/**************************************************************************** * * SciTech Nucleus Graphics Architecture * * Copyright (C) 1991-1998 SciTech Software, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * ====================================================================== * |REMOVAL OR MODIFICATION OF THIS HEADER IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED BY LAW| * | | * |This copyrighted computer code contains proprietary technology | * |owned by SciTech Software, Inc., located at 505 Wall Street, | * |Chico, CA 95928 USA (http://www.scitechsoft.com). | * | | * |The contents of this file are subject to the SciTech Nucleus | * |License; you may *not* use this file or related software except in | * |compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License | * |at http://www.scitechsoft.com/nucleus-license.txt | * | | * |Software distributed under the License is distributed on an | * |"AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or | * |implied. See the License for the specific language governing | * |rights and limitations under the License. | * | | * |REMOVAL OR MODIFICATION OF THIS HEADER IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED BY LAW| * ====================================================================== * * Language: ANSI C * Environment: Win32 * * Description: OS specific Nucleus Graphics Architecture services for * the Win32 operating system environments. * ****************************************************************************/ #include "pm_help.h" #include "pmapi.h" #include #include #include #define STRICT #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include /*------------------------- Global Variables ------------------------------*/ #if GA_MAX_DEVICES > 4 #error GA_MAX_DEVICES has changed! #endif static ibool haveRDTSC; static GA_largeInteger countFreq; static GA_loadDriver_t ORG_GA_loadDriver; extern HANDLE _PM_hDevice; /*-------------------------- Implementation -------------------------------*/ /**************************************************************************** DESCRIPTION: Get the current graphics driver imports from the VxD REMARKS: This function returns a pointer to the common graphics driver loaded in the helper VxD. The memory for the VxD is shared between all processes via the VxD, so that the VxD, 16-bit code and 32-bit code all see the same state when accessing the graphics binary portable driver. ****************************************************************************/ GA_sharedInfo * NAPI GA_getSharedInfo( int device) { DWORD inBuf[1]; /* Buffer to send data to VxD */ DWORD outBuf[2]; /* Buffer to receive data from VxD */ DWORD count; /* Count of bytes returned from VxD */ PM_init(); inBuf[0] = device; if (DeviceIoControl(_PM_hDevice, PMHELP_GETSHAREDINFO32, inBuf, sizeof(inBuf), outBuf, sizeof(outBuf), &count, NULL)) { return (GA_sharedInfo*)outBuf[0]; } return NULL; } /**************************************************************************** REMARKS: Nothing special for this OS. ****************************************************************************/ ibool NAPI GA_getSharedExports( GA_exports *gaExp) { (void)gaExp; return false; } /**************************************************************************** REMARKS: This function initialises the software stereo module by either calling the Nucleus libraries directly, or calling into the VxD if we are running on the shared Nucleus libraries loaded by the Windows VxD. ****************************************************************************/ static ibool NAPI _GA_softStereoInit( GA_devCtx *dc) { if (_PM_hDevice) { DWORD inBuf[1]; /* Buffer to send data to VxD */ DWORD outBuf[1]; /* Buffer to receive data from VxD */ DWORD count; /* Count of bytes returned from VxD */ inBuf[0] = (ulong)dc; if (DeviceIoControl(_PM_hDevice, PMHELP_GASTEREOINIT32, inBuf, sizeof(inBuf), outBuf, sizeof(outBuf), &count, NULL)) { return outBuf[0]; } } return false; } /**************************************************************************** REMARKS: This function turns on software stereo mode, either directly or via the VxD. ****************************************************************************/ static void NAPI _GA_softStereoOn(void) { if (_PM_hDevice) { DeviceIoControl(_PM_hDevice, PMHELP_GASTEREOON32, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); } } /**************************************************************************** REMARKS: This function schedules a software stereo mode page flip, either directly or via the VxD. ****************************************************************************/ static void NAPI _GA_softStereoScheduleFlip( N_uint32 leftAddr, N_uint32 rightAddr) { if (_PM_hDevice) { DWORD inBuf[2]; /* Buffer to send data to VxD */ DWORD count; /* Count of bytes returned from VxD */ inBuf[0] = (ulong)leftAddr; inBuf[1] = (ulong)rightAddr; DeviceIoControl(_PM_hDevice, PMHELP_GASTEREOFLIP32, inBuf, sizeof(inBuf), NULL, 0, &count, NULL); } } /**************************************************************************** REMARKS: This function turns off software stereo mode, either directly or via the VxD. ****************************************************************************/ static N_int32 NAPI _GA_softStereoGetFlipStatus(void) { if (_PM_hDevice) { DWORD outBuf[1]; /* Buffer to receive data from VxD */ DWORD count; /* Count of bytes returned from VxD */ if (DeviceIoControl(_PM_hDevice, PMHELP_GASTEREOFLIPSTATUS32, NULL, 0, outBuf, sizeof(outBuf), &count, NULL)) { return outBuf[0]; } } return 0; } /**************************************************************************** REMARKS: This function turns off software stereo mode, either directly or via the VxD. ****************************************************************************/ static void NAPI _GA_softStereoWaitTillFlipped(void) { while (!_GA_softStereoGetFlipStatus()) ; } /**************************************************************************** REMARKS: This function turns off software stereo mode, either directly or via the VxD. ****************************************************************************/ static void NAPI _GA_softStereoOff(void) { if (_PM_hDevice) { DeviceIoControl(_PM_hDevice, PMHELP_GASTEREOOFF32, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); } } /**************************************************************************** REMARKS: This function disable the software stereo handler, either directly or via the VxD. ****************************************************************************/ static void NAPI _GA_softStereoExit(void) { if (_PM_hDevice) { DeviceIoControl(_PM_hDevice, PMHELP_GASTEREOEXIT32, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); } } /**************************************************************************** REMARKS: We hook this function in here so that we can avoid the memory detect and other destructive sequences in the drivers if we are loading the driver from a Win32 application (our display drivers in contrast load them inside the VxD directly, but the control panel applets use this function). ****************************************************************************/ static GA_devCtx * NAPI _GA_loadDriver( N_int32 deviceIndex, N_int32 shared) { GA_devCtx *dc; DWORD inBuf[1]; DWORD outBuf[1]; N_int32 totalMemory = 0,oldIOPL; if (deviceIndex >= GA_MAX_DEVICES) PM_fatalError("DeviceIndex too large in GA_loadDriver!"); PM_init(); inBuf[0] = deviceIndex; if (DeviceIoControl(_PM_hDevice, PMHELP_GETMEMSIZE32, inBuf, sizeof(inBuf), outBuf, sizeof(outBuf), NULL, NULL)) totalMemory = outBuf[0]; if (totalMemory == 0) totalMemory = 8192; _GA_exports.GA_forceMemSize(totalMemory,shared); oldIOPL = PM_setIOPL(3); dc = ORG_GA_loadDriver(deviceIndex,shared); PM_setIOPL(oldIOPL); return dc; } /**************************************************************************** REMARKS: This function initialises the high precision timing functions for the Nucleus loader library. ****************************************************************************/ ibool NAPI GA_TimerInit(void) { if (_GA_haveCPUID() && (_GA_getCPUIDFeatures() & CPU_HaveRDTSC) != 0) { haveRDTSC = true; return true; } else if (QueryPerformanceFrequency((LARGE_INTEGER*)&countFreq)) { haveRDTSC = false; return true; } return false; } /**************************************************************************** REMARKS: This function reads the high resolution timer. ****************************************************************************/ void NAPI GA_TimerRead( GA_largeInteger *value) { if (haveRDTSC) _GA_readTimeStamp(value); else QueryPerformanceCounter((LARGE_INTEGER*)value); }