import pcallcontrol as cc import os, time import commands def acceptCall(CIP, callingParty, calledParty): print "nehme Anruf von",callingParty,"an",calledParty,"an." cc.connect(16) # 16 = telephony def rejectCall(CIP, callingParty, calledParty): print "nehme Anruf von",callingParty,"an",calledParty,"nicht an." cc.reject(2) # 2 = normal call clearing def establishInternetConnection(): # establish connection timeout = time.time()+15 # 15 seconds timeout os.spawnl(os.P_NOWAIT, "ping", "ping", "-w", "1", "") c_status = "" # wait 30 secs for connect while c_status != "CONNECTED" and time.time() < timeout: lines = commands.getoutput("/usr/sbin/cinternet --status") for l in lines.splitlines(): if l.startswith("status"): c_status = l[9:].strip() print 'status:', c_status time.sleep(1) # get ip address save_lang = os.environ["LANG"] os.environ["LANG"] = "" lines = commands.getoutput("/sbin/ifconfig ppp0") os.environ["LANG"] = save_lang for l in lines: # no need to split into lines index = l.find("inet addr:") if index >= 0: index += 10 rindex = l.find(" ", index) ip_address = l[index:rindex] # play ip address for i in ip_address: cc.audio_send(i+".la") callWaitingMap = { '23': acceptCall, 'default': denyCall, } def callWaiting(CIP, callingParty, calledParty): action = callWaitingMap.get(calledParty, None) if action: action(CIP, callingParty, calledParty) else: action = callWaitingMap.get('default', None) if action: action(CIP, callingParty, calledParty) callConnectedMap = { '3008': establishInternetConnection, } def callConnected(): try: cc.enableDTMF() cc.audio_send("") code = cc.getDTMF() print "Bekommen habe ich",code action = callWaitingMap.get(calledParty, None) if action: action(CIP, callingParty, calledParty) else: action = callWaitingMap.get('default', None) if action: action(CIP, callingParty, calledParty) cc.disconnect() except cc.CallGoneError: print "schimpf schimpf: call gone" cc.callWaiting = callWaiting cc.callConnected = callConnected