capisuite for Debian -------------------- That's my first non trivial package. If violations to the debian-policy are found please let me know. Using capisuite on Debian ------------------------- o I'll assume that you'll have a working CAPI capable card o configure files in /etc/init.d/capisuite to your needs o set run_capisuite_daemon in /etc/default/capisuite to 'y' now capisuite daemon will be start/stop on boot/shutdown, respectively. ISDN PCMCIA card users ---------------------- For PCMCIA cards it makes more sense to not start capisuite always on boot but let the cardmgr start and stop capisuite when the card is inserted/removed: o install pcmcia-cs pkg that contains the cardmgr daemon o remove boot/shutdown scripts update-rc.d -f capisuite remove o insert the card into the PCMCIA slot o check new the cardmgr entries at the end of /var/log/daemon.log to find out what script in /etc/pcmcia cardmgr call on insertion o add /etc/init.d/capisuite start|stop to end|start of the the start)|stop) branches in the /etc/pcmcia/ script -- Achim Bohnet , Mon, 19 Mar 2003 19:28:23 +0100