
690 lines
17 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# TRX Toolkit
# DATA interface message definitions and helpers
# (C) 2018-2019 by Vadim Yanitskiy <axilirator@gmail.com>
# All Rights Reserved
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
import random
import struct
import abc
from typing import List
from enum import Enum
from gsm_shared import *
class Modulation(Enum):
""" Modulation types defined in 3GPP TS 45.002 """
ModGMSK = (0b0000, 1 * GMSK_BURST_LEN)
Mod8PSK = (0b0100, 3 * GMSK_BURST_LEN)
ModGMSK_AB = (0b0110, 1 * GMSK_BURST_LEN)
# ModRFU = (0b0111, 0) # Reserved for Future Use
Mod16QAM = (0b1000, 4 * GMSK_BURST_LEN)
Mod32QAM = (0b1010, 5 * GMSK_BURST_LEN)
ModAQPSK = (0b1100, 2 * GMSK_BURST_LEN)
def __init__(self, coding, bl):
# Coding in TRXD header
self.coding = coding
# Burst length
self.bl = bl
def pick(self, coding):
for mod in list(self):
if mod.coding == coding:
return mod
return None
def pick_by_bl(self, bl):
for mod in list(self):
if mod.bl == bl:
return mod
return None
class Msg(abc.ABC):
''' TRXD (DATA) message coding API (common part). '''
# NOTE: up to 16 versions can be encoded
def __init__(self, fn = None, tn = None, burst = None, ver = 0):
self.burst = burst
self.ver = ver
self.fn = fn
self.tn = tn
def CHDR_LEN(self):
''' The common header length. '''
return 1 + 4 # (VER + TN) + FN
def gen_hdr(self):
''' Generate message specific header. '''
def parse_hdr(self, hdr):
''' Parse message specific header. '''
def gen_burst(self):
''' Generate message specific burst. '''
def parse_burst(self, burst):
''' Parse message specific burst. '''
def rand_burst(self):
''' Generate a random message specific burst. '''
def rand_fn(self):
''' Generate a random frame number. '''
return random.randint(0, GSM_HYPERFRAME)
def rand_tn(self):
''' Generate a random timeslot number. '''
return random.randint(0, 7)
def rand_hdr(self):
''' Randomize the message header. '''
self.fn = self.rand_fn()
self.tn = self.rand_tn()
def desc_hdr(self):
''' Generate human-readable header description. '''
result = ""
if self.ver > 0:
result += ("ver=%u " % self.ver)
if self.fn is not None:
result += ("fn=%u " % self.fn)
if self.tn is not None:
result += ("tn=%u " % self.tn)
if self.burst is not None and len(self.burst) > 0:
result += ("bl=%u " % len(self.burst))
return result
def usbit2sbit(bits: List[int]) -> List[int]:
''' Convert unsigned soft-bits {254..0} to soft-bits {-127..127}. '''
return [-127 if (b == 0xff) else 127 - b for b in bits]
def sbit2usbit(bits: List[int]) -> List[int]:
''' Convert soft-bits {-127..127} to unsigned soft-bits {254..0}. '''
return [127 - b for b in bits]
def sbit2ubit(bits: List[int]) -> List[int]:
''' Convert soft-bits {-127..127} to bits {1..0}. '''
return [int(b < 0) for b in bits]
def ubit2sbit(bits: List[int]) -> List[int]:
''' Convert bits {1..0} to soft-bits {-127..127}. '''
return [-127 if b else 127 for b in bits]
def validate(self):
''' Validate the message fields (throws ValueError). '''
if not self.ver in self.KNOWN_VERSIONS:
raise ValueError("Unknown TRXD header version %d" % self.ver)
if self.fn is None:
raise ValueError("TDMA frame-number is not set")
if self.fn < 0 or self.fn > GSM_HYPERFRAME:
raise ValueError("TDMA frame-number %d is out of range" % self.fn)
if self.tn is None:
raise ValueError("TDMA time-slot is not set")
if self.tn < 0 or self.tn > 7:
raise ValueError("TDMA time-slot %d is out of range" % self.tn)
def gen_msg(self, legacy = False):
''' Generate a TRX DATA message. '''
# Validate all the fields
# Allocate an empty byte-array
buf = bytearray()
# Put version (4 bits) and TDMA TN (3 bits)
buf.append((self.ver << 4) | (self.tn & 0x07))
# Put TDMA FN (4 octets, BE)
buf += struct.pack(">L", self.fn)
# Generate message specific header part
hdr = self.gen_hdr()
buf += hdr
# Generate burst
if self.burst is not None:
buf += self.gen_burst()
# This is a rudiment from (legacy) OpenBTS transceiver,
# some L1 implementations still expect two dummy bytes.
if legacy and self.ver == 0x00:
buf += bytearray(2)
return buf
def parse_msg(self, msg):
''' Parse a TRX DATA message. '''
# Make sure we have at least common header
if len(msg) < self.CHDR_LEN:
raise ValueError("Message is to short: missing common header")
# Parse the header version first
self.ver = (msg[0] >> 4)
if not self.ver in self.KNOWN_VERSIONS:
raise ValueError("Unknown TRXD header version %d" % self.ver)
# Parse TDMA TN and FN
self.tn = (msg[0] & 0x07)
self.fn = struct.unpack(">L", msg[1:5])[0]
# Make sure we have the whole header,
# including the version specific fields
if len(msg) < self.HDR_LEN:
raise ValueError("Message is to short: missing version specific header")
# Specific message part
# Copy burst, skipping header
msg_burst = msg[self.HDR_LEN:]
if len(msg_burst) > 0:
self.burst = None
class TxMsg(Msg):
''' Tx (L1 -> TRX) message coding API. '''
# Constants
PWR_MIN = 0x00
PWR_MAX = 0xff
# Specific message fields
pwr = None
def HDR_LEN(self):
''' Calculate header length depending on its version. '''
# Common header length
length = self.CHDR_LEN
# Message specific header length
if self.ver in (0x00, 0x01):
length += 1 # PWR
raise IndexError("Unhandled version %u" % self.ver)
return length
def validate(self):
''' Validate the message fields (throws ValueError). '''
# Validate common fields
if self.pwr is None:
raise ValueError("Tx Attenuation level is not set")
if self.pwr < self.PWR_MIN or self.pwr > self.PWR_MAX:
raise ValueError("Tx Attenuation %d is out of range" % self.pwr)
# FIXME: properly handle IDLE / NOPE indications
if self.burst is None:
raise ValueError("Tx burst bits are not set")
# FIXME: properly handle IDLE / NOPE indications
if len(self.burst) not in (GMSK_BURST_LEN, EDGE_BURST_LEN):
raise ValueError("Tx burst has odd length %u" % len(self.burst))
def rand_pwr(self, min = None, max = None):
''' Generate a random power level. '''
if min is None:
min = self.PWR_MIN
if max is None:
max = self.PWR_MAX
return random.randint(min, max)
def rand_hdr(self):
''' Randomize message specific header. '''
self.pwr = self.rand_pwr()
def desc_hdr(self):
''' Generate human-readable header description. '''
# Describe the common part
result = Msg.desc_hdr(self)
if self.pwr is not None:
result += ("pwr=%u " % self.pwr)
# Strip useless whitespace and return
return result.strip()
def gen_hdr(self):
''' Generate message specific header part. '''
# Allocate an empty byte-array
buf = bytearray()
# Put power
return buf
def parse_hdr(self, hdr):
''' Parse message specific header part. '''
# Parse power level
self.pwr = hdr[5]
def gen_burst(self):
''' Generate message specific burst. '''
# Copy burst 'as is'
return bytearray(self.burst)
def parse_burst(self, burst):
''' Parse message specific burst. '''
length = len(burst)
# Distinguish between GSM and EDGE
if length >= EDGE_BURST_LEN:
self.burst = list(burst[:EDGE_BURST_LEN])
self.burst = list(burst[:GMSK_BURST_LEN])
def rand_burst(self, length = GMSK_BURST_LEN):
''' Generate a random message specific burst. '''
self.burst = [random.randint(0, 1) for _ in range(length)]
def trans(self, ver = None):
''' Transform this message into RxMsg. '''
# Allocate a new message
msg = RxMsg(fn = self.fn, tn = self.tn,
ver = self.ver if ver is None else ver)
# Convert burst bits
if self.burst is not None:
msg.burst = self.ubit2sbit(self.burst)
msg.nope_ind = True
return msg
class RxMsg(Msg):
''' Rx (TRX -> L1) message coding API. '''
# rxlev2dbm(0..63) gives us [-110..-47], plus -10 dbm for noise
RSSI_MIN = -120
RSSI_MAX = -47
# Min and max values of int16_t
TOA256_MIN = -32768
TOA256_MAX = 32767
# TSC (Training Sequence Code) range
TSC_RANGE = range(0, 8)
# C/I range (in centiBels)
CI_MIN = -1280
CI_MAX = 1280
# IDLE frame / nope detection indicator
NOPE_IND = (1 << 7)
# Specific message fields
rssi = None
toa256 = None
# Version 0x01 specific (default values)
mod_type = Modulation.ModGMSK
nope_ind = False
tsc_set = None
tsc = None
ci = None
def HDR_LEN(self):
''' Calculate header length depending on its version. '''
# Common header length
length = self.CHDR_LEN
# Message specific header length
if self.ver == 0x00:
# RSSI + ToA
length += 1 + 2
elif self.ver == 0x01:
# RSSI + ToA + TS + C/I
length += 1 + 2 + 1 + 2
raise IndexError("Unhandled version %u" % self.ver)
return length
def _validate_burst_v0(self):
# Burst is mandatory
if self.burst is None:
raise ValueError("Rx burst bits are not set")
# ... and can be either of GSM (GMSK) or EDGE (8-PSK)
if len(self.burst) not in (GMSK_BURST_LEN, EDGE_BURST_LEN):
raise ValueError("Rx burst has odd length %u" % len(self.burst))
def _validate_burst_v1(self):
# Burst is omitted in case of an IDLE / NOPE indication
if self.nope_ind and self.burst is None:
if self.nope_ind and self.burst is not None:
raise ValueError("NOPE.ind comes with burst?!?")
if self.burst is None:
raise ValueError("Rx burst bits are not set")
# Burst length depends on modulation type
if len(self.burst) != self.mod_type.bl:
raise ValueError("Rx burst has odd length %u" % len(self.burst))
def validate_burst(self):
''' Validate the burst (throws ValueError). '''
if self.ver == 0x00:
elif self.ver >= 0x01:
def validate(self):
''' Validate the message header fields (throws ValueError). '''
# Validate common fields
if self.rssi is None:
raise ValueError("RSSI is not set")
if self.rssi < self.RSSI_MIN or self.rssi > self.RSSI_MAX:
raise ValueError("RSSI %d is out of range" % self.rssi)
if self.toa256 is None:
raise ValueError("ToA256 is not set")
if self.toa256 < self.TOA256_MIN or self.toa256 > self.TOA256_MAX:
raise ValueError("ToA256 %d is out of range" % self.toa256)
# Version specific parameters (omited for NOPE.ind)
if self.ver >= 0x01 and not self.nope_ind:
if type(self.mod_type) is not Modulation:
raise ValueError("Unknown Rx modulation type")
if self.tsc_set is None:
raise ValueError("TSC set is not set")
if self.mod_type is Modulation.ModGMSK:
if self.tsc_set not in range(0, 4):
raise ValueError("TSC set %d is out of range" % self.tsc_set)
if self.tsc_set not in range(0, 2):
raise ValueError("TSC set %d is out of range" % self.tsc_set)
if self.tsc is None:
raise ValueError("TSC is not set")
if self.tsc not in self.TSC_RANGE:
raise ValueError("TSC %d is out of range" % self.tsc)
# Version specific parameters (also present in NOPE.ind)
if self.ver >= 0x01:
if self.ci is None:
raise ValueError("C/I is not set")
if self.ci < self.CI_MIN or self.ci > self.CI_MAX:
raise ValueError("C/I %d is out of range" % self.ci)
def rand_rssi(self, min = None, max = None):
''' Generate a random RSSI value. '''
if min is None:
min = self.RSSI_MIN
if max is None:
max = self.RSSI_MAX
return random.randint(min, max)
def rand_toa256(self, min = None, max = None):
''' Generate a random ToA (Time of Arrival) value. '''
if min is None:
min = self.TOA256_MIN
if max is None:
max = self.TOA256_MAX
return random.randint(min, max)
def rand_hdr(self):
''' Randomize message specific header. '''
self.rssi = self.rand_rssi()
self.toa256 = self.rand_toa256()
if self.ver >= 0x01:
self.mod_type = random.choice(list(Modulation))
if self.mod_type is Modulation.ModGMSK:
self.tsc_set = random.randint(0, 3)
self.tsc_set = random.randint(0, 1)
self.tsc = random.choice(self.TSC_RANGE)
# C/I: Carrier-to-Interference ratio
self.ci = random.randint(self.CI_MIN, self.CI_MAX)
def desc_hdr(self):
''' Generate human-readable header description. '''
# Describe the common part
result = Msg.desc_hdr(self)
if self.rssi is not None:
result += ("rssi=%d " % self.rssi)
if self.toa256 is not None:
result += ("toa256=%d " % self.toa256)
if self.ver >= 0x01:
if not self.nope_ind:
if self.mod_type is not None:
result += ("%s " % self.mod_type)
if self.tsc_set is not None:
result += ("set=%u " % self.tsc_set)
if self.tsc is not None:
result += ("tsc=%u " % self.tsc)
if self.ci is not None:
result += ("C/I=%d cB " % self.ci)
result += "(IDLE / NOPE IND) "
# Strip useless whitespace and return
return result.strip()
def gen_mts(self):
''' Encode Modulation and Training Sequence info. '''
# IDLE / nope indication has no MTS info
if self.nope_ind:
return self.NOPE_IND
# TSC: . . . . . X X X
mts = self.tsc & 0b111
# MTS: . X X X X . . .
mts |= self.mod_type.coding << 3
mts |= self.tsc_set << 3
return mts
def parse_mts(self, mts):
''' Parse Modulation and Training Sequence info. '''
# IDLE / nope indication has no MTS info
self.nope_ind = (mts & self.NOPE_IND) > 0
if self.nope_ind:
self.mod_type = None
self.tsc_set = None
self.tsc = None
# TSC: . . . . . X X X
self.tsc = mts & 0b111
# MTS: . X X X X . . .
mts = (mts >> 3) & 0b1111
if (mts & 0b1100) > 0:
# Mask: . . . . M M M S
self.mod_type = Modulation.pick(mts & 0b1110)
self.tsc_set = mts & 0b1
# GMSK: . . . . 0 0 S S
self.mod_type = Modulation.ModGMSK
self.tsc_set = mts & 0b11
def gen_hdr(self):
''' Generate message specific header part. '''
# Allocate an empty byte-array
buf = bytearray()
# Put RSSI
# Encode ToA (Time of Arrival)
# Big endian, 2 bytes (int32_t)
buf += struct.pack(">h", self.toa256)
if self.ver >= 0x01:
# Modulation and Training Sequence info
mts = self.gen_mts()
# C/I: Carrier-to-Interference ratio (in centiBels)
buf += struct.pack(">h", self.ci)
return buf
def parse_hdr(self, hdr):
''' Parse message specific header part. '''
# Parse RSSI
self.rssi = -(hdr[5])
# Parse ToA (Time of Arrival)
self.toa256 = struct.unpack(">h", hdr[6:8])[0]
if self.ver >= 0x01:
# Modulation and Training Sequence info
# C/I: Carrier-to-Interference ratio (in centiBels)
self.ci = struct.unpack(">h", hdr[9:11])[0]
def gen_burst(self):
''' Generate message specific burst. '''
# Convert soft-bits to unsigned soft-bits
burst_usbits = self.sbit2usbit(self.burst)
# Encode to bytes
return bytearray(burst_usbits)
def _parse_burst_v0(self, burst):
''' Parse message specific burst for header version 0. '''
bl = len(burst)
# We need to guess modulation by the length of burst
self.mod_type = Modulation.pick_by_bl(bl)
if self.mod_type is None:
# Some old transceivers append two dummy bytes
self.mod_type = Modulation.pick_by_bl(bl - 2)
if self.mod_type is None:
raise ValueError("Odd burst length %u" % bl)
return burst[:self.mod_type.bl]
def parse_burst(self, burst):
''' Parse message specific burst. '''
burst = list(burst)
if self.ver == 0x00:
burst = self._parse_burst_v0(burst)
# Convert unsigned soft-bits to soft-bits
self.burst = self.usbit2sbit(burst)
def rand_burst(self, length = None):
''' Generate a random message specific burst. '''
if length is None:
length = self.mod_type.bl
self.burst = [random.randint(-127, 127) for _ in range(length)]
def trans(self, ver = None):
''' Transform this message to TxMsg. '''
# Allocate a new message
msg = TxMsg(fn = self.fn, tn = self.tn,
ver = self.ver if ver is None else ver)
# Convert burst bits
if self.burst is not None:
msg.burst = self.sbit2ubit(self.burst)
return msg