
371 lines
13 KiB

Copyright (c) Dialogic (R) 2009 - 2010
This source file is supplied for the use with
Eicon Networks range of DIVA Server Adapters.
Dialogic (R) File Revision : 1.9
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#include "platform.h"
#include "pc.h"
#include "diva_streaming_result.h"
#include "diva_streaming_vector.h"
#include "diva_streaming_manager.h"
#include "diva_streaming_messages.h"
#include "diva_segment_alloc_ifc.h"
#include "diva_streaming_idi_host_ifc.h"
typedef struct _diva_stream_manager {
diva_stream_t ifc;
int user_segment_alloc;
struct _diva_segment_alloc* segment_alloc;
diva_segment_alloc_access_t* segment_alloc_ifc;
struct _diva_streaming_idi_host_ifc_w* tx;
struct _diva_streaming_idi_host_ifc_w_access* tx_ifc;
struct _diva_streaming_idi_host_ifc_r* rx;
struct _diva_streaming_idi_host_ifc_r_access* rx_ifc;
diva_streaming_idi_rx_notify_user_proc_t rx_proc;
void* rx_proc_context;
byte description[0xff-32];
} diva_stream_manager_t;
static int message_input_proc (void* user_context, dword message, dword length, const diva_streaming_vector_t* v, dword nr_v);
static diva_streaming_idi_result_t diva_stream_manager_release (struct _diva_stream* ifc);
static diva_streaming_idi_result_t diva_stream_manager_release_stream (struct _diva_stream* ifc);
static diva_streaming_idi_result_t diva_stream_manager_write (struct _diva_stream* ifc, dword message, const void* data, dword length);
static diva_streaming_idi_result_t diva_stream_manager_wakeup (struct _diva_stream* ifc);
static const byte* diva_stream_manager_description (struct _diva_stream* ifc, const byte* addie, byte addielen);
static diva_streaming_idi_result_t diva_stream_manager_sync_req (struct _diva_stream* ifc, dword ident);
static diva_streaming_idi_result_t diva_stream_flush (struct _diva_stream* ifc);
static dword diva_stream_get_tx_free (const struct _diva_stream* ifc);
static dword diva_stream_get_tx_in_use (const struct _diva_stream* ifc);
static void diva_notify_os_resource_removed (struct _diva_stream* ifc);
diva_streaming_idi_result_t diva_stream_create (struct _diva_stream** ifc,
void* os_context,
dword length,
diva_streaming_idi_rx_notify_user_proc_t rx,
void* rx_context,
const char* trace_ident) {
return (diva_stream_create_with_user_segment_alloc (ifc, os_context, length, rx, rx_context, trace_ident, 0));
diva_streaming_idi_result_t diva_stream_create_with_user_segment_alloc (struct _diva_stream** ifc,
void* os_context,
dword length,
diva_streaming_idi_rx_notify_user_proc_t rx,
void* rx_context,
const char* trace_ident,
struct _diva_segment_alloc* user_segment_alloc) {
diva_stream_manager_t* pI;
diva_streaming_idi_result_t ret = DivaStreamingIdiResultError;
dbg_init ("DIVA STREAM", "109-1", 0);
pI = diva_os_malloc (0, sizeof(*pI));
if (pI != 0) {
memset (pI, 0x00, sizeof(*pI));
memcpy(pI->trace_ident, trace_ident, MIN(strlen(trace_ident), DIVA_STREAMING_MAX_TRACE_IDENT_LENGTH));
if (user_segment_alloc != 0) {
pI->segment_alloc = user_segment_alloc;
pI->user_segment_alloc = 1;
ret = 0;
} else {
ret = diva_create_segment_alloc (os_context, &pI->segment_alloc);
pI->user_segment_alloc = 0;
if (ret == 0) {
dword number_segments = length/4096 + ((length%4096) != 0);
pI->segment_alloc_ifc = diva_get_segment_alloc_ifc (pI->segment_alloc);
ret = diva_streaming_idi_host_ifc_create (&pI->tx, number_segments, pI->segment_alloc, trace_ident);
if (ret == 0) {
pI->tx_ifc = diva_streaming_idi_host_ifc_get_access (pI->tx);
ret = diva_streaming_idi_host_rx_ifc_create (&pI->rx, number_segments, pI->segment_alloc, pI->tx, pI->tx_ifc, message_input_proc, pI, &pI->ifc, trace_ident);
if (ret == 0) {
pI->rx_ifc = diva_streaming_idi_host_rx_ifc_get_access (pI->rx);
pI->ifc.release = diva_stream_manager_release;
pI->ifc.release_stream = diva_stream_manager_release_stream;
pI->ifc.write = diva_stream_manager_write;
pI->ifc.wakeup = diva_stream_manager_wakeup;
pI->ifc.description = diva_stream_manager_description;
pI->ifc.sync = diva_stream_manager_sync_req;
pI->ifc.flush_stream = diva_stream_flush;
pI->ifc.get_tx_free = diva_stream_get_tx_free;
pI->ifc.get_tx_in_use = diva_stream_get_tx_in_use;
pI->ifc.notify_os_resource_removed = diva_notify_os_resource_removed;
pI->rx_proc = rx;
pI->rx_proc_context = rx_context;
*ifc = &pI->ifc;
ret = DivaStreamingIdiResultOK;
} else {
DBG_ERR(("failed to create rx stream [%s]", trace_ident))
} else {
DBG_ERR(("failed to create tx stream [%s]", trace_ident))
} else {
DBG_ERR(("failed to create segment alloc [%s]", trace_ident))
if (ret != 0)
diva_stream_manager_release (&pI->ifc);
return (ret);
static int message_input_proc (void* user_context, dword message, dword length, const diva_streaming_vector_t* v, dword nr_v) {
diva_stream_manager_t* pI = (diva_stream_manager_t*)user_context;
return (pI->rx_proc (pI->rx_proc_context, message, length, v, nr_v));
static diva_streaming_idi_result_t diva_stream_manager_release (struct _diva_stream* ifc) {
if (ifc != 0) {
diva_stream_manager_t* pI = DIVAS_CONTAINING_RECORD(ifc, diva_stream_manager_t, ifc);
if (pI->rx != 0)
pI->rx_ifc->release (pI->rx);
if (pI->tx != 0)
pI->tx_ifc->release (pI->tx);
if (pI->segment_alloc != 0 && pI->user_segment_alloc == 0)
pI->segment_alloc_ifc->release (&pI->segment_alloc);
diva_os_free (0, pI);
return (DivaStreamingIdiResultOK);
static diva_streaming_idi_result_t diva_stream_manager_release_stream (struct _diva_stream* ifc) {
if (ifc != 0) {
diva_stream_manager_t* pI = DIVAS_CONTAINING_RECORD(ifc, diva_stream_manager_t, ifc);
return (pI->tx_ifc->release_stream (pI->tx));
return (DivaStreamingIdiResultError);
static diva_streaming_idi_result_t diva_stream_manager_write (struct _diva_stream* ifc, dword message, const void* data, dword length) {
diva_stream_manager_t* pI = DIVAS_CONTAINING_RECORD(ifc, diva_stream_manager_t, ifc);
return (pI->tx_ifc->write_message (pI->tx, message, data, length));
static diva_streaming_idi_result_t diva_stream_manager_wakeup (struct _diva_stream* ifc) {
diva_stream_manager_t* pI = DIVAS_CONTAINING_RECORD(ifc, diva_stream_manager_t, ifc);
return (pI->rx_ifc->wakeup (pI->rx));
const byte* diva_stream_manager_description (struct _diva_stream* ifc, const byte* addie, byte addielen) {
diva_stream_manager_t* pI = DIVAS_CONTAINING_RECORD(ifc, diva_stream_manager_t, ifc);
byte length = 4, len_tx, len_rx;
len_tx = pI->tx_ifc->description (pI->tx, &pI->description[length], sizeof(pI->description)-length);
if (len_tx != 0) {
length += len_tx;
len_rx = pI->rx_ifc->description (pI->rx, &pI->description[length], sizeof(pI->description)-length);
if (len_rx != 0) {
length += len_rx;
pI->description[0] = length-1; /* Structure length */
pI->description[1] = 0; /* Request */
pI->description[2] = len_rx+len_tx+1; /* Structure length */
pI->description[3] = 0; /* Version */
if (addie != 0 && addielen != 0) {
byte* description = &pI->description[0];
byte* start = &description[3];
start[0] |= 2U;
start = start + start[-1];
memcpy (start, addie, addielen);
start += addielen;
*start++ = 0;
description[2] += addielen+1;
description[0] += addielen+1;
length += addielen+1;
DBG_TRC(("description length %u [%s]", length, pI->trace_ident))
DBG_BLK(((void*)pI->description, length))
return (&pI->description[0]);
return (0);
static diva_streaming_idi_result_t diva_stream_manager_sync_req (struct _diva_stream* ifc, dword ident) {
diva_stream_manager_t* pI = DIVAS_CONTAINING_RECORD(ifc, diva_stream_manager_t, ifc);
return (pI->tx_ifc->sync (pI->tx, ident));
static diva_streaming_idi_result_t diva_stream_flush (struct _diva_stream* ifc) {
diva_stream_manager_t* pI = DIVAS_CONTAINING_RECORD(ifc, diva_stream_manager_t, ifc);
return (pI->tx_ifc->update_remote (pI->tx) == 0 ? DivaStreamingIdiResultOK : DivaStreamingIdiResultError);
static dword diva_stream_get_tx_free (const struct _diva_stream* ifc) {
diva_stream_manager_t* pI = DIVAS_CONTAINING_RECORD(ifc, diva_stream_manager_t, ifc);
return (pI->tx_ifc->get_free (pI->tx));
static dword diva_stream_get_tx_in_use (const struct _diva_stream* ifc) {
const diva_stream_manager_t* pI = DIVAS_CONTAINING_RECORD(ifc, const diva_stream_manager_t, ifc);
return (pI->tx_ifc->get_in_use (pI->tx));
static void diva_notify_os_resource_removed (struct _diva_stream* ifc) {
diva_stream_manager_t* pI = DIVAS_CONTAINING_RECORD(ifc, diva_stream_manager_t, ifc);
if (pI->segment_alloc != 0) {
pI->segment_alloc_ifc->resource_removed (pI->segment_alloc);
dword diva_streaming_read_vector_data (const diva_streaming_vector_t* v, int nr_v, dword *vector_offset, dword *vector_position, byte* dst, dword length) {
dword to_copy;
dword count;
for (count = 0; vector_offset[0] < ((dword)nr_v) && length != 0;) {
to_copy = MIN((v[vector_offset[0]].length - vector_position[0]), length);
if (dst != 0) {
const byte* tmp = v[vector_offset[0]].data;
memcpy (dst, &tmp[vector_position[0]], to_copy);
dst += to_copy;
length -= to_copy;
count += to_copy;
if (v[vector_offset[0]].length == vector_position[0]+to_copy) {
} else {
vector_position[0] += to_copy;
return (count);
dword diva_streaming_get_indication_data (dword handle, dword message, dword length, const diva_streaming_vector_t* v, int nr_v, byte* pInd, diva_streaming_vector_t* vind, int *pvind_nr) {
dword vector_offset = (byte)handle;
dword vector_position = handle >> 8;
byte Ind = (byte)(message >> 8);
byte header[4];
dword indication_data_length;
int dst_nr_v = *pvind_nr;
int i;
if ((Ind & 0x0f) == 8 /* N_DATA */) {
*pInd = Ind;
for (i = 0; i < nr_v; i++) {
vind[i] = v[i];
*pvind_nr = nr_v;
return (0);
Combined indication
data[0] = Ind;
data[1] = IndCh;
data[2] = (byte)length;
data[3] = (byte)(length >> 8);
if (vector_offset >= ((dword)nr_v) || vector_position >= v[vector_offset].length) {
DBG_ERR(("%s at %d wrong combined indication format", __FILE__, __LINE__))
*pInd = 0;
return (0);
const byte* tmp = v[vector_offset].data;
if (tmp[vector_position] == 0) {
DBG_ERR(("%s at %d wrong combined indication format", __FILE__, __LINE__))
*pInd = 0;
return (0);
if (diva_streaming_read_vector_data (v, nr_v, &vector_offset, &vector_position, header, sizeof(header)) != sizeof(header)) {
DBG_ERR(("%s at %d wrong combined indication format", __FILE__, __LINE__))
*pInd = 0;
return (0);
indication_data_length = ((word)header[2] | (word)header[3] << 8);
for (i = 0; i < dst_nr_v && indication_data_length != 0; i++) {
const byte* tmp = v[vector_offset].data;
vind[i].data = &tmp[vector_position];
vind[i].length = MIN((v[vector_offset].length - vector_position), indication_data_length);
*pvind_nr = i + 1;
indication_data_length -= vind[i].length;
if (diva_streaming_read_vector_data (v, nr_v, &vector_offset, &vector_position, 0, vind[i].length) != vind[i].length) {
DBG_ERR(("%s at %d wrong combined indication format", __FILE__, __LINE__))
*pInd = 0;
return (0);
if (indication_data_length != 0) {
DBG_ERR(("%s at %d wrong combined indication format", __FILE__, __LINE__))
*pInd = 0;
return (0);
*pInd = header[0];
const byte* tmp = v[vector_offset].data;
if (tmp[vector_position] == 0) {
return (0);
return (vector_offset | (vector_position << 8));