# cs_helpers.py - some helper functions for CapiSuite scripts # ----------------------------------------------------------- # copyright : (C) 2002 by Gernot Hillier # email : gernot@hillier.de # version : $Revision: 1.12 $ # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # the name of the config file read by the scripts; see there for options and # descriptions configfile_fax="@pkgsysconfdir@/fax.conf" configfile_voice="@pkgsysconfdir@/answering_machine.conf" # @brief read configuration file and return a ConfigParser object # # The configfile is read from the path given above and the surrounding # quotation marks from the values are removed # # @return the constructed config file object def readConfig(file=""): import ConfigParser config=ConfigParser.ConfigParser() if (file==""): config.readfp(open(configfile_fax)) config.readfp(open(configfile_voice)) else: config.readfp(open(file)) for s in config.sections(): for o in config.options(s): value=config.get(s,o) if (len(value)>1 and value[0]=='"'): config.set(s,o,value[1:-1]) if (not config.has_section('GLOBAL')): raise IOError("invalid config file, section GLOBAL missing") return config # @brief escape a filename to include it savely in a shell command # # The filename is enclosed in single quotation marks and quotation # marks therein are quoted # # @return the escaped filename def escape(filename): return "'"+filename.replace("'","'\\''")+"'" # @brief get an option from the user or global section # # The option is searched in the users section and if not found # in the global section. # # @param config the ConfigParser object containing the values # @param user user section to use, if empty only global section is read # @param option the name of the option to search for # # @return the value for this option or None if it's not found def getOption(config,user,option,default=None): if config.has_option(user,option): return config.get(user,option) elif config.has_option('GLOBAL',option): return config.get('GLOBAL',option) else: return default # @brief Search for an audio file first in user_dir, than in audio_dir # # @param config the ConfigParser object containing the configuration # @param user the name of the user # @param filename the filename of the wave file # # @return the found file with full path def getAudio(config,user,filename): import os,capisuite systemdir=getOption(config,"","audio_dir") if (systemdir==None): raise IOError("option audio_dir not found.") userdir=getOption(config,"","voice_user_dir") if (userdir==None): raise IOError("option voice_user_dir not found.") userdir=os.path.join(userdir,user)+"/" if (int(getOption(config,"","user_audio_files","0")) and os.access(userdir+filename,os.R_OK)): return userdir+filename else: return systemdir+filename # @brief thread-safe creation of a unique filename in a directory # # This function reads the nextnumber from then "nextnr"-file in the given # directory and updates it. It holds the next free file number. # # If nextnr doesn't exist, it's created. # # The filenames created will have the format # # basename-number.suffix # # @param directory name of the directory to work in # @param basename the basename of the filename # @param suffix the suffix of the filename (without ".") # # @return new file name def uniqueName(directory,basename,suffix): import fcntl,os,re # acquire lock lockfile=open(directory+"cs_lock","w") fcntl.lockf(lockfile,fcntl.LOCK_EX) try: countfile=open(directory+basename+"-nextnr","r") nextnr=int(countfile.readline()) countfile.close() except IOError: # search for next free sequence number files=os.listdir(directory) files=filter (lambda s: re.match(re.escape(basename)+"-.*\."+re.escape(suffix),s),files) if (len(files)): files=map(lambda s: int(s[len(basename)+1:-len(suffix)-1]),files) nextnr=max(files)+1 # take nr of last file and increase it by one else: nextnr=0 files.sort() newname=directory+basename+"-"+str(nextnr)+"."+suffix countfile=open(directory+basename+"-nextnr","w") countfile.write(str(nextnr+1)+'\n') countfile.close() # unlock fcntl.lockf(lockfile,fcntl.LOCK_UN) lockfile.close() os.unlink(directory+"cs_lock") return newname # @brief send email with text and attachment of type sff or la converted to pdf/wav # # This function creates a multipart MIME-message containing a text/plain # part with a string and one attachment of type application/pdf or audio/wav. # # The given attachment is automatically converted from Structured Fax File # (.sff) or inversed A-Law (.la) to the well known PDF or WAV format. # # @param mail_from the From: address for the mail # @param mail_to the To: address for the mail # @param mail_subject the subject of the mail # @param mail_type containing either "sff" or "la" # @param text a string containing the text of the first part of the mail # @param attachment name of the file to send as attachment def sendMIMEMail(mail_from,mail_to,mail_subject,mail_type,text,attachment): import email.MIMEBase,email.MIMEText,email.MIMEAudio,email.Encoders,encodings.ascii,os,sys,popen2,capisuite msg = email.MIMEBase.MIMEBase("multipart","mixed") msg['Subject']=mail_subject msg['From']=mail_from msg['To']=mail_to msg.preamble = 'This is a Multipart-MIME-message. Please use a capable mailer.\n' msg.epilogue = '' # To guarantee the message ends with a newline basename=attachment[:attachment.rindex('.')+1] try: if (mail_type=="sff"): # normal fax file # sff -> tif ret=os.spawnlp(os.P_WAIT,"sfftobmp","sfftobmp","-tif",attachment,basename+"tif") if (ret or not os.access(basename+"tif",os.F_OK)): raise "conv-error","Can't convert sff to tif. sfftobmp not installed?" # tif -> ps -> pdf # the first pipe must be handled by the shell so that the output of # of ps2pdf can be read immediately. Handling this shell in Python # leads to an overflow of the ps2pdf output pipe... command="tiff2ps -a "+escape(basename+"tif")+" | ps2pdf - -" tiff2pdf=popen2.Popen3(command) if (tiff2pdf.poll()!=-1): raise "conv-error","Error while calling tiff2ps or ps2pdf. Not installed?" tiff2pdf.tochild.close() # we don't need the input pipe # create attachment with pdf stream filepart = email.MIMEBase.MIMEBase("application","pdf",name=os.path.basename(basename)+"pdf") filepart.add_header('Content-Disposition','attachment',filename=os.path.basename(basename)+"pdf") filepart.set_payload(tiff2pdf.fromchild.read()) tiff2pdf.fromchild.close() ret=tiff2pdf.wait() if (ret!=0): raise "conv-error","Error "+str(ret)+" occured during tiff2ps or ps2pdf" os.unlink(basename+"tif") email.Encoders.encode_base64(filepart) elif (mail_type=="cff"): # color fax file # cff -> ps ret=os.spawnlp(os.P_WAIT,"jpeg2ps","jpeg2ps","-m",attachment,"-o",basename+"ps") if (ret or not os.access(basename+"ps",os.F_OK)): raise "conv-error","Can't convert cff to ps. jpeg2ps not installed?" # tif -> ps -> pdf # the first pipe must be handled by the shell so that the output of # of ps2pdf can be read immediately. Handling this shell in Python # leads to an overflow of the ps2pdf output pipe... command="ps2pdf "+escape(basename+"ps")+" -" ps2pdf=popen2.Popen3(command) if (ps2pdf.poll()!=-1): raise "conv-error","Error while calling ps2pdf. Not installed?" ps2pdf.tochild.close() # we don't need the input pipe # create attachment with pdf stream filepart = email.MIMEBase.MIMEBase("application","pdf",name=os.path.basename(basename)+"pdf") filepart.add_header('Content-Disposition','attachment',filename=os.path.basename(basename)+"pdf") filepart.set_payload(ps2pdf.fromchild.read()) ps2pdf.fromchild.close() ret=ps2pdf.wait() if (ret!=0): raise "conv-error","Error "+str(ret)+" occured during ps2pdf" os.unlink(basename+"ps") email.Encoders.encode_base64(filepart) elif (mail_type=="la"): # voice file # la -> wav # don't use stdout as sox needs a file to be able to seek in it otherwise the header will be incomplete ret = os.spawnlp(os.P_WAIT,"sox","sox",attachment,basename+"wav") if (ret or not os.access(basename+"wav",os.R_OK)): raise "conv-error","Error while calling sox. Not installed?" filepart = email.MIMEAudio.MIMEAudio(open(basename+"wav").read(),"x-wav",email.Encoders.encode_base64,name=os.path.basename(basename)+"wav") filepart.add_header('Content-Disposition','attachment',filename=os.path.basename(basename)+"wav") os.unlink(basename+"wav") textpart = email.MIMEText.MIMEText(text) msg.attach(textpart) msg.attach(filepart) except "conv-error",errormessage: text+="\n\nERROR occured while converting file: "+errormessage+"\nPlease talk to your friendly administrator.\n" textpart = email.MIMEText.MIMEText(text) msg.attach(textpart) sendmail = popen2.Popen3("sendmail -t -f "+escape(mail_from)) if (sendmail.poll()!=-1): capisuite.error("Error while calling sendmail. Not installed?\n") return sendmail.tochild.write(msg.as_string()) sendmail.tochild.close() sendmail.fromchild.close() ret=sendmail.wait() if (ret!=0): capisuite.error("Error while calling sendmail, return code="+str(ret)) else: capisuite.log("sendmail finished successful",3) # @brief send a simple text email # # This function creates a simple mail # # @param mail_from the From: address for the mail # @param mail_to the To: address for the mail # @param mail_subject the subject of the mail # @param text a string containing the text of the first part of the mail def sendSimpleMail(mail_from,mail_to,mail_subject,text): import email.Encoders, email.MIMEText, popen2, sys,capisuite # Create a text/plain message. Don't forget to change charset here # if you want to use non-us-ascii characters in the mail! msg = email.MIMEText.MIMEText(text) msg['Subject'] = mail_subject msg['From'] = mail_from msg['To'] = mail_to sendmail = popen2.Popen3("sendmail -t -f "+escape(mail_from)) if (sendmail.poll()!=-1): capisuite.error("Error while calling sendmail. Not installed?\n") return sendmail.tochild.write(msg.as_string()) sendmail.tochild.close() sendmail.fromchild.close() ret=sendmail.wait() if (ret!=0): capisuite.error("Error while calling sendmail, return code="+str(ret)) else: capisuite.log("sendmail finished successful",3) # @brief write description file for received fax or voice # # This function writes an INI-style description file for the given data file # which can later on be read by a ConfigParser instance. The data file name # is used, the extension stripped and replaced by .txt # # @param filename the data filename (with extension!) # @param content the content as string def writeDescription(filename,content): descr=open(filename[:filename.rindex('.')+1]+"txt","w") descr.write("# Description file for "+filename+"\n") descr.write("# This if for internal use of CapiSuite.\n") descr.write("# Only change if you know what you do!!\n") descr.write("[GLOBAL]\n") descr.write("filename=\""+filename+"\"\n") descr.write(content) descr.close() # @brief say a german number # # All numbers from 0 to 99 are said correctly, while all larger ones are # split into numbers and only the numbers are said one after another. # An input of "-" produces the word "unbekannt" (unknown) # # @param call reference to the call # @param number the number to say # @param curr_user the current user named # @param config the ConfigParser instance holding the configuration info def sayNumber(call,number,curr_user,config): import capisuite if (number=="-" or number=="??"): # "??" is needed for backward compatibility to versions <= 0.4.1a capisuite.audio_send(call,getAudio(config,curr_user,"unbekannt.la"),1) elif (len(number)==2 and number[0]!="0"): if (number[0]=="1"): if (number[1]=="0"): capisuite.audio_send(call,getAudio(config,curr_user,"10.la"),1) elif (number[1]=="1"): capisuite.audio_send(call,getAudio(config,curr_user,"11.la"),1) elif (number[1]=="2"): capisuite.audio_send(call,getAudio(config,curr_user,"12.la"),1) elif (number[1]=="3"): capisuite.audio_send(call,getAudio(config,curr_user,"13.la"),1) elif (number[1]=="4"): capisuite.audio_send(call,getAudio(config,curr_user,"14.la"),1) elif (number[1]=="5"): capisuite.audio_send(call,getAudio(config,curr_user,"15.la"),1) elif (number[1]=="6"): capisuite.audio_send(call,getAudio(config,curr_user,"16.la"),1) elif (number[1]=="7"): capisuite.audio_send(call,getAudio(config,curr_user,"17.la"),1) elif (number[1]=="8"): capisuite.audio_send(call,getAudio(config,curr_user,"18.la"),1) elif (number[1]=="9"): capisuite.audio_send(call,getAudio(config,curr_user,"19.la"),1) else: if (number[1]=="0"): capisuite.audio_send(call,getAudio(config,curr_user,number+".la"),1) elif (number[1]=="1"): capisuite.audio_send(call,getAudio(config,curr_user,"ein.la"),1) capisuite.audio_send(call,getAudio(config,curr_user,"und.la"),1) capisuite.audio_send(call,getAudio(config,curr_user,number[0]+"0.la"),1) else: capisuite.audio_send(call,getAudio(config,curr_user,number[1]+".la"),1) capisuite.audio_send(call,getAudio(config,curr_user,"und.la"),1) capisuite.audio_send(call,getAudio(config,curr_user,number[0]+"0.la"),1) else: for i in number: capisuite.audio_send(call,getAudio(config,curr_user,i+".la"),1) # $Log: cs_helpers.pyin,v $ # Revision 1.12 2003/07/20 10:27:51 gernot # - workaround for Python RuntimeError "cannot unmarshal code objects in # restricted execution mode", thx to Sander Roest for finally finding # this solution # # Revision 1.11 2003/06/16 10:20:36 gernot # - use new multipage feature of jpeg2ps (requires special jpeg2ps version!) # # Revision 1.10 2003/05/25 13:38:30 gernot # - support reception of color fax documents # # Revision 1.9 2003/04/24 21:04:20 gernot # - replace functions deprecated in Python 2.2.2 (mainly related to the email # module) # # Revision 1.8 2003/04/24 14:03:18 gernot # - shortened some long lines # - added function escape which escapes a string for shell usage # - escape mail addresses given to sendmail # # Revision 1.7 2003/04/16 07:16:35 gernot # - fixed pipe buffer overflow for conversion of long fax documents to PDF # # Revision 1.6 2003/04/10 21:29:51 gernot # - support empty destination number for incoming calls correctly (austrian # telecom does this (sic)) # - core now returns "-" instead of "??" for "no number available" (much nicer # in my eyes) # - new wave file used in remote inquiry for "unknown number" # # Revision 1.5 2003/04/10 20:54:44 gernot # - allow multiple mail addresses to be set as fax_email or voice_email # # Revision 1.4 2003/04/08 07:59:56 gernot # - replace some wrong space indentations by tabs... # # Revision 1.3 2003/04/07 15:58:37 gernot # - attachments to sent e-mails now get a valid filename # # Revision 1.2 2003/03/20 09:12:42 gernot # - error checking for reading of configuration improved, many options got # optional, others produce senseful error messages now if not found, # fixes bug# 531, thx to Dieter Pelzel for reporting # # Revision 2003/02/19 08:19:54 gernot # initial checkin of 0.4 # # Revision 1.8 2003/02/10 14:03:34 ghillie # - cosmetical fixes in sendMIMEMail # - added wait() calls to popen objects, otherwise processes will hang # after CapiSuite has run them (i.e. sendmail stays as Zombie) # # Revision 1.7 2003/02/03 14:47:49 ghillie # - sayNumber now works correctly for all numbers between 0 and 99 # (in german). Added the necessary voice files and improved "1"-"9" # # Revision 1.6 2003/01/27 21:55:10 ghillie # - getOption returns now None if option isn't found at all (no exception) # - removed capisuite.log from uniqueName() (not possible in capisuitefax!) # - added some missing "import capisuite" statements # # Revision 1.5 2003/01/27 19:24:29 ghillie # - updated to use new configuration files for fax & answering machine # # Revision 1.4 2003/01/19 12:02:40 ghillie # - use capisuite log functions instead of stdout/stderr # # Revision 1.3 2003/01/17 15:08:17 ghillie # - typos as usual... # - added sendSimpleMail for normal text messages # # Revision 1.2 2003/01/15 15:52:49 ghillie # - readConfig now takes filename as parameter # - uniqueName: countfile now has basename as prefix, fixed small bug # in countfile creation # - sendMail: added .la->.wav convertion, error messages now included # in messages to user # - writeDescription: [data] renamed to [global] # - sayNumber: small fixes #