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/** @file capisuite.h
@brief Contains CapiSuite - Main application class, implements ApplicationInterface
@author Gernot Hillier <>
$Revision: 1.4 $
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include <Python.h>
#include <map>
#include <queue>
#include <fstream>
#include "../backend/applicationinterface.h"
#include "applicationexception.h"
#include "capisuitemodule.h"
class Capi;
class IdleScript;
class PycStringIO_CAPI;
/** @brief Main application class, implements ApplicationInterface
This class realizes the main application and thus implements the
ApplicationInterface. It firstly generates the necessary objects from the CAPI
abstraction layer (one object of class Capi) and enables call listening.
It contains the mainLoop() and creates handling objects of IncomingScript for
all incoming calls and one object of IdleScript which will start the idle script
at regular intervals. The scripts are informed about disconnection / program termination
but will delete themselves.
main() should create one CapiSuite object and then call mainLoop().
@author Gernot Hillier
class CapiSuite: public ApplicationInterface
/** @brief Constructor. General initializations.
Creates a Capi object, enables listening, calls readConfiguration,
and initializes the Python interpreter in multithreading mode.
It immediately releases the global Python lock after doing initialization.
Also an IdleScript object is created and will regularly call the given script.
@param argc commandline argument count as given to main()
@param argv commandline arguments as given to main()
CapiSuite(int argc, char** argv);
/** @brief Destructor. Kill Python interpreter.
Request finishing of IdleThread and Python interpreter.
/** @brief Callback: enqueue Connection in waiting
virtual void callWaiting (Connection *conn);
/** @brief Main Loop. Event Loop (handling incoming connections)
For each incoming connection, an object of IncomingScript is created
which handles this call in an own thread.
This loop will run until the program is finished.
void mainLoop();
/** @brief Request finish of mainLoop
void finish();
/** @brief Parse a given configuration file
This function reads the given configuration file. It must consist of key=value pairs
separated on different lines.
Lines beginning with "#" are treated as comments. Leading and trailing whitespaces
and quotation marks (") surrounding the values will be ignored.
void parseConfigFile(ifstream &configfile);
/** @brief Read configuration and set default values for options not found
The configuration is read from PREFIX/etc/capisuite.conf (should exist), ~/.capisuite.conf (optional) and perhaps
a given custom config file (optional), while the latter has higher priority. After that all configuration options
are checked and set to default values if not found.
void readConfiguration();
/** @brief Read commandline options
void readCommandline(int argc, char**argv);
/** @brief Print help message
void help();
/** @brief restart some aspects if the process gets a SIGHUP
Currently, this only reactivates the idle script if it was deactivated by too much errors in a row.
void reload();
/** @brief print a message to the log
Prints message to the log if it's level is high enough.
@param message the message
@param level level of the message
void logMessage(string message, int level);
/** @brief print a message to the error log
Prints message to the error log
@param message the message
void errorMessage(string message);
/** @brief return a prefix containing this pointer and date for log messages
@return constructed prefix as stringstream
string prefix();
/** @brief Test a configuration variable and set default if undefined
@param key name of the config variable
@param value default value to set if key is not defined in config map
void checkOption(string key, string value);
queue <Connection*> waiting; ///< queue for waiting connection instances
IdleScript *idle; ///< reference to the IdleScript object created
PyThreadState *py_state; ///< saves the created thread state of the main python interpreter
PycStringIO_CAPI* save_cStringIO; ///< holds a pointer to the Python cStringIO C API
Capi* capi; ///< reference to Capi object to use, set in constructor
ostream *debug, ///< debug stream
*error; ///< stream for error messages
unsigned short debug_level; ///< verbosity level for debug stream
bool finish_flag; ///< flag to finish mainLoop()
bool daemonmode; ///< flag set when we're running as daemon
map<string,string> config; ///< holds the configuration read from the configfile
string custom_configfile; ///< holds the name of the custom config file if given
/* History
Old Log (for new changes see ChangeLog):
Revision 1.3 2003/02/25 13:23:19 gernot
- comment fix
- remove old, unused attribute
Revision 1.2 2003/02/21 23:21:44 gernot
- follow some a little bit stricter rules of gcc-2.95.3
Revision 2003/02/19 08:19:53 gernot
initial checkin of 0.4
Revision 1.8 2003/01/31 11:25:53 ghillie
- moved capisuiteInstance from header to cpp (mustn't be defined in
each file including capisuite.h, use extern there instead!)
Revision 1.7 2003/01/19 12:06:25 ghillie
- new methods logMessage() and errorMessage()
Revision 1.6 2003/01/18 12:51:48 ghillie
- added save_cStringIO attribute for Python cStringIO C API
Revision 1.5 2003/01/13 21:24:47 ghillie
- added new method checkOption
Revision 1.4 2003/01/07 14:52:36 ghillie
- added support for custom config files
- added support for parsing commandline options
Revision 1.3 2003/01/06 21:00:48 ghillie
- added SIGHUP support (new method reload)
Revision 1.2 2003/01/06 16:20:51 ghillie
- updated comment
Revision 1.1 2003/01/05 12:28:09 ghillie
- renamed FlowControl to CapiSuite
- the code from main() was moved to this class
Revision 1.13 2003/01/04 15:58:38 ghillie
- log improvements: log_level, timestamp
- added finish() method
- added static FlowControl pointer
Revision 1.12 2002/12/11 13:02:56 ghillie
- executeIdleScript() removed, its function is now done by IdleScript
object (changes in constructor and mainLoop())
- removed getCapi()
- minor docu bugs fixed
Revision 1.11 2002/12/09 15:29:13 ghillie
- debug stream given in constructor
- doc update for callWaiting() and mainLoop()
- obsolete debug() method removed
Revision 1.10 2002/12/06 12:54:30 ghillie
-removed callCompleted()
Revision 1.9 2002/12/05 14:54:15 ghillie
- constructor gets Capi* now
- new method getCapi()
- python idle script gets called with pointer to FlowControl now
Revision 1.8 2002/12/02 12:30:30 ghillie
- constructor now takes 3 additional arguments for the scripts to use
- added support for an idle script which is started in regular intervals
Revision 1.7 2002/11/29 10:20:44 ghillie
- updated docs, use doxygen format now
Revision 1.6 2002/11/27 15:58:13 ghillie
updated comments for doxygen
Revision 1.5 2002/11/19 15:57:18 ghillie
- Added missing throw() declarations
- phew. Added error handling. All exceptions are caught now.
Revision 1.4 2002/11/18 14:21:07 ghillie
- moved global severity_t to ApplicationError::severity_t
- added throw() declarations to header files
Revision 1.3 2002/11/13 08:34:54 ghillie
moved history to the bottom
Revision 1.2 2002/10/27 12:47:20 ghillie
- added multithread support for python
- changed callcontrol reference to stay in the python namespace
- changed ApplicationError to support differen severity
Revision 1.1 2002/10/25 13:29:38 ghillie
grouped files into subdirectories
Revision 1.6 2002/10/24 09:55:52 ghillie
many fixes. Works for one call now
Revision 1.5 2002/10/23 15:40:15 ghillie
added python integration...
Revision 1.4 2002/10/09 14:36:22 gernot
added CallModule base class for all call handling modules
Revision 1.3 2002/10/04 15:48:03 gernot
structure changes completed & compiles now!
Revision 1.2 2002/10/04 13:27:15 gernot
some restructuring to get it to a working state ;-)
does not do anything useful yet nor does it even compile...
Revision 1.1 2002/10/02 14:10:07 gernot
first version