CapiSuite ========= CapiSuite is an ISDN telecommunication suite providing easy to use telecommunication functions which can be controlled from Python scripts. Currently, mainly voice functions and fax sending/receiving are supported. It uses a CAPI-compatible driver for accessing the ISDN-hardware, so you'll need an Eicon or AVM card with the according driver. CapiSuite is distributed with scripts providing a multi-user answering machine with automatic fax recognition, remote inquiry and fax send/receive functions. For further information, please have a look at the manual section available online or in the download packages. Please test it and post your feedback to the bug tracker and/or the mailing lists. Thank you! For the documentation see the created HTML documents situated in docs/manual/index.html or in the installed version see $PREFIX/share/doc/capisuite/manual/index.html. There's also a german translation of the manual available at Building capisuite from CVS/SVN -------------------------------- mkdir capisuite ; cd capisuite svn co \ . make -f Makefile.cvs ./configure ...options... make su -c 'make install' Please see Makefiel.cvs for other targets which may be usefull for core-developers.