
181 lines
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/** @file
* Native Windows file dialog routines
* Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer
* By Gerald Combs <gerald@wireshark.org>
* Copyright 2006 Gerald Combs
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#ifndef __FILE_DLG_WIN32_H__
#define __FILE_DLG_WIN32_H__
#ifndef RC_INVOKED // RC warns about gatomic's long identifiers.
#include "ui/file_dialog.h"
#include "ui/packet_range.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */
* @brief set_thread_per_monitor_v2_awareness
* Qt <= 5.9 supports setting old (Windows 8.1) per-monitor DPI awareness
* via Qt:AA_EnableHighDpiScaling. We do this in main.cpp. In order for
* native dialogs to be rendered correctly we need to set per-monitor
* *v2* awareness prior to creating the dialog, which we can do here.
* Qt doesn't render correctly when per-monitor v2 awareness is enabled, so
* we need to revert our thread context when we're done.
* @return The current thread DPI awareness context, which should
* be passed to revert_thread_per_monitor_v2_awareness.
HANDLE set_thread_per_monitor_v2_awareness(void);
* @brief revert_thread_per_monitor_v2_awareness
* @param context
void revert_thread_per_monitor_v2_awareness(HANDLE context);
/** Open the "Open" dialog box.
* @param h_wnd HWND of the parent window.
* @param file_name File name
* @param type File type
* @param display_filter a display filter
bool win32_open_file (HWND h_wnd, const wchar_t *title, GString *file_name, unsigned int *type, GString *display_filter);
/** Open the "Save As" dialog box.
* @param h_wnd HWND of the parent window.
* @param cf capture_file Structure for the capture to be saved
* @param file_name File name. May be empty.
* @param file_type Wiretap file type.
* @param compression_type Compression type to use, or uncompressed.
* @param must_support_comments true if the file format list should
* include only file formats that support comments
* @return true if packets were discarded when saving, false otherwise
bool win32_save_as_file(HWND h_wnd, const wchar_t *title, capture_file *cf,
GString *file_name, int *file_type,
wtap_compression_type *compression_type,
bool must_support_comments);
/** Open the "Export Specified Packets" dialog box.
* @param h_wnd HWND of the parent window.
* @param cf capture_file Structure for the capture to be saved
* @param file_name File name. May be empty.
* @param file_type Wiretap file type.
* @param compression_type Compression type to use, or uncompressed.
* @param range Range of packets to export.
* @return true if packets were discarded when saving, false otherwise
bool win32_export_specified_packets_file(HWND h_wnd,
const wchar_t *title,
capture_file *cf,
GString *file_name,
int *file_type,
wtap_compression_type *compression_type,
packet_range_t *range);
/** Open the "Merge" dialog box.
* @param h_wnd HWND of the parent window.
* @param file_name File name
* @param display_filter a display filter
* @param merge_type type of merge
bool win32_merge_file (HWND h_wnd, const wchar_t *title, GString *file_name, GString *display_filter, int *merge_type);
/** Open the "Export" dialog box.
* @param h_wnd HWND of the parent window.
* @param cf capture_file Structure for the capture to be saved
* @param export_type The export type.
* @param range a possible range
void win32_export_file (HWND h_wnd, const wchar_t *title, capture_file *cf, export_type_e export_type, const char *range);
/* Open dialog defines */
/* #define EWFD_FILTER_BTN 1000 */
#define EWFD_FILTER_LBL 1000
#define EWFD_FILTER_EDIT 1001
#define EWFD_MAC_NR_CB 1002
#define EWFD_NET_NR_CB 1003
#define EWFD_TRANS_NR_CB 1004
#define EWFD_EXTERNAL_NR_CB 1005
/* Note: The preview title (PT) and text (PTX) MUST have sequential IDs;
they're used in a for loop. EWFD_PT_FILENAME MUST be first, and
EWFD_PTX_ELAPSED MUST be last. (so why don't we just use an enum? */
#define EWFD_PT_FORMAT 1006
#define EWFD_PT_SIZE 1007
#define EWFD_PTX_FORMAT 1009
#define EWFD_PTX_SIZE 1010
#define EWFD_FORMAT_TYPE 1020
/* Save as and export dialog defines */
#define EWFD_GZIP_CB 1040
/* Export dialog defines */
#define EWFD_CAPTURED_BTN 1000
#define EWFD_ALL_PKTS_BTN 1002
#define EWFD_SEL_PKT_BTN 1003
#define EWFD_MARKED_BTN 1004
#define EWFD_FIRST_LAST_BTN 1005
#define EWFD_RANGE_BTN 1006
#define EWFD_RANGE_EDIT 1007
#define EWFD_REMOVE_IGN_CB 1008
#define EWFD_ALL_PKTS_CAP 1009
#define EWFD_SEL_PKT_CAP 1010
#define EWFD_MARKED_CAP 1011
#define EWFD_FIRST_LAST_CAP 1012
#define EWFD_RANGE_CAP 1013
#define EWFD_IGNORED_CAP 1014
#define EWFD_ALL_PKTS_DISP 1015
#define EWFD_SEL_PKT_DISP 1016
#define EWFD_MARKED_DISP 1017
#define EWFD_RANGE_DISP 1019
#define EWFD_IGNORED_DISP 1020
/* Merge dialog defines. Overlays Open dialog defines above. */
/* Export dialog defines. Overlays Save dialog defines above. */
/* These MUST be contiguous */
#define EWFD_PKT_FORMAT_GB 1050
#define EWFD_PKT_SUMMARY_CB 1051
#define EWFD_PKT_DETAIL_CB 1053
#define EWFD_PKT_BYTES_CB 1055
#define EWFD_PKT_NEW_PAGE_CB 1057
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */
#endif /* __FILE_DLG_WIN32_H__ */