FS-3307 --resolve thanks, in the future, be sure to not include vanity comments. The intention of the patch will be preserved by the jira ticket. Also check our code formating guidelines. Some of the patch was redundant so it was removed, mprintf already asserts when it doesn't work, and execute_sql_now both frees the sql string and locks the mutex for you.

This commit is contained in:
Anthony Minessale 2011-05-20 11:51:01 -05:00
parent 71658eab1e
commit 3ebd173ca8
1 changed files with 64 additions and 43 deletions

View File

@ -2186,58 +2186,79 @@ void sofia_presence_handle_sip_i_subscribe(int status,
sip->sip_expires->ex_delta = 31536000;
if (sofia_test_pflag(profile, PFLAG_MULTIREG)) {
sql = switch_mprintf("delete from sip_subscriptions where call_id='%q' "
"or (proto='%q' and sip_user='%q' and sip_host='%q' "
"and sub_to_user='%q' and sub_to_host='%q' and event='%q' and hostname='%q' "
"and contact='%q')",
call_id, proto, from_user, from_host, to_user, to_host, event, mod_sofia_globals.hostname, contact_str);
} else {
sql = switch_mprintf("delete from sip_subscriptions where "
"proto='%q' and sip_user='%q' and sip_host='%q' and sub_to_user='%q' and sub_to_host='%q' and event='%q' and hostname='%q'",
proto, from_user, from_host, to_user, to_host, event, mod_sofia_globals.hostname);
switch_assert(sql != NULL);
sofia_glue_actually_execute_sql(profile, sql, NULL);
if (sub_state == nua_substate_terminated) {
sstr = switch_mprintf("terminated");
} else {
sip_accept_t *ap = sip->sip_accept;
char accept[256] = "";
full_agent = sip_header_as_string(profile->home, (void *) sip->sip_user_agent);
while (ap) {
switch_snprintf(accept + strlen(accept), sizeof(accept) - strlen(accept), "%s%s ", ap->ac_type, ap->ac_next ? "," : "");
ap = ap->ac_next;
sql = switch_mprintf("insert into sip_subscriptions "
"full_via,expires,user_agent,accept,profile_name,hostname,network_port,network_ip) "
"values ('%q','%q','%q','%q','%q','%q','%q','%q','%q','%q','%q',%ld,'%q','%q','%q','%q','%d','%q')",
proto, from_user, from_host, to_user, to_host, profile->presence_hosts ? profile->presence_hosts : to_host,
event, contact_str, call_id, full_from, full_via,
//sofia_test_pflag(profile, PFLAG_MULTIREG) ? switch_epoch_time_now(NULL) + exp_delta : exp_delta * -1,
if ((sub_state == nua_substate_active) && (switch_stristr("dialog", (const char *) event))) {
sstr = switch_mprintf("active;expires=%ld", exp_delta);
sql = switch_mprintf("update sip_subscriptions "
"set expires=%ld "
"where call_id='%q' and event='dialog' and hostname='%q' ",
(long) switch_epoch_time_now(NULL) + (exp_delta * 2),
full_agent, accept, profile->name, mod_sofia_globals.hostname, np.network_port, np.network_ip);
switch_assert(sql != NULL);
if (mod_sofia_globals.debug_presence > 0 || mod_sofia_globals.debug_sla > 0) {
switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_NOTICE, "%s SUBSCRIBE %s@%s %s@%s\n%s\n",
profile->name, from_user, from_host, to_user, to_host, sql);
"re-subscribe with dialog detected, sql: %s\n", sql);
sofia_glue_execute_sql_now(profile, &sql, SWITCH_TRUE);
} else {
if (sofia_test_pflag(profile, PFLAG_MULTIREG)) {
sql = switch_mprintf("delete from sip_subscriptions where call_id='%q' "
"or (proto='%q' and sip_user='%q' and sip_host='%q' "
"and sub_to_user='%q' and sub_to_host='%q' and event='%q' and hostname='%q' "
"and contact='%q')",
call_id, proto, from_user, from_host, to_user, to_host, event, mod_sofia_globals.hostname, contact_str);
} else {
sql = switch_mprintf("delete from sip_subscriptions where "
"proto='%q' and sip_user='%q' and sip_host='%q' and sub_to_user='%q' and sub_to_host='%q' and event='%q' and hostname='%q'",
proto, from_user, from_host, to_user, to_host, event, mod_sofia_globals.hostname);
switch_assert(sql != NULL);
sofia_glue_actually_execute_sql(profile, sql, NULL);
sofia_glue_execute_sql_now(profile, &sql, SWITCH_TRUE);
sstr = switch_mprintf("active;expires=%ld", exp_delta);
if (sub_state == nua_substate_terminated) {
sstr = switch_mprintf("terminated");
} else {
sip_accept_t *ap = sip->sip_accept;
char accept[256] = "";
full_agent = sip_header_as_string(profile->home, (void *) sip->sip_user_agent);
while (ap) {
switch_snprintf(accept + strlen(accept), sizeof(accept) - strlen(accept), "%s%s ", ap->ac_type, ap->ac_next ? "," : "");
ap = ap->ac_next;
sql = switch_mprintf("insert into sip_subscriptions "
"full_via,expires,user_agent,accept,profile_name,hostname,network_port,network_ip) "
"values ('%q','%q','%q','%q','%q','%q','%q','%q','%q','%q','%q',%ld,'%q','%q','%q','%q','%d','%q')",
proto, from_user, from_host, to_user, to_host, profile->presence_hosts ? profile->presence_hosts : to_host,
event, contact_str, call_id, full_from, full_via,
//sofia_test_pflag(profile, PFLAG_MULTIREG) ? switch_epoch_time_now(NULL) + exp_delta : exp_delta * -1,
(long) switch_epoch_time_now(NULL) + (exp_delta * 2),
full_agent, accept, profile->name, mod_sofia_globals.hostname, np.network_port, np.network_ip);
switch_assert(sql != NULL);
if (mod_sofia_globals.debug_presence > 0 || mod_sofia_globals.debug_sla > 0) {
switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_NOTICE, "%s SUBSCRIBE %s@%s %s@%s\n%s\n",
profile->name, from_user, from_host, to_user, to_host, sql);
sofia_glue_execute_sql_now(profile, &sql, SWITCH_TRUE);
sstr = switch_mprintf("active;expires=%ld", exp_delta);
if (status < 200) {
char *sticky = NULL;