Add description for half duplex conference

This commit is contained in:
MelwareDE 2009-05-01 12:50:14 +00:00
parent 7fe17bac31
commit eb16251723
2 changed files with 130 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -295,6 +295,8 @@ Chat (MeetMe/Conference):
exten => s,1,capicommand(chat|salesmeeting|m|1,3-6)
Possible options:
'm' = The first caller will get music-on-hold until second caller arrives.
'o' = The caller is operator
'l' = The caller is listener
Progress / Early-B3 on incoming calls:
Activate Early-B3 on incoming channels to signal progress tones

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@ -844,6 +844,24 @@ Description:
Used to enter (create) chat (conference room). New conference room is created
if necessary.
This is three types of conference members:
Regular users
Regular users can receive voise stream from conference and send voice stream to conference.
Outgoing (from user to conference) voice stream from regular users can be muted (deactivated)
and unmuted (activated) if necessary by 'chat_mute' command.
Operators can receive voise stream from conference and send voice stream to conference.
Outgoing (from user to conference) voice stream from operators can not be muted (deactivated)
by 'chat_mute' command.
Listeners can only receive voice stream from conference.
Outgoing (from user to conference) voice stream is muted (decativated) and can not be unmuted (activated)
by 'chat_mute' command.
Creates one Any-to-Any conference room. Conference AGC (evaluation of active talker) receives active as
soon as more then two members are added to conference.
@ -856,9 +874,10 @@ capicommand(chat|<roomname>|<options>|controller)
roomname - conference room name
m - The first caller will get music-on-hold until second caller arrives
l - The caller is listener (passive) conference member, can not be unmuted by 'chat_mute' command
o - The caller is conference operator, can not be muted by 'chat_mute' command
controller - CAPI controller
Syntax example:
exten => s,n,capicommand(chat|test|m|1)
exten => s,n,capicommand(chat|test|m|1,3)
@ -914,6 +933,24 @@ Description:
allows use of provided by DSP resources media processing for connected by IP
network conference members.
This is three types of conference members:
Regular users
Regular users can receive voise stream from conference and send voice stream to conference.
Outgoing (from user to conference) voice stream from regular users can be muted (deactivated)
and unmuted (activated) if necessary by 'chat_mute' command.
Operators can receive voise stream from conference and send voice stream to conference.
Outgoing (from user to conference) voice stream from operators can not be muted (deactivated)
by 'chat_mute' command.
Listeners can only receive voice stream from conference.
Outgoing (from user to conference) voice stream is muted (decativated) and can not be unmuted (activated)
by 'chat_mute' command.
Certain problems arrive if processing send in band DTMF events for
IP connections.
@ -992,6 +1029,96 @@ exten => s,n,capicommand(chat|test1|m|1-4) ; Craete/enter conference toom 't
| chat_mute (Manage conference) |
Used to manage chat (conference room). This is three types of conference members:
Regular users
Regular users can receive voise stream from conference and send voice stream to conference.
Outgoing (from user to conference) voice stream from regular users can be muted (deactivated)
and unmuted (activated) if necessary by 'chat_mute' command.
Operators can receive voise stream from conference and send voice stream to conference.
Outgoing (from user to conference) voice stream from operators can not be muted (deactivated)
by 'chat_mute' command.
Listeners can only receive voice stream from conference.
Outgoing (from user to conference) voice stream is muted (decativated) and can not be unmuted (activated)
by 'chat_mute' command.
'chat_mute' command allows to manage conference switching regular users between active (voice stream from
user to conference is active and used in conference) and passive (voice stream from user to conference
is deactivated and not used in conference) mode. 'chat_mute' command apply to regular users only.
The state of operators and listeners is not changed by this commmand. Independent from changed by this
command state of conference operators will remain active members and listeners will remain passive members
of conference.
Used to control (deactivate and activate) voice stream from regular users to conference.
Voice stream of regular users is active by default. If conference mode was changed to half duplex
('chat_mute|yes') then new regular users are created with voice stream deactivated until conference
mode is not changed back to full duplex ('chat_mute|no')
Supported hardware:
action - mandatory
yes - change conference mode to half duplex, deactivate voice stream from regular
users to conference
no - change conference mode back to full duplex, activate voice stream from regular
users to conference
roomname - conference room name. This parameter is necessary if caller is not a member of conference.
It allows the control of conference by one user which not member of conference. Using
this parameter one user can control multiple conferences. This allows to implement
functionality of common conference operator.
Syntax example:
exten => s,n,capicommand(chat_mute|yes)
exten => s,n,capicommand(char_mute|no)
exten => s,n,capicommand(chat_mute|yes|test_room)
exten => s,n,capicommand(char_mute|no|test_room)
Conference example:
exten => 1291,1,Answer ; Accept call
exten => 1291,n,capicommand(resource|1-4) ; assign resource PLCI if call from IP
exten => 1291,n,capicommand(clamping|200) ; Activate DTMF suppression
exten => 1291,n,capicommand(vc|chat_mute|0|yes) ; Voice command, key 0 - change to half duplex mode
exten => 1291,n,capicommand(vc|chat_mute|1|no) ; Voice command, key 0 - change to full duplex mode
exten => 1291,n,capicommand(chat|test_chat|mo|1-4) ; Add to conference as operator
exten => 1291,n,Hangup()
exten => 1292,1,Answer ; Accept call
exten => 1292,n,capicommand(resource|1-4) ; Assign resource PLCI if call from IP
exten => 1292,n,capicommand(clamping|200) ; Activate DTMF suppression
exten => 1292,n,capicommand(chat|test_chat|m|1-4) ; Add to conference as regular user
exten => 1292,n,Hangup()
exten => 1293,1,Answer ; Accept call
exten => 1293,n,capicommand(resource|1-4) ; Assign resource PLCI if call from IP
exten => 1293,n,capicommand(clamping|200) ; Activate DTMF suppression
exten => 1293,n,capicommand(chat|test_chat|m|1-4) ; Add to conference as listener
exten => 1293,n,Hangup()
exten => _X.,1,Answer
exten => _X.,n,Goto(s,1)
exten => s,1,Wait(1)
exten => s,n(restart),Playback(demo-instruct)
exten => s,n,Goto(s,restart)
exten => s,n,Hangup
| echocancel |