cdecl'd calling conventions

git-svn-id: d0543943-73ff-0310-b7d9-9358b9ac24b2
This commit is contained in:
Michael Giagnocavo 2008-10-23 04:29:13 +00:00
parent 2123b46d6d
commit 97157c42fc
4 changed files with 17 additions and 19 deletions

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@ -37,18 +37,9 @@ SWITCH_BEGIN_EXTERN_C
#include <switch.h>
#include <switch_cpp.h>
/* calling conventions for Windows */
#ifdef WIN32
# define MANAGED_STDCALL __stdcall
# else
# endif
typedef void (MANAGED_STDCALL *hangupFunction)(void);
typedef char* (MANAGED_STDCALL *inputFunction)(void*, switch_input_type_t);
typedef void (*hangupFunction)(void);
typedef char* (*inputFunction)(void*, switch_input_type_t);
#ifndef _MANAGED

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@ -94,16 +94,20 @@ namespace FreeSWITCH
delegate bool ExecuteDelegate(string cmd, IntPtr streamH, IntPtr eventH);
delegate bool ExecuteBackgroundDelegate(string cmd);
delegate bool RunDelegate(string cmd, IntPtr session);
delegate bool LoadAssemblyDelegate(string filename);
static readonly ExecuteDelegate _execute = Execute;
static readonly ExecuteBackgroundDelegate _executeBackground = ExecuteBackground;
static readonly RunDelegate _run = Run;
static readonly LoadAssemblyDelegate _loadAssembly = LoadAssembly;
//SWITCH_MOD_DECLARE(void) InitManagedDelegates(runFunction run, executeFunction execute, executeBackgroundFunction executeBackground, loadAssemblyFunction loadAssembly)
[DllImport("mod_managed", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
[DllImport("mod_managed", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
static extern void InitManagedDelegates(RunDelegate run, ExecuteDelegate execute, ExecuteBackgroundDelegate executeBackground, LoadAssemblyDelegate loadAssembly);
// Be rather lenient in finding the Load and Unload methods

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@ -38,12 +38,15 @@ namespace FreeSWITCH.Native
// switch_status_t ManagedSession::run_dtmf_callback(void *input, switch_input_type_t itype)
// But, process_callback_result is used to turn a string into a switch_status_t
//using DtmfCallback = Func<IntPtr, Native.switch_input_type_t, string>;
delegate string DtmfCallback(IntPtr input, Native.switch_input_type_t itype);
delegate void CdeclAction();
public partial class ManagedSession
// SWITCH_DECLARE(void) InitManagedSession(ManagedSession *session, MonoObject *dtmfDelegate, MonoObject *hangupDelegate)
[DllImport("mod_managed.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
[DllImport("mod_managed.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
static extern void InitManagedSession(IntPtr sessionPtr, DtmfCallback dtmfDelegate, Action hangupDelegate);
/// <summary>Initializes the native ManagedSession. Must be called after Originate.</summary>

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@ -68,10 +68,10 @@ SWITCH_STANDARD_API(managed_loadassembly); /* Load assembly */
mod_managed_globals globals = { 0 };
// Global delegates to call managed functions
typedef int (MANAGED_STDCALL *runFunction)(const char *data, void *sessionPtr);
typedef int (MANAGED_STDCALL *executeFunction)(const char *cmd, void *stream, void *Event);
typedef int (MANAGED_STDCALL *executeBackgroundFunction)(const char* cmd);
typedef int (MANAGED_STDCALL *loadAssemblyFunction)(const char* filename);
typedef int (*runFunction)(const char *data, void *sessionPtr);
typedef int (*executeFunction)(const char *cmd, void *stream, void *Event);
typedef int (*executeBackgroundFunction)(const char* cmd);
typedef int (*loadAssemblyFunction)(const char* filename);
static runFunction runDelegate;
static executeFunction executeDelegate;
static executeBackgroundFunction executeBackgroundDelegate;