->info->freer) u->info->freer(b); break; default: die("invalid type: %d\n", b->type); } if (b->type == BENCODE_USER) size = ((struct bencode_user *) b)->info->size; else size = type_size(b->type); memset(b, -1, size); /* data poison */ free(b); } struct bencode *ben_blob(const void *data, size_t len) { struct bencode_str *b = alloc(BENCODE_STR); if (b == NULL) return NULL; /* Allocate one extra byte for zero termination for convenient use */ b->s = malloc(len + 1); if (b->s == NULL) { free(b); return NULL; } memcpy(b->s, data, len); b->len = len; b->s[len] = 0; return (struct bencode *) b; } struct bencode *ben_bool(int boolean) { struct bencode_bool *b = alloc(BENCODE_BOOL); if (b == NULL) return NULL; b->b = boolean ? 1 : 0; return (struct bencode *) b; } struct bencode *ben_dict(void) { return alloc(BENCODE_DICT); } struct bencode *ben_dict_get(const struct bencode *dict, const struct bencode *key) { const struct bencode_dict *d = ben_dict_const_cast(dict); long long hash = ben_hash(key); size_t pos = hash_bucket_head(hash, d); while (pos != -1) { assert(pos < d->n); if (d->nodes[pos].hash == hash && ben_cmp(d->nodes[pos].key, key) == 0) return d->nodes[pos].value; pos = d->nodes[pos].next; } return NULL; } /* * Note, we do not re-allocate memory, so one may not call ben_free for these * instances. These are only used to optimize speed. */ static void inplace_ben_str(struct bencode_str *b, const char *s, size_t len) { b->type = BENCODE_STR; b->len = len; b->s = (char *) s; } static void inplace_ben_int(struct bencode_int *i, long long ll) { i->type = BENCODE_INT; i->ll = ll; } struct bencode *ben_dict_get_by_str(const struct bencode *dict, const char *key) { struct bencode_str s; inplace_ben_str(&s, key, strlen(key)); return ben_dict_get(dict, (struct bencode *) &s); } struct bencode *ben_dict_get_by_int(const struct bencode *dict, long long key) { struct bencode_int i; inplace_ben_int(&i, key); return ben_dict_get(dict, (struct bencode *) &i); } struct bencode_keyvalue *ben_dict_ordered_items(const struct bencode *b) { struct bencode_keyvalue *pairs; size_t i; const struct bencode_dict *dict = ben_dict_const_cast(b); if (dict == NULL) return NULL; pairs = malloc(dict->n * sizeof(pairs[0])); if (pairs == NULL) return NULL; for (i = 0; i < dict->n; i++) { pairs[i].key = dict->nodes[i].key; pairs[i].value = dict->nodes[i].value; } qsort(pairs, dict->n, sizeof(pairs[0]), ben_cmp_qsort); return pairs; } static size_t dict_find_pos(struct bencode_dict *d, const struct bencode *key, long long hash) { size_t pos = hash_bucket_head(hash, d); while (pos != -1) { assert(pos < d->n); if (d->nodes[pos].hash == hash && ben_cmp(d->nodes[pos].key, key) == 0) break; pos = d->nodes[pos].next; } return pos; } static void dict_unlink(struct bencode_dict *d, size_t bucket, size_t unlinkpos) { size_t pos = d->buckets[bucket]; size_t next; size_t nextnext; assert(unlinkpos < d->n); if (pos == unlinkpos) { next = d->nodes[unlinkpos].next; assert(next < d->n || next == -1); d->buckets[bucket] = next; return; } while (pos != -1) { assert(pos < d->n); next = d->nodes[pos].next; if (next == unlinkpos) { nextnext = d->nodes[next].next; assert(nextnext < d->n || nextnext == -1); d->nodes[pos].next = nextnext; return; } pos = next; } die("Key should have been found. Can not unlink position %zu.\n", unlinkpos); } /* Remove node from the linked list, if found */ static struct bencode *dict_pop(struct bencode_dict *d, const struct bencode *key, long long hash) { struct bencode *value; size_t removebucket = hash_bucket(hash, d); size_t tailpos = d->n - 1; size_t tailhash = d->nodes[tailpos].hash; size_t tailbucket = hash_bucket(tailhash, d); size_t removepos; removepos = dict_find_pos(d, key, hash); if (removepos == -1) return NULL; key = NULL; /* avoid using the pointer again, it may not be valid */ /* * WARNING: complicated code follows. * * First, unlink the node to be removed and the tail node. * We will actually later swap the positions of removed node and * tail node inside the d->nodes array. We want to preserve * d->nodes array in a state where positions from 0 to (d->n - 1) * are always occupied with a valid node. This is done to make * dictionary walk fast by simply walking positions 0 to (d->n - 1) * in a for loop. */ dict_unlink(d, removebucket, removepos); if (removepos != tailpos) dict_unlink(d, tailbucket, tailpos); /* Then read the removed node and free its key */ value = d->nodes[removepos].value; ben_free(d->nodes[removepos].key); /* Then re-insert the unliked tail node in the place of removed node */ d->nodes[removepos] = d->nodes[tailpos]; memset(&d->nodes[tailpos], 0, sizeof d->nodes[tailpos]); /* poison */ d->nodes[tailpos].next = ((size_t) -1) / 2; /* * Then re-link the tail node to its bucket, unless the tail node * was the one to be removed. */ if (removepos != tailpos) { d->nodes[removepos].next = d->buckets[tailbucket]; d->buckets[tailbucket] = removepos; } d->n--; if (d->n <= (d->alloc / 4) && d->alloc >= 8) resize_dict(d, d->alloc / 2); return value; } struct bencode *ben_dict_pop(struct bencode *dict, const struct bencode *key) { struct bencode_dict *d = ben_dict_cast(dict); return dict_pop(d, key, ben_hash(key)); } struct bencode *ben_dict_pop_by_str(struct bencode *dict, const char *key) { struct bencode_str s; inplace_ben_str(&s, key, strlen(key)); return ben_dict_pop(dict, (struct bencode *) &s); } struct bencode *ben_dict_pop_by_int(struct bencode *dict, long long key) { struct bencode_int i; inplace_ben_int(&i, key); return ben_dict_pop(dict, (struct bencode *) &i); } /* This can be used from the ben_dict_for_each() iterator */ struct bencode *ben_dict_pop_current(struct bencode *dict, size_t *pos) { struct bencode_dict *d = ben_dict_cast(dict); struct bencode *value = ben_dict_pop(dict, d->nodes[*pos].key); (*pos)--; return value; } int ben_dict_set(struct bencode *dict, struct bencode *key, struct bencode *value) { struct bencode_dict *d = ben_dict_cast(dict); long long hash = ben_hash(key); size_t bucket; size_t pos; assert(value != NULL); pos = hash_bucket_head(hash, d); for (; pos != -1; pos = d->nodes[pos].next) { assert(pos < d->n); if (d->nodes[pos].hash != hash || ben_cmp(d->nodes[pos].key, key) != 0) continue; ben_free(d->nodes[pos].key); ben_free(d->nodes[pos].value); d->nodes[pos].key = key; d->nodes[pos].value = value; /* 'hash' and 'next' members stay the same */ return 0; } assert(d->n <= d->alloc); if (d->n == d->alloc && resize_dict(d, -1)) return -1; bucket = hash_bucket(hash, d); pos = d->n; d->nodes[pos] = (struct bencode_dict_node) {.hash = hash, .key = key, .value = value, .next = d->buckets[bucket]}; d->n++; d->buckets[bucket] = pos; return 0; } int ben_dict_set_by_str(struct bencode *dict, const char *key, struct bencode *value) { struct bencode *bkey = ben_str(key); if (bkey == NULL) return -1; if (ben_dict_set(dict, bkey, value)) { ben_free(bkey); return -1; } return 0; } int ben_dict_set_str_by_str(struct bencode *dict, const char *key, const char *value) { struct bencode *bkey = ben_str(key); struct bencode *bvalue = ben_str(value); if (bkey == NULL || bvalue == NULL) { ben_free(bkey); ben_free(bvalue); return -1; } if (ben_dict_set(dict, bkey, bvalue)) { ben_free(bkey); ben_free(bvalue); return -1; } return 0; } struct bencode *ben_int(long long ll) { struct bencode_int *b = alloc(BENCODE_INT); if (b == NULL) return NULL; b->ll = ll; return (struct bencode *) b; } struct bencode *ben_list(void) { return alloc(BENCODE_LIST); } int ben_list_append(struct bencode *list, struct bencode *b) { struct bencode_list *l = ben_list_cast(list); /* NULL pointer de-reference if the cast fails */ assert(l->n <= l->alloc); if (l->n == l->alloc && resize_list(l, -1)) return -1; assert(b != NULL); l->values[l->n] = b; l->n++; return 0; } int ben_list_append_str(struct bencode *list, const char *s) { struct bencode *bs = ben_str(s); if (bs == NULL) return -1; return ben_list_append(list, bs); } int ben_list_append_int(struct bencode *list, long long ll) { struct bencode *bll = ben_int(ll); if (bll == NULL) return -1; return ben_list_append(list, bll); } struct bencode *ben_list_pop(struct bencode *list, size_t pos) { struct bencode_list *l = ben_list_cast(list); struct bencode *value; assert(pos < l->n); value = ben_list_get(list, pos); for (; (pos + 1) < l->n; pos++) l->values[pos] = l->values[pos + 1]; l->values[l->n - 1] = NULL; l->n--; return value; } void ben_list_set(struct bencode *list, size_t i, struct bencode *b) { struct bencode_list *l = ben_list_cast(list); if (i >= l->n) die("ben_list_set() out of bounds: %zu\n", i); ben_free(l->values[i]); assert(b != NULL); l->values[i] = b; } char *ben_print(const struct bencode *b) { size_t size = get_printed_size(b); char *data = malloc(size + 1); struct ben_encode_ctx ctx = {.data = data, .size = size, .pos = 0}; if (data == NULL) { //warn("No memory to print\n"); return NULL; } if (print(&ctx, b)) { free(data); return NULL; } assert(ctx.pos == size); data[ctx.pos] = 0; return data; } struct bencode *ben_str(const char *s) { return ben_blob(s, strlen(s)); } const char *ben_strerror(int error) { switch (error) { case BEN_OK: return "OK (no error)"; case BEN_INVALID: return "Invalid data"; case BEN_INSUFFICIENT: return "Insufficient amount of data (need more data)"; case BEN_NO_MEMORY: return "Out of memory"; case BEN_MISMATCH: return "A given structure did not match unpack format"; default: fprintf(stderr, "Unknown error code: %d\n", error); return NULL; } } static int unpack_pointer(const struct bencode *b, struct ben_decode_ctx *ctx, va_list *vl) { const char **str; const struct bencode **ptr; ctx->off++; if (ctx->off >= ctx->len) return insufficient(ctx); switch (ben_current_char(ctx)) { case 's': /* %ps */ ctx->off++; if (b->type != BENCODE_STR) return mismatch(ctx); str = va_arg(*vl, const char **); *str = ben_str_val(b); return 0; case 'b': /* %pb */ ctx->off++; ptr = va_arg(*vl, const struct bencode **); *ptr = b; return 0; default: return invalid(ctx); } } static int unpack_value(const struct bencode *b, struct ben_decode_ctx *ctx, va_list *vl) { long long val; long long *ll; long *l; int *i; unsigned long long *ull; unsigned long *ul; unsigned int *ui; int longflag = 0; ctx->off++; while (ctx->off < ctx->len) { switch (ben_current_char(ctx)) { case 'l': ctx->off++; longflag++; break; case 'L': case 'q': ctx->off++; longflag = 2; break; case 'p': return unpack_pointer(b, ctx, vl); /* signed */ case 'd': ctx->off++; if (b->type != BENCODE_INT) return mismatch(ctx); val = ben_int_val(b); switch (longflag) { case 0: i = va_arg(*vl, int *); *i = val; /* Test that no information was lost in conversion */ if ((long long) *i != val) return mismatch(ctx); break; case 1: l = va_arg(*vl, long *); *l = val; if ((long long) *l != val) return mismatch(ctx); break; case 2: ll = va_arg(*vl, long long *); *ll = val; break; } return 0; /* unsigned */ case 'u': ctx->off++; if (b->type != BENCODE_INT) return mismatch(ctx); val = ben_int_val(b); if (val < 0) return mismatch(ctx); switch (longflag) { case 0: ui = va_arg(*vl, unsigned int *); *ui = val; if ((long long) *ui != val) return mismatch(ctx); break; case 1: ul = va_arg(*vl, unsigned long *); *ul = val; if ((long long) *ul != val) return mismatch(ctx); break; case 2: ull = va_arg(*vl, unsigned long long *); *ull = val; break; } return 0; default: return invalid(ctx); } } return insufficient(ctx); } static int unpack_dict(const struct bencode *b, struct ben_decode_ctx *ctx, va_list *vl) { struct bencode *key = NULL; const struct bencode *val; if (b->type != BENCODE_DICT) return mismatch(ctx); ctx->off++; while (1) { if (seek_char(ctx)) return -1; if (ben_current_char(ctx) == '}') { ctx->off++; break; } switch (ben_current_char(ctx)) { case '\'': case '"': key = decode_printed_str(ctx); break; case '-': case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': key = decode_printed_int(ctx); break; default: return invalid(ctx); } if (key == NULL) return -1; val = ben_dict_get(b, key); ben_free(key); if (val == NULL) return mismatch(ctx); if (seek_char(ctx)) return -1; if (ben_current_char(ctx) != ':') return invalid(ctx); ctx->off++; if (unpack(val, ctx, vl)) return -1; if (seek_char(ctx)) return -1; if (ben_current_char(ctx) == ',') ctx->off++; else if (ben_current_char(ctx) != '}') return invalid(ctx); } return 0; } static int unpack_list(const struct bencode *b, struct ben_decode_ctx *ctx, va_list *vl) { const struct bencode_list *list; size_t i = 0; if (b->type != BENCODE_LIST) return mismatch(ctx); list = ben_list_const_cast(b); ctx->off++; while (1) { if (seek_char(ctx)) return -1; if (ben_current_char(ctx) == ']') { ctx->off++; break; } if (i >= list->n) return mismatch(ctx); if (unpack(list->values[i], ctx, vl)) return -1; i++; if (seek_char(ctx)) return -1; if (ben_current_char(ctx) == ',') ctx->off++; else if (ben_current_char(ctx) != ']') return invalid(ctx); } if (i != list->n) return mismatch(ctx); return 0; } static int unpack(const struct bencode *b, struct ben_decode_ctx *ctx, va_list *vl) { if (seek_char(ctx)) return insufficient(ctx); switch (ben_current_char(ctx)) { case '{': return unpack_dict(b, ctx, vl); case '[': return unpack_list(b, ctx, vl); case '%': return unpack_value(b, ctx, vl); default: break; } return -1; } static int unpack_all(const struct bencode *b, struct ben_decode_ctx *ctx, va_list *vl) { if (unpack(b, ctx, vl)) return -1; /* check for left over characters */ seek_char(ctx); ctx->error = 0; if (ctx->off < ctx->len) return invalid(ctx); return 0; } int ben_unpack(const struct bencode *b, const char *fmt, ...) { struct ben_decode_ctx ctx = {.data = fmt, .len = strlen(fmt)}; int ret; va_list vl; va_start(vl, fmt); ret = unpack_all(b, &ctx, &vl); va_end(vl); return ret; } int ben_unpack2(const struct bencode *b, size_t *off, struct bencode_error *error, const char *fmt, ...) { struct ben_decode_ctx ctx = {.data = fmt, .len = strlen(fmt)}; int ret; va_list vl; va_start(vl, fmt); ret = unpack_all(b, &ctx, &vl); va_end(vl); *off = ctx.off; if (error != NULL) { assert((ret == 0) ^ (ctx.error != 0)); error->error = ctx.error; if (ret != 0) { error->off = 0; error->line = 0; } else { error->off = ctx.off; error->line = ctx.line; } } return 0; } static struct bencode *pack_pointer(struct ben_decode_ctx *ctx, va_list *vl) { struct bencode *b = NULL; ctx->off++; if (ctx->off >= ctx->len) return ben_insufficient_ptr(ctx); switch (ben_current_char(ctx)) { case 'b': /* %pb */ ctx->off++; b = va_arg(*vl, struct bencode *); break; default: return ben_invalid_ptr(ctx); } return b; } static struct bencode *pack_value(struct ben_decode_ctx *ctx, va_list *vl) { struct bencode *b = NULL; unsigned long long ull; long long val; int longflag = 0; ctx->off++; while (ctx->off < ctx->len) { switch (ben_current_char(ctx)) { case 'l': ctx->off++; longflag++; break; case 'L': case 'q': ctx->off++; longflag = 2; break; case 's': ctx->off++; b = ben_str(va_arg(*vl, const char *)); if (b == NULL) return ben_oom_ptr(ctx); break; case 'p': b = pack_pointer(ctx, vl); break; /* signed */ case 'd': ctx->off++; switch (longflag) { case 0: val = va_arg(*vl, int); break; case 1: val = va_arg(*vl, long); break; case 2: val = va_arg(*vl, long long); break; default: return ben_invalid_ptr(ctx); } b = ben_int(val); if (b == NULL) return ben_oom_ptr(ctx); break; /* unsigned */ case 'u': ctx->off++; switch (longflag) { case 0: val = va_arg(*vl, unsigned int); break; case 1: val = va_arg(*vl, unsigned long); break; case 2: ull = va_arg(*vl, unsigned long long); /* Check that no information was lost */ val = ull; if ((long long) ull != val) return ben_invalid_ptr(ctx); break; default: return ben_invalid_ptr(ctx); } b = ben_int(val); if (b == NULL) return ben_oom_ptr(ctx); break; default: return ben_invalid_ptr(ctx); } if (b) return b; } return ben_insufficient_ptr(ctx); } static struct bencode *pack_dict(struct ben_decode_ctx *ctx, va_list *vl) { struct bencode *d = ben_dict(); struct bencode *key = NULL; struct bencode *value = NULL; if (d == NULL) return ben_oom_ptr(ctx); ctx->off++; while (1) { if (seek_char(ctx)) goto nullpath; if (ben_current_char(ctx) == '}') { ctx->off++; break; } key = pack(ctx, vl); if (key == NULL) goto nullpath; if (seek_char(ctx)) goto nullpath; if (ben_current_char(ctx) != ':') goto invalidpath; ctx->off++; value = pack(ctx, vl); if (value == NULL) goto nullpath; if (ben_dict_set(d, key, value)) { ben_free(key); ben_free(value); ben_free(d); return ben_oom_ptr(ctx); } key = NULL; value = NULL; if (seek_char(ctx)) goto nullpath; if (ben_current_char(ctx) == ',') ctx->off++; else if (ben_current_char(ctx) != '}') goto invalidpath; } return d; nullpath: ben_free(d); ben_free(key); ben_free(value); return NULL; invalidpath: ben_free(d); ben_free(key); ben_free(value); return ben_invalid_ptr(ctx); } static struct bencode *pack_list(struct ben_decode_ctx *ctx, va_list *vl) { struct bencode *l = ben_list(); struct bencode *val = NULL; if (l == NULL) return ben_oom_ptr(ctx); ctx->off++; while (1) { if (seek_char(ctx)) goto nullpath; if (ben_current_char(ctx) == ']') { ctx->off++; break; } val = pack(ctx, vl); if (val == NULL) goto nullpath; if (ben_list_append(l, val)) { ben_free(val); ben_free(l); return ben_oom_ptr(ctx); } val = NULL; if (seek_char(ctx)) goto nullpath; if (ben_current_char(ctx) == ',') ctx->off++; else if (ben_current_char(ctx) != ']') { ben_free(l); return ben_invalid_ptr(ctx); } } return l; nullpath: ben_free(l); ben_free(val); return NULL; } static struct bencode *pack(struct ben_decode_ctx *ctx, va_list *vl) { if (seek_char(ctx)) return ben_insufficient_ptr(ctx); switch (ben_current_char(ctx)) { case '\'': case '"': return decode_printed_str(ctx); case '-': case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': return decode_printed_int(ctx); case 'F': case 'T': return decode_printed_bool(ctx); case '{': return pack_dict(ctx, vl); case '[': return pack_list(ctx, vl); case '%': return pack_value(ctx, vl); default: return ben_invalid_ptr(ctx); } return NULL; } struct bencode *ben_pack(const char *fmt, ...) { struct ben_decode_ctx ctx = {.data = fmt, .len = strlen(fmt)}; struct bencode *b; va_list vl; va_start(vl, fmt); b = pack(&ctx, &vl); va_end(vl); /* check for left over characters */ seek_char(&ctx); if (ctx.off < ctx.len) { ben_free(b); return NULL; } return b; }