
897 lines
29 KiB

void sigFunc( short num, void *msg );
#include <stdio.h>
#ifndef UNIX
#include <conio.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <direct.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include "../../../units/common.src/bastypes.h"
#include "../../../units/common.src/os.h"
#include "../../isdn/source/isdn.h"
#include "../../isdn/source.os2/isdnmsg1.h"
#include "../../../units/common.src/num2nam.h"
#include "../../wave/source/alw2wav.h"
#include "../../wave/source/wav2alw.h"
#include "answer.h"
#include "../../../units/common.src/util.h"
#include "../../util/source/vorwahl.h"
#include "../../util/source/dtmf.h"
#include "../../util/source/dosstart.h"
#include "../../util/source/silence.h"
#include "../../../units/common.src/cfg_file.h"
#include "../../common/source/global.h"
#include "../../util/source/register.h"
#define DEF_CTI_MSG_ENG "CapiTel CTI Window"
#define DEF_DISABLE_MSG_ENG "Please register.\n\nCapitel disabled!"
#define DEF_REG_MSG_ENG "Please register CapiTel!\n\n(or set ANSWER DELAY to 999 to use CapiTel as a freeware Caller-ID)"
#define DEF_CTI_MSG_GER "CapiTel CTI Fenster"
#define DEF_DISABLE_MSG_GER "Bitte registreren.\n\nCapitel deaktiviert!"
#define DEF_REG_MSG_GER "Bitte registrieren Sie CapiTel!\n\n(oder setzen Sie VERZOEGERUNG auf 999 um CapiTel als Freeware Caller-ID zu benutzen)"
char status_isdn=0;
char status_conv=0;
FILE *fh_ansage=NULL, *fh_ziel=NULL, *fh_fern=NULL;
char fh_ziel_name[512];
char cbuffer[14*1024];
char next_is_welcome=0;
void (*capitel_signal_function)( short, void * );
char help_str[300];
char welcome_file[300];
char welcomeFile[300];
unsigned long calllength;
char help_welcome_file[300];
int raute;
int loesch;
int fernabfrage;
int any_dtmf_detected;
int dtmf_job;
char dtmf_str[200];
char act_call_name[300];
unsigned long use_ulaw_codec=0;
char msg_str_cti[300];
char msg_str_reg[300];
char msg_str_disable[300];
tU32 play_beep=0;
Thread_Id_Typ rescan_thread_id = 0;
unsigned long rescan_time_var = 0;
unsigned long do_dtmf_find = 1; // default on
unsigned long do_silence_find = 0; // default on
short conn_ind_cnt = 0;
short do_nerv_message = 1;
short beep_cnt;
short max_beep_cnt;
Thread_Id_Typ beep_thread_id = 0;
short num_calls = 0;
char *beepdata= "\x43\x69\x01\xa1\x88\x70\x60\x46\x66\xf8\x18\x5f\x91"
unsigned long beep_on_calls_freq;
unsigned long beep_on_calls_dura;
unsigned long beep_on_calls_delay;
char dtmf_setcallback = 0;
extern short is_callback;
void _Optlink capitel_rescan( void *arg)
for (;;) {
OsSleep (1000*rescan_time_var);
capitel_signal_function( 8, NULL); // neu scannen
void _Optlink boot (void *arg)
while (comm_connected()) OsSleep (500);
OsSleep (3000);
void _Optlink quit (void *arg)
while (comm_connected()) OsSleep (500);
OsSleep (3000);
capitel_signal_function( 12, NULL);
//short answer_version_expired(void)
// long expdate = 828398801 + 14 * 2592000; /* june 1st 97 */
// time_t tod;
// time( &tod );
// if ( tod > expdate ) return 1;
// return 0;
short iswav( char *filename )
FILE *fh;
char str[5] = "1234";
if( (fh = fopen( filename, "rb" )) != NULL ) {
fread( &str, 4, 1, fh );
fclose( fh );
fh = NULL;
str[4] = 0;
return !strcmp( str, "RIFF" );
long check_duration( char *filename )
FILE *fh = NULL;
long duration = 0;
char str[256];
if ((fh = fopen( filename, "r" )) != NULL) {
fgets( str, sizeof( str ), fh ); /* dummy read */
fgets( str, sizeof( str ), fh ); /* dummy read */
fgets( str, sizeof( str ), fh ); /* dummy read */
fgets( str, sizeof( str ), fh ); /* duration in seconds */
duration = (long) atoi( str );
fclose( fh );
fh = NULL;
return duration;
void _Optlink convert_all_alw2wav( void *arg)
FileInfoTyp FileInfo;
short rc;
// short max=0;
short i;
char helpstr[200];
short bitmode = 0;
bitmode = (!config_file_read_ulong(STD_CFG_FILE,GENERATE_16_BIT_WAVES,GENERATE_16_BIT_WAVES_DEF));
status_conv = 1;
rc = OsFindFirst(&FileInfo,CALL_MASK_WAV);
while( rc == 0 )
if( util_file_size(FileInfo.FileName ))
if( !iswav( FileInfo.FileName ) ) {
strcpy (helpstr,FileInfo.FileName);
for( i=0 ; (helpstr[i]!='.')&&(i<(short)strlen(helpstr)) ; i++ );
helpstr[i] = 0;
strcat( helpstr, ALW_EXT );
util_copy_file (FileInfo.FileName, helpstr);
rename( FileInfo.FileName, CONV_TMP );
alw2wav( CONV_TMP, FileInfo.FileName, bitmode);
remove( CONV_TMP );
rc = OsFindNext(&FileInfo);
if (fernabfrage || dtmf_job) {
capitel_signal_function( 9, ""); // rufende von fernabfrage -> nicht anzeigen
remove (act_call_name); // *.wav
for( i=0 ; (act_call_name[i]!='.')&&(i<(short)strlen(act_call_name)) ; i++ );
act_call_name[i] = 0;
strcat( act_call_name, ALW_EXT);
remove (act_call_name); // *.alw
for( i=0 ; (act_call_name[i]!='.')&&(i<(short)strlen(act_call_name)) ; i++ );
act_call_name[i] = 0;
strcat( act_call_name, IDX_EXT );
remove (act_call_name); // *.idx
if (loesch && fernabfrage) {
rc = OsFindFirst(&FileInfo,CALL_MASK_IDX);
while( rc == 0 ) {
strcpy (helpstr,FileInfo.FileName);
if( check_duration( helpstr ) > 0 )
remove (helpstr); // *.idx
for( i=0 ; (helpstr[i]!='.')&&(i<(short)strlen(helpstr)) ; i++ );
helpstr[i] = 0;
strcat( helpstr, ALW_EXT );
remove (helpstr); // *.alw
for( i=0 ; (helpstr[i]!='.')&&(i<(short)strlen(helpstr)) ; i++ );
helpstr[i] = 0;
strcat( helpstr, WAV_EXT );
remove (helpstr); // *.wav
rc = OsFindNext(&FileInfo);
capitel_signal_function( 8, NULL); // rufe geloescht -> neu scannen
} else {
capitel_signal_function( 6, &calllength ); // normaler ruf -> anzeigen
status_conv = 0;
char *NextFileName(void)
FileInfoTyp FileInfo;
short rc;
int help;
short res=0;
if(next_is_welcome) {
strcpy( act_call_name, DEFALWFILE_NXT);
capitel_signal_function( 5, &res );
return act_call_name;
rc = OsFindFirst(&FileInfo,CALL_MASK_WAV);
while( rc == 0 ) {
sscanf (FileInfo.FileName,CALL_MAKE_MASK_WAV,&help);
if (help > res) {
res = help;
rc = OsFindNext(&FileInfo);
sprintf (act_call_name,CALL_MAKE_MASK_WAV,res);
capitel_signal_function( 5, &res );
return act_call_name;
void answer_connect_ind (AnsConIndMsg *msg)
static char ringring_file[200];
TCapiInfo ConIndMsg;
char *help;
// short cnt;
char helpstr[200];
raute = 0;
loesch = 0;
fernabfrage = 0;
any_dtmf_detected = 0;
dtmf_job = 0;
dtmf_str[0] = 0;
beep_cnt = 0;
dtmf_setcallback = 0;
do_silence_find = config_file_read_ulong(STD_CFG_FILE,MAX_SILENCE_TIME,MAX_SILENCE_TIME_DEF);
do_dtmf_find = config_file_read_ulong(STD_CFG_FILE,DETECT_DTMF_TONES,DETECT_DTMF_TONES_DEF);
#ifndef RECOTEL
play_beep = config_file_read_ulong(STD_CFG_FILE,PLAY_BEEP,PLAY_BEEP_DEF);
config_file_read_string(STD_CFG_FILE,WELCOME_WAVE,welcome_file, WELCOME_WAVE_DEF);
strcpy (welcome_file,check_time(welcome_file));
config_file_read_string(STD_CFG_FILE,RINGRING_WAVE,ringring_file, RINGRING_WAVE_DEF);
strcpy (ringring_file,check_time(ringring_file));
silence_reset( config_file_read_ulong (STD_CFG_FILE,MAX_SILENCE_TIME,MAX_SILENCE_TIME_DEF));
strcpy (ConIndMsg.caller_name , msg->caller_name);
strcpy (ConIndMsg.caller_org_name, msg->caller_org_name);
strcpy (ConIndMsg.called_name , msg->called_name);
ConIndMsg.is_digital = msg->is_digital;
better_string(ConIndMsg.called_name,PRTFILE,8,ringring_file , ringring_file );
better_string(ConIndMsg.called_name,PRTFILE,3,welcome_file , welcome_file );
better_string(ConIndMsg.called_name,PRTFILE,2,ConIndMsg.called_name, ConIndMsg.called_name);
better_string(ConIndMsg.caller_name,NAMFILE,7,"1", helpstr);
if (!strcmp(helpstr,"1")) {
better_string(ConIndMsg.caller_name,NAMFILE,8,ringring_file , ringring_file );
better_string(ConIndMsg.caller_name,NAMFILE,3,welcome_file , welcome_file );
better_string(ConIndMsg.caller_name,NAMFILE,2,ConIndMsg.caller_name, ConIndMsg.caller_name);
if (config_file_read_ulong(STD_CFG_FILE,EXPAND_CALLER_ID,EXPAND_CALLER_ID_DEF) && !strcmp(msg->caller_name,ConIndMsg.caller_name)) strcat (ConIndMsg.caller_name,vorwahl_get_name(msg->caller_name));
strcpy (fh_ziel_name,NextFileName());
fh_ziel = fopen(fh_ziel_name, "wb");
if (strstr(welcome_file,WAV_EXT)) {
strcpy (help_welcome_file,welcome_file);
wav2alw_convert (help_welcome_file);
help = strstr(welcome_file,WAV_EXT);
*(++help) = 'a';
*(++help) = 'l';
*(++help) = 'w';
capitel_signal_function( 4 , (void *) &ConIndMsg );
if (config_file_read_ulong(STD_CFG_FILE,PLAY_RINGRING_WAVE, PLAY_RINGRING_WAVE_DEF)) capitel_signal_function( 10, (void *) &ringring_file );
void answer_connect_b3_act_ind (void *msg)
short cnt;
status_isdn = 2;
if( !util_file_exist( welcome_file ) )
strcpy( welcome_file, util_strip_path(welcome_file) );
if( !util_file_exist( welcome_file ) )
strcpy( welcome_file,DEFALWFILE);
fh_ansage = fopen(welcome_file, "rb");
if (initRegistration()) max_beep_cnt = 4; else max_beep_cnt = 16;
if (do_nerv_message) {
if (!initRegistration()) {
if (conn_ind_cnt++ >= CONN_CNT_DEACT) {
capitel_signal_function( 11, NULL );
capitel_signal_function( 1 , msg_str_disable);
config_file_write_ulong (STD_CFG_FILE,CAPITEL_ACTIVE,0);
} else if (conn_ind_cnt > CONN_CNT_WARN) {
for (cnt=1;cnt <= (conn_ind_cnt-CONN_CNT_WARN); cnt++) capitel_signal_function( 1 , msg_str_reg);
void answer_data_b3_ind (void *msg)
long cnt;
if( comm_data_available() ) {
if( (cnt = comm_read_block( cbuffer)) > 0 ) {
if( status_isdn == 4 ) {
if( fh_ziel != NULL ) fwrite( cbuffer, cnt, 1, fh_ziel);
if ((do_silence_find) && (!any_dtmf_detected)) silence_find (cbuffer,cnt);
if (do_dtmf_find) {
if (use_ulaw_codec) {
dtmf_find_ulaw (cbuffer,cnt);
} else {
dtmf_find_alaw (cbuffer,cnt);
void answer_disc_b3_ind (void *msg)
status_isdn = 0;
if( fh_ansage ) fclose( fh_ansage );
if( fh_fern ) fclose( fh_fern );
fh_ansage = fh_fern = NULL;
void answer_data_b3_conf(void *msg)
char cbuffer[1024];
short readsize;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
if( status_isdn == 2 ) {
if((!raute) && (fh_ansage != NULL)) {
readsize=fread(cbuffer, 1, 1024, fh_ansage );
if (readsize) {
comm_write_block( cbuffer, readsize );
} else {
status_isdn = 3;
} else {
status_isdn = 3;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
else if( status_isdn == 3 ) {
if (play_beep)
if (beep_cnt++ < max_beep_cnt) {
comm_write_block( beepdata, 1024 );
} else {
status_isdn = 4;
status_isdn = 4;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
else if( status_isdn == 5 ) {
if (fh_fern != NULL) {
readsize = fread(cbuffer, 1, 1024, fh_fern );
if (readsize) comm_write_block( cbuffer, readsize );
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
void answer_disc_ind (void *msg)
char proc[200],parm[200],title[200];
calllength = 0;
if( fh_ziel == NULL )
calllength = 0;
calllength = util_file_size(fh_ziel_name)/8192;
fclose( fh_ziel );
fh_ziel = NULL;
if (next_is_welcome) {
remove( welcomeFile );
rename( DEFALWFILE_NXT, welcomeFile );
OsStartThread (convert_all_alw2wav);
config_file_read_string(STD_CFG_FILE,START_DISC_PROC ,proc ,START_DISC_PROC_DEF);
config_file_read_string(STD_CFG_FILE,START_DISC_PARM ,parm ,START_DISC_PARM_DEF);
dos_start (proc,parm,title);
static short dtmf_activ = 0;
void build_all_calls (void)
FileInfoTyp FileInfo;
short rc;
short idx;
FILE *inpdat, *outdat;
char buff2[256];
char nullbeep[1024];
memset (nullbeep, 0, 1024);
rc = OsFindFirst(&FileInfo,CALL_MASK_ALW);
remove (ALLFILE_ALW);
fh_fern = fopen (ALLFILE_ALW,"wb");
if (fh_fern) fclose (fh_fern);
while( rc == 0 ) {
fh_fern = fopen (ALLFILE_ALW,"ab");
if (fh_fern) {
fwrite (beepdata,1,1024,fh_fern);
fclose (fh_fern);
util_append_file(FileInfo.FileName ,ALLFILE_ALW);
rc = OsFindNext(&FileInfo);
fh_fern = fopen (ALLFILE_ALW,"ab");
if (fh_fern) {
for (idx=1; idx <= 5; idx++) {
fwrite (nullbeep,1,1024,fh_fern);
fwrite (beepdata,1,1024,fh_fern);
fclose (fh_fern);
// calls als abgehoert markieren
rc = OsFindFirst(&FileInfo,CALL_MASK_IDX);
while( rc == 0 ) {
if(util_file_exist(FileInfo.FileName) && util_file_size(FileInfo.FileName)) {
if ((inpdat = fopen(FileInfo.FileName,"r")) != NULL){
if ((outdat = fopen (CALL_TMP,"w")) != NULL) {
for (idx=1;idx<=6;idx++) {fgets (buff2,sizeof(buff2),inpdat);fputs (buff2,outdat);};
fputs ("1\n",outdat);
fclose (outdat);
fclose (inpdat);
remove (FileInfo.FileName);
rename (CALL_TMP,FileInfo.FileName);
rc = OsFindNext(&FileInfo);
void answer_dtmf_found (void *msg)
char dtmf_char[2] = {0,0};
short idx;
char pars_str[200];
char activ_str[200];
char proc[200],parm[200],title[200];
if (dtmf_activ) return;
dtmf_char[0] = *(char*)msg;
switch (dtmf_char[0]) {
case '#': raute = 1; dtmf_str[0] = 0;break;
case '*': if (fernabfrage) loesch = 1;break;
case '0':
case '1':
case '2':
case '3':
case '4':
case '5':
case '6':
case '7':
case '8':
case '9':
case 'A':
case 'B':
case 'C':
case 'D': strcat (dtmf_str,dtmf_char);break;
if (dtmf_setcallback) {
if (strlen(dtmf_str)) {
if (!isdigit(dtmf_str[strlen(dtmf_str)-1])) {
dtmf_str[strlen(dtmf_str)-1] = 0;
config_file_write_string(STD_CFG_FILE, CALL_BACK_NUMBER, dtmf_str);
is_callback = 1;
} else if ((!dtmf_str[0]==0) && (strlen(dtmf_str) > 3)) {
better_string(dtmf_str,ACTFILE,2,"DUMMY", pars_str);
better_string(dtmf_str,ACTFILE,6,"DUMMY", activ_str);
if ((strcmp("DUMMY",pars_str)==0) || (strcmp("0",activ_str)==0)) pars_str[0]=0;
if (pars_str[0] != 0) {
if (strcmp("REMOTECONTROL",pars_str)==0) {
dtmf_str[0] = 0;
fernabfrage = 1;
raute = 1;
// calls zusammenstellen
// calls abspielen
fh_fern = fopen(ALLFILE_ALW , "rb");
status_isdn = 5;
for (idx=1;idx<= CAPI_NUM_B3_BLK; idx++) answer_data_b3_conf(NULL); // nur zum neuanstossen...
} else if (strcmp("REBOOT",pars_str)==0) {
dtmf_str[0] = 0;
dtmf_job = 1;
OsStartThread (boot);
} else if (strcmp("DEACTIVATE",pars_str)==0) {
dtmf_str[0] = 0;
dtmf_job = 1;
config_file_write_ulong (STD_CFG_FILE,CAPITEL_ACTIVE,0);
capitel_signal_function( 11, NULL);
} else if (strcmp("QUIT",pars_str)==0) {
dtmf_str[0] = 0;
dtmf_job = 1;
OsStartThread (quit);
} else if (strcmp("SETCALLBACK",pars_str)==0) {
dtmf_str[0] = 0;
dtmf_job = 1;
dtmf_setcallback = 1;
} else {
dtmf_job = 1;
better_string(dtmf_str,ACTFILE,2,"", proc );
better_string(dtmf_str,ACTFILE,3,"", parm );
better_string(dtmf_str,ACTFILE,4,"", title);
void answer_silence_found (void *msg)
void answer_sigfunc( short num, void *msg )
switch( num ) {
case 1 : answer_connect_ind ( msg ); break;
case 2 : answer_connect_b3_act_ind( msg ); break;
case 3 : answer_data_b3_ind ( msg ); break;
case 4 : answer_disc_b3_ind ( msg ); break;
case 5 : answer_data_b3_conf ( msg ); break;
case 6 : answer_disc_ind ( msg ); break;
case 7 : capitel_signal_function ( 1, msg ); break; // warnings
case 8 : capitel_signal_function ( 2, msg ); break; // critical error
case 9 : capitel_signal_function ( 3, msg ); break; // fatal error
case 10: capitel_signal_function ( 7, msg ); break; // converting wav2alw
case 11: answer_dtmf_found ( msg ); break; // dtmf_found
case 12: answer_silence_found ( msg ); break; // silence_found
default : sprintf(help_str,"ANSWER: Unknown SigFunc: %d\n", num); capitel_signal_function( 1, help_str ); break;
void _Optlink beep_thread ( void *arg)
short i;
for (;;) {
OsSleep (beep_on_calls_delay);
for (i=0;i<num_calls;i++) {
OSBeep (beep_on_calls_freq,beep_on_calls_dura);
// capitel_signal_function ( 10, "pop.wav" );
OsSleep (250);
short answer_init( void (*ctel_sigfunc)( short, void * ), short nerv_message, short language)
switch (language) {
case (LANGUAGE_GER): strcpy(msg_str_disable, DEF_DISABLE_MSG_GER);
strcpy(msg_str_reg , DEF_REG_MSG_GER );
strcpy(msg_str_cti , DEF_CTI_MSG_GER );
default : strcpy(msg_str_disable, DEF_DISABLE_MSG_ENG);
strcpy(msg_str_reg , DEF_REG_MSG_ENG );
strcpy(msg_str_cti , DEF_CTI_MSG_ENG );
OSProcessAffinity (config_file_read_ulong(STD_CFG_FILE,CAPITEL_AFFINITY,CAPITEL_AFFINITY_DEF));
use_ulaw_codec = config_file_read_ulong(STD_CFG_FILE,CAPITEL_CODEC_ULAW,CAPITEL_CODEC_ULAW_DEF);
config_file_write_ulong (STD_CFG_FILE,CAPITEL_ACTIVE,1);
do_nerv_message = nerv_message;
rescan_time_var = config_file_read_ulong (STD_CFG_FILE,RESCAN_TIME,RESCAN_TIME_DEF);
if (rescan_time_var) {
rescan_thread_id = OsStartThread (capitel_rescan);
if (config_file_read_ulong(STD_CFG_FILE,BEEP_ON_CALLS,BEEP_ON_CALLS_DEF)) {
beep_on_calls_freq = config_file_read_ulong(STD_CFG_FILE,BEEP_ON_CALLS_FREQ ,BEEP_ON_CALLS_FREQ_DEF );
beep_on_calls_dura = config_file_read_ulong(STD_CFG_FILE,BEEP_ON_CALLS_DURA ,BEEP_ON_CALLS_DURA_DEF );
beep_on_calls_delay = config_file_read_ulong(STD_CFG_FILE,BEEP_ON_CALLS_DELAY,BEEP_ON_CALLS_DELAY_DEF);
beep_thread_id = OsStartThread (beep_thread);
capitel_signal_function = ctel_sigfunc;
return(comm_init( answer_sigfunc));
void answer_exit (void)
OsSleep (700);
if (rescan_time_var) OsStopThread(rescan_thread_id);
if (beep_thread_id ) OsStopThread(beep_thread_id );
while (wav2alw_convert_runs()) OsSleep (250);
void answer_record_welcome ( char *name )
strcpy( welcomeFile, name );
void answer_listen (void)
use_ulaw_codec = config_file_read_ulong(STD_CFG_FILE,CAPITEL_CODEC_ULAW,CAPITEL_CODEC_ULAW_DEF);
short answer_cannot_close (void)
return (status_conv);
void answer_wav2alw_convert_all (void)
use_ulaw_codec = config_file_read_ulong(STD_CFG_FILE,CAPITEL_CODEC_ULAW,CAPITEL_CODEC_ULAW_DEF);
void answer_name_of_interface (char * name)
comm_name_of_interface (name);
void answer_stop_bell (void)
num_calls = 0;
void answer_play_all (void)
short bitmode = 0;
bitmode = (!config_file_read_ulong(STD_CFG_FILE,GENERATE_16_BIT_WAVES,GENERATE_16_BIT_WAVES_DEF));
// calls zusammenstellen
// calls abspielen
alw2wav (ALLFILE_ALW, ALLFILE_WAV, bitmode);
capitel_signal_function ( 10, ALLFILE_WAV );
capitel_signal_function( 8, NULL); // neu scannen
void answer_cti (char * cti_number)
char def_unknown[200];
char cti_prg[200];
config_file_read_string (STD_CFG_FILE,TEXT_UNKNOWN_ISDN,def_unknown,TEXT_UNKNOWN_ISDN_DEF);
if (!strcmp(cti_number,def_unknown)) {
dos_start(cti_prg, "", msg_str_cti);
} else {
dos_start(cti_prg, cti_number, msg_str_cti);