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# -*- mode: python -*-
# - some helper functions for CapiSuite scripts
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# copyright : (C) 2002 by Gernot Hillier
# email :
# version : $Revision: 1.20 $
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
import os, commands
from capisuite.config import *
from capisuite.voice import sayNumber, getAudio
# Convert sff files to tiff files. This is placed in an extra function
# because the sfftobmp tool used for this conversion has changed its
# parameters recently.
sfftobmp_major_version = @sfftobmp_major_version@
if sfftobmp_major_version <= 2:
def sff2tif(infile, outfile):
__call('sff to tif', "sfftobmp", "-tif", infile, outfile)
def sff2tif(infile, outfile):
__call('sff to tif', "sfftobmp", "-tif", infile, "-o", outfile)
# Note: readConfig is now imported from capisuite.config
# @brief escape a argument to include it savely in a shell command
# This is just a wrapper to commands.mkarg which strips the leading
# space which mkarg() adds.
# @return the escaped argument
def escape(arg):
arg = commands.mkarg(arg)
if arg[0] == ' ':
arg = arg[1:]
return arg
def getOption(config, user, option, default=None):
return config.getUser(user, option, default)
# Note: getAudio is now imported from capisuite.voice
# Note: uniqueName is now imported from capisuite.fileutils
def uniqueName(*args, **kwargs):
return capisuite.fileutils.uniqueName(*args, **kwargs)[1]
def __sendmail(mail_from, mail_to, msg):
import popen2, capisuite.core
r,w = popen2.popen2("{ /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -f %s } 2>&1" % escape(mail_from))
except IOError: #Errno 32: Broken Pipe
capisuite.core.error("Error while calling sendmail. Not installed?\n")
return 0
#ret = sendmail.wait()
text =
if text:
capisuite.core.error("Error while calling sendmail")#, return code=%i" % ret)
return 0
capisuite.core.log("sendmail finished successful",3)
return 1
def __sendmail(fromaddr, toaddr, msg):
import smtplib, capisuite.core
smtpserver, port = 'localhost', 25
server = smtplib.SMTP(smtpserver, port)
server.sendmail(fromaddr, (toaddr), msg.as_string())
capisuite.core.log("mail sent successfully",3)
return 1
def __call(msg, cmd, *args):
outfile MUST be last parameter!
# todo: think about using commands.getstatusoutput() here
ret = os.spawnlp(os.P_WAIT, cmd, cmd, *(args))
if ret or not os.access(args[-1], os.F_OK):
raise ConvertionError("Error while converting %s. "
"File damaged or %s not installed?" %(msg, cmd))
def cff2ps(infile, outfile):
__call("cff to ps", "jpeg2ps", "-m", infile , "-o", outfile)
def la2wav(infile, outfile):
__call('la to wav', "sox", infile, '-w', outfile)
class ConvertionError(Exception): pass
# @brief send email with text and attachment of type sff or la converted to pdf/wav
# This function creates a multipart MIME-message containing a text/plain
# part with a string and one attachment of type application/pdf or audio/wav.
# The given attachment is automatically converted from Structured Fax File
# (.sff) or inversed A-Law (.la) to the well known PDF or WAV format.
# @param mail_from the From: address for the mail
# @param mail_to the To: address for the mail
# @param mail_subject the subject of the mail
# @param mail_type containing either "sff" or "la"
# @param text a string containing the text of the first part of the mail
# @param attachment name of the file to send as attachment
def sendMIMEMail(mail_from, mail_to, mail_subject, mail_type,
text, attachment):
import email.MIMEBase, email.MIMEText, email.MIMEAudio, email.Encoders
import encodings.ascii, os
msg = email.MIMEBase.MIMEBase("multipart","mixed")
msg.preamble = 'This is a Multipart-MIME-message. Please use a capable mailer.\n'
msg.epilogue = '' # To guarantee the message ends with a newline
basepath = os.path.splitext(attachment)[0]
basename = os.path.basename(basepath)
if mail_type == "sff": # normal fax file
# convert sff -> tif
sff2tif(attachment, "%s.tif" % basepath)
# convert tif -> ps -> pdf
cmd = "tiff2ps -h11 -H12 -L.5 -w8.5 -a %s | ps2pdf -sPAPERSIZE=a4 - -" % escape("%s.tif" %basepath)
status, content = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
os.unlink("%s.tif" % basepath)
if status:
raise ConvertionError("Error while calling tiff2ps or ps2pdf. "
"Not installed?")
filepart = email.MIMEBase.MIMEBase("application","pdf",
name = "%s.pdf" % basename)
filename = "%s.pdf" % basename)
elif mail_type == "cff": # color fax file
# convert cff -> ps
cff2ps(attachment, "" % basepath)
# convert ps -> pdf
cmd = "ps2pdf -sPAPERSIZE=a4 %s -" % escape("" % basepath)
status, content = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
os.unlink("" % basepath)
if status:
raise ConvertionError("Error while calling ps2pdf. "
"Not installed?")
filepart = email.MIMEBase.MIMEBase("application", "pdf",
name = "%s.pdf" % basename)
filepart.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment',
filename="%s.pdf" % basename)
elif mail_type == "la": # voice file
# la -> wav
la2wav(attachment, "%s.wav" % basepath)
content = open("%s.wav" % basepath).read()
os.unlink("%s.wav" % basepath)
filepart = email.MIMEAudio.MIMEAudio(content, "x-wav",
name = "%s.wav" % basename)
filepart.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment',
filename = "%s.wav" % basename)
textpart = email.MIMEText.MIMEText(text)
except ConvertionError, errormessage:
text = [text, ''
'The following error occured while converting file:',
str(errormessage), ''
'Please talk to your friendly administrator.', ''
# todo: add encoding (at least as example)
# todo: use latin-1 as std-encoding instead of ascii
textpart = email.MIMEText.MIMEText('\n'.join(text))
return __sendmail(mail_from, mail_to, msg)
# @brief send a simple text email
# This function creates a simple mail
# @param mail_from the From: address for the mail
# @param mail_to the To: address for the mail
# @param mail_subject the subject of the mail
# @param text a string containing the text of the first part of the mail
# @result returns true on success
def sendSimpleMail(mail_from, mail_to, mail_subject, text):
#import email.Encoders, email.MIMEText, encodings.ascii
# Create a text/plain message. Don't forget to change charset here
# if you want to use non-us-ascii characters in the mail!
# todo: add encoding anyway (at least as example)
# todo: use latin-1 as std-encoding instead of ascii
import email.MIMEText
msg = email.MIMEText.MIMEText(text)
msg['Subject'] = mail_subject
msg['From'] = mail_from
msg['To'] = mail_to
return __sendmail(mail_from, mail_to, msg)
# @brief write description file for received fax or voice
# This function writes an INI-style description file for the given data file
# which can later on be read by a ConfigParser instance. The data file name
# is used, the extension stripped and replaced by .txt
# @param filename the data filename (with extension!)
# @param content the content as string
def writeDescription(filename, content):
from types import StringType
assert isinstance(content, StringType)
import capisuite.fileutils
descrname = capisuite.fileutils.controlname(filename)
descr = open(descrname, "w")
print >> descr, "# Description file for", filename
print >> descr, "# This if for internal use of CapiSuite."
print >> descr, "# Only change if you know what you do!"
print >> descr, "[GLOBAL]"
print >> descr, 'filename="%s"' % filename
print >> descr, content
# sayNumber is now imported from capisuite.voice