
1126 lines
42 KiB

/* @file capi.h
@brief Contains Capi - Main Class for communication with CAPI
@author Gernot Hillier <>
$Revision: 1.5 $
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include "connection.h"
#include "applicationinterface.h"
#include "capi.h"
void* capi_exec_handler(void* arg)
if (!arg) {
cerr << "FATAL ERROR: no Capi reference given in capi_exec_handler" << endl;
Capi *instance=static_cast<Capi*>(arg);
Capi::Capi (ostream& debug, unsigned short debug_level, ostream &error, unsigned maxLogicalConnection, unsigned maxBDataBlocks,unsigned maxBDataLen) throw (CapiError, CapiMsgError)
if (debug_level >= 2)
debug << prefix() << "Capi object created" << endl;
readProfile(); // can throw CapiMsgError. Just propagate...
if (Capi::numControllers==0)
throw (CapiError("No ISDN-Controller installed","Capi::Capi()"));
unsigned info = capi20_register(maxLogicalConnection, maxBDataBlocks, maxBDataLen, &applId);
if (applId == 0 || info!=0)
throw (CapiMsgError(info,"Error while registering application: "+describeParamInfo(info),"Capi::Capi()"));
for (int i=1;i<=numControllers;i++)
listen_req(i, usedInfoMask, usedCIPMask); // can throw CapiMsgError
int erg=pthread_create(&thread_handle, NULL, capi_exec_handler, this); // create a normal thread
if (erg!=0)
throw (CapiMsgError(erg,"Error while starting message thread","Capi::Capi()"));
Capi::~Capi ()
int ret=pthread_cancel(thread_handle); // tell run() to end
if (ret)
throw (CapiMsgError(ret,"Error while cancelling Capi thread","Capi::~Capi()"));
if (ret)
throw (CapiMsgError(ret,"Error while joining Capi thread","Capi::~Capi()"));
unsigned info = capi20_release(applId); // this will abort capi20_waitformessage
if (info != 0)
throw (CapiMsgError(info,"Error while unregistering application: "+describeParamInfo(info),"Capi::~Capi()"));
if (debug_level >= 2)
debug << prefix() << "Capi object deleted. Let's go to bed..." << endl;
Capi::registerApplicationInterface(ApplicationInterface* application_in)
if (debug_level >= 1) {
debug << prefix() << "Registered successful at CAPI with ApplId " << applId << endl;
Capi::unregisterConnection(_cdword plci)
Capi::listen_req(_cdword Controller, _cdword InfoMask, _cdword CIPMask) throw (CapiMsgError)
_cmsg CMSG; // Nachrichten-Struktur
if (debug_level >= 2) {
debug << prefix() << ">LISTEN_REQ ApplID 0x" << hex << applId << " msgNum 0x" << messageNumber << " Controller 0x" << Controller << " InfoMask 0x"
<< InfoMask << " CIPMask 0x" << CIPMask << " 0x0 NULL NULL" << endl;
unsigned info=LISTEN_REQ(&CMSG, applId, messageNumber++, Controller, InfoMask,CIPMask,0,NULL,NULL);
if (debug_level >= 2) {
debug << prefix() << "info: " << info << endl;
if (info != 0)
throw(CapiMsgError(info,"Error while LISTEN_REQ: "+Capi::describeParamInfo(info),"Capi::listen_req()"));
Capi::alert_req(_cdword plci) throw (CapiMsgError)
_cmsg CMSG; // Nachrichten-Struktur
if (debug_level >= 2) {
debug << prefix() << ">ALERT_REQ: ApplId 0x" << hex << applId << ", MsgNr 0x" << messageNumber << ", PLCI 0x" << plci << endl;
unsigned info=ALERT_REQ(&CMSG, applId, messageNumber++, plci, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (debug_level >= 2) {
debug << prefix() << "info: " << info << endl;
if (info != 0)
throw(CapiMsgError(info,"Error while ALERT_REQ: "+Capi::describeParamInfo(info),"Capi::alert_req()"));
Capi::connect_req(Connection *conn, _cdword controller, _cword CIPValue, _cstruct calledPartyNumber, _cstruct callingPartyNumber, _cword B1protocol, _cword B2protocol, _cword B3protocol, _cstruct B1configuration, _cstruct B2configuration, _cstruct B3configuration) throw (CapiMsgError)
_cmsg CMSG; // Nachrichten-Struktur
connections[0xFACE0000 | messageNumber]=conn; // pseudo PLCI to see which CONNECT_CONF corresponds to which CONNECT_REQ
// this can't be a valid NCCI as a valid ncci & 0xFF000000 = 0
if (debug_level >= 2) {
debug << prefix() << ">CONNECT_REQ: ApplId 0x" << hex << applId << ", MsgNr 0x" << messageNumber << ", Controller 0x" << controller
<< " CIPValue 0x" << CIPValue << ", B1proto 0x" << B1protocol << ", B2proto 0x" << B2protocol <<", B3proto 0x" << B3protocol << endl;
unsigned info=CONNECT_REQ(&CMSG, applId, messageNumber, controller, CIPValue, calledPartyNumber, callingPartyNumber, NULL, NULL,
B1protocol, B2protocol, B3protocol, B1configuration, B2configuration, B3configuration, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (debug_level >= 2) {
debug << prefix() << "info: " << info << endl;
if (info != 0)
throw(CapiMsgError(info,"Error while CONNECT_REQ: "+Capi::describeParamInfo(info),"Capi::connect_req()"));
Capi::connect_b3_req(_cdword plci) throw (CapiMsgError)
_cmsg CMSG; // Nachrichten-Struktur
if (debug_level >= 2) {
debug << prefix() << ">CONNECT_B3_REQ: ApplId 0x" << hex << applId << ", MsgNr 0x" << messageNumber << ", PLCI 0x" << plci << endl;
unsigned info=CONNECT_B3_REQ(&CMSG, applId, messageNumber++, plci, NULL);
if (debug_level >= 2) {
debug << prefix() << "info: " << info << endl;
if (info != 0)
throw(CapiMsgError(info,"Error while CONNECT_B3_REQ: "+Capi::describeParamInfo(info),"Capi::connect_b3_req()"));
Capi::select_b_protocol_req (_cdword plci, _cword B1protocol, _cword B2protocol, _cword B3protocol, _cstruct B1configuration, _cstruct B2configuration, _cstruct B3configuration) throw (CapiMsgError)
_cmsg CMSG; // Nachrichten-Struktur
if (debug_level >= 2) debug << prefix() << ">SELECT_B_PROTOCOL_REQ: ApplId 0x" << hex << applId << ", MsgNr 0x" << messageNumber << ", PLCI 0x" << plci
<< ", B1protocol " << B1protocol << ", B2protocol " << B2protocol << ", B3protocol " << B3protocol << endl;
unsigned info=SELECT_B_PROTOCOL_REQ(&CMSG, applId, messageNumber++, plci, B1protocol, B2protocol, B3protocol, B1configuration, B2configuration, B3configuration);
if (debug_level >= 2)
debug << prefix() << "info: " << info << endl;
if (info != 0)
throw(CapiMsgError(info,"Error while SELECT_B_PROTOCOL_REQ: "+Capi::describeParamInfo(info),"Capi::select_b_protocol_req()"));
Capi::data_b3_req (_cdword ncci, void* Data, _cword DataLength,_cword DataHandle,_cword Flags) throw (CapiMsgError)
_cmsg CMSG; // Nachrichten-Struktur
if (debug_level >= 3)
debug << prefix() << ">DATA_B3_REQ ApplId 0x" << hex << applId << ", msgNum 0x" << messageNumber << ", NCCI 0x" << ncci << dec
<< ", DataLen " << DataLength << ", DataHandle " << DataHandle << hex << ", Flags 0x" << Flags << endl;
unsigned info=DATA_B3_REQ(&CMSG, applId, messageNumber++, ncci, Data, DataLength, DataHandle, Flags);
if (debug_level >= 3)
debug << prefix() << "info: " << info << endl;
if (info != 0)
throw(CapiMsgError(info,"Error while DATA_B3_REQ: "+Capi::describeParamInfo(info),"Capi::data_b3_req()"));
Capi::disconnect_b3_req (_cdword ncci, _cstruct ncpi) throw (CapiMsgError)
_cmsg CMSG; // Nachrichten-Struktur
if (debug_level >= 2)
debug << prefix() << ">DISCONNECT_B3_REQ ApplId 0x" << hex << applId << " MsgNum 0x" << messageNumber << " NCCI 0x" << ncci << endl;
unsigned info=DISCONNECT_B3_REQ(&CMSG, applId, messageNumber++, ncci, ncpi);
if (debug_level >= 2)
debug << prefix() << "info: " << info << endl;
if (info != 0)
throw(CapiMsgError(info,"Error while DISCONNECT_B3_REQ: "+Capi::describeParamInfo(info),"Capi::disconnect_b3_req()"));
Capi::disconnect_req (_cdword plci, _cstruct Keypadfacility, _cstruct Useruserdata, _cstruct Facilitydataarray) throw (CapiMsgError)
_cmsg CMSG; // Nachrichten-Struktur
if (debug_level >= 2) {
debug << prefix() << ">DISCONNECT_REQ ApplId 0x" << hex << applId << " MsgNum 0x" << messageNumber << " PLCI 0x" << plci << endl;
unsigned info=DISCONNECT_REQ(&CMSG, applId, messageNumber++, plci, NULL, Keypadfacility, Useruserdata, Facilitydataarray);
if (debug_level >= 2) {
debug << prefix() << "info: " << info << endl;
if (info != 0)
throw(CapiMsgError(info,"Error while DISCONNECT_REQ: "+Capi::describeParamInfo(info),"Capi::disconnect_req()"));
Capi::facility_req (_cdword address, _cword FacilitySelector, _cstruct FacilityRequestParameter) throw (CapiMsgError)
_cmsg CMSG; // Nachrichten-Struktur
if (debug_level >= 2) {
debug << prefix() << ">FACILITY_REQ ApplId 0x" << hex << applId << ", MsgNr 0x" << messageNumber << ", Address 0x" << address << ", FacilitySelector 0x" << FacilitySelector << endl;
unsigned info=FACILITY_REQ(&CMSG, applId, messageNumber++, address, FacilitySelector, FacilityRequestParameter);
if (debug_level >= 2) {
debug << prefix() << "info: " << info << endl;
if (info != 0)
throw(CapiMsgError(info,"Error while FACILITY_REQ: "+Capi::describeParamInfo(info),"Capi::facility_req()"));
Capi::setListenFaxG3 (_cdword controller) throw (CapiMsgError,CapiError)
if (!controller) {
unsigned char buf[64];
for (int i=1;i<=numControllers;i++)
if (profiles[i-1].fax || profiles[i-1].faxExt)
listen_req(i, usedInfoMask, usedCIPMask); // can throw CapiMsgError
else {
if (profiles[controller-1].fax || profiles[controller-1].faxExt)
listen_req(controller, usedInfoMask, usedCIPMask); // can throw CapiMsgError
throw(CapiError("Chosen controller doesn't support fax services","Capi::setListenFaxG3"));
Capi::setListenTelephony (_cdword controller) throw (CapiMsgError,CapiError)
if (!controller) {
unsigned char buf[64];
for (int i=1;i<=numControllers;i++)
if (profiles[i-1].transp)
listen_req(i, usedInfoMask, usedCIPMask); // can throw CapiMsgError
else {
if (profiles[controller-1].transp)
listen_req(controller, usedInfoMask, usedCIPMask); // can throw CapiMsgError
throw(CapiError("Chosen controller doesn't support voice (transparent) services","Capi::setListenTelephony"));
Capi::connect_resp (_cword messageNumber, _cdword plci, _cword reject, _cword B1protocol, _cword B2protocol, _cword B3protocol, _cstruct B1configuration, _cstruct B2configuration, _cstruct B3configuration) throw (CapiMsgError)
if (debug_level >= 2)
debug << prefix() << ">CONNECT_RESP ApplId 0x" << hex << applId << ", msgNum 0x" << messageNumber << ", PLCI 0x" << plci << ", Reject 0x"
<< reject << ", B1proto 0x" << B1protocol << ", B2proto 0x" << B2protocol << ", B3proto 0x" << B3protocol << endl;
_cmsg new_message;
unsigned info=CONNECT_RESP(&new_message, applId, messageNumber, plci, reject, B1protocol, B2protocol, B3protocol, B1configuration, B2configuration, B3configuration, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (debug_level >= 2)
debug << prefix() << "info: " << info << endl;
if (info != 0)
throw(CapiMsgError(info,"Error while CONNECT_REQ: "+Capi::describeParamInfo(info),"Capi::connect_resp()"));
Capi::connect_active_resp (_cword messageNumber, _cdword plci) throw (CapiMsgError)
if (debug_level >= 2)
debug << prefix() << ">CONNECT_ACTIVE_RESP ApplId 0x" << hex << applId << " MsgNum 0x" << messageNumber << " PLCI 0x" << plci << endl;
_cmsg new_message;
unsigned info=CONNECT_ACTIVE_RESP(&new_message, applId, messageNumber, plci);
if (debug_level >= 2)
debug << prefix() << "info: " << info << endl;
if (info != 0)
throw(CapiMsgError(info,"Error while CONNECT_ACTIVE_RESP: "+Capi::describeParamInfo(info),"Capi::connect_active_resp()"));
Capi::connect_b3_resp (_cword messageNumber, _cdword ncci, _cword reject, _cstruct ncpi) throw (CapiMsgError)
if (debug_level >= 2)
debug << prefix() << ">CONNECT_B3_RESP ApplId 0x" << hex << applId << " MsgNum 0x" << messageNumber << " NCCI 0x" << ncci << " Reject 0x" << reject << endl;
_cmsg new_message;
unsigned info=CONNECT_B3_RESP(&new_message, applId, messageNumber, ncci, reject, ncpi);
if (debug_level >= 2)
debug << prefix() << "info: " << info << endl;
if (info != 0)
throw(CapiMsgError(info,"Error while CONNECT_B3_RESP: "+Capi::describeParamInfo(info),"Capi::connect_b3_resp()"));
Capi::connect_b3_active_resp (_cword messageNumber, _cdword ncci) throw (CapiMsgError)
if (debug_level >= 2)
debug << prefix() << ">CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_RESP ApplId 0x" << hex << applId << " MsgNum 0x" << messageNumber << " NCCI 0x" << ncci << endl;
_cmsg new_message;
unsigned info=CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_RESP(&new_message, applId, messageNumber, ncci);
if (debug_level >= 2)
debug << prefix() << "info: " << info << endl;
if (info != 0)
throw(CapiMsgError(info,"Error while CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_RESP: "+Capi::describeParamInfo(info),"Capi::connect_b3_active_resp()"));
Capi::data_b3_resp (_cword messageNumber, _cdword ncci, _cword dataHandle) throw (CapiMsgError)
if (debug_level >= 3)
debug << prefix() << ">DATA_B3_RESP, ApplId 0x" << hex << applId << ", msgNum 0x" << messageNumber << ", NCCI 0x" << ncci << ", DataHandle 0x" << dataHandle << endl;
_cmsg new_message;
unsigned info=DATA_B3_RESP(&new_message, applId, messageNumber, ncci, dataHandle);
if (debug_level >= 3)
debug << prefix() << "info: " << info << endl;
if (info != 0)
throw(CapiMsgError(info,"Error while DATA_B3_RESP: "+Capi::describeParamInfo(info),"Capi::data_b3_resp()"));
Capi::facility_resp (_cword messageNumber, _cdword address, _cword facilitySelector, _cstruct facilityResponseParameter) throw (CapiMsgError)
if (debug_level >= 2)
debug << prefix() << ">FACILITY_RESP ApplId 0x" << hex << applId << ", MsgNr 0x" << messageNumber << ", Address 0x" << address
<< ", FacilitySelector 0x" << facilitySelector << endl;
_cmsg new_message;
unsigned info=FACILITY_RESP(&new_message, applId, messageNumber, address, facilitySelector, facilityResponseParameter);
if (debug_level >= 2)
debug << prefix() << "info: " << info << endl;
if (info != 0)
throw(CapiMsgError(info,"Error while FACILITY_RESP: "+Capi::describeParamInfo(info),"Capi::facility_resp()"));
Capi::info_resp (_cword messageNumber, _cdword address) throw (CapiMsgError)
if (debug_level >= 2)
debug << prefix() << ">INFO_RESP ApplId 0x" << hex << applId << ", MsgNr 0x" << messageNumber << ", Address 0x" << address << endl;
_cmsg new_message;
unsigned info=INFO_RESP(&new_message, applId, messageNumber, address);
if (debug_level >= 2)
debug << prefix() << "info: " << info << endl;
if (info != 0)
throw(CapiMsgError(info,"Error while INFO_RESP: "+Capi::describeParamInfo(info),"Capi::info_resp()"));
Capi::disconnect_b3_resp (_cword messageNumber, _cdword ncci) throw (CapiMsgError)
if (debug_level >= 2)
debug << prefix() << ">DISCONNECT_B3_RESP ApplId 0x" << hex << applId << " MsgNum 0x" << messageNumber << " NCCI 0x" << ncci << endl;
_cmsg new_message;
unsigned info=DISCONNECT_B3_RESP(&new_message, applId, messageNumber, ncci);
if (debug_level >= 2)
debug << prefix() << "info: " << info << endl;
if (info != 0)
throw(CapiMsgError(info,"Error while DISCONNECT_B3_RESP: "+Capi::describeParamInfo(info),"Capi::disconnect_b3_resp()"));
Capi::disconnect_resp (_cword messageNumber, _cdword plci) throw (CapiMsgError)
if (debug_level >= 2)
debug << prefix() << ">DISCONNECT_RESP ApplId 0x" << hex << applId << " MsgNum 0x" << messageNumber << " PLCI 0x" << plci << endl;
_cmsg new_message;
unsigned info=DISCONNECT_RESP(&new_message, applId, messageNumber, plci);
if (debug_level >= 2)
debug << prefix() << "info: " << info << endl;
if (info != 0)
throw(CapiMsgError(info,"Error while DISCONNECT_RESP: "+Capi::describeParamInfo(info),"Capi::disconnect_resp()"));
Capi::readMessage (void) throw (CapiMsgError, CapiError, CapiWrongState, CapiExternalError)
_cmsg nachricht;
unsigned info=CAPI_GET_CMSG(&nachricht, applId); // don't use capi20_get_message here as CAPI_GET_CMSG does disassembling of message parameters for us
switch (info) {
case CapiNoError: //----- a message has been read -----
switch (nachricht.Subcommand) {
case CAPI_CONF: // confirmation
switch (nachricht.Command) {
case CAPI_ALERT: {
_cdword plci=ALERT_CONF_PLCI(&nachricht);
if (debug_level >= 2)
debug << prefix() << "<ALERT_CONF, PLCI: 0x" << hex << ALERT_CONF_PLCI(&nachricht) << ", Info 0x" << ALERT_CONF_INFO(&nachricht) << endl;
if (connections.count(plci)==0)
throw(CapiError("PLCI unknown in ALERT_CONF","Capi::readMessage()"));
} break;
_cdword pseudoPLCI=0xFACE0000 | nachricht.Messagenumber; // pseudo PLCI as set by connect_req
_cdword plci=CONNECT_CONF_PLCI(&nachricht);
if (debug_level >= 2)
debug << prefix() << "<CONNECT_CONF, PLCI: 0x" << hex << CONNECT_CONF_PLCI(&nachricht) << ", Info 0x" << CONNECT_CONF_INFO(&nachricht) << endl;
if (connections.count(pseudoPLCI)==0)
throw(CapiError("MessageNumber unknown in CONNECT_CONF","Capi::readMessage()"));
else {
} break;
_cdword plci=CONNECT_B3_CONF_NCCI(&nachricht) & 0xFFFF; // PLCI is coded in the least 2 octets of NCCI
if (debug_level >= 2)
debug << prefix() << "<CONNECT_B3_CONF, NCCI: 0x" << hex << CONNECT_B3_CONF_NCCI(&nachricht) << ", Info 0x" << CONNECT_B3_CONF_INFO(&nachricht) << endl;
if (connections.count(plci)==0)
throw(CapiError("PLCI unknown in CONNECT_B3_CONF","Capi::readMessage()"));
} break;
_cdword plci=SELECT_B_PROTOCOL_CONF_PLCI(&nachricht);
if (debug_level >= 2)
debug << prefix() << "<SELECT_B_PROTOCOL_CONF, PLCI: 0x" << hex << SELECT_B_PROTOCOL_CONF_PLCI(&nachricht) << ", Info 0x" << SELECT_B_PROTOCOL_CONF_INFO(&nachricht) << endl;
if (connections.count(plci)==0)
throw(CapiError("PLCI unknown in SELECT_B_PROTOCOL_CONF","Capi::readMessage()"));
} break;
if (debug_level >= 2)
debug << prefix() << "<LISTEN_CONF Controller 0x" << hex << LISTEN_CONF_CONTROLLER(&nachricht) << " Info 0x" << LISTEN_CONF_INFO(&nachricht) << endl;
if (LISTEN_CONF_INFO(&nachricht)!=0)
throw CapiMsgError(LISTEN_CONF_INFO(&nachricht),"LISTEN_REQ was unsuccesful "+Capi::describeParamInfo(LISTEN_CONF_INFO(&nachricht)),"Capi::readMessage()");
case CAPI_DATA_B3: {
_cdword plci=DATA_B3_CONF_NCCI(&nachricht) & 0xFFFF; // PLCI is coded in the least 2 octets of NCCI
if (debug_level >= 3)
debug << prefix() << "<DATA_B3_CONF, NCCI 0x" << hex << DATA_B3_CONF_NCCI(&nachricht) << dec << ", DataHandle " << DATA_B3_CONF_DATAHANDLE(&nachricht)
<< ", Info 0x" << DATA_B3_CONF_INFO(&nachricht) << endl;
if (connections.count(plci)==0)
throw(CapiError("PLCI unknown in DATA_B3_CONF","Capi::readMessage()"));
} break;
case 1: { // DTMF
_cdword plci=FACILITY_CONF_PLCI(&nachricht) & 0xFFFF; // this *should* be PLCI but who knows, so let's mask it to be sure
if (debug_level >= 2)
debug << prefix() << "<FACILITY_CONF PLCI 0x" << hex << FACILITY_CONF_PLCI(&nachricht) << " Info 0x" << FACILITY_CONF_INFO(&nachricht)
<< " FacilitySelector 0x" << FACILITY_CONF_FACILITYSELECTOR(&nachricht) << endl;
if (connections.count(plci)==0)
throw(CapiError("PLCI unknown in FACILITY_CONF","Capi::readMessage()"));
} break;
error << prefix() << "WARNING: PLCI " << hex << FACILITY_CONF_PLCI(&nachricht) << ": unsupported facility selector " << FACILITY_CONF_FACILITYSELECTOR(&nachricht) << " in FACILITY_CONF" << endl;
_cdword plci=DISCONNECT_B3_CONF_NCCI(&nachricht) & 0xFFFF; // PLCI is coded in the least 2 octets of NCCI
if (debug_level >= 2)
debug << prefix() << "<DISCONNECT_B3_CONF NCCI 0x" << hex << DISCONNECT_B3_CONF_NCCI(&nachricht) << " Info 0x" << DISCONNECT_B3_CONF_INFO(&nachricht)
<< endl;
if (connections.count(plci)==0)
throw(CapiError("PLCI unknown in DISCONNECT_B3_CONF","Capi::readMessage()"));
} break;
case CAPI_DISCONNECT: { // TODO: perhaps we should handle NCPI telling us fax infos here??
_cdword plci=DISCONNECT_CONF_PLCI(&nachricht);
if (debug_level >= 2)
debug << prefix() << "<DISCONNECT_CONF PLCI 0x" << hex << DISCONNECT_CONF_PLCI(&nachricht) << " Info 0x" << DISCONNECT_CONF_INFO(&nachricht)
<< endl;
if (connections.count(plci)==0)
throw(CapiError("PLCI unknown in DISCONNECT_CONF","Capi::readMessage()"));
} break;
case CAPI_IND: // indication
switch (nachricht.Command) {
case CAPI_CONNECT: { // call for us
_cdword plci=CONNECT_IND_PLCI(&nachricht);
if (debug_level >= 2)
debug << prefix() << "<CONNECT_IND PLCI 0x" << hex << plci << " CIP 0x" << CONNECT_IND_CIPVALUE(&nachricht) << endl;
if (connections.count(plci)>0)
throw(CapiError("PLCI used twice from CAPI in CONNECT_IND","Capi::readMessage()"));
else {
Connection *c=new Connection(nachricht,this);
} break;
_cdword plci=CONNECT_IND_PLCI(&nachricht);
if (debug_level >= 2)
debug << prefix() << "<CONNECT_ACTIVE_IND PLCI 0x" << hex << plci << endl;
if (connections.count(plci)==0)
throw(CapiError("PLCI unknown in CONNECT_ACTIVE_IND","Capi::readMessage()"));
} break;
_cdword plci=CONNECT_B3_IND_NCCI(&nachricht) & 0xFFFF; // PLCI is coded in the least 2 octets of NCCI
if (debug_level >= 2)
debug << prefix() << "<CONNECT_B3_IND NCCI 0x" << hex << CONNECT_B3_IND_NCCI(&nachricht) << endl;
if (connections.count(plci)==0)
throw(CapiError("PLCI unknown in CONNECT_B3_IND","Capi::readMessage()"));
} break;
_cdword plci=CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_IND_NCCI(&nachricht) & 0xFFFF; // PLCI is coded in the least 2 octets of NCCI
if (debug_level >= 2)
debug << prefix() << "<CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_IND NCCI 0x" << hex << CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_IND_NCCI(&nachricht) << endl;
if (connections.count(plci)==0)
throw(CapiError("PLCI unknown in CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_IND","Capi::readMessage()"));
} break;
case CAPI_DISCONNECT: { // call gone, we'll confirm to CAPI
_cdword plci=DISCONNECT_IND_PLCI(&nachricht);
if (debug_level >= 2)
debug << prefix() << "<DISCONNECT_IND PLCI 0x" << hex << plci << " Reason 0x" << DISCONNECT_IND_REASON(&nachricht) << endl;
if (connections.count(plci)==0)
throw(CapiError("PLCI unknown in DISCONNECT_IND","Capi::readMessage()"));
else {
} break;
_cdword plci=DISCONNECT_B3_IND_NCCI(&nachricht) & 0xFFFF; // PLCI is coded in the least 2 octets of NCCI
if (debug_level >= 2)
debug << prefix() << "<DISCONNECT_B3_IND NCCI 0x" << hex << DISCONNECT_B3_IND_NCCI(&nachricht) << " Reason 0x" << DISCONNECT_B3_IND_REASON_B3(&nachricht) << endl;
if (connections.count(plci)==0)
throw(CapiError("PLCI unknown in DISCONNECT_B3_IND","Capi::readMessage()"));
} break;
case CAPI_DATA_B3: {
_cdword plci=DATA_B3_IND_NCCI(&nachricht) & 0xFFFF; // PLCI is coded in the least 2 octets of NCCI
if (debug_level >= 3)
debug << prefix() << "<DATA_B3_IND: NCCI 0x" << hex << DATA_B3_IND_NCCI(&nachricht) << dec << ", DataLength " << DATA_B3_IND_DATALENGTH(&nachricht)
<< hex << ", DataHandle 0x" << DATA_B3_IND_DATAHANDLE(&nachricht) << ", Flags 0x" << DATA_B3_IND_FLAGS(&nachricht) << endl;
if (connections.count(plci)==0)
throw(CapiError("PLCI unknown in DATA_B3_IND","Capi::readMessage()"));
} break;
case 1: { // DTMF
_cdword plci=FACILITY_IND_PLCI(&nachricht) & 0xFFFF; // we *should* get PLCI but just to be sure we mask the NCCI-part out...
if (debug_level >= 2)
debug << prefix() << "<FACILITY_IND: PLCI 0x" << hex << FACILITY_IND_PLCI(&nachricht) << ", FacilitySelector 0x" << FACILITY_IND_FACILITYSELECTOR(&nachricht) << endl;
if (connections.count(plci)==0)
throw(CapiError("PLCI unknown in FACILITY_IND","Capi::readMessage()"));
} break;
error << prefix() << "WARNING: PLCI " << hex << (FACILITY_IND_PLCI(&nachricht) & 0xFFFF) << ": Unsupported facility selector " << FACILITY_IND_FACILITYSELECTOR(&nachricht) << " in FACILITY_IND" << endl;
switch (INFO_IND_INFONUMBER(&nachricht)) {
case 0x8001: { // ALERTING
_cdword plci=INFO_IND_PLCI(&nachricht);
if (debug_level >= 2)
debug << prefix() << "<INFO_IND: PLCI 0x" << hex << plci << ", InfoNumber ALERTING " << endl;
if (connections.count(plci)==0)
throw(CapiError("PLCI unknown in INFO_IND","Capi::readMessage()"));
} break;
if (debug_level >= 2)
debug << prefix() << "<INFO_IND: Controller/PLCI 0x" << hex << INFO_IND_PLCI(&nachricht) << ", InfoNumber " << INFO_IND_INFONUMBER(&nachricht) << " (ignoring)" << endl;
stringstream err;
err << "Indication 0x" << hex << static_cast<int>(nachricht.Command) << " not handled" << ends;
throw (CapiError(err.str(),"Capi::readMessage()"));
default: //----- neither indication nor confirmation ???? -----
throw(CapiError("Unknown subcommand in function Handle_CAPI_Msg","Capi::readMessage()"));
case CapiReceiveQueueEmpty:
throw (CapiError("readMessage called but no message available?","Capi::readMessage()"));
throw (CapiMsgError(info,"Error while CAPI_GET_CMSG: "+Capi::describeParamInfo(info),"Capi::readMessage()"));
while (1) {
unsigned info=capi20_waitformessage (applId, NULL); // will block until message is available or capi20_release called
try {
if (info==CapiNoError) {
if (debug_level >= 3)
debug << prefix() << "*" << endl;
readMessage(); // trigger message reading
if (debug_level >= 3)
debug << prefix() << "**" << endl;
catch (CapiMsgError e) {
error << prefix() << "ERROR: Connection " << this << ": Error in readMessage(), message: " << e << endl;
catch (CapiError e) {
error << prefix() << "ERROR: Connection " << this << ": Error in readMessage(), message: " << e << endl;
Capi::describeParamInfo (unsigned int info)
switch (info)
// class 0x00xx: Informative values, no error (see CAPI 2.0 4th ed. PartI, chapter 6.1.26)
case 0x0000:
return "request accepted.";
case 0x0001:
return "warning: NCPI not supported by current protocol, NCPI ignored.";
case 0x0002:
return "warnung: Flags not supported by current protocol, flags ignored.";
case 0x0003:
return "warnung: Alert already sent by another application.";
// class 0x10xx: Error information concerning CAPI_REGISTER
case 0x1001:
return "Too many applications.";
case 0x1002:
return "Logical Block size too small; must be at least 128 bytes.";
case 0x1003:
return "Buffer exceeds 64 kbytes.";
case 0x1004:
return "Message buffer size too small, must be at least 1024 bytes.";
case 0x1005:
return "Max. number of logical connections not supported.";
case 0x1006:
return "reserved (unknown error).";
case 0x1007:
return "The message could not be accepted because of an internal busy condition.";
case 0x1008:
return "OS Resource error (out of memory?).";
case 0x1009:
return "CAPI not installed.";
case 0x100A:
return "Controller does not support external equipment.";
case 0x100B:
return "Controller does only support external equipment.";
// class 0x11xx: Error information concerning message exchange functions
case 0x1101:
return "Illegal application number.";
case 0x1102:
return "Illegal command or subcommand, or message length less than 12 octets.";
case 0x1103:
return "The message could not be accepted because of a queue full condition.";
case 0x1104:
return "Queue is empty.";
case 0x1105:
return "Queue overflow: a message was lost!!";
case 0x1106:
return "Unknown notification parameter.";
case 0x1107:
return "The message could not be accepted because on an internal busy condition.";
case 0x1108:
return "OS resource error (out of memory?).";
case 0x1109:
return "CAPI not installed.";
case 0x110A:
return "Controller does not support external equipment.";
case 0x110B:
return "Controller does only support external equipment.";
// class 0x20xx: Error information concerning resource/coding problems
case 0x2001:
return "Message not supported in current state.";
case 0x2002:
return "Illegal Controller/PLCI/NCCI.";
case 0x2003:
return "No PLCI available.";
case 0x2004:
return "No NCCI available.";
case 0x2005:
return "No Listen resources available.";
case 0x2006:
return "No fax resources available (protocol T.30 not supported).";
case 0x2007:
return "Illegal message parameter coding.";
case 0x2008:
return "No interconnection resources available.";
// class 0x30xx: Error information concerning requested services
case 0x3001:
return "B1 protocol not supported.";
case 0x3002:
return "B2 protocol not supported.";
case 0x3003:
return "B3 protocol not supported.";
case 0x3004:
return "B1 protocol parameter not supported.";
case 0x3005:
return "B2 protocol parameter not supported.";
case 0x3006:
return "B3 protocol parameter not supported.";
case 0x3007:
return "B protocol combination not supported.";
case 0x3008:
return "NCPI not supported.";
case 0x3009:
return "CIP Value unknown.";
case 0x300A:
return "Flags nor supported (reserved bits used!).";
case 0x300B:
return "Facility not supported.";
case 0x300C:
return "Data length not supported by current protocol.";
case 0x300D:
return "Reset procedure not supported by current protocol.";
case 0x300E:
return "TEI assignment failed / overlapping channel masks.";
case 0x300F:
return "Unsupported interoperability (see CAPI 2.0 specification, Part IV).";
case 0x3010:
return "Request not allowed in this state.";
case 0x3011:
return "Facility specific function not supported.";
stringstream message;
message << "CAPI returned an unknown error! Please ask your manufacturer for assistance (error code=0x" << hex << info << ")";
return message.str();
stringstream s;
time_t t=time(NULL);
char* ct=ctime(&t);
s << ct << " Capi " << hex << this << ": ";
return (s.str());
Capi::readProfile() throw (CapiMsgError)
unsigned char buf[64];
_cdword buf2[4];
// is CAPI correctly installed?
unsigned info=CAPI20_ISINSTALLED();
if (info!=0)
throw (CapiMsgError(info,"Error in CAPI20_ISINSTALLED: "+describeParamInfo(info),"Capi::getCapiInfo()"));
// retrieve number of installed controllers and create array for storing the descriptions
info=CAPI20_GET_PROFILE (0, buf);
if (info!=0)
throw (CapiMsgError(info,"Error in CAPI20_GET_PROFILE: "+describeParamInfo(info),"Capi::getCapiInfo()"));
numControllers=buf[0]+(buf[1] << 8);
// retrieve general information (kernel driver manufacturer, version of kernel driver)
if (capi20_get_manufacturer(0,buf))
capiManufacturer=reinterpret_cast<char *> (buf);
if (capi20_get_version(0, reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(buf2))) {
stringstream tmp;
tmp << buf2[0] << "." << buf2[1] << "/" << buf2[2] << "." << buf2[3] << ends;
} else
// retrieve controller specific information (manufacturer, version)
for (unsigned i=1;i<=numControllers;i++) {
if (capi20_get_manufacturer(i,buf))
profiles[i-1].manufacturer=reinterpret_cast<char *> (buf);
info = CAPI20_GET_PROFILE(i, buf);
if (info!=0)
throw (CapiMsgError(info,"Error in CAPI20_GET_PROFILE/2: "+Capi::describeParamInfo(info),"Capi::getCapiInfo()"));
profiles[i-1].bChannels=buf[2] + (buf[3]<<8);
if (buf[4] & 0x08)
if (buf[4] & 0x10)
if (buf[8] & 0x02 && buf[12] & 0x02 && buf[16] & 0x01)
if (buf[8] & 0x10 && buf[12] & 0x10 && buf[16] & 0x10)
if (buf[8] & 0x10 && buf[12] & 0x10 && buf[16] & 0x20)
if (capi20_get_version(i,reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(buf2))) {
stringstream tmp;
tmp << buf2[0] << "." << buf2[1] << "/" << buf2[2] << "." << buf2[3];
} else
Capi::getInfo(bool verbose)
stringstream tmp;
tmp << numControllers << " controllers found" << endl;
if (verbose)
tmp << "Capi driver: " << capiManufacturer << ", version " << capiVersion << endl;
// retrieve controller specific information (manufacturer, version)
for (unsigned i=1;i<=numControllers;i++) {
tmp << "Controller " << i << ": " << profiles[i-1].manufacturer;
tmp << " (" << profiles[i-1].bChannels << " B channels";
if (profiles[i-1].dtmf)
tmp << ", DTMF";
if (profiles[i-1].suppServ)
tmp << ", SuppServ";
if (profiles[i-1].transp)
tmp << ", transparent";
if (profiles[i-1].fax)
tmp << ", FaxG3";
if (profiles[i-1].faxExt)
tmp << ", FaxG3ext";
tmp << "), driver version " << profiles[i-1].version << endl;
return tmp.str();
/* History
$Log: capi.cpp,v $
Revision 1.5 2003/04/17 10:39:42 gernot
- support ALERTING notification (to know when it's ringing on the other side)
- cosmetical fixes in capi.cpp
Revision 1.4 2003/04/04 09:14:02 gernot
- setListenTelephony() and setListenFaxG3 now check if the given controller
supports this service and throw an error otherwise
Revision 1.3 2003/04/03 21:16:03 gernot
- added new readProfile() which stores controller profiles in attributes
- getInfo() only creates the string out of the stored values and doesn't
do the real inquiry any more
- getInfo() and numControllers aren't static any more
Revision 1.2 2003/02/21 23:21:44 gernot
- follow some a little bit stricter rules of gcc-2.95.3
Revision 2003/02/19 08:19:53 gernot
initial checkin of 0.4
Revision 1.28 2003/02/10 14:20:52 ghillie
Revision 2003/02/09 15:05:36 ghillie
- rewritten to use native pthread_* calls instead of CommonC++ Thread
Revision 1.27 2003/01/19 16:50:27 ghillie
- removed severity in exceptions. No FATAL-automatic-exit any more.
Removed many FATAL conditions, other ones are exiting now by themselves
Revision 1.26 2003/01/06 16:29:25 ghillie
- added debug output for constructor/destructor
- added call to terminate() in destructor
- missing break added in readMessage (oops... :-|)
- consider CapiReceiveQueueEmpty as error in readMessage()
- support finishing in run()
- only call readMessage() when waitformessage returned CapiNoError
Revision 1.25 2003/01/04 16:07:42 ghillie
- log improvements: log_level, timestamp
Revision 1.24 2002/12/18 14:40:23 ghillie
- removed this nasty listen_state. It had no sense than making problems.
- small change in getInfo()
- added check for abilities in setListen* if you say 0 for all controllers.
Do nothing if this ability isn't provided for this controller
Revision 1.23 2002/12/13 09:57:10 ghillie
- error message formatting done by exception classes now
Revision 1.22 2002/12/09 15:32:58 ghillie
- debug stream now given in constructor
- debug output improvements
- exception cleanup (removed WARNING exceptions, output messages, ...)
Revision 1.21 2002/12/06 12:55:28 ghillie
- don't delete Connection objects any more
Revision 1.20 2002/12/05 15:00:06 ghillie
- new methods registerApplicationInterface(), unregisterConnection()
- use debug stream given in constructor, not from ApplicationInterface any more
- connect_req gets Connection* now, enters it with pseudoPLCI in connections map
- readMessage(): when receiving CONNECT_CONF: searches for pseudoPLCI in connections and moves this entry to real plci
- readMessage(): when receiving DISCONNECT_INF: don't erase Connection object from connections map, this will be done in Connection::~Connection
Revision 1.19 2002/12/02 16:53:51 ghillie
- minor debug output change
Revision 1.18 2002/11/29 11:11:12 ghillie
- moved communication thread from own class (CapiCommThread) to Capi class
Revision 1.17 2002/11/29 10:22:19 ghillie
- updated comments, use doxygen format now
- fixed small typo in setListen* methods
Revision 1.16 2002/11/27 15:58:52 ghillie
caught exceptions from disconnect_ind()
Revision 1.15 2002/11/25 20:57:21 ghillie
setListen* methods can now set listen state on all found controllers
Revision 1.14 2002/11/22 15:08:22 ghillie
- new method select_b_protocol_req()
- added SELECT_B_PROTOCOL_CONF case in readMessage()
Revision 1.13 2002/11/19 15:57:18 ghillie
- Added missing throw() declarations
- phew. Added error handling. All exceptions are caught now.
Revision 1.12 2002/11/18 14:24:09 ghillie
- moved global severity_t to CapiError::severity_t
- added throw() declarations
Revision 1.11 2002/11/17 14:38:34 ghillie
- improved exception throwing: using different exception types with severity parameter (FATAL,ERROR,WARNING) now
- changed getInfo() to use macros from /usr/include/capiutils.h now
Revision 1.10 2002/11/15 15:25:53 ghillie
added ALERT_REQ so we don't loose a call when we wait before connection establishment
Revision 1.9 2002/11/15 13:49:10 ghillie
fix: callmodule wasn't aborted when call was only connected/disconnected physically
Revision 1.8 2002/11/13 08:34:54 ghillie
moved history to the bottom
Revision 1.7 2002/11/10 17:04:21 ghillie
improved some debug output
Revision 1.6 2002/11/08 07:57:07 ghillie
added functions to initiate a call
corrected FACILITY calls to use PLCI instead of NCCI in DTMF processing as told by Mr. Ortmann on comp.dcom.isdn.capi
Revision 1.5 2002/10/31 15:39:04 ghillie
added missing FACILITY_RESP message (oops...)
Revision 1.4 2002/10/31 12:37:34 ghillie
added DTMF support
Revision 1.3 2002/10/29 15:42:29 ghillie
Revision 1.2 2002/10/29 14:09:12 ghillie
fixed order in DISCONNECT_ROUTINE: first call callCompleted, then delete connection object!
cosmetic fixes
Revision 1.1 2002/10/25 13:29:38 ghillie
grouped files into subdirectories
Revision 1.12 2002/10/09 11:18:59 gernot
cosmetic changes (again...) and changed info function of CAPI class
Revision 1.11 2002/10/05 20:43:32 gernot
quick'n'dirty, but WORKS
Revision 1.10 2002/10/05 13:53:00 gernot
changed to use thread class of CommonC++ instead of the threads-package
some cosmetic improvements (indentation...)
Revision 1.9 2002/10/04 15:56:34 gernot
reactivated error handling for Capi::getInfo()
Revision 1.8 2002/10/04 15:48:03 gernot
structure changes completed & compiles now!
Revision 1.7 2002/10/04 13:27:15 gernot
some restructuring to get it to a working state ;-)
does not do anything useful yet nor does it even compile...
Revision 1.6 2002/10/02 14:10:07 gernot
first version
Revision 1.5 2002/10/01 09:02:04 gernot
changes for compilation with gcc3.2
Revision 1.4 2002/09/22 14:22:53 gernot
some cosmetic comment improvements ;-)
Revision 1.3 2002/09/19 12:08:19 gernot
added magic CVS strings
* Sun Sep 15 2002 -
- put under CVS, cvs changelog follows
* Sun May 19 2002 -
- changed to not using QT libs any more
* Sun Apr 1 2002 -
- first version