Revert commits pushed too early

Revert "depend on fs before install"
This reverts commit 6c52217920.

Revert "removing commented work in progress on SDES and logging tunning on"
This reverts commit 6df5288f5a.

Revert "more formatting and logging tuning"
This reverts commit 0e89bbd033.

Revert "logging adjustment"
This reverts commit 764faad671.

Revert "missing host to network conversion highest_sequence_number_received"
This reverts commit 50c62cdfd7.

Revert "logging correction"
This reverts commit ea973b0b4c.

Revert "[FS-6623] implement RTCP report generation"
This reverts commit 0b7863a9b7.
This commit is contained in:
Travis Cross 2014-09-12 17:06:58 +00:00
parent 6c52217920
commit 3e8e2ce151
3 changed files with 161 additions and 339 deletions

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ freeswitch.git/ has-git
(which rpm && rpm -i || true
install: freeswitch
cd freeswitch.git && make install cd-sounds-install cd-moh-install

View File

@ -627,27 +627,11 @@ typedef struct {
double mos;
} switch_rtp_numbers_t;
typedef struct {
uint32_t packet_count; /* sent packet count */
uint32_t packet_count;
uint32_t octet_count;
uint32_t peer_ssrc;
uint32_t last_rpt_ts; /* RTP timestamp at which the last report was generated and sent */
uint32_t ssrc; /* identifier of the source */
uint32_t csrc; /* contributing source 0-15 32bit each */
uint32_t last_pkt_tsdiff; /* Jitter calculation, timestamp difference between the two last received packet */
double inter_jitter; /* Jitter calculation, Interarrival jitter */
uint32_t last_rpt_ext_seq; /* Packet loss calculation, extended sequence number at the begining of this RTCP report interval */
uint16_t last_rpt_cycle; /* Packet loss calculation, sequence number cycle at the begining of the current RTCP report interval */
uint16_t period_pkt_count; /* Packet loss calculation, packet count received during this RTCP report interval */
uint16_t pkt_count; /* Packet loss calculation, packet count received during this session */
uint32_t rtcp_rtp_count; /* RTCP report generated count */
uint32_t high_ext_seq_recv; /* Packet loss calculation, highest extended sequence number received and processed for stats */
uint16_t cycle; /* Packet loss calculation, sequence number cycle of the current RTCP report interval */
uint32_t bad_seq; /* Bad SEQ found, used to detect reset on the other side */
uint16_t base_seq; /* Packet loss calculation, first sequence number received */
uint32_t cum_lost; /* Packet loss calculation, cumulative number of packet lost */
uint32_t last_recv_lsr_local; /* RTT calculation, When receiving an SR we save our local timestamp in fraction of 65536 seconds */
uint32_t last_recv_lsr_peer; /* RTT calculation, When receiving an SR we extract the middle 32bits of the remote NTP timestamp to include it in the next SR LSR */
} switch_rtcp_numbers_t;
typedef struct {
@ -900,7 +884,7 @@ typedef struct {
typedef struct switch_rtcp_hdr_s {
typedef struct {
unsigned version:2; /* protocol version */
unsigned p:1; /* padding flag */
unsigned count:5; /* number of reception report blocks */
@ -910,7 +894,7 @@ typedef struct switch_rtcp_hdr_s {
#else /* BIG_ENDIAN */
typedef struct switch_rtcp_hdr_s {
typedef struct {
unsigned count:5; /* number of reception report blocks */
unsigned p:1; /* padding flag */
unsigned version:2; /* protocol version */

View File

@ -34,8 +34,6 @@
//#define DEBUG_EXTRA
//#define DEBUG_RTCP
#include <switch.h>
#ifndef _MSC_VER
#include <switch_private.h>
@ -70,7 +68,6 @@
#define WARN_SRTP_ERRS 10
#define MAX_SRTP_ERRS 100
#define NTP_TIME_OFFSET 2208988800UL
#define DTMF_SANITY (rtp_session->one_second * 30)
@ -356,7 +353,6 @@ struct switch_rtp {
uint32_t samples_per_interval;
uint32_t samples_per_second;
uint32_t conf_samples_per_interval;
uint16_t rtcp_send_rate;
uint32_t rsamples_per_interval;
uint32_t ms_per_packet;
uint32_t one_second;
@ -430,32 +426,59 @@ struct switch_rtcp_report_block {
uint32_t dlsr; /* The delay, expressed in units of 1/65536 seconds, between receiving the last SR packet from source SSRC_n and sending this reception report block */
/* This was previously used, but a similar struct switch_rtcp_report_block existed and I merged them both. It also fixed the problem of lost being an integer and not a unsigned.
struct switch_rtcp_source {
unsigned ssrc1:32;
unsigned fraction_lost:8;
unsigned cumulative_lost:24;
unsigned hi_seq_recieved:32;
unsigned interarrival_jitter:32;
unsigned lsr:32;
unsigned lsr_delay:32;
struct switch_rtcp_sr_head {
uint32_t ssrc;
uint32_t ntp_msw;
uint32_t ntp_lsw;
uint32_t ts;
uint32_t pc;
uint32_t oc;
unsigned ssrc:32;
unsigned ntp_msw:32;
unsigned ntp_lsw:32;
unsigned ts:32;
unsigned pc:32;
unsigned oc:32;
struct switch_rtcp_sender_info {
uint32_t ntp_msw;
uint32_t ntp_lsw;
uint32_t ts;
uint32_t pc;
uint32_t oc;
struct switch_rtcp_s_desc_head {
unsigned v:2;
unsigned padding:1;
unsigned sc:5;
unsigned pt:8;
unsigned length:16;
struct switch_rtcp_sender_report {
uint32_t ssrc;
struct switch_rtcp_sender_info sender_info;
struct switch_rtcp_report_block report_block;
#else /* BIG_ENDIAN */
struct switch_rtcp_s_desc_head {
unsigned sc:5;
unsigned padding:1;
unsigned v:2;
unsigned pt:8;
unsigned length:16;
struct switch_rtcp_s_desc_trunk {
unsigned ssrc:32;
unsigned cname:8;
unsigned length:8;
char text[1];
struct switch_rtcp_receiver_report {
uint32_t ssrc;
struct switch_rtcp_report_block report_block;
/* This is limited to a single block with force description. Not to be used as reference of the rtcp packet*/
struct switch_rtcp_senderinfo {
struct switch_rtcp_sr_head sr_head;
struct switch_rtcp_report_block sr_block;
struct switch_rtcp_s_desc_head sr_desc_head;
struct switch_rtcp_s_desc_trunk sr_desc_ssrc;
typedef enum {
@ -1793,193 +1816,6 @@ static void check_jitter(switch_rtp_t *rtp_session)
static void rtcp_generate_sender_info(switch_rtp_t *rtp_session, struct switch_rtcp_sender_info *sr){
switch_core_session_t *session = switch_core_memory_pool_get_data(rtp_session->pool, "__session");
switch_time_t now;
uint32_t sec, ntp_sec, ntp_usec;
switch_time_exp_t now_hr;
now = switch_time_now();
sec = now/1000000; /* convert to seconds */
ntp_sec = sec+NTP_TIME_OFFSET; /* convert to NTP seconds */
sr->ntp_msw = htonl(ntp_sec); /* store result in "most significant word" */
ntp_usec = now - (sec*1000000); /* remove seconds to keep only the microseconds */
sr->ntp_lsw = htonl(ntp_usec*(double)(((uint64_t)1)<<32)*1.0e-6); /* convert microseconds to fraction of 32bits and store result in "least significatn word" */
sr->ts = htonl(rtp_session->last_write_ts);
sr->pc = htonl(rtp_session->stats.outbound.packet_count);
sr->oc = htonl((rtp_session->stats.outbound.raw_bytes - rtp_session->stats.outbound.packet_count * sizeof(srtp_hdr_t)));
switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_SESSION_LOG(session), SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG10,"Sending an RTCP packet[%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%d] lsr[%u] msw[%u] lsw[%u] stats_ssrc[%u]\n",
1900 + now_hr.tm_year, now_hr.tm_mday, now_hr.tm_mon, now_hr.tm_hour, now_hr.tm_min, now_hr.tm_sec, now_hr.tm_usec,
(ntohl(sr->ntp_lsw)&0xffff0000)>>16 | (ntohl(sr->ntp_msw)&0x0000ffff)<<16,
ntohl(sr->ntp_msw),ntohl(sr->ntp_lsw), rtp_session->stats.rtcp.ssrc
static void rtcp_generate_report_block(switch_rtp_t *rtp_session, struct switch_rtcp_report_block *rtcp_report_block){
switch_core_session_t *session = switch_core_memory_pool_get_data(rtp_session->pool, "__session");
switch_rtcp_numbers_t * stats=&rtp_session->stats.rtcp;
switch_time_t now;
uint32_t expected_pkt, dlsr;
int32_t pkt_lost;
uint32_t ntp_sec, ntp_usec, lsr_now, sec;
now = switch_time_now();
sec = now/1000000; /* convert to seconds */
ntp_sec = sec+NTP_TIME_OFFSET; /* convert to NTP seconds */
ntp_usec = now - (sec*1000000); /* remove seconds to keep only the microseconds */
/* Packet loss */
if (stats->rtcp_rtp_count == 0) {
expected_pkt = stats->high_ext_seq_recv - stats->base_seq + 1;
} else {
expected_pkt = stats->high_ext_seq_recv - stats->last_rpt_ext_seq;
pkt_lost = expected_pkt - stats->period_pkt_count;
if (expected_pkt > 0 && pkt_lost > 0) {
rtcp_report_block->fraction = (uint8_t) (pkt_lost * 256 / expected_pkt);
} else {
rtcp_report_block->fraction = 0;
/* Reversing byte order for 24bits */
rtcp_report_block->lost = (((stats->cum_lost&0x0000FF)<<16) | ((stats->cum_lost&0x00FF00)) | ((stats->cum_lost&0xFF0000)>>16));
switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_SESSION_LOG(session), SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "rtcp_generate_sr: stats_ssrc[%u] received[%d] expected[%d] cum[%d]lost[%d|%d/256]pkt last_seq[%d]cyc[%d] last_rpt_seq[%d]cyc[%d] ssrc[%d]\n",
ntohl(rtp_session->recv_msg.header.ssrc), stats->period_pkt_count, expected_pkt,
stats->cum_lost, pkt_lost, rtcp_report_block->fraction, stats->high_ext_seq_recv&0x0000ffff,
stats->cycle, stats->last_rpt_ext_seq&0x0000ffff, stats->last_rpt_cycle, rtp_session->stats.rtcp.peer_ssrc
rtcp_report_block->highest_sequence_number_received = htonl(stats->high_ext_seq_recv);
/* Jitter */
rtcp_report_block->jitter = htonl((uint32_t)stats->inter_jitter);
/* Delay since Last Sender Report (DLSR) : 32bits, 1/65536 seconds */
lsr_now = (uint32_t)(ntp_usec*0.065536) | (ntp_sec&0x0000ffff)<<16; /* 0.065536 is used for convertion from useconds to fraction of 65536 (x65536/1000000) */
if (stats->last_recv_lsr_local) {
dlsr = lsr_now - stats->last_recv_lsr_local;
} else {
dlsr = 0;
rtcp_report_block->lsr = stats->last_recv_lsr_peer;
rtcp_report_block->dlsr = htonl(dlsr);
rtcp_report_block->ssrc = htonl(rtp_session->stats.rtcp.peer_ssrc);
static void rtcp_stats_init(switch_rtp_t *rtp_session)
switch_rtcp_numbers_t * stats = &rtp_session->stats.rtcp;
srtp_hdr_t * hdr = &rtp_session->recv_msg.header;
switch_core_session_t *session = switch_core_memory_pool_get_data(rtp_session->pool, "__session");
stats->ssrc = ntohl(hdr->ssrc);
stats->last_rpt_ts = rtp_session->timer.samplecount;
stats->last_rpt_ext_seq = 0;
stats->last_rpt_cycle = 0;
stats->last_pkt_tsdiff = 0;
stats->inter_jitter = 0;
stats->cycle = 0;
stats->high_ext_seq_recv = ntohs((uint16_t)hdr->seq);
stats->base_seq = ntohs((uint16_t)hdr->seq);
stats->bad_seq = (1<<16) + 1; /* Make sure we wont missmatch 2 consecutive packets, so seq == bad_seq is false */
stats->cum_lost = 0;
stats->period_pkt_count = 0;
stats->pkt_count = 0;
stats->rtcp_rtp_count = 0;
if (!rtp_session->flags[SWITCH_RTP_FLAG_ENABLE_RTCP]) {
switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_SESSION_LOG(session), SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "rtcp_stats_init: rtcp disabled");
} else if (!rtp_session->rtcp_sock_output) {
switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_SESSION_LOG(session), SWITCH_LOG_WARNING, "rtcp_stats_init: no rtcp socket");
} else if (rtp_session->flags[SWITCH_RTP_FLAG_RTCP_PASSTHRU]) {
switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_SESSION_LOG(session), SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "rtcp_stats_init: rtcp passthru");
} else {
switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_SESSION_LOG(session), SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "rtcp_stats_init: ssrc[%d] base_seq[%d]", stats->ssrc, stats->base_seq);
static int rtcp_stats(switch_rtp_t *rtp_session)
switch_core_session_t *session = switch_core_memory_pool_get_data(rtp_session->pool, "__session");
srtp_hdr_t * hdr = &rtp_session->recv_msg.header;
switch_rtcp_numbers_t * stats = &rtp_session->stats.rtcp;
uint32_t packet_spacing_diff, pkt_tsdiff, pkt_extended_seq;
uint16_t pkt_seq, seq_diff, max_seq;
const int MAX_DROPOUT = 3000;
const int MAX_MISORDER = 100;
const int RTP_SEQ_MOD = (1<<16);
if(!rtp_session->rtcp_sock_output || !rtp_session->flags[SWITCH_RTP_FLAG_ENABLE_RTCP] || rtp_session->flags[SWITCH_RTP_FLAG_RTCP_PASSTHRU] || !rtp_session->rtcp_interval)
return 0; /* do not process RTCP in current state */
pkt_seq = (uint16_t) ntohs((uint16_t) rtp_session->recv_msg.header.seq);
/* Detect sequence number cycle change */
max_seq = stats->high_ext_seq_recv&0x0000ffff;
seq_diff = pkt_seq - max_seq;
if (seq_diff < MAX_DROPOUT) { /* in order, with permissible gap */
if (pkt_seq < max_seq) {
switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_SESSION_LOG(session), SWITCH_LOG_NOTICE, "rtcp_stats:[cycle change] pkt_seq[%d]cycle[%d] max_seq[%d] stats_ssrc[%u] local_ts[%u]\n",
pkt_seq, stats->cycle, max_seq, stats->ssrc, rtp_session->timer.samplecount);
pkt_extended_seq = stats->cycle << 16 | pkt_seq; /* getting the extended packet extended sequence ID */
if (pkt_extended_seq > stats->high_ext_seq_recv) {
stats->high_ext_seq_recv = pkt_extended_seq;
else if (seq_diff <= (RTP_SEQ_MOD - MAX_MISORDER)) { /* the sequence number made a very large jump */
if (pkt_seq == stats->bad_seq) {
} else {
stats->bad_seq = (pkt_seq + 1) & (RTP_SEQ_MOD-1);
return 0; /* no stats, packet is out of sync and will be accounted as lost */
} else {
/* duplicate or reordered packet */
/* Verify that we are on the same stream source (we do not support multiple sources) */
if (ntohl(hdr->ssrc) != stats->ssrc || !stats->last_rpt_ts) {
switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_SESSION_LOG(session), SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG10, "rtcp_stats: period_pkt_count[%d]last_seq[%d]cycle[%d]stats_ssrc[%u]local_ts[%u]\n",
stats->period_pkt_count, pkt_seq, stats->cycle, stats->ssrc, rtp_session->timer.samplecount);
/* Interarrival jitter calculation */
pkt_tsdiff = rtp_session->timer.samplecount - ntohl(hdr->ts) ; /* relative transit times for this packet */
if (stats->pkt_count < 2) { /* Can not compute Jitter with only one packet */
stats->last_pkt_tsdiff = pkt_tsdiff;
} else {
packet_spacing_diff = pkt_tsdiff - stats->last_pkt_tsdiff; /* Jitter : difference of relative transit times for the two packets */
stats->last_pkt_tsdiff = pkt_tsdiff;
/* Interarrival jitter estimation, "J(i) = J(i-1) + ( |D(i-1,i)| - J(i-1) )/16" */
stats->inter_jitter = (stats->inter_jitter + (((double)abs(packet_spacing_diff) - stats->inter_jitter) /16.));
switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_SESSION_LOG(session), SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG10, "rtcp_stats: pkt_ts[%d]local_ts[%d]diff[%d]pkt_spacing[%d]inter_jitter[%f]seq[%d]stats_ssrc[%d]",
ntohl(hdr->ts), rtp_session->timer.samplecount, pkt_tsdiff, packet_spacing_diff, stats->inter_jitter, ntohs(hdr->seq), stats->ssrc);
return 1;
static int check_rtcp_and_ice(switch_rtp_t *rtp_session)
int ret = 0;
@ -2029,47 +1865,85 @@ static int check_rtcp_and_ice(switch_rtp_t *rtp_session)
rtcp_ok = 0;
if (rtp_session->rtcp_sock_output && rtp_session->flags[SWITCH_RTP_FLAG_ENABLE_RTCP] &&
!rtp_session->flags[SWITCH_RTP_FLAG_RTCP_PASSTHRU] &&
(rtp_session->timer.samplecount - rtp_session->stats.rtcp.last_rpt_ts >= rtp_session->samples_per_second * rtp_session->rtcp_send_rate) ) {
switch_rtcp_numbers_t * stats = &rtp_session->stats.rtcp;
struct switch_rtcp_receiver_report *rr;
struct switch_rtcp_sender_report *sr;
struct switch_rtcp_report_block *rtcp_report_block;
switch_size_t rtcp_bytes = sizeof(struct switch_rtcp_hdr_s)+sizeof(uint32_t); /* add size of the packet header and the ssrc */
if (rtp_session->rtcp_sock_output && rtcp_ok && rtp_session->flags[SWITCH_RTP_FLAG_ENABLE_RTCP] && !rtp_session->flags[SWITCH_RTP_FLAG_RTCP_PASSTHRU]) {
struct switch_rtcp_senderinfo *sr = (struct switch_rtcp_senderinfo*) rtp_session->rtcp_send_msg.body;
//rtp_msg_t *send_msg = &rtp_session->send_msg;
switch_size_t rtcp_bytes;
switch_byte_t *ptr = (switch_byte_t *)rtp_session->rtcp_send_msg.body;
switch_time_t when = 0;
rtp_session->rtcp_send_msg.header.version = 2;
rtp_session->rtcp_send_msg.header.p = 0;
rtp_session->rtcp_send_msg.header.count = 1;
if (!rtp_session->stats.outbound.packet_count) {
rtp_session->rtcp_send_msg.header.type = 201; /* Receiver report */
rr=(struct switch_rtcp_receiver_report*) rtp_session->rtcp_send_msg.body;
rr->ssrc = htonl(rtp_session->ssrc);
rtcp_report_block = &rr->report_block;
rtcp_bytes += sizeof(struct switch_rtcp_report_block);
sr->sr_head.ssrc = htonl(rtp_session->ssrc);
if (!rtp_session->stats.inbound.period_packet_count) {
rtp_session->rtcp_send_msg.header.type = 201;
rtcp_bytes = sizeof(switch_rtcp_hdr_t) + 4;
ptr += 4;
} else {
struct switch_rtcp_sender_info *rtcp_sender_info;
rtp_session->rtcp_send_msg.header.type = 200; /* Sender report */
sr = (struct switch_rtcp_sender_report*) rtp_session->rtcp_send_msg.body;
sr->ssrc = htonl(rtp_session->ssrc);
rtcp_sender_info = &sr->sender_info;
rtcp_generate_sender_info(rtp_session, rtcp_sender_info);
rtcp_report_block = &sr->report_block;
rtcp_bytes += sizeof(struct switch_rtcp_sender_info) + sizeof(struct switch_rtcp_report_block);
switch_time_t when;
rtp_session->rtcp_send_msg.header.type = 200;
if (rtp_session->send_time) {
when = rtp_session->send_time;
} else {
when = switch_micro_time_now();
rtcp_generate_report_block(rtp_session, rtcp_report_block);
rtp_session->rtcp_send_msg.header.length = htons((uint16_t)(rtcp_bytes / 4) - 1);
sr->sr_head.ntp_msw = htonl((u_long)(when / 1000000 + 2208988800UL));
sr->ntp_lsw = htonl((u_long)(when % 1000000 * ((UINT_MAX * 1.0)/ 1000000.0)));
sr->sr_head.ntp_lsw = htonl((u_long)(rtp_session->send_time % 1000000 * 4294.967296));
sr->sr_head.ts = htonl(rtp_session->last_write_ts);
sr->sr_head.pc = htonl(rtp_session->stats.outbound.packet_count);
sr->sr_head.oc = htonl((rtp_session->stats.outbound.raw_bytes - rtp_session->stats.outbound.packet_count * sizeof(srtp_hdr_t)));
/* Prepare next report */
stats->last_rpt_cycle = stats->cycle;
stats->last_rpt_ext_seq = stats->high_ext_seq_recv;
stats->last_rpt_ts = rtp_session->timer.samplecount;
stats->period_pkt_count = 0;
rtp_session->rtcp_send_msg.header.length = htons((u_short)(rtcp_bytes / 4) - 1);
/* TBD need to put more accurate stats here. */
sr->sr_block.ssrc = htonl(rtp_session->stats.rtcp.peer_ssrc);
sr->sr_block.fraction = 0;
sr->sr_block.lost = htonl(rtp_session->stats.inbound.skip_packet_count);
sr->sr_block.highest_sequence_number_received = htonl(rtp_session->recv_msg.header.seq);
sr->sr_block.jitter = htonl(0);
sr->sr_block.lsr = htonl(0);
sr->sr_block.dlsr = htonl(0);
sr->sr_desc_head.v = 0x02;
sr->sr_desc_head.padding = 0;
sr-> = 1;
sr-> = 202;
sr->sr_desc_ssrc.ssrc = htonl(rtp_session->ssrc);
sr->sr_desc_ssrc.cname = 0x1;
char bufa[30];
const char* str_cname = switch_get_addr(bufa, sizeof(bufa), rtp_session->rtcp_local_addr);
switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG10, "Setting RTCP src-1 to %s\n", str_cname);
sr->sr_desc_ssrc.length = (unsigned int)strlen(str_cname);
memcpy ((char*)sr->sr_desc_ssrc.text, str_cname, strlen(str_cname));
switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG10, "Setting RTCP src-1 LENGTH to %d (%d, %s)\n",
sr->sr_desc_ssrc.length, sr->sr_desc_head.length, str_cname);
switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG10, "Setting msw = %d, lsw = %d \n", sr->sr_head.ntp_msw, sr->sr_head.ntp_lsw);
switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG10, "now = %"SWITCH_TIME_T_FMT", now lo = %d, now hi = %d\n",
when, (int32_t)(when&0xFFFFFFFF), (int32_t)((when>>32&0xFFFFFFFF)));
size_t sr_length = sizeof(switch_rtcp_hdr_t) + sizeof(struct switch_rtcp_sr_head) + (1 * sizeof(struct switch_rtcp_report_block));
size_t sr_desc_length = sizeof(struct switch_rtcp_s_desc_head) + sizeof(struct switch_rtcp_s_desc_trunk) + sr->sr_desc_ssrc.length;
rtp_session->rtcp_send_msg.header.length = htons((u_short)(sr_length / 4) - 1);
sr->sr_desc_head.length = htons((u_short)(sr_desc_length / 4) - 1);
rtcp_bytes = sr_length + sr_desc_length;
@ -3860,7 +3734,6 @@ SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_rtp_activate_rtcp(switch_rtp_t *rtp_sessi
switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_SESSION_LOG(rtp_session->session), SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "RTCP send rate is: %d and packet rate is: %d Remote Port: %d\n", send_rate, rtp_session->ms_per_packet, rtp_session->remote_rtcp_port);
rtp_session->rtcp_interval = send_rate;
rtp_session->rtcp_send_rate = send_rate/1000;
rtp_session->next_rtcp_send = switch_time_now() + (rtp_session->rtcp_interval * 1000);
@ -4900,7 +4773,6 @@ static switch_status_t read_rtp_packet(switch_rtp_t *rtp_session, switch_size_t
if (!rtp_session->flags[SWITCH_RTP_FLAG_PROXY_MEDIA] && !rtp_session->flags[SWITCH_RTP_FLAG_UDPTL]) {
@ -5070,35 +4942,22 @@ static switch_status_t read_rtp_packet(switch_rtp_t *rtp_session, switch_size_t
static switch_status_t process_rtcp_packet(switch_rtp_t *rtp_session, switch_size_t *bytes)
switch_status_t status = SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE;
switch_core_session_t *session = switch_core_memory_pool_get_data(rtp_session->pool, "__session");
switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_SESSION_LOG(session), SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG10,"Received an RTCP packet of length %" SWITCH_SIZE_T_FMT " bytes\n", *bytes);
if (rtp_session->rtcp_recv_msg.header.version == 2) {
switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_SESSION_LOG(session), SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG10,"RTCP packet type is %d\n", rtp_session->rtcp_recv_msg.header.type);
if (rtp_session->rtcp_recv_msg.header.type == 200 || rtp_session->rtcp_recv_msg.header.type == 201) {
struct switch_rtcp_report_block *report_block;
switch_time_t now;
switch_time_exp_t now_hr;
uint32_t sec, ntp_sec, ntp_usec, lsr_now;
uint32_t lsr;
uint32_t packet_ssrc;
now = switch_time_now(); /* number of microseconds since 00:00:00 january 1, 1970 UTC */
sec = now/1000000; /* converted to second (NTP most significant bits) */
ntp_sec = sec+NTP_TIME_OFFSET; /* 32bits most significant */
ntp_usec = now - (sec*1000000); /* micro seconds */
lsr_now = (uint32_t)(ntp_usec*0.065536) | (ntp_sec&0x0000ffff)<<16; // 0.065536 is used for convertion from useconds
if (rtp_session->rtcp_recv_msg.header.type == 200) { /* Sender report */
struct switch_rtcp_sender_report* sr = (struct switch_rtcp_sender_report*)rtp_session->rtcp_recv_msg.body;
report_block = &sr->report_block;
rtp_session->stats.rtcp.packet_count += ntohl(sr->sender_info.pc);
rtp_session->stats.rtcp.octet_count += ntohl(sr->sender_info.oc);
packet_ssrc = sr->ssrc;
/* Extracting LSR from NTP timestamp and save it */
lsr = (ntohl(sr->sender_info.ntp_lsw)&0xffff0000)>>16 | (ntohl(sr->sender_info.ntp_msw)&0x0000ffff)<<16; /* The middle 32 bits out of 64 in the NTP timestamp */
rtp_session->stats.rtcp.last_recv_lsr_peer = htonl(lsr); /* Save it include it in the next SR */
rtp_session->stats.rtcp.last_recv_lsr_local = lsr_now; /* Save it to calculate DLSR when generating next SR */
switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_SESSION_LOG(session), SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG10,"Received a SR with %d report blocks, " \
switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_SESSION_LOG(rtp_session->session), SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG10,"Received an RTCP packet of length %" SWITCH_SIZE_T_FMT " bytes\n", *bytes);
if (rtp_session->rtcp_recv_msg_p->header.version == 2) {
switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_SESSION_LOG(rtp_session->session), SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG10,"RTCP packet type is %d\n", rtp_session->rtcp_recv_msg_p->header.type);
if (rtp_session->rtcp_recv_msg_p->header.type == 200) {
struct switch_rtcp_senderinfo* sr = (struct switch_rtcp_senderinfo*)rtp_session->rtcp_recv_msg_p->body;
rtp_session->rtcp_fresh_frame = 1;
rtp_session->stats.rtcp.packet_count += ntohl(sr->sr_head.pc);
rtp_session->stats.rtcp.octet_count += ntohl(sr->sr_head.oc);
rtp_session->stats.rtcp.peer_ssrc = ntohl(sr->sr_head.ssrc);
/* sender report */
switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_SESSION_LOG(rtp_session->session), SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG10,"Received a SR with %d report blocks, " \
"length in words = %d, " \
"SSRC = 0x%X, " \
"NTP MSW = %u, " \
@ -5106,35 +4965,14 @@ static switch_status_t process_rtcp_packet(switch_rtp_t *rtp_session, switch_siz
"RTP timestamp = %u, " \
"Sender Packet Count = %u, " \
"Sender Octet Count = %u\n",
} else { /* Receiver report */
struct switch_rtcp_receiver_report* rr = (struct switch_rtcp_receiver_report*)rtp_session->rtcp_recv_msg.body;
report_block = &rr->report_block;
packet_ssrc = rr->ssrc;
/* Currently in passthru mode RTT will not be accurate, some work as to be done (something like mapping the NTP timestamp with a local one) to have RTT from both legs */
if (report_block->lsr && !rtp_session->flags[SWITCH_RTP_FLAG_RTCP_PASSTHRU]) {
/* Calculating RTT = A - DLSR - LSR */
"Receiving an RTCP packet[%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%d] SSRC[%u]"
"RTT[%f] A[%u] - DLSR[%u] - LSR[%u]\n",
1900 + now_hr.tm_year, now_hr.tm_mday, now_hr.tm_mon, now_hr.tm_hour, now_hr.tm_min, now_hr.tm_sec, now_hr.tm_usec,
ntohl(packet_ssrc), (double)(lsr_now - ntohl(report_block->dlsr) - ntohl(report_block->lsr))/65536,
lsr_now, ntohl(report_block->dlsr), ntohl(report_block->lsr));
rtp_session->rtcp_fresh_frame = 1;
rtp_session->stats.rtcp.peer_ssrc = ntohl(packet_ssrc);
} else {
if (rtp_session->rtcp_recv_msg_p->header.version != 2) {
@ -6120,19 +5958,19 @@ SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_rtcp_zerocopy_read_frame(switch_rtp_t *rt
/* A fresh frame has been found! */
if (rtp_session->rtcp_fresh_frame) {
struct switch_rtcp_sender_report* sr = (struct switch_rtcp_sender_report*)rtp_session->rtcp_recv_msg.body;
struct switch_rtcp_senderinfo* sr = (struct switch_rtcp_senderinfo*)rtp_session->rtcp_recv_msg_p->body;
int i = 0;
/* turn the flag off! */
rtp_session->rtcp_fresh_frame = 0;
frame->ssrc = ntohl(sr->ssrc);
frame->packet_type = (uint16_t)rtp_session->rtcp_recv_msg.header.type;
frame->ntp_msw = ntohl(sr->sender_info.ntp_msw);
frame->ntp_lsw = ntohl(sr->sender_info.ntp_lsw);
frame->timestamp = ntohl(sr->sender_info.ts);
frame->packet_count = ntohl(sr->sender_info.pc);
frame->octect_count = ntohl(sr->sender_info.oc);
frame->ssrc = ntohl(sr->sr_head.ssrc);
frame->packet_type = (uint16_t)rtp_session->rtcp_recv_msg_p->header.type;
frame->ntp_msw = ntohl(sr->sr_head.ntp_msw);
frame->ntp_lsw = ntohl(sr->sr_head.ntp_lsw);
frame->timestamp = ntohl(sr->sr_head.ts);
frame->packet_count = ntohl(sr->sr_head.pc);
frame->octect_count = ntohl(sr->sr_head.oc);
for (i = 0; i < (int)rtp_session->rtcp_recv_msg_p->header.count && i < MAX_REPORT_BLOCKS ; i++) {
struct switch_rtcp_report_block* report = (struct switch_rtcp_report_block*) (rtp_session->rtcp_recv_msg_p->body + (sizeof(struct switch_rtcp_sr_head) + (i * sizeof(struct switch_rtcp_report_block))));