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0. Abstract
Wireshark's user interface is showing its age. While GTK+ is wonderful on
Linux and BSD its low-tier status on Windows and even-lower-tier status on OS
X makes it hard to deliver a good product to users on those platforms.
The Qt port is an attempt at an updated UI which will better serve our users
and let us add features more easily.
1. Getting up and running
The Qt interface for Wireshark has been compiled and tested on Mac OS X 10.6
(XCode gcc), Windows 7 x86 (Visual C++ 2010), and Ubuntu 10.04 (gcc).
Compilation via Qt Creator has been tested but command-line compilation using
QMake and make or nmake should work.
The ui/qt directory is loosely coupled with the rest of the codebase. The main
Wireshark sources must be built beforehand using CMake on Linux and OS X and
nmake on Windows. Autotools + QMake is a basket full of crazy that hasn't yet
been sorted and folded.
1.1 Prerequisites
Before compiling you need the Qt SDK and Qt Creator.
1.1.1 OS X
Download the latest Qt SDK (currently 1.1.4) and install it. Build the
top-level directory using CMake.
1.1.2 Windows
The default Qt SDK libraries are built using MinGW, which isn't supported for
Wireshark. Instead of downloading the Qt SDK all-in-one package, download the
Qt Libraries package that matches your compiler (VS 2008 or VS 2010) and Qt
Creator for Windows.
For the time being you must set win32:WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR in QtShark.pro to
match the global build environment. The default location is
c:/wireshark-win32-libs (yes, that's a forward slash).
Before compiling select "Projects" in the left toolbar, select "Build Settings"
and do the following:
- In "Edit build configuration" make sure the "Release" build is selected.
("Debug" currently crashes.)
- Make sure "Qt version" matches your version of Visual Studio.
- Make sure "Tool chain" matches your Visual C++ version.
1.1.3 Linux
Install the Qt libraries and Qt Creator via your package manager or from
http://qt.nokia.com/downloads/. On Debian and Ubuntu the "qt-sdk" meta-package
should provide everything you need. Build the top-level directory using CMake.
2. Going forward
DO NOT simply port things over. Every feature, window, and element should be
re-thought. For example, should the user have to navigate two dialogs to get
HTTP request statistics?