#!@PYTHON@ # -*- mode: python -*- # # capisuitefax - capisuite tool for enqueuing faxes # --------------------------------------------------- # copyright : (C) 2002 by Gernot Hillier # email : gernot@hillier.de # version : $Revision: 1.7 $ # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. import getopt, os, sys, pwd, string, commands # capisuite stuff import capisuite.fax import capisuite.config def usage(error=""): print """capisuitefax - capisuite tool for enqueueing faxes usage: capisuitefax [] -d file1 [file2...] or capisuitefax [-q] -a capisuitefax -l capisuitefax -h possible send options are: -d , --dialstring= send fax to this number (mandatory) -n, --noprefix ignore configured dial prefix for this call (for internal calls) -u , --user= send fax as (only when called as root!) -A , --addressee= addressee (for informational purposes) -S , --subject= some subject (for informational purposes) other options: -q, --quiet be quiet, don't output informational messages -a , --abort= abort fax job with id (id is a number) -h, --help print this usage information -l, --list print jobs in the send queue The given files must be in Adobe PostScript or PDF format""" if error: print print "ERROR:",error sys.exit(1) def convert2Fax(filenames, faxname): # todo: clean this up, maybe rewrite it """ convert file 'filename' to a SFF fax file 'faxfile'. """ def checkFile(fname, fname_): if not os.access(fname, os.R_OK): print >> sys.stderr, "can't open", fname return 0 status, filetype = commands.getstatusoutput( "file -b -i %s 2>/dev/null" % fname_) if status: usage("Error when executing command 'file'") return 0 if filetype.find("application/postscript") < 0 \ and filetype.find("application/pdf") < 0: print >> sys.stderr, arg, "is not a PostScript/PDF file" return 0 return 1 # todo: catch errors! files = [] for fname in filenames: fname_ = commands.mkarg(fname) if not checkFile(fname, fname_): return 0 files.append(fname_) command = "gs -dNOPAUSE -dQUIET -dBATCH -sDEVICE=cfax " \ "-sOutputFile=%s %s" % (faxname, ' '.join(files)) ret = os.system(command) >> 8 if ret: print >> sys.stderr, "error during SFF-conversion ot file", arg print >> sys.stderr, "Ghostscript not installed?" sys.exit() def showQueue(config, user): try: jobs = capisuite.fax.getQueueDetails(config, user) except capisuite.config.NoOptionError: print "ERROR: option fax_user_dir not set in fax configuration" return 10 if not jobs: print "--- queue empty ---" else: format = "%s\t%s %2s\t%-24s %s" print format % ('ID', 'Numb./Addr.', 'Try', 'Next try', 'Subject') for entry in jobs: print format % entry return 0 def abortJob(config, user, job): # todo: test whether 'job' is an integer try: capisuite.fax.abortUserJob(config, user, jobnum=job) except capisuite.fax.InvalidJob: print "job to abort not valid" return 1 except capisuite.fax.JobLockedError: print "Job is currently in transmission. Can't abort." return 1 return 0 try: optlist,args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "d:a:u:lhqnA:S:", ['dialstring=','noprefix','help',"abort=","list","quiet","user=", 'addressee=','subject=']) except getopt.GetoptError, e: usage(e.msg) sys.exit(1) # read options dialstring = addressee = subject = abort = user = "" quiet = listqueue = 0 useprefix = 1 for option, param in optlist: # commands if option in ('-h','--help'): usage() elif option in ('-l','--list'): listqueue = 1 elif option in ('-a','--abort'): abort = param # send options elif option in ('-d','--dialstring'): dialstring = param elif option in ('-A','--addressee'): addressee = param elif option in ('-S','--subject'): subject = param elif option in ('-n','--noprefix'): useprefix = 0 elif option in ('-q','--quiet'): quiet = 1 elif option in ('-u','--user'): if not os.getuid(): user = param else: usage("--user may only used as root!") if not abort and not listqueue and not dialstring: usage("No usable command given.") config = capisuite.config.readGlobalConfig() if not user: user = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid()).pw_name if listqueue: sys.exit(showQueue(config, user)) elif abort: try: jobnum = int(abort) except ValueError: print "Error: job id has to be a number, but is %r" % abort sys.exit(1) sys.exit(abortJob(config, user, jobnum)) else: # queue fax for sending # filter out common separators from dialstring, check it dialstring = dialstring.translate(string.maketrans("",""),"-/ ()") for i in dialstring: if not i in '+0123456789*#': usage("Invalid dialstring given, character %r is not allowed." % i) if dialstring and len(args)==0: usage("No fax files given") # test if this user is allowed to send faxes if not config.has_section(user): print "Sorry, you're no valid user for CapiSuite" sys.exit(1) if not config.has_option(user, "outgoing_MSN") and \ not config.has_option(user, "fax_numbers"): print "Sorry, you're not allowed to use fax services" sys.exit(1) if useprefix: dialstring = config.getUser(user, "dial_prefix", '') + dialstring # convert and enqueue files jobDesc = { "dialstring": dialstring, #"user": user, "addressee": addressee, "subject": subject, # todo: allow these to be specified for this jobs #'stationID': ... #'headline': ... } try: jobnum = capisuite.fax.enqueueJob(config, user, args, convert2Fax, **jobDesc) except IOError, e: print e print "can't write to queue dir" sys.exit(1) print "Successful enqueued as job", jobnum, "for", dialstring