/* * FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application * Copyright (C) 2005-2012, Anthony Minessale II * * Version: MPL 1.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Anthony Minessale II * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * * Karl Anderson * Darren Schreiber * * * mod_kazoo.c -- Socket Controlled Event Handler * */ #include "mod_kazoo.h" #define KAZOO_DESC "kazoo information" #define KAZOO_SYNTAX " []" SWITCH_MODULE_LOAD_FUNCTION(mod_kazoo_load); SWITCH_MODULE_SHUTDOWN_FUNCTION(mod_kazoo_shutdown); SWITCH_MODULE_RUNTIME_FUNCTION(mod_kazoo_runtime); SWITCH_MODULE_DEFINITION(mod_kazoo, mod_kazoo_load, mod_kazoo_shutdown, mod_kazoo_runtime); SWITCH_DECLARE_GLOBAL_STRING_FUNC(set_pref_ip, globals.ip); SWITCH_DECLARE_GLOBAL_STRING_FUNC(set_pref_ei_cookie, globals.ei_cookie); SWITCH_DECLARE_GLOBAL_STRING_FUNC(set_pref_ei_nodename, globals.ei_nodename); SWITCH_DECLARE_GLOBAL_STRING_FUNC(set_pref_kazoo_var_prefix, globals.kazoo_var_prefix); static switch_status_t api_erlang_status(switch_stream_handle_t *stream) { switch_sockaddr_t *sa; uint16_t port; char ipbuf[25]; const char *ip_addr; ei_node_t *ei_node; switch_socket_addr_get(&sa, SWITCH_FALSE, globals.acceptor); port = switch_sockaddr_get_port(sa); ip_addr = switch_get_addr(ipbuf, sizeof (ipbuf), sa); stream->write_function(stream, "Running %s\n", VERSION); stream->write_function(stream, "Listening for new Erlang connections on %s:%u with cookie %s\n", ip_addr, port, globals.ei_cookie); stream->write_function(stream, "Registered as Erlang node %s, visible as %s\n", globals.ei_cnode.thisnodename, globals.ei_cnode.thisalivename); if (globals.ei_compat_rel) { stream->write_function(stream, "Using Erlang compatibility mode: %d\n", globals.ei_compat_rel); } switch_thread_rwlock_rdlock(globals.ei_nodes_lock); ei_node = globals.ei_nodes; if (!ei_node) { stream->write_function(stream, "No erlang nodes connected\n"); } else { stream->write_function(stream, "Connected to:\n"); while(ei_node != NULL) { unsigned int year, day, hour, min, sec, delta; delta = (switch_micro_time_now() - ei_node->created_time) / 1000000; sec = delta % 60; min = delta / 60 % 60; hour = delta / 3600 % 24; day = delta / 86400 % 7; year = delta / 31556926 % 12; stream->write_function(stream, " %s (%s:%d) up %d years, %d days, %d hours, %d minutes, %d seconds\n" ,ei_node->peer_nodename, ei_node->remote_ip, ei_node->remote_port, year, day, hour, min, sec); ei_node = ei_node->next; } } switch_thread_rwlock_unlock(globals.ei_nodes_lock); return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } static switch_status_t api_erlang_event_filter(switch_stream_handle_t *stream) { switch_hash_index_t *hi = NULL; int column = 0; for (hi = (switch_hash_index_t *)switch_core_hash_first_iter(globals.event_filter, hi); hi; hi = switch_core_hash_next(&hi)) { const void *key; void *val; switch_core_hash_this(hi, &key, NULL, &val); stream->write_function(stream, "%-50s", (char *)key); if (++column > 2) { stream->write_function(stream, "\n"); column = 0; } } if (++column > 2) { stream->write_function(stream, "\n"); column = 0; } stream->write_function(stream, "%-50s", globals.kazoo_var_prefix); return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } static switch_status_t api_erlang_nodes_list(switch_stream_handle_t *stream) { ei_node_t *ei_node; switch_thread_rwlock_rdlock(globals.ei_nodes_lock); ei_node = globals.ei_nodes; while(ei_node != NULL) { stream->write_function(stream, "%s (%s)\n", ei_node->peer_nodename, ei_node->remote_ip); ei_node = ei_node->next; } switch_thread_rwlock_unlock(globals.ei_nodes_lock); return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } static switch_status_t api_erlang_nodes_count(switch_stream_handle_t *stream) { ei_node_t *ei_node; int count = 0; switch_thread_rwlock_rdlock(globals.ei_nodes_lock); ei_node = globals.ei_nodes; while(ei_node != NULL) { count++; ei_node = ei_node->next; } switch_thread_rwlock_unlock(globals.ei_nodes_lock); stream->write_function(stream, "%d\n", count); return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } static switch_status_t api_complete_erlang_node(const char *line, const char *cursor, switch_console_callback_match_t **matches) { switch_console_callback_match_t *my_matches = NULL; switch_status_t status = SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; ei_node_t *ei_node; switch_thread_rwlock_rdlock(globals.ei_nodes_lock); ei_node = globals.ei_nodes; while(ei_node != NULL) { switch_console_push_match(&my_matches, ei_node->peer_nodename); ei_node = ei_node->next; } switch_thread_rwlock_unlock(globals.ei_nodes_lock); if (my_matches) { *matches = my_matches; status = SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } return status; } static switch_status_t handle_node_api_event_stream(ei_event_stream_t *event_stream, switch_stream_handle_t *stream) { ei_event_binding_t *binding; int column = 0; switch_mutex_lock(event_stream->socket_mutex); if (event_stream->connected == SWITCH_FALSE) { switch_sockaddr_t *sa; uint16_t port; char ipbuf[25] = {0}; const char *ip_addr; switch_socket_addr_get(&sa, SWITCH_TRUE, event_stream->acceptor); port = switch_sockaddr_get_port(sa); ip_addr = switch_get_addr(ipbuf, sizeof (ipbuf), sa); if (zstr(ip_addr)) { ip_addr = globals.ip; } stream->write_function(stream, "%s:%d -> disconnected\n" ,ip_addr, port); } else { stream->write_function(stream, "%s:%d -> %s:%d\n" ,event_stream->local_ip, event_stream->local_port ,event_stream->remote_ip, event_stream->remote_port); } binding = event_stream->bindings; while(binding != NULL) { if (binding->type == SWITCH_EVENT_CUSTOM) { stream->write_function(stream, "CUSTOM %-43s", binding->subclass_name); } else { stream->write_function(stream, "%-50s", switch_event_name(binding->type)); } if (++column > 2) { stream->write_function(stream, "\n"); column = 0; } binding = binding->next; } switch_mutex_unlock(event_stream->socket_mutex); if (!column) { stream->write_function(stream, "\n"); } else { stream->write_function(stream, "\n\n"); } return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } static switch_status_t handle_node_api_event_streams(ei_node_t *ei_node, switch_stream_handle_t *stream) { ei_event_stream_t *event_stream; switch_mutex_lock(ei_node->event_streams_mutex); event_stream = ei_node->event_streams; while(event_stream != NULL) { handle_node_api_event_stream(event_stream, stream); event_stream = event_stream->next; } switch_mutex_unlock(ei_node->event_streams_mutex); return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } static switch_status_t handle_node_api_command(ei_node_t *ei_node, switch_stream_handle_t *stream, uint32_t command) { unsigned int year, day, hour, min, sec, delta; switch (command) { case API_COMMAND_DISCONNECT: stream->write_function(stream, "Disconnecting erlang node %s at managers request\n", ei_node->peer_nodename); switch_clear_flag(ei_node, LFLAG_RUNNING); break; case API_COMMAND_REMOTE_IP: delta = (switch_micro_time_now() - ei_node->created_time) / 1000000; sec = delta % 60; min = delta / 60 % 60; hour = delta / 3600 % 24; day = delta / 86400 % 7; year = delta / 31556926 % 12; stream->write_function(stream, "Uptime %d years, %d days, %d hours, %d minutes, %d seconds\n", year, day, hour, min, sec); stream->write_function(stream, "Local Address %s:%d\n", ei_node->local_ip, ei_node->local_port); stream->write_function(stream, "Remote Address %s:%d\n", ei_node->remote_ip, ei_node->remote_port); break; case API_COMMAND_STREAMS: handle_node_api_event_streams(ei_node, stream); break; case API_COMMAND_BINDINGS: handle_api_command_streams(ei_node, stream); break; default: break; } return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } static switch_status_t api_erlang_node_command(switch_stream_handle_t *stream, const char *nodename, uint32_t command) { ei_node_t *ei_node; switch_thread_rwlock_rdlock(globals.ei_nodes_lock); ei_node = globals.ei_nodes; while(ei_node != NULL) { int length = strlen(ei_node->peer_nodename); if (!strncmp(ei_node->peer_nodename, nodename, length)) { handle_node_api_command(ei_node, stream, command); switch_thread_rwlock_unlock(globals.ei_nodes_lock); return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } ei_node = ei_node->next; } switch_thread_rwlock_unlock(globals.ei_nodes_lock); return SWITCH_STATUS_NOTFOUND; } static int read_cookie_from_file(char *filename) { int fd; char cookie[MAXATOMLEN + 1]; char *end; struct stat buf; ssize_t res; if (!stat(filename, &buf)) { if ((buf.st_mode & S_IRWXG) || (buf.st_mode & S_IRWXO)) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "%s must only be accessible by owner only.\n", filename); return 2; } if (buf.st_size > MAXATOMLEN) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "%s contains a cookie larger than the maximum atom size of %d.\n", filename, MAXATOMLEN); return 2; } fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 1) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to open cookie file %s : %d.\n", filename, errno); return 2; } if ((res = read(fd, cookie, MAXATOMLEN)) < 1) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to read cookie file %s : %d.\n", filename, errno); } cookie[MAXATOMLEN] = '\0'; /* replace any end of line characters with a null */ if ((end = strchr(cookie, '\n'))) { *end = '\0'; } if ((end = strchr(cookie, '\r'))) { *end = '\0'; } switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_INFO, "Set cookie from file %s: %s\n", filename, cookie); set_pref_ei_cookie(cookie); return 0; } else { /* don't error here, because we might be blindly trying to read $HOME/.erlang.cookie, and that can fail silently */ return 1; } } static switch_status_t config(void) { char *cf = "kazoo.conf"; switch_xml_t cfg, xml, child, param; globals.send_all_headers = globals.send_all_private_headers = 0; globals.connection_timeout = 500; globals.receive_timeout = 200; globals.receive_msg_preallocate = 2000; globals.event_stream_preallocate = 4000; globals.send_msg_batch = 10; globals.event_stream_framing = 2; if (!(xml = switch_xml_open_cfg(cf, &cfg, NULL))) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to open configuration file %s\n", cf); return SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; } else { if ((child = switch_xml_child(cfg, "settings"))) { for (param = switch_xml_child(child, "param"); param; param = param->next) { char *var = (char *) switch_xml_attr_soft(param, "name"); char *val = (char *) switch_xml_attr_soft(param, "value"); if (!strcmp(var, "listen-ip")) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_INFO, "Set bind ip address: %s\n", val); set_pref_ip(val); } else if (!strcmp(var, "cookie")) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_INFO, "Set cookie: %s\n", val); set_pref_ei_cookie(val); } else if (!strcmp(var, "cookie-file")) { if (read_cookie_from_file(val) == 1) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to read cookie from %s\n", val); } } else if (!strcmp(var, "nodename")) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_INFO, "Set node name: %s\n", val); set_pref_ei_nodename(val); } else if (!strcmp(var, "shortname")) { globals.ei_shortname = switch_true(val); } else if (!strcmp(var, "kazoo-var-prefix")) { set_pref_kazoo_var_prefix(val); } else if (!strcmp(var, "compat-rel")) { if (atoi(val) >= 7) globals.ei_compat_rel = atoi(val); else switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Invalid compatibility release '%s' specified\n", val); } else if (!strcmp(var, "nat-map")) { globals.nat_map = switch_true(val); } else if (!strcmp(var, "send-all-headers")) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_INFO, "Set send-all-headers: %s\n", val); globals.send_all_headers = switch_true(val); } else if (!strcmp(var, "send-all-private-headers")) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_INFO, "Set send-all-private-headers: %s\n", val); globals.send_all_private_headers = switch_true(val); } else if (!strcmp(var, "connection-timeout")) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_INFO, "Set connection-timeout: %s\n", val); globals.connection_timeout = atoi(val); } else if (!strcmp(var, "receive-timeout")) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_INFO, "Set receive-timeout: %s\n", val); globals.receive_timeout = atoi(val); } else if (!strcmp(var, "receive-msg-preallocate")) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_INFO, "Set receive-msg-preallocate: %s\n", val); globals.receive_msg_preallocate = atoi(val); } else if (!strcmp(var, "event-stream-preallocate")) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_INFO, "Set event-stream-preallocate: %s\n", val); globals.event_stream_preallocate = atoi(val); } else if (!strcmp(var, "send-msg-batch-size")) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_INFO, "Set send-msg-batch-size: %s\n", val); globals.send_msg_batch = atoi(val); } else if (!strcmp(var, "event-stream-framing")) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_INFO, "Set event-stream-framing: %s\n", val); globals.event_stream_framing = atoi(val); } } } if ((child = switch_xml_child(cfg, "event-filter"))) { switch_hash_t *filter; switch_core_hash_init(&filter); for (param = switch_xml_child(child, "header"); param; param = param->next) { char *var = (char *) switch_xml_attr_soft(param, "name"); switch_core_hash_insert(filter, var, "1"); } globals.event_filter = filter; } switch_xml_free(xml); } if (globals.receive_msg_preallocate < 0) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_WARNING, "Invalid receive message preallocate value, disabled\n"); globals.receive_msg_preallocate = 0; } if (globals.event_stream_preallocate < 0) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_WARNING, "Invalid event stream preallocate value, disabled\n"); globals.event_stream_preallocate = 0; } if (globals.send_msg_batch < 1) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_WARNING, "Invalid send message batch size, reverting to default\n"); globals.send_msg_batch = 10; } if (!globals.event_filter) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_WARNING, "Event filter not found in configuration, using default\n"); globals.event_filter = create_default_filter(); } if (globals.event_stream_framing < 1 || globals.event_stream_framing > 4) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_WARNING, "Invalid event stream framing value, using default\n"); globals.event_stream_framing = 2; } if (zstr(globals.kazoo_var_prefix)) { set_pref_kazoo_var_prefix("variable_ecallmgr*"); globals.var_prefix_length = 17; //ignore the * } else { /* we could use the global pool but then we would have to conditionally * free the pointer if it was not drawn from the XML */ char *buf; int size = switch_snprintf(NULL, 0, "variable_%s*", globals.kazoo_var_prefix) + 1; switch_malloc(buf, size); switch_snprintf(buf, size, "variable_%s*", globals.kazoo_var_prefix); switch_safe_free(globals.kazoo_var_prefix); globals.kazoo_var_prefix = buf; globals.var_prefix_length = size - 2; //ignore the * } if (!globals.num_worker_threads) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_WARNING, "Number of worker threads not found in configuration, using default\n"); globals.num_worker_threads = 10; } if (zstr(globals.ip)) { set_pref_ip(""); } if (zstr(globals.ei_cookie)) { int res; char *home_dir = getenv("HOME"); char path_buf[1024]; if (!zstr(home_dir)) { /* $HOME/.erlang.cookie */ switch_snprintf(path_buf, sizeof (path_buf), "%s%s%s", home_dir, SWITCH_PATH_SEPARATOR, ".erlang.cookie"); switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "Checking for cookie at path: %s\n", path_buf); res = read_cookie_from_file(path_buf); if (res) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_WARNING, "No cookie or valid cookie file specified, using default cookie\n"); set_pref_ei_cookie("ClueCon"); } } } if (!globals.ei_nodename) { set_pref_ei_nodename("freeswitch"); } if (!globals.nat_map) { globals.nat_map = 0; } return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } static switch_status_t create_acceptor() { switch_sockaddr_t *sa; uint16_t port; char ipbuf[25]; const char *ip_addr; /* if the config has specified an erlang release compatibility then pass that along to the erlang interface */ if (globals.ei_compat_rel) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "Compatability with OTP R%d requested\n", globals.ei_compat_rel); ei_set_compat_rel(globals.ei_compat_rel); } if (!(globals.acceptor = create_socket(globals.pool))) { return SWITCH_STATUS_SOCKERR; } switch_socket_addr_get(&sa, SWITCH_FALSE, globals.acceptor); port = switch_sockaddr_get_port(sa); ip_addr = switch_get_addr(ipbuf, sizeof (ipbuf), sa); switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "Erlang connection acceptor listening on %s:%u\n", ip_addr, port); /* try to initialize the erlang interface */ if (create_ei_cnode(ip_addr, globals.ei_nodename, &globals.ei_cnode) != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { return SWITCH_STATUS_SOCKERR; } /* tell the erlang port manager where we can be reached. this returns a file descriptor pointing to epmd or -1 */ if ((globals.epmdfd = ei_publish(&globals.ei_cnode, port)) == -1) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to publish port to epmd. Try starting it yourself or run an erl shell with the -sname or -name option.\n"); return SWITCH_STATUS_SOCKERR; } switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "Connected to epmd and published erlang cnode name %s at port %d\n", globals.ei_cnode.thisnodename, port); return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } SWITCH_STANDARD_API(exec_api_cmd) { char *argv[1024] = { 0 }; int unknown_command = 1, argc = 0; char *mycmd = NULL; const char *usage_string = "USAGE:\n" "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "erlang status - provides an overview of the current status\n" "erlang event_filter - lists the event headers that will be sent to Erlang nodes\n" "erlang nodes list - lists connected Erlang nodes (usefull for monitoring tools)\n" "erlang nodes count - provides a count of connected Erlang nodes (usefull for monitoring tools)\n" "erlang node disconnect - disconnects an Erlang node\n" "erlang node connection - Shows the connection info\n" "erlang node event_streams - lists the event streams for an Erlang node\n" "erlang node fetch_bindings - lists the XML fetch bindings for an Erlang node\n" "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; if (zstr(cmd)) { stream->write_function(stream, "%s", usage_string); return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } if (!(mycmd = strdup(cmd))) { return SWITCH_STATUS_MEMERR; } if (!(argc = switch_separate_string(mycmd, ' ', argv, (sizeof(argv) / sizeof(argv[0]))))) { stream->write_function(stream, "%s", usage_string); switch_safe_free(mycmd); return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } if (zstr(argv[0])) { stream->write_function(stream, "%s", usage_string); switch_safe_free(mycmd); return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } if (!strncmp(argv[0], "status", 6)) { unknown_command = 0; api_erlang_status(stream); } else if (!strncmp(argv[0], "event_filter", 6)) { unknown_command = 0; api_erlang_event_filter(stream); } else if (!strncmp(argv[0], "nodes", 6) && !zstr(argv[1])) { if (!strncmp(argv[1], "list", 6)) { unknown_command = 0; api_erlang_nodes_list(stream); } else if (!strncmp(argv[1], "count", 6)) { unknown_command = 0; api_erlang_nodes_count(stream); } } else if (!strncmp(argv[0], "node", 6) && !zstr(argv[1]) && !zstr(argv[2])) { if (!strncmp(argv[2], "disconnect", 6)) { unknown_command = 0; api_erlang_node_command(stream, argv[1], API_COMMAND_DISCONNECT); } else if (!strncmp(argv[2], "connection", 2)) { unknown_command = 0; api_erlang_node_command(stream, argv[1], API_COMMAND_REMOTE_IP); } else if (!strncmp(argv[2], "event_streams", 6)) { unknown_command = 0; api_erlang_node_command(stream, argv[1], API_COMMAND_STREAMS); } else if (!strncmp(argv[2], "fetch_bindings", 6)) { unknown_command = 0; api_erlang_node_command(stream, argv[1], API_COMMAND_BINDINGS); } } if (unknown_command) { stream->write_function(stream, "%s", usage_string); } switch_safe_free(mycmd); return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } SWITCH_MODULE_LOAD_FUNCTION(mod_kazoo_load) { switch_api_interface_t *api_interface = NULL; switch_application_interface_t *app_interface = NULL; memset(&globals, 0, sizeof(globals)); globals.pool = pool; globals.ei_nodes = NULL; if(config() != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { // TODO: what would we need to clean up here? switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Improper configuration!\n"); return SWITCH_STATUS_TERM; } if(create_acceptor() != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { // TODO: what would we need to clean up here switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to create erlang connection acceptor!\n"); close_socket(&globals.acceptor); return SWITCH_STATUS_TERM; } /* connect my internal structure to the blank pointer passed to me */ *module_interface = switch_loadable_module_create_module_interface(pool, modname); /* create an api for cli debug commands */ SWITCH_ADD_API(api_interface, "erlang", KAZOO_DESC, exec_api_cmd, KAZOO_SYNTAX); switch_console_set_complete("add erlang status"); switch_console_set_complete("add erlang event_filter"); switch_console_set_complete("add erlang nodes list"); switch_console_set_complete("add erlang nodes count"); switch_console_set_complete("add erlang node ::erlang::node disconnect"); switch_console_set_complete("add erlang node ::erlang::node connection"); switch_console_set_complete("add erlang node ::erlang::node event_streams"); switch_console_set_complete("add erlang node ::erlang::node fetch_bindings"); switch_console_add_complete_func("::erlang::node", api_complete_erlang_node); switch_thread_rwlock_create(&globals.ei_nodes_lock, pool); switch_set_flag(&globals, LFLAG_RUNNING); /* create all XML fetch agents */ bind_fetch_agents(); /* add our modified commands */ add_kz_commands(module_interface, api_interface); /* add our modified dptools */ add_kz_dptools(module_interface, app_interface); /* indicate that the module should continue to be loaded */ return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } SWITCH_MODULE_SHUTDOWN_FUNCTION(mod_kazoo_shutdown) { int sanity = 0; switch_console_set_complete("del erlang"); switch_console_del_complete_func("::erlang::node"); /* stop taking new requests and start shuting down the threads */ switch_clear_flag(&globals, LFLAG_RUNNING); /* give everyone time to cleanly shutdown */ while (switch_atomic_read(&globals.threads)) { switch_yield(100000); if (++sanity >= 200) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to kill all threads, continuing. This probably wont end well.....good luck!\n"); break; } } if (globals.event_filter) { switch_core_hash_destroy(&globals.event_filter); } switch_thread_rwlock_wrlock(globals.ei_nodes_lock); switch_thread_rwlock_unlock(globals.ei_nodes_lock); switch_thread_rwlock_destroy(globals.ei_nodes_lock); /* close the connection to epmd and the acceptor */ close_socketfd(&globals.epmdfd); close_socket(&globals.acceptor); /* remove all XML fetch agents */ unbind_fetch_agents(); /* Close the port we reserved for uPnP/Switch behind firewall, if necessary */ // if (globals.nat_map && switch_nat_get_type()) { // switch_nat_del_mapping(globals.port, SWITCH_NAT_TCP); // } /* clean up our allocated preferences */ switch_safe_free(globals.ip); switch_safe_free(globals.ei_cookie); switch_safe_free(globals.ei_nodename); switch_safe_free(globals.kazoo_var_prefix); return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } SWITCH_MODULE_RUNTIME_FUNCTION(mod_kazoo_runtime) { switch_os_socket_t os_socket; switch_atomic_inc(&globals.threads); switch_os_sock_get(&os_socket, globals.acceptor); while (switch_test_flag(&globals, LFLAG_RUNNING)) { int nodefd; ErlConnect conn; /* zero out errno because ei_accept doesn't differentiate between a */ /* failed authentication or a socket failure, or a client version */ /* mismatch or a godzilla attack (and a godzilla attack is highly likely) */ errno = 0; /* wait here for an erlang node to connect, timming out to check if our module is still running every now-and-again */ if ((nodefd = ei_accept_tmo(&globals.ei_cnode, (int) os_socket, &conn, globals.connection_timeout)) == ERL_ERROR) { if (erl_errno == ETIMEDOUT) { continue; } else if (errno) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Erlang connection acceptor socket error %d %d\n", erl_errno, errno); } else { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_WARNING, "Erlang node connection failed - ensure your cookie matches '%s' and you are using a good nodename\n", globals.ei_cookie); } continue; } if (!switch_test_flag(&globals, LFLAG_RUNNING)) { break; } /* NEW ERLANG NODE CONNECTION! Hello friend! */ new_kazoo_node(nodefd, &conn); } switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "Erlang connection acceptor shut down\n"); switch_atomic_dec(&globals.threads); return SWITCH_STATUS_TERM; } /* For Emacs: * Local Variables: * mode:c * indent-tabs-mode:t * tab-width:4 * c-basic-offset:4 * End: * For VIM: * vim:set softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4: */