# Please see latest version of this script at # http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/Mod_python # before reporting errors import sys, time from freeswitch import * def onDTMF(input, itype, funcargs): console_log("1","\n\nonDTMF input: %s\n" % input) if input == "5": return "pause" if input == "3": return "seek:+60000" if input == "1": return "seek:-60000" if input == "0": return "stop" return None # will make the streamfile audio stop def handler(uuid): console_log("1","... test from my python program\n") session = PySession(uuid) session.answer() session.setDTMFCallback(onDTMF, "") session.set_tts_parms("cepstral", "david") session.playFile("/path/to/your.mp3", "") session.speak("Please enter telephone number with area code and press pound sign. ") input = session.getDigits("", 11, "*#", "#", 10000) console_log("1","result from get digits is %s\n" % input) phone_number = session.playAndGetDigits(5, 11, 3, 10000, "*#", "/sounds/test.gsm", "/sounds/invalid.gsm", "", "^17771112222$"); console_log("1","result from play_and_get_digits is %s\n" % phone_number) session.transfer("1000", "XML", "default") session.hangup("1")