-- See https://www.lua.org/manual/5.3/ for Lua -- See http://ftp.osmocom.org/docs/latest/osmocombb-usermanual.pdf -- Scripting with Lua -- State change local sent_sms = false function mm_cb(new_state, new_substate, old_substate) -- The system has attached and returned to idle. Send a SMS the first time -- it happens. if new_state == 19 and new_substate == 1 then if not sent_sms then sent_sms = true osmo.ms():sms_send_simple("1234", "21321324", "fooooooo", 23) end end end -- Called when a new SMS arrives or status for delivery -- is updated. Check the msg_ref field. function sms_cb(sms, cause, valid) print("SMS data cb", sms, cause, valid) for i, v in pairs(sms) do print(i, v) end end -- We need to register a callback local cbs = { Sms=sms_cb, Mm=mm_cb } osmo.ms():register(cbs)