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* arch/arm/src/stm32/stm32_otgfshost.c
* Copyright (C) 2012 Gregory Nutt. All rights reserved.
* Authors: Gregory Nutt <gnutt@nuttx.org>
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
* are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
* the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
* distribution.
* 3. Neither the name NuttX nor the names of its contributors may be
* used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
* without specific prior written permission.
* Included Files
#include <nuttx/config.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <semaphore.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <debug.h>
#include <nuttx/arch.h>
#include <nuttx/usb/usb.h>
#include <nuttx/usb/usbhost.h>
#include <arch/irq.h>
#include "chip.h" /* Includes default GPIO settings */
#include <arch/board/board.h> /* May redefine GPIO settings */
#include "up_arch.h"
#include "up_internal.h"
#include "stm32_otgfs.h"
#if defined(CONFIG_USBHOST) && defined(CONFIG_STM32_OTGFS)
* Definitions
/* Configuration ***************************************************************/
/* Pre-requistites (partial) */
# error "CONFIG_STM32_SYSCFG is required"
/* Default RxFIFO size */
/* Default host non-periodic transmit FIFO size */
/* Default host non-periodic transmit FIFO size */
/* Default the host periodic Tx fifo size register (HPTXFSIZ) */
/* HCD Setup *******************************************************************/
/* Hardware capabilities */
#define STM32_NHOST_CHANNELS 8 /* Number of host channels */
#define STM32_MAX_PACKET_SIZE 64 /* Full speed max packet size */
#define STM32_EP0_MAX_PACKET_SIZE 64 /* EP0 FS max packet size */
#define STM32_MAX_TX_FIFOS 15 /* Max number of TX FIFOs */
/* The size of the RX buffer is the same as the size of the Rx FIFO (in bytes) */
/* Delays **********************************************************************/
#define STM32_READY_DELAY 200000
#define STM32_FLUSH_DELAY 200000
/* Ever-present MIN/MAX macros */
#ifndef MIN
# define MIN(a, b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#ifndef MAX
# define MAX(a, b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
* Private Types
/* USB Speeds */
enum stm32_usbspeed_e
USBSPEED_LOW = 0, /* USB low speed */
USBSPEED_FULL, /* USB full speed (default) */
USBSPEED_HIGH /* USB high speed (not supported by OTG FS) */
/* The following enumeration represents the various states of the USB host
* state machine
enum stm32_smstate_e
SMSTATE_IDLE = 0, /* Not attached to a device (initial state) */
SMSTATE_ATTACHED, /* Attached to a device */
SMSTATE_DETACHED, /* Detached from a device */
SMSTATE_ENUMERATION, /* Attached, enumerating */
SMSTATE_CLASS_REQUEST, /* Enumeration complete, class bound */
SMSTATE_CLASS, /* Process class standard control requests */
SMSTATE_CTRLXFER, /* Process control transfer */
SMSTATE_ERROR /* An irrecoverable error occurred */
/* This enumeration represents the state of one TX channel */
enum stm32_chstate_e
CHSTATE_IDLE = 0, /* Inactive (initial state) */
CHSTATE_XFRC, /* Transfer complete */
CHSTATE_NAK, /* NAK received */
CHSTATE_NYET, /* NotYet received */
CHSTATE_STALL, /* Endpoint stalled */
CHSTATE_TXERR, /* Transfer error received */
CHSTATE_DTERR /* Data error received */
/* This enumeration describes the state of the transfer on one TX channel */
enum stm32_rqstate_e
RQSTATE_IDLE = 0, /* No request in progress (initial state) */
RQSTATE_DONE, /* Request complete */
RQSTATE_NOTREADY, /* Channel not ready */
RQSTATE_ERROR, /* An error occurred */
RQSTATE_STALL /* Endpoint is stalled */
/* This structure retains the state of one host channel */
struct stn32_chan_s
sem_t chansem; /* Channel wait semaphore */
volatile uint8_t chstate; /* See enum stm32_chstate_e */
volatile uint8_t rqstate; /* See enum stm32_rqstate_e */
uint8_t devaddr; /* Device address */
uint8_t epno; /* Device endpoint number */
uint8_t speed; /* See enum stm32_usbspeed_e */
uint8_t eptype; /* See OTGFS_EPTYPE_* definitions */
uint8_t pid; /* Data PID */
bool indata1; /* IN data toggle. True: DATA01 */
bool outdata1; /* OUT data toggle. True: DATA01 */
bool isin; /* True: IN endpoint */
volatile bool chanwait; /* True: Thread is waiting for a channel event */
volatile uint16_t nerrors; /* Number of errors detecgted */
volatile uint16_t xfrd; /* Number of bytes transferred */
uint16_t channel; /* Encoded channel info */
uint16_t maxpacket; /* Max packet size */
uint16_t buflen; /* Buffer length (remaining) */
uint16_t xfrlen; /* Number of bytes transferrred */
FAR uint8_t *buffer; /* Transfer buffer pointer */
/* This structure retains the state of the USB host controller */
struct stm32_usbhost_s
/* Common device fields. This must be the first thing defined in the
* structure so that it is possible to simply cast from struct usbhost_s
* to structstm32_usbhost_s.
struct usbhost_driver_s drvr;
/* The bound device class driver */
struct usbhost_class_s *class;
/* Overall driver status */
uint8_t smstate; /* The state of the USB host state machine */
uint8_t smprev; /* Preioius USB host state machine state */
volatile bool connected; /* Connected to device */
volatile bool eventwait; /* True: Thread is waiting for a port event */
sem_t exclsem; /* Support mutually exclusive access */
sem_t eventsem; /* Semaphore to wait for a port event */
/* The state of each host channel */
struct stn32_chan_s chan[STM32_MAX_TX_FIFOS];
/* The RX buffer */
uint8_t rxbuffer[STM32_OTGFS_RXBUFSIZE];
* Private Function Prototypes
/* Register operations ********************************************************/
static void stm32_printreg(uint32_t addr, uint32_t val, bool iswrite);
static void stm32_checkreg(uint32_t addr, uint32_t val, bool iswrite);
static uint32_t stm32_getreg(uint32_t addr);
static void stm32_putreg(uint32_t addr, uint32_t value);
# define stm32_getreg(addr) getreg32(addr)
# define stm32_putreg(val,addr) putreg32(val,addr)
static inline void stm32_modifyreg(uint32_t addr, uint32_t clrbits,
uint32_t setbits);
/* Semaphores ******************************************************************/
static void stm32_takesem(sem_t *sem);
#define stm32_givesem(s) sem_post(s);
/* Byte stream access helper functions *****************************************/
static inline uint16_t stm32_getle16(const uint8_t *val);
static void stm32_putle16(uint8_t *dest, uint16_t val);
/* ED list helper functions ****************************************************/
static unsigned int stm32_getinterval(uint8_t interval);
static void stm32_setinttab(uint32_t value, unsigned int interval, unsigned int offset);
/* Interrupt handling **********************************************************/
/* Lower level interrupt handlers */
static void stm32_gint_wrpacket(FAR struct stm32_usbhost_s *priv,
FAR uint8_t *buffer, int chidx, int buflen);
static void stm32_gint_halttxchan(FAR struct stm32_usbhost_s *priv, int chidx);
static inline void stm32_gint_hcinisr(FAR struct stm32_usbhost_s *priv,
int chidx);
static inline void stm32_gint_hcoutisr(FAR struct stm32_usbhost_s *priv,
int chidx);
static void stm32_gint_connected(FAR struct stm32_usbhost_s *priv);
static inline void stm32_gint_disconnected(FAR struct stm32_usbhost_s *priv);
/* Second level interrupt handlers */
static inline void stm32_gint_sofisr(FAR struct stm32_usbhost_s *priv);
static inline void stm32_gint_rxflvlisr(FAR struct stm32_usbhost_s *priv);
static inline void stm32_gint_nptxfeisr(FAR struct stm32_usbhost_s *priv);
static inline void stm32_gint_ptxfeisr(FAR struct stm32_usbhost_s *priv);
static inline void stm32_gint_hcisr(FAR struct stm32_usbhost_s *priv);
static inline void stm32_gint_hprtisr(FAR struct stm32_usbhost_s *priv);
static inline void stm32_gint_discisr(FAR struct stm32_usbhost_s *priv);
static inline void stm32_gint_iisooxfrisr(FAR struct stm32_usbhost_s *priv);
/* First level, global interrupt handler */
static int stm32_gint_isr(int irq, FAR void *context);
/* Interrupt controls */
static void stm32_gint_enable(void);
static void stm32_gint_disable(void);
static inline int stm32_hostinit_enable(void);
/* USB host controller operations **********************************************/
static int stm32_wait(FAR struct usbhost_driver_s *drvr, bool connected);
static int stm32_enumerate(FAR struct usbhost_driver_s *drvr);
static int stm32_ep0configure(FAR struct usbhost_driver_s *drvr, uint8_t funcaddr,
uint16_t maxpacketsize);
static int stm32_epalloc(FAR struct usbhost_driver_s *drvr,
const FAR struct usbhost_epdesc_s *epdesc, usbhost_ep_t *ep);
static int stm32_epfree(FAR struct usbhost_driver_s *drvr, usbhost_ep_t ep);
static int stm32_alloc(FAR struct usbhost_driver_s *drvr,
FAR uint8_t **buffer, FAR size_t *maxlen);
static int stm32_free(FAR struct usbhost_driver_s *drvr, FAR uint8_t *buffer);
static int stm32_ioalloc(FAR struct usbhost_driver_s *drvr,
FAR uint8_t **buffer, size_t buflen);
static int stm32_iofree(FAR struct usbhost_driver_s *drvr, FAR uint8_t *buffer);
static int stm32_ctrlin(FAR struct usbhost_driver_s *drvr,
FAR const struct usb_ctrlreq_s *req,
FAR uint8_t *buffer);
static int stm32_ctrlout(FAR struct usbhost_driver_s *drvr,
FAR const struct usb_ctrlreq_s *req,
FAR const uint8_t *buffer);
static int stm32_transfer(FAR struct usbhost_driver_s *drvr, usbhost_ep_t ep,
FAR uint8_t *buffer, size_t buflen);
static void stm32_disconnect(FAR struct usbhost_driver_s *drvr);
/* Initialization **************************************************************/
static inline void stm32_ep0init(FAR struct stm32_usbhost_s *priv);
static void stm32_portreset(FAR struct stm32_usbhost_s *priv);
static inline void stm32_flush_txfifos(uint32_t txfnum);
static inline void stm32_flush_rxfifo(void);
static void stm32_vbusdrive(FAR struct stm32_usbhost_s *priv, bool state);
static void stm32_host_initialize(FAR struct stm32_usbhost_s *priv);
static inline void stm32_sw_initialize(FAR struct stm32_usbhost_s *priv);
static inline int stm32_hw_initialize(FAR struct stm32_usbhost_s *priv);
* Private Data
/* In this driver implementation, support is provided for only a single a single
* USB device. All status information can be simply retained in a single global
* instance.
static struct stm32_usbhost_s g_usbhost =
.drvr =
.wait = stm32_wait,
.enumerate = stm32_enumerate,
.ep0configure = stm32_ep0configure,
.epalloc = stm32_epalloc,
.epfree = stm32_epfree,
.alloc = stm32_alloc,
.free = stm32_free,
.ioalloc = stm32_ioalloc,
.iofree = stm32_iofree,
.ctrlin = stm32_ctrlin,
.ctrlout = stm32_ctrlout,
.transfer = stm32_transfer,
.disconnect = stm32_disconnect,
.class = NULL,
/* This is a free list of EDs and TD buffers */
static struct stm32_list_s *g_edfree; /* List of unused EDs */
static struct stm32_list_s *g_tdfree; /* List of unused TDs */
static struct stm32_list_s *g_tbfree; /* List of unused transfer buffers */
static struct stm32_list_s *g_iofree; /* List of unused I/O buffers */
* Public Data
* Private Functions
* Name: stm32_printreg
* Description:
* Print the contents of an STM32xx register operation
static void stm32_printreg(uint32_t addr, uint32_t val, bool iswrite)
lldbg("%08x%s%08x\n", addr, iswrite ? "<-" : "->", val);
* Name: stm32_checkreg
* Description:
* Get the contents of an STM32 register
static void stm32_checkreg(uint32_t addr, uint32_t val, bool iswrite)
static uint32_t prevaddr = 0;
static uint32_t preval = 0;
static uint32_t count = 0;
static bool prevwrite = false;
/* Is this the same value that we read from/wrote to the same register last time?
* Are we polling the register? If so, suppress the output.
if (addr == prevaddr && val == preval && prevwrite == iswrite)
/* Yes.. Just increment the count */
/* No this is a new address or value or operation. Were there any
* duplicate accesses before this one?
if (count > 0)
/* Yes.. Just one? */
if (count == 1)
/* Yes.. Just one */
stm32_printreg(prevaddr, preval, prevwrite);
/* No.. More than one. */
lldbg("[repeats %d more times]\n", count);
/* Save the new address, value, count, and operation for next time */
prevaddr = addr;
preval = val;
count = 0;
prevwrite = iswrite;
/* Show the new regisgter access */
stm32_printreg(addr, val, iswrite);
* Name: stm32_getreg
* Description:
* Get the contents of an STM32 register
static uint32_t stm32_getreg(uint32_t addr)
/* Read the value from the register */
uint32_t val = getreg32(addr);
/* Check if we need to print this value */
stm32_checkreg(addr, val, false);
return val;
* Name: stm32_putreg
* Description:
* Set the contents of an STM32 register to a value
static void stm32_putreg(uint32_t val, uint32_t addr)
/* Check if we need to print this value */
stm32_checkreg(addr, val, true);
/* Write the value */
putreg32(val, addr);
* Name: stm32_modifyreg
* Description:
* Modify selected bits of an STM32 register.
static inline void stm32_modifyreg(uint32_t addr, uint32_t clrbits, uint32_t setbits)
stm32_putreg(addr, (((stm32_getreg(addr)) & ~clrbits) | setbits));
* Name: stm32_takesem
* Description:
* This is just a wrapper to handle the annoying behavior of semaphore
* waits that return due to the receipt of a signal.
static void stm32_takesem(sem_t *sem)
/* Take the semaphore (perhaps waiting) */
while (sem_wait(sem) != 0)
/* The only case that an error should occr here is if the wait was
* awakened by a signal.
ASSERT(errno == EINTR);
* Name: stm32_getle16
* Description:
* Get a (possibly unaligned) 16-bit little endian value.
static inline uint16_t stm32_getle16(const uint8_t *val)
return (uint16_t)val[1] << 8 | (uint16_t)val[0];
* Name: stm32_putle16
* Description:
* Put a (possibly unaligned) 16-bit little endian value.
static void stm32_putle16(uint8_t *dest, uint16_t val)
dest[0] = val & 0xff; /* Little endian means LS byte first in byte stream */
dest[1] = val >> 8;
* Name: stm32_getinterval
* Description:
* Convert the endpoint polling interval into a HCCA table increment
static unsigned int stm32_getinterval(uint8_t interval)
/* The bInterval field of the endpoint descriptor contains the polling interval
* for interrupt and isochronous endpoints. For other types of endpoint, this
* value should be ignored. bInterval is provided in units of 1MS frames.
if (interval < 3)
return 2;
else if (interval < 7)
return 4;
else if (interval < 15)
return 8;
else if (interval < 31)
return 16;
return 32;
* Name: stm32_setinttab
* Description:
* Set the interrupt table to the selected value using the provided interval
* and offset.
static void stm32_setinttab(uint32_t value, unsigned int interval, unsigned int offset)
unsigned int i;
for (i = offset; i < HCCA_INTTBL_WSIZE; i += interval)
HCCA->inttbl[i] = value;
* Name: stm32_chanwait
* Description:
* Set the request for the Writeback Done Head event well BEFORE enabling the
* transfer (as soon as we are absolutely committed to the to avoid transfer).
* We do this to minimize race conditions. This logic would have to be expanded
* if we want to have more than one packet in flight at a time!
static int stm32_chanwait(struct stm32_usbhost_s *priv, struct stn32_chan_s *chan)
irqstate_t flags = irqsave();
int ret = -ENODEV;
/* Is the device still connected? */
if (priv->connected)
/* Yes.. then set chanwait to indicate that we expect to be informed when
* either (1) the device is disconnected, or (2) the transfer completed.
chan->chanwait = true;
ret = OK;
return ret;
* Name: stm32_ctrltd
* Description:
* Process a IN or OUT request on the control endpoint. This function
* will enqueue the request and wait for it to complete. Only one transfer
* may be queued; Neither these methods nor the transfer() method can be
* called again until the control transfer functions returns.
* These are blocking methods; these functions will not return until the
* control transfer has completed.
static int stm32_ctrltd(struct stm32_usbhost_s *priv, uint32_t dirpid,
uint8_t *buffer, size_t buflen)
uint32_t toggle;
uint32_t regval;
int ret;
/* Set the request for the Writeback Done Head event well BEFORE enabling the
* transfer.
ret = stm32_chanwait(priv, chan);
if (ret != OK)
udbg("ERROR: Device disconnected\n");
return ret;
/* Configure the toggle field in the TD */
if (dirpid == GTD_STATUS_DP_SETUP)
toggle = GTD_STATUS_T_DATA0;
toggle = GTD_STATUS_T_DATA1;
/* Then enqueue the transfer */
#warning "Missing Logic"
/* And wait for the transfer to complete */
/* Check the transfer completion status bits */
#warning "Missing Logic"
/* Make sure that there is no outstanding request on this endpoint */
#warning "Missing Logic"
return ret;
* Name: stm32_gint_wrpacket
* Description:
* Transfer the 'buflen' bytes in 'buffer' to the Tx FIFO associated with
* 'chidx' (non-DMA).
static void stm32_gint_wrpacket(FAR struct stm32_usbhost_s *priv,
FAR uint8_t *buffer, int chidx, int buflen)
FAR volatile uint32_t *fifo;
FAR uint32_t *src;
int buflen32;
/* Get the number of 32-byte words associated with this byte size */
buflen32 = (buflen + 3) >> 2;
/* Get the address of the Tx FIFO associated with this channel */
fifo = STM32_OTGFS_DFIFO_HCH(chidx);
/* Transfer all of the data into the Tx FIFO */
src = (FAR uint32_t *)buffer;
for (; buflen32 > 0; buflen32--)
uint32_t data = *src++;
stm32_putreg(fifo, data);
* Name: stm32_gint_halttxchan
* Description:
* Halt the Tx channel associated with 'chidx' by setting the CHannel DISable
* (CHDIS) bit in in the HCCHAR register.
static void stm32_gint_halttxchan(FAR struct stm32_usbhost_s *priv, int chidx)
uint32_t hcchar;
uint32_t eptype;
uint32_t txsts;
/* Prepare to set the CHannel DISable and the CHannel ENAble bits in the
* HCCHAR register.
hcchar = stm32_getreg(STM32_OTGFS_HCCHAR(chidx));
/* Get the endpoint type from the HCCHAR register */
eptype = (hcchar & OTGFS_HCCHAR_EPTYP_MASK);
/* Check if the non-periodic Tx FIFO is empty. */
txsts = stm32_getreg(STM32_OTGFS_HNPTXSTS);
/* The Tx FIFO is empty... disable the channel */
else /* if (eptype == OTGFS_HCCHAR_EPTYP_ISOC || eptype == OTGFS_HCCHAR_EPTYP_INTR) */
/* Check if the periodic Tx FIFO is empty. */
txsts = stm32_getreg(STM32_OTGFS_HPTXSTS);
/* The Tx FIFO is empty... disable the channel */
/* Halt the channel by setting CHDIS in the HCCHAR */
stm32_putreg(STM32_OTGFS_HCCHAR(chidx), hcchar);
* Name: stm32_gint_hcinisr
* Description:
* USB OTG FS host IN channels interrupt handler
static inline void stm32_gint_hcinisr(FAR struct stm32_usbhost_s *priv,
int chidx)
uint32_t hcint;
uint32_t hcintmsk;
uint32_t hcchar;
uint32_t hctsiz;
unsigned int eptype;
/* Read the HCINT register to get the pending HC interrupts. Read the
* HCINTMSK register to get the set of enabled HC interrupts.
hcint = stm32_getreg(STM32_OTGFS_HCINT(chidx));
hcintmsk = stm32_getreg(STM32_OTGFS_HCINTMSK(chidx));
/* AND the two to get the set of enabled, pending HC interrupts */
pending = hcint & hcintmsk;
/* Pre-fetch the HCCHAR register and extract the endpoint type. Those
* values are used in several cases.
hcchar = stm32_getreg(STM32_OTGFS_HCCHAR(chidx));
/* Check for a pending ACK response received/transmitted (ACK) interrrupt */
if ((pending & OTGFS_HCINT_ACK) != 0)
/* Clear the pending the ACK response received/transmitted (ACK) interrupt */
hcint &= ~OTGFS_HCINT_ACK;
stm32_putreg(STM32_OTGFS_HCINT(chidx), hcint);
/* Check for a pending STALL response receive (STALL) interrrupt */
else if ((pending & OTGFS_HCINT_STALL) != 0)
/* Unmask the CHannel Halted (CHH) interrupt */
hcintmsk |= OTGFS_HCINT_CHH;
stm32_putreg(STM32_OTGFS_HCINTMSK(chidx), hcintmsk);
/* Set the stall state */
priv->chan[chidx].chstate = CHSTATE_STALL;
/* Clear the NAK and STALL Conditions. */
stm32_putreg(STM32_OTGFS_HCINT(chidx), hcint);
/* Halt the Tx channel */
stm32_gint_halttxchan(priv, chidx);
/* When there is a STALL, clear any pending NAK so that it is nor
* processed below.
pending &= ~OTGFS_HCINT_NAK;
/* Check for a pending Data Toggle ERRor (DTERR) interrrupt */
else if ((pending & OTGFS_HCINT_DTERR) != 0)
/* Unmask the CHannel Halted (CHH) interrupt */
hcintmsk |= OTGFS_HCINT_CHH;
stm32_putreg(STM32_OTGFS_HCINTMSK(chidx), hcintmsk);
/* Halt the Tx channel */
stm32_gint_halttxchan(priv, chidx);
/* Clear the NAK and data toggle error conditions */
stm32_putreg(STM32_OTGFS_HCINT(chidx), hcint);
/* Set the Data Toggle ERRor (DTERR) state */
priv->chan[chidx].chstate = CHSTATE_DTERR;
/* Check for a pending FRaMe OverRun (FRMOR) interrrupt */
if ((pending & OTGFS_HCINT_FRMOR) != 0)
/* Unmask the CHannel Halted (CHH) interrupt */
hcintmsk |= OTGFS_HCINT_CHH;
stm32_putreg(STM32_OTGFS_HCINTMSK(chidx), hcintmsk);
/* Halt the Tx channel */
stm32_gint_halttxchan(priv, chidx);
/* Clear the FRaMe OverRun (FRMOR) condition */
stm32_putreg(STM32_OTGFS_HCINT(chidx), hcint);
/* Check for a pending TransFeR Completed (XFRC) interrrupt */
else if ((pending & OTGFS_HCINT_XFRC) != 0)
/* Set the trnansfer complete state and reset the error count */
priv->chan[chidx].chstate = CHSTATE_XFRC;
priv->chan[chidx].nerrors = 0;
/* Clear the TransFeR Completed (XFRC) condition */
stm32_putreg(STM32_OTGFS_HCINT(chidx), hcint);
if ((eptype == OTGFS_HCCHAR_EPTYP_CTRL) ||
/* Unmask the CHannel Halted (CHH) interrupt */
hcintmsk |= OTGFS_HCINT_CHH;
stm32_putreg(STM32_OTGFS_HCINTMSK(chidx), hcintmsk);
/* Halt the Tx channel */
stm32_gint_halttxchan(priv, chidx);
/* Clear any pending NAK condition */
hcint &= ~OTGFS_HCINT_NAK;
stm32_putreg(STM32_OTGFS_HCINT(chidx), hcint);
/* Toggle the IN data state */
priv->chan[chidx].indata1 ^= true;
else if (eptype == OTGFS_HCCHAR_EPTYP_INTR)
/* Force the next transfer on an ODD frame */
stm32_putreg(STM32_OTGFS_HCCHAR(chidx), hcchar);
/* Set the request done state */
priv->chan[chidx].rqstate = RQSTATE_DONE;
/* Check for a pending CHannel Halted (CHH) interrrupt */
else if ((pending & OTGFS_HCINT_CHH) != 0)
/* Mask the CHannel Halted (CHH) interrupt */
hcintmsk &= ~OTGFS_HCINT_CHH;
stm32_putreg(STM32_OTGFS_HCINTMSK(chidx), hcintmsk);
/* Update the request state based on the host state machine state */
if (priv->chan[chidx].chstate == CHSTATE_XFRC)
/* Set the request done state */
priv->chan[chidx].rqstate = RQSTATE_DONE;
else if (priv->chan[chidx].chstate == CHSTATE_STALL)
/* Set the request stall state */
priv->chan[chidx].rqstate = RQSTATE_STALL;
else if ((priv->chan[chidx].chstate == CHSTATE_TXERR) ||
(priv->chan[chidx].chstate == CHSTATE_DTERR))
/* Set the request error state */
priv->chan[chidx].nerrors = 0;
priv->chan[chidx].rqstate = RQSTATE_ERROR;
else if (eptype == OTGFS_HCCHAR_EPTYP_INTR)
/* Toggle the IN data toggle */
priv->chan[chidx].indata1 ^= true;
/* Clear the CHannel Halted (CHH) condition */
hcint &= ~OTGFS_HCINT_CHH;
stm32_putreg(STM32_OTGFS_HCINT(chidx), hcint);
/* Check for a pending Transaction ERror (TXERR) interrrupt */
else if ((pending & OTGFS_HCINT_TXERR) != 0)
/* Unmask the CHannel Halted (CHH) interrupt */
hcintmsk |= OTGFS_HCINT_CHH;
stm32_putreg(STM32_OTGFS_HCINTMSK(chidx), hcintmsk);
/* Increment the error count and set the transaction error state */
priv->chan[chidx].chstate = CHSTATE_TXERR;
/* Halt the Tx channel */
stm32_gint_halttxchan(priv, chidx);
/* Clear the Transaction ERror (TXERR) condition */
stm32_putreg(STM32_OTGFS_HCINT(chidx), hcint);
/* Check for a pending NAK response received (NAK) interrrupt */
else if ((pending & OTGFS_HCINT_NAK) != 0)
/* Handle the NAK based on the endpoint type */
/* Unmask the CHannel Halted (CHH) interrupt */
hcintmsk |= OTGFS_HCINT_CHH;
stm32_putreg(STM32_OTGFS_HCINTMSK(chidx), hcintmsk);
/* Halt the Tx channel */
stm32_gint_halttxchan(priv, chidx);
else if ((eptype == OTGFS_HCCHAR_EPTYP_CTRL) ||
/* Re-activate the channel by clearing CHDIS and assuring that
* CHENA is set
stm32_putreg(STM32_OTGFS_HCCHAR(chidx), hcchar);
/* Set the NAK state */
priv->chan[chidx].chstate = CHSTATE_NAK;
/* Clear the NAK condition */
hcint &= ~OTGFS_HCINT_NAK;
stm32_putreg(STM32_OTGFS_HCINT(chidx), hcint);
* Name: stm32_gint_hcoutisr
* Description:
* USB OTG FS host OUT channels interrupt handler
static inline void stm32_gint_hcoutisr(FAR struct stm32_usbhost_s *priv,
int chidx)
uint32_t hcint;
uint32_t hcintmsk;
uint32_t pending;
uint32_t hcchar;
/* Read the HCINT register to get the pending HC interrupts. Read the
* HCINTMSK register to get the set of enabled HC interrupts.
hcint = stm32_getreg(STM32_OTGFS_HCINT(chidx));
hcintmsk = stm32_getreg(STM32_OTGFS_HCINTMSK(chidx));
/* AND the two to get the set of enabled, pending HC interrupts */
pending = hcint & hcintmsk;
/* Check for a pending ACK response received/transmitted (ACK) interrrupt */
if ((pending & OTGFS_HCINT_ACK) != 0)
/* Clear the pending the ACK response received/transmitted (ACK) interrupt */
hcint &= ~OTGFS_HCINT_ACK;
stm32_putreg(STM32_OTGFS_HCINT(chidx), hcint);
/* Check for a pending FRaMe OverRun (FRMOR) interrrupt */
else if ((pending & OTGFS_HCINT_FRMOR) != 0)
/* Unmask the CHannel Halted (CHH) interrupt */
hcintmsk |= OTGFS_HCINT_CHH;
stm32_putreg(STM32_OTGFS_HCINTMSK(chidx), hcintmsk);
/* Halt the Tx channel */
stm32_gint_halttxchan(priv, chidx);
/* Clear the pending the FRaMe OverRun (FRMOR) interrupt */
stm32_putreg(STM32_OTGFS_HCINT(chidx), hcint);
/* Check for a pending TransFeR Completed (XFRC) interrrupt */
else if ((pending & OTGFS_HCINT_XFRC) != 0)
priv->chan[chidx].nerrors = 0;
/* Unmask the CHannel Halted (CHH) interrupt */
hcintmsk |= OTGFS_HCINT_CHH;
stm32_putreg(STM32_OTGFS_HCINTMSK(chidx), hcintmsk);
/* Halt the Tx channel */
stm32_gint_halttxchan(priv, chidx);
/* Clear the pending the TransFeR Completed (XFRC) interrupt */
stm32_putreg(STM32_OTGFS_HCINT(chidx), hcint);
/* Set the transfer completed state */
priv->chan[chidx].chstate = CHSTATE_XFRC;
/* Check for a pending STALL response receive (STALL) interrrupt */
else if ((pending & OTGFS_HCINT_STALL) != 0)
/* Clear the pending the STALL response receiv (STALL) interrupt */
stm32_putreg(STM32_OTGFS_HCINT(chidx), hcint);
/* Unmask the CHannel Halted (CHH) interrupt */
hcintmsk |= OTGFS_HCINT_CHH;
stm32_putreg(STM32_OTGFS_HCINTMSK(chidx), hcintmsk);
/* Halt the Tx channel */
stm32_gint_halttxchan(priv, chidx);
/* Set the stall state */
priv->chan[chidx].chstate = CHSTATE_STALL;
/* Check for a pending NAK response received (NAK) interrrupt */
else if ((pending & OTGFS_HCINT_NAK) != 0)
uint32_t regval;
/* Clear the error count */
priv->chan[chidx].nerrors = 0;
/* Unmask the CHannel Halted (CHH) interrupt */
hcintmsk |= OTGFS_HCINT_CHH;
stm32_putreg(STM32_OTGFS_HCINTMSK(chidx), hcintmsk);
/* Halt the Tx channel */
stm32_gint_halttxchan(priv, chidx);
/* Clear the pending the NAK response received (NAK) interrupt */
hcint &= ~OTGFS_HCINT_NAK;
stm32_putreg(STM32_OTGFS_HCINT(chidx), hcint);
/* Set the NAK state */
priv->chan[chidx].chstate = CHSTATE_NAK;
/* Check for a pending Transaction ERror (TXERR) interrrupt */
else if ((pending & OTGFS_HCINT_TXERR) != 0)
/* Unmask the CHannel Halted (CHH) interrupt */
hcintmsk |= OTGFS_HCINT_CHH;
stm32_putreg(STM32_OTGFS_HCINTMSK(chidx), hcintmsk);
/* Halt the Tx channel */
stm32_gint_halttxchan(priv, chidx);
/* Increment the number of errors */
/* Set the transaction error state */
priv->chan[chidx].chstate = CHSTATE_TXERR;
/* Clear the pending the Transaction ERror (TXERR) interrupt */
stm32_putreg(STM32_OTGFS_HCINT(chidx), hcint);
/* Check for a pending response received (xxx) interrrupt */
#if 0 /* NYET is a reserved bit in the HCINT register */
else if ((pending & OTGFS_HCINT_NYET) != 0)
priv->chan[chidx].nerrors = 0;
/* Unmask the CHannel Halted (CHH) interrupt */
hcintmsk |= OTGFS_HCINT_CHH;
stm32_putreg(STM32_OTGFS_HCINTMSK(chidx), hcintmsk);
/* Halt the Tx channel */
stm32_gint_halttxchan(priv, chidx);
/* Clear the pending the response received (xxx) interrupt */
stm32_putreg(STM32_OTGFS_HCINT(chidx), hcint);
/* Set the NYET state */
priv->chan[chidx].chstate = CHSTATE_NYET;
/* Check for a pending Data Toggle ERRor (DTERR) interrrupt */
else if (pending & OTGFS_HCINT_DTERR)
/* Unmask the CHannel Halted (CHH) interrupt */
hcintmsk |= OTGFS_HCINT_CHH;
stm32_putreg(STM32_OTGFS_HCINTMSK(chidx), hcintmsk);
/* Halt the Tx channel */
stm32_gint_halttxchan(priv, chidx);
/* Set the data toggle error state */
priv->chan[chidx].chstate = CHSTATE_DTERR;
/* Clear the pending the Data Toggle ERRor (DTERR) and NAK interrupts */
stm32_putreg(STM32_OTGFS_HCINT(chidx), hcint);
/* Check for a pending CHannel Halted (CHH) interrrupt */
else if ((pending & OTGFS_HCINT_CHH) != 0)
/* Mask the CHannel Halted (CHH) interrupt */
hcintmsk &= ~OTGFS_HCINT_CHH;
stm32_putreg(STM32_OTGFS_HCINTMSK(chidx), hcintmsk);
if (priv->chan[chidx].chstate == CHSTATE_XFRC)
/* Set the request done state */
priv->chan[chidx].rqstate = RQSTATE_DONE;
/* Read the HCCHAR register to get the HCCHAR register to get
* the endpoint type.
hcchar = stm32_getreg(STM32_OTGFS_HCCHAR(chidx));
/* Is it a bulk endpoint */
/* Yes... toggle the data out PID */
priv->chan[chidx].outdata1 ^= true;
else if (priv->chan[chidx].chstate == CHSTATE_NAK ||
priv->chan[chidx].chstate == CHSTATE_NYET)
priv->chan[chidx].rqstate = RQSTATE_NOTREADY;
else if (priv->chan[chidx].chstate == CHSTATE_STALL)
/* Set the request stall state */
priv->chan[chidx].rqstate = RQSTATE_STALL;
else if (priv->chan[chidx].chstate == CHSTATE_TXERR)
/* Check the error count */
if (priv->chan[chidx].nerrors == 3)
/* If the error count exceeds a threshold, then set the request error state */
priv->chan[chidx].rqstate = RQSTATE_ERROR;
priv->chan[chidx].nerrors = 0;
/* Clear the pending the CHannel Halted (CHH) interrupt */
hcint &= ~OTGFS_HCINT_CHH;
stm32_putreg(STM32_OTGFS_HCINT(chidx), hcint);
* Name: stm32_gint_connected
* Description:
* Handle a connection event.
static void stm32_gint_connected(FAR struct stm32_usbhost_s *priv)
/* We we previously disconnected? */
if (!priv->connected)
/* Yes.. then now we are connected */
priv->connected = true;
/* Notify any waiters */
if (priv->eventwait)
priv->eventwait = false;
* Name: stm32_gint_disconnected
* Description:
* Handle a disconnection event.
static inline void stm32_gint_disconnected(FAR struct stm32_usbhost_s *priv)
/* Were we previously connected? */
if !priv->connected)
/* Yes.. then we no longer connected */
priv->connected = false;
/* Are we bound to a class driver? */
if (priv->class)
/* Yes.. Disconnect the class driver */
priv->class = NULL;
/* Notify any waiters that there is a change in the connection state */
if (priv->eventwait)
priv->eventwait = false;
* Name: stm32_gint_sofisr
* Description:
* USB OTG FS start-of-frame interrupt handler
static inline void stm32_gint_sofisr(FAR struct stm32_usbhost_s *priv)
/* Handle SOF interrupt */
#warning "Do what?"
/* Clear pending SOF interrupt */
* Name: stm32_gint_rxflvlisr
* Description:
* USB OTG FS RxFIFO non-empty interrupt handler
static inline void stm32_gint_rxflvlisr(FAR struct stm32_usbhost_s *priv)
FAR uint32_t *dest;
uint32_t grxsts;
uint32_t intmsk;
uint32_t hcchar;
uint32_t hctsiz;
uint32_t fifo;
int bcnt;
int bcnt32;
int chidx;
int i;
/* Disable the RxFIFO non-empty interrupt */
intmsk = stm32_getreg(STM32_OTGFS_GINTMSK)
stm32_putreg(STM32_OTGFS_GINTMSK, intmsk);
/* Read and pop the next status from the Rx FIFO */
grxsts = stm32_getreg(STM32_OTGFS_GRXSTSP);
/* Isolate the channel number/index in the status word */
/* Get the host channel characteristics register (HCCHAR) for this channel */
hcchar = stm32_getreg(STM32_OTGFS_HCCHAR(chidx));
/* The process the interrupt according to the packet status */
case OTGFS_GRXSTSH_PKTSTS_INRECVD: /* IN data packet received */
/* Read the data into the host buffer. */
if (bcnt > 0 && priv->chan[chidx].buffer != NULL)
/* Transfer the packet from the Rx FIFO into the user buffer */
FAR uint32_t *dest = (FAR uint32_t *)priv->chan[chidx].buffer;
uint32_t fifo = STM32_OTGFS_DFIFO_HCH(0);
uint32_t hctsiz;
int bcnt32 = (bcnt + 3) >> 2;
for (i = 0; i < count32b; i++, dest += 4)
*dest++ = stm32_getreg(fifo);
/* Manage multiple packet transfers */
priv->chan[chidx].buffer += bcnt;
priv->chan[chidx].xfrlen += bcnt;
priv->chan[chidx].xfrd = priv->chan[chidx].xfrlen;
/* Check if more packets are expected */
hctsiz = stm32_getreg(STM32_OTGFS_HCTSIZ(chidx));
if ((hctsiz & OTGFS_HCTSIZ_PKTCNT_MASK) != 0)
/* Re-activate the channel when more packets are expected */
stm32_putreg(STM32_OTGFS_HCCHAR(chidx), hcchar);
case OTGFS_GRXSTSH_PKTSTS_INDONE: /* IN transfer completed */
case OTGFS_GRXSTSH_PKTSTS_DTOGERR: /* Data toggle error */
case OTGFS_GRXSTSH_PKTSTS_HALTED: /* Channel halted */
/* Re-enable the RxFIFO non-empty interrupt */
stm32_putreg(STM32_OTGFS_GINTMSK, intmsk);
* Name: stm32_gint_nptxfeisr
* Description:
* USB OTG FS non-periodic TxFIFO empty interrupt handler
static inline void stm32_gint_nptxfeisr(FAR struct stm32_usbhost_s *priv)
uint32_t regval;
unsigned int buflen;
unsigned int buflen32;
unsigned int wrsize;
unsigned int avail32;
unsigned int chidx;
/* Loop while there is data to be sent and where there is space available
* in the non-periodic Tx FIFO.
for (;;)
/* Read the status from the top of the non-periodic TxFIFO */
regval = stm32_getreg(STM32_OTGFS_HNPTXSTS);
/* Extract the channel number and the number of 32-bit words available in
* the non-periodic Tx FIFO.
/* Get the number of words remaining to be sent */
buflen = priv->chan[chidx].buflen
buflen32 = (buflen + 3) >> 2;
/* Break out of the loop if either (a) there is nothing more to be
* sent, or (2) there is insufficent space availabe in the non-periodic
* Tx FIFO to hold the next packet.
if (buflen == 0 || avail32 <= buflen32)
/* Get the number of bytes available in the non-periodic Tx FIFO. That
* is the maximum write size.
wrsize = avail32 << 2;
/* Clip the actual write size to the number of bytes actually available
* to be sent.
if (wrsize > buflen)
/* This is the last packet to be sent. Clip to the amount of
* data to send in the last packet.
wrsize = buflen;
stm32_gint_wrpacket(priv, priv->chan[chidx].buffer, chidx, wrsize);
priv->chan[chidx].buffer += wrsize;
priv->chan[chidx].buflen -= wrsize;
priv->chan[chidx].xfrlen += wrsize;
* Name: stm32_gint_ptxfeisr
* Description:
* USB OTG FS periodic TxFIFO empty interrupt handler
static inline void stm32_gint_ptxfeisr(FAR struct stm32_usbhost_s *priv)
uint32_t regval;
unsigned int buflen;
unsigned int buflen32;
unsigned int wrsize;
unsigned int avail32;
unsigned int chidx;
/* Loop while there is data to be sent and where there is space available
* in the periodic Tx FIFO.
for (;;)
/* Read the status from the top of the periodic TxFIFO */
regval = stm32_getreg(STM32_OTGFS_HPTXSTS);
/* Extract the channel number and the number of 32-bit words available in
* the periodic Tx FIFO.
/* Get the number of words remaining to be sent */
buflen = priv->chan[chidx].buflen
buflen32 = (buflen + 3) >> 2;
/* Break out of the loop if either (a) there is nothing more to be
* sent, or (2) there is insufficent space availabe in the periodic
* Tx FIFO to hold the next packet.
if (buflen == 0 || avail32 <= buflen32)
/* Get the number of bytes available in the periodic Tx FIFO. That is
* the maximum write size.
wrsize = avail32 << 2;
/* Clip the actual write size to the number of bytes actually available
* to be sent.
if (wrsize > buflen)
/* This is the last packet to be sent. Clip to the amount of
* data to send in the last packet.
wrsize = buflen;
stm32_modifyreg(STM32_OTGFS_GINTMSK, OTGFS_GINT_PTXFE, 0);
stm32_gint_wrpacket(priv, priv->chan[chidx].buffer, chidx, wrsize);
priv->chan[chidx].buffer += wrsize;
priv->chan[chidx].buflen -= wrsize;
priv->chan[chidx].xfrlen += wrsize;
* Name: stm32_gint_hcisr
* Description:
* USB OTG FS host channels interrupt handler
static inline void stm32_gint_hcisr(FAR struct stm32_usbhost_s *priv)
uint32_t haint;
uint32_t hcchar;
int i = 0;
/* Read the Host all channels interrupt register and test each bit in the
* register. Each bit i, i=0...(STM32_NHOST_CHANNELS-1), corresponds to
* a pending interrupt on channel i.
haint = stm32_getreg(STM32_OTGFS_HAINT);
for (i = 0; i < STM32_NHOST_CHANNELS; i++)
/* Is an interrupt pending on this channel? */
if ((haint & OTGFS_HAINT(i)) != 0)
/* Yes... read the HCCHAR register to get the direction bit */
hcchar = stm32_getreg(STM32_OTGFS_HCCHAR(i));
/* Was this an interrupt on an IN or an OUT channel? */
if ((hcchar & OTGFS_HCCHAR_EPDIR) != 0)
/* Handle the HC IN channel interrupt */
stm32_gint_hcinisr(priv, i);
/* Handle the HC OUT channel interrupt */
stm32_gint_hcoutisr(priv, i);
* Name: stm32_gint_hprtisr
* Description:
* USB OTG FS host port interrupt handler
static inline void stm32_gint_hprtisr(FAR struct stm32_usbhost_s *priv)
uint32_t hprt;
uint32_t newhprt;
uint32_t hcfg;
/* Read the port status and control register (HPRT) */
hprt = stm32_getreg(STM32_OTGFS_HPRT);
/* Setup to clear the interrupt bits in GINTSTS by setting the corresponding
* bits in the HPRT.
newhprt = hprt & ~(OTGFS_HPRT_PENA | OTGFS_HPRT_PCDET |
/* Check for Port Overcurrent CHaNGe (POCCHNG) */
if ((hprt & OTGFS_HPRT_POCCHNG) != 0)
/* Set up to clear the POCCHNG status in the new HPRT contents. */
/* Check for Port Connect DETected (PCDET). The core sets this bit when a
* device connection is detected.
if ((hprt & OTGFS_HPRT_PCDET) != 0)
/* Set up to clear the PCDET status in the new HPRT contents. Then
* process the new connection event.
newhprt |= OTGFS_HPRT_PCDET;
/* Check for Port Enable CHaNGed (PENCHNG) */
if ((hprt & OTGFS_HPRT_PENCHNG) != 0)
/* Set up to clear the PENCHNG status in the new HPRT contents. */
/* Was the port enabled? */
if ((hprt & OTGFS_HPRT_PENA) != 0)
uint32_t hcfg;
/* Yes.. handle the new connection event */
/* Check the Host ConFiGuration register (HCFG) */
hcfg = stm32_getreg(STM32_OTGFS_HCFG);
/* Is this a low speed or full speed connection (OTG FS does not
* support high speed)
/* Set the Host Frame Interval Register for the 6KHz speed */
stm32_putreg(STM32_OTGFS_HFIR, 6000);
stm32_putreg(STM32_OTGFS_HCFG, hcfg);
else /* if ((hprt & OTGFS_HPRT_PSPD_MASK) == OTGFS_HPRT_PSPD_FS) */
stm32_putreg(STM32_OTGFS_HFIR, 48000);
stm32_putreg(STM32_OTGFS_HCFG, hcfg);
/* Reset the port */
/* Clear port interrupts by setting bits in the HPRT */
stm32_putreg(STM32_OTGFS_HPRT, newhprt);
* Name: stm32_gint_discisr
* Description:
* USB OTG FS disconnect detected interrupt handler
static inline void stm32_gint_discisr(FAR struct stm32_usbhost_s *priv)
uint32_t regval;
/* Handle the disconnection event */
/* Clear the dicsonnect interrupt */
* Name: stm32_gint_iisooxfrisr
* Description:
* USB OTG FS incomplete isochronous interrupt handler
static inline void stm32_gint_iisooxfrisr(FAR struct stm32_usbhost_s *priv)
uint32_t regval;
/* CHENA : Set to enable the channel
* CHDIS : Set to stop transmitting/receiving data on a channel
regval = stm32_getreg(STM32_OTGFS_HCCHAR(0));
stm32_putreg(STM32_OTGFS_HCCHAR(0), regval);
/* Clear the incomplete isochronous OUT interrupt */
* Name: stm32_gint_isr
* Description:
* USB OTG FS global interrupt handler
static int stm32_gint_isr(int irq, FAR void *context)
/* At present, there is only support for a single OTG FS host. Hence it is
* pre-allocated as g_usbhost. However, in most code, the private data
* structure will be referenced using the 'priv' pointer (rather than the
* global data) in order to simplify any future support for multiple devices.
FAR struct stm32_usbhost_s *priv = &g_usbhost;
uint32_t pending;
/* If OTG were supported, we would need to check if we are in host or
* device mode when the global interrupt occurs. Here we support only
* host mode
/* Get the unmasked bits in the GINT status */
pending = stm32_getreg(STM32_OTGFS_GINTSTS);
pending &= stm32_getreg(STM32_OTGFS_GINTMSK);
/* The process each pending, unmasked GINT interrupts */
if (pending != 0)
ullvdbg("GINTSTS: %08x\n", pending);
/* Handle the start of frame interrupt */
if ((pending & OTGFS_GINT_SOF) != 0)
/* Handle the RxFIFO non-empty interrupt */
if ((pending & OTGFS_GINT_RXFLVL)) != 0)
/* Handle the non-periodic TxFIFO empty interrupt */
if ((pending & OTGFS_GINT_NPTXFE)) != 0)
/* Handle the periodic TxFIFO empty interrupt */
if ((pending & OTGFS_GINT_PTXFE)) != 0)
/* Handle the host channels interrupt */
if ((pending & OTGFS_GINT_HC)) != 0)
/* Handle the host port interrupt */
if ((pending & OTGFS_GINT_HPRT)) != 0)
/* Handle the disconnect detected interrupt */
if ((pending & OTGFS_GINT_DISC)) != 0)
/* Handle the incomplete isochronous OUT transfer */
if ((pending & OTGFS_GINT_IISOOXFR)) != 0)
return OK;
* Name: stm32_gint_enable and stm32_gint_disable
* Description:
* Respectively enable or disable the global OTG FS interrupt.
* Input Parameters:
* None
* Returned Value:
* None
static void stm32_gint_enable(void)
uint32_t regval;
/* Set the GINTMSK bit to unmask the interrupt */
regval = stm32_getreg(STM32_OTGFS_GAHBCFG)
stm32_putreg(OTGFS_GAHBCFG_GINTMSK, regval);
static void stm32_gint_disable(void)
uint32_t regval;
/* Clear the GINTMSK bit to mask the interrupt */
regval = stm32_getreg(STM32_OTGFS_GAHBCFG)
stm32_putreg(OTGFS_GAHBCFG_GINTMSK, regval);
* Name: stm32_hostinit_enable
* Description:
* Enable host interrupts.
* Input Parameters:
* None
* Returned Value:
* None
static inline void stm32_hostinit_enable(void)
/* Disable all interrupts. */
stm32_putreg(STM32_OTGFS_GINTMSK, 0);
/* Clear any pending interrupts. */
stm32_putreg(STM32_OTGFS_GINTSTS, 0xffffffff);
/* Clear any pending USB OTG Interrupts (should be done elsewhere if OTG is supported) */
stm32_putreg(STM32_OTGFS_GOTGINT, 0xffffffff);
/* Clear any pending USB OTG interrupts */
stm32_putreg(STM32_OTGFS_GINTSTS, 0xbfffffff);
/* Enable the host interrupts */
/* Common interrupts:
* OTGFS_GINT_WKUP : Resume/remote wakeup detected interrupt
/* If OTG were supported, we would need to enable the following as well:
* OTGFS_GINT_OTG : OTG interrupt
* OTGFS_GINT_SRQ : Session request/new session detected interrupt
* OTGFS_GINT_CIDSCHG : Connector ID status change
/* Host-specific interrupts
* OTGFS_GINT_SOF : Start of frame
* OTGFS_GINT_IISOOXFR : Incomplete isochronous OUT transfer
* OTGFS_GINT_HPRT : Host port interrupt
* OTGFS_GINT_HC : Host channels interrupt
* OTGFS_GINT_DISC : Disconnect detected interrupt
stm32_putreg(STM32_OTGFS_GINTMSK, regval);
* USB Host Controller Operations
* Name: stm32_wait
* Description:
* Wait for a device to be connected or disconneced.
* Input Parameters:
* drvr - The USB host driver instance obtained as a parameter from the call to
* the class create() method.
* connected - TRUE: Wait for device to be connected; FALSE: wait for device
* to be disconnected
* Returned Values:
* Zero (OK) is returned when a device in connected. This function will not
* return until either (1) a device is connected or (2) some failure occurs.
* On a failure, a negated errno value is returned indicating the nature of
* the failure
* Assumptions:
* - Called from a single thread so no mutual exclusion is required.
* - Never called from an interrupt handler.
static int stm32_wait(FAR struct usbhost_driver_s *drvr, bool connected)
struct stm32_usbhost_s *priv = (struct stm32_usbhost_s *)drvr;
irqstate_t flags;
/* Are we already connected? */
flags = irqsave();
while (priv->connected == connected)
/* No... wait for the connection/disconnection */
priv->eventwait = true;
udbg("Connected:%s\n", priv->connected ? "YES" : "NO");
return OK;
* Name: stm32_enumerate
* Description:
* Enumerate the connected device. As part of this enumeration process,
* the driver will (1) get the device's configuration descriptor, (2)
* extract the class ID info from the configuration descriptor, (3) call
* usbhost_findclass() to find the class that supports this device, (4)
* call the create() method on the struct usbhost_registry_s interface
* to get a class instance, and finally (5) call the configdesc() method
* of the struct usbhost_class_s interface. After that, the class is in
* charge of the sequence of operations.
* Input Parameters:
* drvr - The USB host driver instance obtained as a parameter from the call to
* the class create() method.
* Returned Values:
* On success, zero (OK) is returned. On a failure, a negated errno value is
* returned indicating the nature of the failure
* Assumptions:
* - Only a single class bound to a single device is supported.
* - Called from a single thread so no mutual exclusion is required.
* - Never called from an interrupt handler.
static int stm32_enumerate(FAR struct usbhost_driver_s *drvr)
struct stm32_usbhost_s *priv = (struct stm32_usbhost_s *)drvr;
/* Are we connected to a device? The caller should have called the wait()
* method first to be assured that a device is connected.
while (!priv->connected)
/* No, return an error */
udbg("Not connected\n");
return -ENODEV;
/* USB 2.0 spec says at least 50ms delay before port reset */
/* Put RH port 1 in reset (the STM32 supports only a single downstream port) */
#warning "Missing Logic"
/* Wait for the port reset to complete */
while ((stm32_getreg(???) & ???) != 0);
/* Release RH port 1 from reset and wait a bit */
#warning "Missing Logic"
/* Let the common usbhost_enumerate do all of the real work. Note that the
* FunctionAddress (USB address) is hardcoded to one.
uvdbg("Enumerate the device\n");
return usbhost_enumerate(drvr, 1, &priv->class);
* Name: stm32_ep0configure
* Description:
* Configure endpoint 0. This method is normally used internally by the
* enumerate() method but is made available at the interface to support
* an external implementation of the enumeration logic.
* Input Parameters:
* drvr - The USB host driver instance obtained as a parameter from the call to
* the class create() method.
* funcaddr - The USB address of the function containing the endpoint that EP0
* controls
* maxpacketsize - The maximum number of bytes that can be sent to or
* received from the endpoint in a single data packet
* Returned Values:
* On success, zero (OK) is returned. On a failure, a negated errno value is
* returned indicating the nature of the failure
* Assumptions:
* This function will *not* be called from an interrupt handler.
static int stm32_ep0configure(FAR struct usbhost_driver_s *drvr, uint8_t funcaddr,
uint16_t maxpacketsize)
FAR struct stm32_usbhost_s *priv = (FAR struct stm32_usbhost_s *)drvr;
DEBUGASSERT(drvr && funcaddr < 128 && maxpacketsize < 2048);
/* We must have exclusive access to the USB host hardware and state structures */
#warning "Missing logic"
return OK;
* Name: stm32_epalloc
* Description:
* Allocate and configure one endpoint.
* Input Parameters:
* drvr - The USB host driver instance obtained as a parameter from the call to
* the class create() method.
* epdesc - Describes the endpoint to be allocated.
* ep - A memory location provided by the caller in which to receive the
* allocated endpoint desciptor.
* Returned Values:
* On success, zero (OK) is returned. On a failure, a negated errno value is
* returned indicating the nature of the failure
* Assumptions:
* This function will *not* be called from an interrupt handler.
static int stm32_epalloc(FAR struct usbhost_driver_s *drvr,
const FAR struct usbhost_epdesc_s *epdesc, usbhost_ep_t *ep)
struct stm32_usbhost_s *priv = (struct stm32_usbhost_s *)drvr;
int ret = -ENOMEM;
/* Sanity check. NOTE that this method should only be called if a device is
* connected (because we need a valid low speed indication).
DEBUGASSERT(priv && epdesc && ep && priv->connected);
/* We must have exclusive access to the USB host hardware and state structures */
/* Get the direction of the endpoint */
if (epdesc->in)
/* Set the transfer type */
/* Special Case isochronous transfer types */
return ret;
* Name: stm32_epfree
* Description:
* Free and endpoint previously allocated by DRVR_EPALLOC.
* Input Parameters:
* drvr - The USB host driver instance obtained as a parameter from the call to
* the class create() method.
* ep - The endpint to be freed.
* Returned Values:
* On success, zero (OK) is returned. On a failure, a negated errno value is
* returned indicating the nature of the failure
* Assumptions:
* This function will *not* be called from an interrupt handler.
static int stm32_epfree(FAR struct usbhost_driver_s *drvr, usbhost_ep_t ep)
struct stm32_usbhost_s *priv = (struct stm32_usbhost_s *)drvr;
int ret;
/* There should not be any pending, real TDs linked to this ED */
/* We must have exclusive access to the USB host hardware and state structures */
#warning "Missing logic"
return ret;
* Name: stm32_alloc
* Description:
* Some hardware supports special memory in which request and descriptor data can
* be accessed more efficiently. This method provides a mechanism to allocate
* the request/descriptor memory. If the underlying hardware does not support
* such "special" memory, this functions may simply map to malloc.
* This interface was optimized under a particular assumption. It was assumed
* that the driver maintains a pool of small, pre-allocated buffers for descriptor
* traffic. NOTE that size is not an input, but an output: The size of the
* pre-allocated buffer is returned.
* Input Parameters:
* drvr - The USB host driver instance obtained as a parameter from the call to
* the class create() method.
* buffer - The address of a memory location provided by the caller in which to
* return the allocated buffer memory address.
* maxlen - The address of a memory location provided by the caller in which to
* return the maximum size of the allocated buffer memory.
* Returned Values:
* On success, zero (OK) is returned. On a failure, a negated errno value is
* returned indicating the nature of the failure
* Assumptions:
* - Called from a single thread so no mutual exclusion is required.
* - Never called from an interrupt handler.
static int stm32_alloc(FAR struct usbhost_driver_s *drvr,
FAR uint8_t **buffer, FAR size_t *maxlen)
struct stm32_usbhost_s *priv = (struct stm32_usbhost_s *)drvr;
int ret = -ENOMEM;
DEBUGASSERT(priv && buffer && maxlen);
/* We must have exclusive access to the USB host hardware and state structures */
#warning "Missing logic"
return ret;
* Name: stm32_free
* Description:
* Some hardware supports special memory in which request and descriptor data can
* be accessed more efficiently. This method provides a mechanism to free that
* request/descriptor memory. If the underlying hardware does not support
* such "special" memory, this functions may simply map to free().
* Input Parameters:
* drvr - The USB host driver instance obtained as a parameter from the call to
* the class create() method.
* buffer - The address of the allocated buffer memory to be freed.
* Returned Values:
* On success, zero (OK) is returned. On a failure, a negated errno value is
* returned indicating the nature of the failure
* Assumptions:
* - Never called from an interrupt handler.
static int stm32_free(FAR struct usbhost_driver_s *drvr, FAR uint8_t *buffer)
struct stm32_usbhost_s *priv = (struct stm32_usbhost_s *)drvr;
DEBUGASSERT(drvr && buffer);
/* We must have exclusive access to the USB host hardware and state structures */
#warning "Missing logic"
return OK;
* Name: stm32_ioalloc
* Description:
* Some hardware supports special memory in which larger IO buffers can
* be accessed more efficiently. This method provides a mechanism to allocate
* the request/descriptor memory. If the underlying hardware does not support
* such "special" memory, this functions may simply map to malloc.
* This interface differs from DRVR_ALLOC in that the buffers are variable-sized.
* Input Parameters:
* drvr - The USB host driver instance obtained as a parameter from the call to
* the class create() method.
* buffer - The address of a memory location provided by the caller in which to
* return the allocated buffer memory address.
* buflen - The size of the buffer required.
* Returned Values:
* On success, zero (OK) is returned. On a failure, a negated errno value is
* returned indicating the nature of the failure
* Assumptions:
* This function will *not* be called from an interrupt handler.
static int stm32_ioalloc(FAR struct usbhost_driver_s *drvr,
FAR uint8_t **buffer, size_t buflen)
DEBUGASSERT(drvr && buffer);
return -ENOSYS;
* Name: stm32_iofree
* Description:
* Some hardware supports special memory in which IO data can be accessed more
* efficiently. This method provides a mechanism to free that IO buffer
* memory. If the underlying hardware does not support such "special" memory,
* this functions may simply map to free().
* Input Parameters:
* drvr - The USB host driver instance obtained as a parameter from the call to
* the class create() method.
* buffer - The address of the allocated buffer memory to be freed.
* Returned Values:
* On success, zero (OK) is returned. On a failure, a negated errno value is
* returned indicating the nature of the failure
* Assumptions:
* This function will *not* be called from an interrupt handler.
static int stm32_iofree(FAR struct usbhost_driver_s *drvr, FAR uint8_t *buffer)
DEBUGASSERT(drvr && buffer);
return -ENOSYS;
* Name: stm32_ctrlin and stm32_ctrlout
* Description:
* Process a IN or OUT request on the control endpoint. These methods
* will enqueue the request and wait for it to complete. Only one transfer may be
* queued; Neither these methods nor the transfer() method can be called again
* until the control transfer functions returns.
* These are blocking methods; these functions will not return until the
* control transfer has completed.
* Input Parameters:
* drvr - The USB host driver instance obtained as a parameter from the call to
* the class create() method.
* req - Describes the request to be sent. This request must lie in memory
* created by DRVR_ALLOC.
* buffer - A buffer used for sending the request and for returning any
* responses. This buffer must be large enough to hold the length value
* in the request description. buffer must have been allocated using DRVR_ALLOC
* NOTE: On an IN transaction, req and buffer may refer to the same allocated
* memory.
* Returned Values:
* On success, zero (OK) is returned. On a failure, a negated errno value is
* returned indicating the nature of the failure
* Assumptions:
* - Only a single class bound to a single device is supported.
* - Called from a single thread so no mutual exclusion is required.
* - Never called from an interrupt handler.
static int stm32_ctrlin(FAR struct usbhost_driver_s *drvr,
FAR const struct usb_ctrlreq_s *req,
FAR uint8_t *buffer)
struct stm32_usbhost_s *priv = (struct stm32_usbhost_s *)drvr;
uint16_t len;
int ret;
DEBUGASSERT(drvr && req);
uvdbg("type:%02x req:%02x value:%02x%02x index:%02x%02x len:%02x%02x\n",
req->type, req->req, req->value[1], req->value[0],
req->index[1], req->index[0], req->len[1], req->len[0]);
/* We must have exclusive access to the USB host hardware and state structures */
len = stm32_getle16(req->len);
ret = stm32_ctrltd(priv, GTD_STATUS_DP_SETUP, (uint8_t*)req, USB_SIZEOF_CTRLREQ);
if (ret == OK)
if (len)
ret = stm32_ctrltd(priv, GTD_STATUS_DP_IN, buffer, len);
if (ret == OK)
ret = stm32_ctrltd(priv, GTD_STATUS_DP_OUT, NULL, 0);
return ret;
static int stm32_ctrlout(FAR struct usbhost_driver_s *drvr,
FAR const struct usb_ctrlreq_s *req,
FAR const uint8_t *buffer)
struct stm32_usbhost_s *priv = (struct stm32_usbhost_s *)drvr;
uint16_t len;
int ret;
DEBUGASSERT(drvr && req);
uvdbg("type:%02x req:%02x value:%02x%02x index:%02x%02x len:%02x%02x\n",
req->type, req->req, req->value[1], req->value[0],
req->index[1], req->index[0], req->len[1], req->len[0]);
/* We must have exclusive access to the USB host hardware and state structures */
len = stm32_getle16(req->len);
ret = stm32_ctrltd(priv, GTD_STATUS_DP_SETUP, (uint8_t*)req, USB_SIZEOF_CTRLREQ);
if (ret == OK)
if (len)
ret = stm32_ctrltd(priv, GTD_STATUS_DP_OUT, (uint8_t*)buffer, len);
if (ret == OK)
ret = stm32_ctrltd(priv, GTD_STATUS_DP_IN, NULL, 0);
return ret;
* Name: stm32_transfer
* Description:
* Process a request to handle a transfer descriptor. This method will
* enqueue the transfer request and return immediately. Only one transfer may be
* queued; Neither this method nor the ctrlin or ctrlout methods can be called
* again until this function returns.
* This is a blocking method; this functions will not return until the
* transfer has completed.
* Input Parameters:
* drvr - The USB host driver instance obtained as a parameter from the call to
* the class create() method.
* ep - The IN or OUT endpoint descriptor for the device endpoint on which to
* perform the transfer.
* buffer - A buffer containing the data to be sent (OUT endpoint) or received
* (IN endpoint). buffer must have been allocated using DRVR_ALLOC
* buflen - The length of the data to be sent or received.
* Returned Values:
* On success, zero (OK) is returned. On a failure, a negated errno value is
* returned indicating the nature of the failure
* Assumptions:
* - Only a single class bound to a single device is supported.
* - Called from a single thread so no mutual exclusion is required.
* - Never called from an interrupt handler.
static int stm32_transfer(FAR struct usbhost_driver_s *drvr, usbhost_ep_t ep,
FAR uint8_t *buffer, size_t buflen)
struct stm32_usbhost_s *priv = (struct stm32_usbhost_s *)drvr;
uint32_t dirpid;
uint32_t regval;
uint8_t *origbuf = NULL;
bool in;
int ret;
DEBUGASSERT(priv && chan && buffer && buflen > 0);
/* We must have exclusive access to the USB host hardware and state structures */
/* Set the request for the Writeback Done Head event well BEFORE enabling the
* transfer.
ret = stm32_chanwait(priv, chan);
if (ret != OK)
udbg("ERROR: Device disconnected\n");
goto errout;
/* Get the direction of the endpoint */
if (in)
dirpid = GTD_STATUS_DP_IN;
/* Then enqueue the transfer and wait for the transfer to complete */
#warning "Missing logic"
/* Wait for the transfer to complete */
#warning "Missing Logic"
/* Check the transfer completion status */
#warning "Missing Logic"
/* Make sure that there is no outstanding request on this endpoint */
#warning "Missing Logic"
return ret;
* Name: stm32_disconnect
* Description:
* Called by the class when an error occurs and driver has been disconnected.
* The USB host driver should discard the handle to the class instance (it is
* stale) and not attempt any further interaction with the class driver instance
* (until a new instance is received from the create() method). The driver
* should not called the class' disconnected() method.
* Input Parameters:
* drvr - The USB host driver instance obtained as a parameter from the call to
* the class create() method.
* Returned Values:
* None
* Assumptions:
* - Only a single class bound to a single device is supported.
* - Never called from an interrupt handler.
static void stm32_disconnect(FAR struct usbhost_driver_s *drvr)
struct stm32_usbhost_s *priv = (struct stm32_usbhost_s *)drvr;
priv->class = NULL;
* Initialization
* Name: stm32_ep0init
* Description:
* Initialize ED for EP0, add it to the control ED list, and enable control
* transfers.
* Input Parameters:
* priv - private driver state instance.
* Returned Values:
* None
static inline void stm32_ep0init(struct stm32_usbhost_s *priv)
uint32_t regval;
/* Set up some default values */
(void)stm32_ep0configure(&priv->drvr, 1, 8);
#warning "Missing logic"
* Name: stm32_portreset
* Description:
* Reset the USB host port.
* NOTE: "Before starting to drive a USB reset, the application waits for the
* OTG interrupt triggered by the debounce done bit (DBCDNE bit in
* OTG_FS_GOTGINT), which indicates that the bus is stable again after the
* electrical debounce caused by the attachment of a pull-up resistor on DP
* (FS) or DM (LS).
* Input Parameters:
* priv -- USB host driver private data structure.
* Returned Value:
* None
static void stm32_portreset(FAR struct stm32_usbhost_s *priv)
uint32_t regval;
regval = stm32_getreg(STM32_OTGFS_HPRT);
regval |= OTGFS_HPRT_PRST;
stm32_putreg(STM32_OTGFS_HPRT, regval);
regval &= ~OTGFS_HPRT_PRST;
stm32_putreg(STM32_OTGFS_HPRT, regval);
* Name: stm32_flush_txfifos
* Description:
* Flush the selected Tx FIFO.
* Input Parameters:
* priv -- USB host driver private data structure.
* Returned Value:
* None.
static inline void stm32_flush_txfifos(uint32_t txfnum)
uint32_t regval;
uint32_t timeout;
/* Initiate the TX FIFO flush operation */
regval = OTGFS_GRSTCTL_TXFFLSH | txfnum;
stm32_putreg(regval, STM32_OTGFS_GRSTCTL);
/* Wait for the FLUSH to complete */
for (timeout = 0; timeout < STM32_FLUSH_DELAY; timeout++)
regval = stm32_getreg(STM32_OTGFS_GRSTCTL);
if ((regval & OTGFS_GRSTCTL_TXFFLSH) == 0)
/* Wait for 3 PHY Clocks */
* Name: stm32_flush_rxfifo
* Description:
* Flush the Rx FIFO.
* Input Parameters:
* priv -- USB host driver private data structure.
* Returned Value:
* None.
static inline void stm32_flush_rxfifo(void)
uint32_t regval;
uint32_t timeout;
/* Initiate the RX FIFO flush operation */
/* Wait for the FLUSH to complete */
for (timeout = 0; timeout < STM32_FLUSH_DELAY; timeout++)
regval = stm32_getreg(STM32_OTGFS_GRSTCTL);
if ((regval & OTGFS_GRSTCTL_RXFFLSH) == 0)
/* Wait for 3 PHY Clocks */
* Name: stm32_vbusdrive
* Description:
* Drive the Vbus +5V.
* Input Parameters:
* priv - USB host driver private data structure.
* state - True: Drive, False: Don't drive
* Returned Value:
* None.
static void stm32_vbusdrive(FAR struct stm32_usbhost_s *priv, bool state)
uint32_t regval;
/* Enable/disable the external charge pump */
/* Turn on the Host port power. */
regval = stm32_getreg(STM32_OTGFS_HPRT);
if (((regval & OTGFS_HPRT_PPWR) == 0) && state)
regval |= OTGFS_HPRT_PPWR;
stm32_putreg(STM32_OTGFS_HPRT, regval);
if (((regval & OTGFS_HPRT_PPWR) != 0) && !state)
regval &= ~OTGFS_HPRT_PPWR;
stm32_putreg(STM32_OTGFS_HPRT, regval);
* Name: stm32_host_initialize
* Description:
* Initialize/re-initialize hardware for host mode operation. At present,
* this function is called only from stm32_hw_initialize(). But if OTG mode
* were supported, this function would also be called to swtich between
* host and device modes on a connector ID change interrupt.
* Input Parameters:
* priv -- USB host driver private data structure.
* Returned Value:
* None.
static void stm32_host_initialize(FAR struct stm32_usbhost_s *priv)
uint32_t regval;
uint32_t offset;
int ret;
int i;
/* Restart the PHY Clock */
stm32_putreg(STM32_OTGFS_PCGCCTL, 0);
/* Initialize Host Configuration (HCFG) register */
regval = stm32_getreg(STM32_OTGFS_HCFG);
stm32_putreg(STM32_OTGFS_HCFG, regval);
/* Reset the host port */
/* Clear the FS-/LS-only support bit in the HCFG register */
regval = stm32_getreg(STM32_OTGFS_HCFG);
regval &= ~OTGFS_HCFG_FSLSS;
stm32_putreg(STM32_OTGFS_HCFG, regval);
/* Carve up FIFO memory for the Rx FIFO and the periodic and non-periodic Tx FIFOs */
/* Configure Rx FIFO size (GRXFSIZ) */
/* Setup the host non-periodic Tx FIFO size (HNPTXFSIZ) */
stm32_putreg(STM32_OTGFS_DIEPTXF0_HNPTXFSIZ, regval);
/* Set up the host periodic Tx fifo size register (HPTXFSIZ) */
stm32_putreg(STM32_OTGFS_HPTXFSIZ, regval);
/* If OTG were supported, we sould need to clear HNP enable bit in the
* USB_OTG control register about here.
/* Flush all FIFOs */
/* Clear all pending HC Interrupts */
for (i = 0; i < STM32_NHOST_CHANNELS; i++)
stm32_putreg(STM32_OTGFS_HCINT(i), 0xffffffff);
stm32_putreg(STM32_OTGFS_HCINTMSK(i), 0);
/* Driver Vbus +5V (the smoke test). Should be done elsewhere in OTG
* mode.
stm32_vbusdrive(priv, true);
/* Enable host interrupts */
return OK;
* Name: stm32_sw_initialize
* Description:
* One-time setup of the host driver state structure.
* Input Parameters:
* priv -- USB host driver private data structure.
* Returned Value:
* None.
static inline void stm32_sw_initialize(FAR struct stm32_usbhost_s *priv)
int i;
/* Initialize the state data structure */
sem_init(&priv->eventsem, 0, 0);
sem_init(&priv->exclsem, 0, 1);
#warning "Missing logic"
/* Indicate that we are not connected */
priv->connected = false;
/* Put all of the channels back in their initial state */
memset(priv-chan, 0, STM32_MAX_TX_FIFOS * sizeof(struct stn32_chan_s));
for (i = 0; i < STM32_MAX_TX_FIFOS; i++)
FAR struct stm32_chan_s *chan = &priv->chan[i];
sem_init(&chan->chansem, 0, 0);
/* Initialize endpoint zero packet size */
priv->chan[0].maxpacket = STM32_EP0_MAX_PACKET_SIZE;
* Name: stm32_hw_initialize
* Description:
* One-time setup of the host controller harware for normal operations.
* Input Parameters:
* priv -- USB host driver private data structure.
* Returned Value:
* Zero on success; a negated errno value on failure.
static inline int stm32_hw_initialize(FAR struct stm32_usbhost_s *priv)
uint32_t regval;
int ret;
/* Set the PHYSEL bit in the GUSBCFG register to select the OTG FS serial
* transceiver: "This bit is always 1 with write-only access"
regval = stm32_getreg(STM32_OTGFS_GUSBCFG);;
stm32_putreg(STM32_OTGFS_GUSBCFG, regval);
/* Reset after a PHY select and set Host mode. First, wait for AHB master
* IDLE state.
for (timeout = 0; timeout < STM32_READY_DELAY; timeout++)
regval = stm32_getreg(STM32_OTGFS_GRSTCTL);
if ((regval & OTGFS_GRSTCTL_AHBIDL) != 0)
/* Then perform the core soft reset. */
for (timeout = 0; timeout < STM32_READY_DELAY; timeout++)
regval = stm32_getreg(STM32_OTGFS_GRSTCTL);
if ((regval & OTGFS_GRSTCTL_CSRST) == 0)
/* Wait for 3 PHY Clocks */
/* Deactivate the power down */
stm32_putreg(STM32_OTGFS_GCCFG, regval);
/* Initialize OTG features: In order to support OTP, the HNPCAP and SRPCAP
* bits would need to be set in the GUSBCFG register about here.
/* Force Host Mode */
regval = stm32_getreg(STM32_OTGFS_GUSBCFG);
stm32_putreg(STM32_OTGFS_GUSBCFG, regval);
/* Initialize host mode and return success */
return OK;
* Public Functions
* Name: usbhost_initialize
* Description:
* Initialize USB host device controller hardware.
* Input Parameters:
* controller -- If the device supports more than USB host controller, then
* this identifies which controller is being intialized. Normally, this
* is just zero.
* Returned Value:
* And instance of the USB host interface. The controlling task should
* use this interface to (1) call the wait() method to wait for a device
* to be connected, and (2) call the enumerate() method to bind the device
* to a class driver.
* Assumptions:
* - This function should called in the initialization sequence in order
* to initialize the USB device functionality.
* - Class drivers should be initialized prior to calling this function.
* Otherwise, there is a race condition if the device is already connected.
FAR struct usbhost_driver_s *usbhost_initialize(int controller)
/* At present, there is only support for a single OTG FS host. Hence it is
* pre-allocated as g_usbhost. However, in most code, the private data
* structure will be referenced using the 'priv' pointer (rather than the
* global data) in order to simplify any future support for multiple devices.
FAR struct stm32_usbhost_s *priv = &g_usbhost;
int ret;
/* Sanity checks */
DEBUGASSERT(controller == 0);
/* Make sure that interrupts from the OTG FS core are disabled */
/* Reset the state of the host driver */
/* Alternate function pin configuration. Here we assume that:
* 1. GPIOA, SYSCFG, and OTG FS peripheral clocking have already been\
* enabled as part of the boot sequence.
* 2. Board-specific logic has already enabled other board specific GPIOs
* for things like soft pull-up, VBUS sensing, power controls, and over-
* current detection.
/* Configure OTG FS alternate function pins for DM, DP, ID, and SOF.
* ---- ----------- ----------
* PA8 OTG_FS_SOF SOF clock output
* PA9 OTG_FS_VBUS VBUS input for device, Driven by external regulator by
* host (not an alternate function)
* PA10 OTG_FS_ID OTG ID pin (only needed in Dual mode)
* *Pins may vary from device-to-device.
stm32_configgpio(GPIO_OTGFS_ID); /* Only needed for OTG */
/* SOF output pin configuration is configurable */
/* Initialize the USB OTG FS core */
/* Attach USB host controller interrupt handler */
if (irq_attach(STM32_IRQ_OTGFS, stm32_gint_isr) != 0)
udbg("Failed to attach IRQ\n");
return NULL;
/* Enable USB OTG FS global interrupts */
/* Enable interrupts at the interrupt controller */
return &priv->drvr;