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This is a set of tools for creating a virtual Um-interface between
OsmocomBB and OsmoBTS. It may be extremely useful for testing and
development of GSM stack, including both sides (MS and BTS). This
software implements OsmoTRX (Osmocom's fork of OpenBTS transceiver)
style clock (CLCK), control (CTRL) and data interfaces. So, OsmoBTS
source code doesn't require any modifications, while for OsmocomBB
you will need to use a new application - trxcon, which can be found
in the 'fixeria/sdr_phy' branch until one is merged to master.
Brief description of available applications:
- fake_trx.py - main application, that allows to connect both
OsmocomBB and OsmoBTS without actual RF hardware. Currently
only a single MS may work with a single BTS.
- clck_gen.py - a peripheral tool aimed to emulate TDMA frame
clock generator. Could be used for testing and clock
synchronization of multiple applications. It should be noted,
that one relays on generic system timer (via Python), so
a random clock jitter takes place.
- ctrl_cmd.py - another peripheral tool, which could be used
for sending CTRL commands directly in manual mode, and also
for application fuzzing.