#!/usr/bin/env python2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # TRX Toolkit # Scapy-based TRX interface sniffer # # (C) 2018 by Vadim Yanitskiy # # All Rights Reserved # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. from copyright import print_copyright CR_HOLDERS = [("2018", "Vadim Yanitskiy ")] import signal import getopt import sys import scapy.all from data_dump import DATADumpFile from data_msg import * class Application: # Application variables sniff_interface = "lo" sniff_base_port = 5700 print_bursts = False output_file = None # Counters cnt_burst_dropped_num = 0 cnt_burst_break = None cnt_burst_num = 0 cnt_frame_break = None cnt_frame_last = None cnt_frame_num = 0 # Burst direction fliter bf_dir_l12trx = None # Timeslot number filter bf_tn_val = None # Frame number fliter bf_fn_lt = None bf_fn_gt = None # Internal variables lo_trigger = False def __init__(self): print_copyright(CR_HOLDERS) self.parse_argv() # Open requested capture file if self.output_file is not None: self.ddf = DATADumpFile(self.output_file) def run(self): # Compose a packet filter pkt_filter = "udp and (port %d or port %d)" \ % (self.sniff_base_port + 2, self.sniff_base_port + 102) print("[i] Listening on interface '%s'..." % self.sniff_interface) # Start sniffing... scapy.all.sniff(iface = self.sniff_interface, store = 1, filter = pkt_filter, prn = self.pkt_handler) # Scapy registers its own signal handler self.shutdown() def pkt_handler(self, ether): # Prevent loopback packet duplication if self.sniff_interface == "lo": self.lo_trigger = not self.lo_trigger if not self.lo_trigger: return # Extract a TRX payload ip = ether.payload udp = ip.payload trx = udp.payload # Convert to bytearray msg_raw = bytearray(str(trx)) # Determine a burst direction (L1 <-> TRX) l12trx = udp.sport > udp.dport # Create an empty DATA message msg = DATAMSG_L12TRX() if l12trx else DATAMSG_TRX2L1() # Attempt to parse the payload as a DATA message try: msg.parse_msg(msg_raw) except: print("[!] Failed to parse message, dropping...") self.cnt_burst_dropped_num += 1 return # Poke burst pass filter rc = self.burst_pass_filter(l12trx, msg.fn, msg.tn) if rc is False: self.cnt_burst_dropped_num += 1 return # Debug print print("[i] %s burst: %s" \ % ("L1 -> TRX" if l12trx else "TRX -> L1", msg.desc_hdr())) # Poke message handler self.msg_handle(msg) # Poke burst counter rc = self.burst_count(msg.fn, msg.tn) if rc is True: self.shutdown() def burst_pass_filter(self, l12trx, fn, tn): # Direction filter if self.bf_dir_l12trx is not None: if l12trx != self.bf_dir_l12trx: return False # Timeslot filter if self.bf_tn_val is not None: if tn != self.bf_tn_val: return False # Frame number filter if self.bf_fn_lt is not None: if fn > self.bf_fn_lt: return False if self.bf_fn_gt is not None: if fn < self.bf_fn_gt: return False # Burst passed ;) return True def msg_handle(self, msg): if self.print_bursts: print(msg.burst) # Append a new message to the capture if self.output_file is not None: self.ddf.append_msg(msg) def burst_count(self, fn, tn): # Update frame counter if self.cnt_frame_last is None: self.cnt_frame_last = fn self.cnt_frame_num += 1 else: if fn != self.cnt_frame_last: self.cnt_frame_num += 1 # Update burst counter self.cnt_burst_num += 1 # Stop sniffing after N bursts if self.cnt_burst_break is not None: if self.cnt_burst_num == self.cnt_burst_break: print("[i] Collected required amount of bursts") return True # Stop sniffing after N frames if self.cnt_frame_break is not None: if self.cnt_frame_num == self.cnt_frame_break: print("[i] Collected required amount of frames") return True return False def shutdown(self): print("[i] Shutting down...") # Print statistics print("[i] %u bursts handled, %u dropped" \ % (self.cnt_burst_num, self.cnt_burst_dropped_num)) # Exit sys.exit(0) def print_help(self, msg = None): s = " Usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " [options]\n\n" \ " Some help...\n" \ " -h --help this text\n\n" s += " Sniffing options\n" \ " -i --sniff-interface Set network interface (default '%s')\n" \ " -p --sniff-base-port Set base port number (default %d)\n\n" s += " Processing (no processing by default)\n" \ " -o --output-file Write bursts to file\n" \ " -v --print-bits Print burst bits to stdout\n\n" \ s += " Count limitations (disabled by default)\n" \ " --frame-count NUM Stop after sniffing NUM frames\n" \ " --burst-count NUM Stop after sniffing NUM bursts\n\n" s += " Filtering (disabled by default)\n" \ " --direction DIR Burst direction: L12TRX or TRX2L1\n" \ " --timeslot NUM TDMA timeslot number [0..7]\n" \ " --frame-num-lt NUM TDMA frame number lower than NUM\n" \ " --burst-num-gt NUM TDMA frame number greater than NUM\n" print(s % (self.sniff_interface, self.sniff_base_port)) if msg is not None: print(msg) def parse_argv(self): try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "i:p:o:v:h", ["help", "sniff-interface=", "sniff-base-port=", "frame-count=", "burst-count=", "direction=", "timeslot=", "frame-num-lt=", "frame-num-gt=", "output-file=", "print-bits"]) except getopt.GetoptError as err: self.print_help("[!] " + str(err)) sys.exit(2) for o, v in opts: if o in ("-h", "--help"): self.print_help() sys.exit(2) elif o in ("-i", "--sniff-interface"): self.sniff_interface = v elif o in ("-p", "--sniff-base-port"): self.sniff_base_port = int(v) elif o in ("-o", "--output-file"): self.output_file = v elif o in ("-v", "--print-bits"): self.print_bursts = True # Break counters elif o == "--frame-count": self.cnt_frame_break = int(v) elif o == "--burst-count": self.cnt_burst_break = int(v) # Direction filter elif o == "--direction": if v == "L12TRX": self.bf_dir_l12trx = True elif v == "TRX2L1": self.bf_dir_l12trx = False else: self.print_help("[!] Wrong direction argument") sys.exit(2) # Timeslot pass filter elif o == "--timeslot": self.bf_tn_val = int(v) if self.bf_tn_val < 0 or self.bf_tn_val > 7: self.print_help("[!] Wrong timeslot value") sys.exit(2) # Frame number pass filter elif o == "--frame-num-lt": self.bf_fn_lt = int(v) elif o == "--frame-num-gt": self.bf_fn_gt = int(v) if __name__ == '__main__': app = Application() app.run()