/* * Copyright (c) Dialogic(R), 2010 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ /*! \file * \brief Declares interface to access diva management file system */ #ifndef __DIVA_STATUS_H__ #define __DIVA_STATUS_H__ typedef enum _diva_status_ifc_type { DivaStatusIfcNotPri = 0, DivaStatusIfcPri, DivaStatusIfcBri, DivaStatusIfcAnalog } diva_status_ifc_type_t; typedef struct _diva_status_ifc_alarms { int Red; int Blue; int Yellow; } diva_status_ifc_alarms_t; typedef enum _diva_status_ifc_l1_state { DivaStatusIfcL1DoNotApply = 0, DivaStatusIfcL1OK, DivaStatusIfcL1Error } diva_status_ifc_l1_state_t; typedef enum _diva_status_ifc_l2_state { DivaStatusIfcL2DoNotApply = 0, DivaStatusIfcL2OK, DivaStatusIfcL2Error } diva_status_ifc_l2_state_t; typedef enum _diva_status_ifc_hw_state { DivaStatusHwStateUnknown = 0, DivaStateHwStateActive = 1, DivaStateHwStateInactive = 2 } diva_status_ifc_hw_state_t; typedef struct _diva_status_ifc_statistics { unsigned int Frames; unsigned int Bytes; unsigned int Errors; } diva_status_ifc_statistics_t; typedef struct _diva_status_ifc_state { diva_status_ifc_type_t ifcType; diva_status_ifc_hw_state_t hwState; diva_status_ifc_alarms_t ifcAlarms; diva_status_ifc_l1_state_t ifcL1State; diva_status_ifc_l2_state_t ifcL2State; diva_status_ifc_l1_state_t ifcL1VisualState; diva_status_ifc_l2_state_t ifcL2VisualState; diva_status_ifc_statistics_t ifcRxDStatistics; diva_status_ifc_statistics_t ifcTxDStatistics; unsigned int serialNumber; unsigned int maxTemperature; unsigned int currentTemperature; } diva_status_ifc_state_t; #define DIVA_STATUS_EVENT_L1 0x00000001U #define DIVA_STATUS_EVENT_L2 0x00000002U #define DIVA_STATUS_EVENT_ALARMS 0x00000004U #define DIVA_STATUS_EVENT_STATISTICS 0x00000008U #endif