
135 lines
4.8 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Generate the AUTHORS file combining existing AUTHORS file with
# git commit log.
# Usage: generate_authors.py AUTHORS.src
# Copyright 2022 Moshe Kaplan
# Based on generate_authors.pl by Michael Mann
# Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer
# By Gerald Combs <gerald@wireshark.org>
# Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
import argparse
import re
import subprocess
def get_git_authors():
Sample line:
# 4321 Navin R. Johnson <nrjohnson@example.com>
GIT_LINE_REGEX = r"^\s*\d+\s+([^<]*)\s*<([^>]*)>"
cmd = "git --no-pager shortlog --email --summary HEAD".split(' ')
# check_output is used for Python 3.4 compatability
git_cmd_output = subprocess.check_output(cmd, universal_newlines=True)
git_authors = []
for line in git_cmd_output.splitlines():
# Check if this is needed:
line = line.strip()
match = re.match(GIT_LINE_REGEX, line)
name = match.group(1).strip()
email = match.group(2).strip()
# Try to lower how much spam people get:
email = email.replace('@', '[AT]')
git_authors.append((name, email))
return git_authors
def extract_contributors(authors_content):
# Extract names and email addresses from the AUTHORS file Contributors
contributors_content = authors_content.split("= Contributors =", 1)[1]
contributors_content = contributors_content.split("= Acknowledgements =", 1)[0]
CONTRIBUTOR_LINE_REGEX = r"^([\w\.\-\'\x80-\xff]+(\s*[\w+\.\-\'\x80-\xff])*)\s+<([^>]*)>"
contributors = []
state = ""
for line in contributors_content.splitlines():
contributor_match = re.match(CONTRIBUTOR_LINE_REGEX, line)
if re.search(r'([^\{]*)\{', line):
if contributor_match:
name = contributor_match.group(1)
email = contributor_match.group(3)
contributors.append((name, email))
state = "s_in_bracket"
elif state == "s_in_bracket":
if re.search(r'([^\}]*)\}', line):
state = ""
elif re.search('<', line):
if contributor_match:
name = contributor_match.group(1)
email = contributor_match.group(3)
contributors.append((name, email))
elif re.search(r"(e-mail address removed at contributor's request)", line):
if contributor_match:
name = contributor_match.group(1)
email = contributor_match.group(3)
contributors.append((name, email))
return contributors
def generate_git_contributors_text(contributors_emails, git_authors_emails):
# Track the email addresses seen to avoid including the same email address twice
emails_addresses_seen = set()
for name, email in contributors_emails:
output_lines = []
for name, email in git_authors_emails:
if email.lower() in emails_addresses_seen:
# Skip Gerald, since he's part of the header:
if email == "gerald[AT]wireshark.org":
ntab = 3
if len(name) >= 8*ntab:
line = "{name} <{email}>".format(name=name, email=email)
ntab -= len(name)/8
if len(name) % 8:
ntab += 1
tabs = '\t'*int(ntab)
line = "{name}{tabs}<{email}>".format(name=name, tabs=tabs, email=email)
output_lines += [line]
return "\n".join(output_lines)
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Generate the AUTHORS file combining existing AUTHORS file with git commit log.")
parser.add_argument("authors", metavar='authors', nargs=1, help="path to AUTHORS file")
parsed_args = parser.parse_args()
with open(parsed_args.authors[0]) as fh:
author_content = fh.read()
# Collect the listed contributors emails so that we don't duplicate them
# in the listing of git contributors
contributors_emails = extract_contributors(author_content)
git_authors_emails = get_git_authors()
# Then generate the text output for git contributors
git_contributors_text = generate_git_contributors_text(contributors_emails, git_authors_emails)
# Now we can write our output:
acknowledgements_start = author_content.find("\n\n= Acknowledgements =")
before_acknowledgements = author_content[:acknowledgements_start]
acknowledgements = author_content[acknowledgements_start:]
git_contributor_header = '\n\n\n= From git log =\n\n'
output = before_acknowledgements + git_contributor_header + git_contributors_text + '\n' + acknowledgements
if __name__ == '__main__':