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/* color_utils.cpp
* Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer
* By Gerald Combs <gerald@wireshark.org>
* Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#include <ui/qt/utils/color_utils.h>
#include <ui/qt/utils/tango_colors.h>
#include <QApplication>
#include <QPalette>
#include <QStyleHints>
// Colors we use in various parts of the UI.
// New colors should be chosen from tango_colors.h. The expert and hidden
// colors come from the GTK+ UI and are grandfathered in.
// At some point we should probably make these configurable along with the
// graph and sequence colors.
const QColor ColorUtils::expert_color_comment = QColor (0xb7, 0xf7, 0x74); /* Green */
const QColor ColorUtils::expert_color_chat = QColor (0x80, 0xb7, 0xf7); /* Light blue */
const QColor ColorUtils::expert_color_note = QColor (0xa0, 0xff, 0xff); /* Bright turquoise */
const QColor ColorUtils::expert_color_warn = QColor (0xf7, 0xf2, 0x53); /* Yellow */
const QColor ColorUtils::expert_color_error = QColor (0xff, 0x5c, 0x5c); /* Pale red */
const QColor ColorUtils::expert_color_foreground = QColor (0x00, 0x00, 0x00); /* Black */
const QColor ColorUtils::hidden_proto_item = QColor (0x44, 0x44, 0x44); /* Gray */
ColorUtils::ColorUtils(QObject *parent) :
// A color_t has RGB values in [0,65535].
// Qt RGB colors have RGB values in [0,255].
// 65535/255 = 257 = 0x0101, so converting from [0,255] to
// [0,65535] involves just shifting the 8-bit value left 8 bits
// and ORing them together.
// Converting from [0,65535] to [0,255] without rounding involves
// just shifting the 16-bit value right 8 bits; I guess you could
// round them by adding 0x80 to the value before shifting.
QColor ColorUtils::fromColorT (const color_t *color) {
if (!color) return QColor();
// Convert [0,65535] values to [0,255] values
return QColor(color->red >> 8, color->green >> 8, color->blue >> 8);
QColor ColorUtils::fromColorT(color_t color)
return fromColorT(&color);
const color_t ColorUtils::toColorT(const QColor color)
color_t colort;
// Convert [0,255] values to [0,65535] values
colort.red = (color.red() << 8) | color.red();
colort.green = (color.green() << 8) | color.green();
colort.blue = (color.blue() << 8) | color.blue();
return colort;
QRgb ColorUtils::alphaBlend(const QColor &color1, const QColor &color2, qreal alpha)
alpha = qBound(qreal(0.0), alpha, qreal(1.0));
int r1 = color1.red() * alpha;
int g1 = color1.green() * alpha;
int b1 = color1.blue() * alpha;
int r2 = color2.red() * (1 - alpha);
int g2 = color2.green() * (1 - alpha);
int b2 = color2.blue() * (1 - alpha);
QColor alpha_color(r1 + r2, g1 + g2, b1 + b2);
return alpha_color.rgb();
QRgb ColorUtils::alphaBlend(const QBrush &brush1, const QBrush &brush2, qreal alpha)
return alphaBlend(brush1.color(), brush2.color(), alpha);
QList<QRgb> ColorUtils::graph_colors_;
const QList<QRgb> ColorUtils::graphColors()
if (graph_colors_.isEmpty()) {
// Available graph colors
// XXX - Add custom
graph_colors_ = QList<QRgb>()
<< tango_aluminium_6 // Bar outline (use black instead)?
<< tango_sky_blue_5
<< tango_butter_6
<< tango_chameleon_5
<< tango_scarlet_red_5
<< tango_plum_5
<< tango_orange_6
<< tango_aluminium_3
<< tango_sky_blue_3
<< tango_butter_3
<< tango_chameleon_3
<< tango_scarlet_red_3
<< tango_plum_3
<< tango_orange_3;
return graph_colors_;
QRgb ColorUtils::graphColor(int item)
if (graph_colors_.isEmpty()) graphColors(); // Init list.
return graph_colors_[item % graph_colors_.size()];
QList<QRgb> ColorUtils::sequence_colors_;
QRgb ColorUtils::sequenceColor(int item)
if (sequence_colors_.isEmpty()) {
// Available sequence colors. Copied from gtk/graph_analysis.c.
// XXX - Add custom?
sequence_colors_ = QList<QRgb>()
<< qRgb(144, 238, 144)
<< qRgb(255, 160, 123)
<< qRgb(255, 182, 193)
<< qRgb(250, 250, 210)
<< qRgb(255, 255, 52)
<< qRgb(103, 205, 170)
<< qRgb(224, 255, 255)
<< qRgb(176, 196, 222)
<< qRgb(135, 206, 254)
<< qRgb(211, 211, 211);
return sequence_colors_[item % sequence_colors_.size()];
bool ColorUtils::themeIsDark()
return qApp->styleHints()->colorScheme() == Qt::ColorScheme::Dark;
return qApp->palette().windowText().color().lightness() > qApp->palette().window().color().lightness();
// Qt < 5.12.6 on macOS always uses Qt::blue for the link color, which is
// unreadable when using a dark theme. Changing the application palette
// via ...Application::setPalette is problematic, since QGuiApplication
// sets a flag (ApplicationPaletteExplicitlySet) which keeps us from
// catching theme changes.
// themeLinkBrush and themeLinkStyle provide convenience routines for
// fetching the link brush and style.
// We could also override MainApplication::palette, but keeping the
// routines together here seemed to make more sense.
QBrush ColorUtils::themeLinkBrush()
// https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-71740
if (themeIsDark()) {
return QBrush(tango_sky_blue_2);
return qApp->palette().link();
QString ColorUtils::themeLinkStyle()
QString link_style;
if (themeIsDark()) {
link_style = QString("<style>a:link { color: %1; }</style>")
return link_style;
const QColor ColorUtils::contrastingTextColor(const QColor color)
bool background_is_light = color.lightness() > 127;
if ( (background_is_light && !ColorUtils::themeIsDark()) || (!background_is_light && ColorUtils::themeIsDark()) ) {
return QApplication::palette().text().color();
return QApplication::palette().base().color();
const QColor ColorUtils::hoverBackground()
QPalette hover_palette = QApplication::palette();
#if defined(Q_OS_MAC)
return hover_palette.highlight().color();
return ColorUtils::alphaBlend(hover_palette.window(), hover_palette.highlight(), 0.5);
const QColor ColorUtils::warningBackground()
if (themeIsDark()) {
return QColor(tango_butter_6);
return QColor(tango_butter_2);