/*=========================================================================== FILE: ProtocolEntityNav.h DESCRIPTION: Declaration of cProtocolEntityNav PUBLIC CLASSES AND METHODS: cProtocolEntityNav This class serves as a base for all class that need to 'navigate' a protocol entity database description. It is necessary in order to seperate the structural aspects from parsing/packing details Copyright (c) 2011, Code Aurora Forum. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of Code Aurora Forum nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ===========================================================================*/ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Pragmas //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #pragma once //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Include Files //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "CoreDatabase.h" //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Definitions //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct sSharedBuffer; struct sDB2NavFragment; // Field seperator string extern LPCSTR PE_NAV_FIELD_SEP; // Types of protocol entity field attributes enum ePENavFieldAttr { ePENAV_FIELD_BEGIN = -1, ePENAV_FIELD_NAME, // Name of field ePENAV_FIELD_NAME_FULL, // Fully qualified name of field ePENAV_FIELD_NAME_PARTIAL, // Partially qualified name of field ePENAV_FIELD_VALUE, // Translated value of field ePENAV_FIELD_VALUE_RAW, // Raw value of field ePENAV_FIELD_TYPE, // Type of field ePENAV_FIELD_SIZE, // Size of field ePENAV_FIELD_OFFSET, // Offset of field ePENAV_FIELD_INDEX, // Index of field ePENAV_FIELD_ID, // ID of field ePENAV_FIELD_END // Number of field attributes }; /*=========================================================================== METHOD: IsValid (Inline Method) DESCRIPTION: Is this a valid ePENavFieldAttr? PARAMETERS: contentType [ I ] - The enum value being validated RETURN VALUE: bool ===========================================================================*/ inline bool IsValid( ePENavFieldAttr attr ) { bool bRC = false; if (attr > ePENAV_FIELD_BEGIN && attr < ePENAV_FIELD_END) { bRC = true; } return bRC; }; /*=========================================================================*/ // Class cProtocolEntityNav // Class to navigate a protocol entity /*=========================================================================*/ class cProtocolEntityNav { public: // Constructor cProtocolEntityNav( const cCoreDatabase & db ); // Destructor virtual ~cProtocolEntityNav(); // Return the fully qualified field name given the partial name virtual std::string GetFullFieldName( const std::string & partialName ) const; // Return the partial field name given the fully qualified name virtual std::string GetPartialFieldName( const std::string & fieldNameFQ ) const; protected: // Evaluate the given condition virtual bool EvaluateCondition( LPCSTR pCondition, bool & bResult ); // Get the array bounds described by the fragment descriptor virtual bool GetArrayBounds( const sDB2Fragment & frag, LONGLONG & arraySz, LONGLONG & arrayAdj ); // Return the value for the specified field ID as a // LONGLONG (field type must be able to fit) virtual bool GetLastValue( ULONG fieldID, LONGLONG & val ) = 0; // Modify string length based on existing field value virtual bool ModifyStringLength( const sDB2Fragment & frag, sDB2Field & field ); // Process the protocol entity described by the given key/name virtual bool ProcessEntity( const std::vector & key ); // (Inline) Contiue navigation now that entity has been set? virtual bool ContinueNavigation() { // Override to implement return true; }; // Process a structure described by the given initial fragment virtual bool ProcessStruct( const sDB2NavFragment * pFrag, const std::string & preamble, LONGLONG arrayIndex = -1 ); // Process the given fragment virtual bool ProcessFragment( const sDB2NavFragment * pFrag, ULONG structOffset, ULONG & structSize, const std::string & preamble ); // Process the given field virtual bool ProcessField( const sDB2Field * pField, const std::string & fieldName, LONGLONG arrayIndex = -1 ) = 0; // (Inline) Handle an array being entered virtual void EnterArray( const sDB2Fragment & /* frag */, LONGLONG /* arraySz */ ) { }; // (Inline) Handle an array being exited virtual void ExitArray( const sDB2Fragment & /* frag */, LONGLONG /* arraySz */ ) { }; // (Inline) Handle a structure being entered virtual void EnterStruct( LPCSTR /* pName */, LONGLONG /* arrayIndex */ ) { }; // (Inline) Handle a structure being exited virtual void ExitStruct( LPCSTR /* pName */, LONGLONG /* arrayIndex */ ) { }; // (Inline) Get current working offset virtual ULONG GetOffset() { // Override to implement return 0; }; // (Inline) Set current working offset virtual bool SetOffset( ULONG /* offset */ ) { // Override to implement return true; }; // (Inline) Get current navigation order virtual bool GetLSBMode() { // Override to implement return true; }; // (Inline) Set current navigation order virtual bool SetLSBMode( bool /* bLSB */ ) { // Override to implement return true; }; /* Generate field name strings? */ bool mbFieldNames; /* Protocol entity being navigated */ sDB2ProtocolEntity mEntity; /* Database reference */ const cCoreDatabase & mDB; /* References to DB tables we need */ const tDB2OptionalModMap & mConditions; const tDB2ExpressionModMap & mExpressions; const tDB2Array1ModMap & mArrays1; const tDB2Array2ModMap & mArrays2; /* Map of all 'tracked' fields */ std::map > mTrackedFields; };