
31 lines
1.4 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Include xmlns:netfx="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/NetFxExtension">
<!-- Check for required dependencies here -->
<!-- Do not remove: The contents of this "fragment" will not be included in the project,
unless we reference at least one item defined within it.
This "IncludePrerequisites" property is referenced in the "Product" element,
to ensure the entire fragment is included. -->
<Property Id="IncludePrerequisites">1</Property>
<Condition Message="Windows 2000 is no longer supported. Please install $(var.WiresharkName) 1.2 or 1.0 instead.">
<![CDATA[Installed OR (VersionNT < 500) OR (VersionNT > 500)]]>
<Condition Message="WindowsXP is no longer supported. Please install $(var.WiresharkName) 1.12 or 1.10 instead.">
<![CDATA[Installed OR (VersionNT < 501) OR (VersionNT > 501)]]>
<Condition Message="Windows Server 2003 is no longer supported. Please install $(var.WiresharkName) 1.12 or 1.10 instead.">
<![CDATA[Installed OR (VersionNT < 502) OR (VersionNT > 502)]]>
<Condition Message="$(var.WiresharkName)$(var.WiresharkVersion) is only supported on Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, or higher.">
<![CDATA[Installed OR (VersionNT >= 600)]]>