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= Wireshark {wireshark-version} Release Notes
// Asciidoctor Syntax Quick Reference:
// https://asciidoctor.org/docs/asciidoc-syntax-quick-reference/
This is an experimental release intended to test new features for Wireshark 4.2.
== What is Wireshark?
Wireshark is the worlds most popular network protocol analyzer.
It is used for troubleshooting, analysis, development and education.
== Whats New
// Add a summary of **major** changes here.
// Add other changes to "New and Updated Features" below.
A Windows installer for Arm64 has been added.
Windows installer file names now have the format Wireshark-<version>-<architecture>.exe.
Wireshark is now better about generating valid UTF-8 output.
A new display filter feature for filtering raw bytes has been added.
Display filter autocomplete is smarter about not suggesting invalid syntax.
menu:Tools[Lua Scripts,Launch with SSLKEYLOGFILE] can launch your web browser with the SSLKEYLOGFILE environment variable set to the appropriate value.
The personal extcap plugin folder location on Unix has been changed to
follow existing conventions for architecture-dependent files.
The extcap personal folder is now ``$HOME/.local/lib/wireshark/extcap``.
Previously it was ``$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/wireshark/extcap``.
The installation target no longer installs development headers by default.
That must be done explicitly using ``cmake --install <builddir> --component Development``.
The Wireshark installation is relocatable on Linux (and other ELF platforms
with support for relative RPATHs).
Support for building an NSIS Windows installer using the MinGW-w64 toolchain
and https://www.msys2.org/[MSYS2]. Read README.msys2 in the distribution for more information.
When changing the dissector via the Decode As table for values that
have default dissectors registered, selecting "(none)" will select
no dissection (while still allowing heuristic dissectors to attempt to
dissect.) The previous behavior was to reset the dissector to the default.
To facilitate resetting the dissector, the default dissector is now sorted
at the top of the list of possible dissector options.
Packet list sorting has been updated:
* When sorting packet list with a filter applied, only the visible packets are
sorted, which greatly increases sorting speed.
* The cache size for column text is limited to a default of 10000 rows,
which limits the maximum memory usage. The maximum value can be changed in
* Due to the above, columns that require packet dissection can only be sorted
if the number of visible rows is less than the cache size. If there are
more rows visible, a warning will appear. Columns that do not require packet
dissection (those that calculated directly from the capture file frame
headers, such as packet number, time, and frame length) can be sorted with
any number of visible rows.
* Sorting can be interrupted.
Many other improvements have been made.
See the “New and Updated Features” section below for more details.
=== Bug Fixes
The following bugs have been fixed:
* wsbuglink:18413[No Audio in RTP player with Wireshark 4.0.0] - RTP player do not play audio frequently on Win32 builds with Qt6
* wsbuglink:18510[Paused playback cannot continue to play] - Playback marker do not move after unpause with Qt6
//* wsbuglink:5000[]
//* wsbuglink:6000[Wireshark bug]
//* cveidlink:2014-2486[]
//* Wireshark grabs your ID at 3 am, goes to Waffle House, and insults people.
=== New and Updated Features
The following features are new (or have been significantly updated) since version 4.0.0:
* The Windows installers now ship with Qt 6.5.2.
They previously shipped with Qt 6.2.3.
// * The Windows installers now ship with Npcap 1.75.
// They previously shipped with Npcap 1.71.
* The API has been updated to ensure that the dissection engine produces valid UTF-8 strings.
* Wireshark now builds with Qt6 by default. To use Qt5 instead pass USE_qt6=OFF to CMake.
* ciscodump support Cisco IOS XE 17.x
* The default interval between GUI updates when capturing has been decreased
from 500ms to 100ms, and is now configurable.
* The *-n* option also now disables IP address geolocation information lookup
in configured MaxMind databases (and geolocation lookup can be enabled with
*-Ng*.) This is most relevant for tshark, where geolocation lookups are
* Implement built-in dissector for FiRa UWB Controller Interface (UCI) protocol.
Recognizes PCAP traces with the link type LINKTYPE_FIRA_UCI=299.
* The reassemble_streaming_data_and_call_subdissector() API has been added to provide a simpler way to
reassemble the streaming data of a high level protocol that is not on top of TCP.
* The display filter drop-down list is now sorted by "most recently used" instead
of "most recently created".
* Display filter syntax-related changes:
** It is now possible to filter on raw packet data for any field by using the syntax ``@some.field == <bytes...>``.
This can be useful to filter on malformed UTF-8 strings, among other use cases where it is necessary to
look at the field's raw data.
** Negation (unary minus) now works with any display filter arithmetic expression.
** Using the slice operator with strings produces a string. Previously it
would produce a byte array. This is useful to index/slice UTF-8 multibyte strings.
String byte slices can still be obtained using the "@" (raw operator) prefix.
** Arithmetic expressions are allowed as set elements.
** Absolute date and time values can be written as Unix time.
** The limitation where a minus sign needed to be preceded by a space character
has been removed.
** Added XOR logical operator.
** Fixed the implementation of `all ... in` membership operator
** The deprecated ~≃ operator symbol has been removed. It was replaced by !== in version 4.0.
* Running the test suite requires the https://pypi.org/project/pytest/[pytest]
Python module. The emulation layer that allowed running tests without pytest
installed has been removed.
* When saving files or exporting packets after changing their time with the
"Time Shift" dialog, the shifted time is written to the new file.
* TLS secrets used in decrypting packets can be embedded (or discarded) from
the capture file via the GUI, similar to the options --inject-secrets and
--discard-all-secrets in editcap.
* The text of any configured column (displayed or hidden) can be filtered
anywhere that filters are used - in display filters, filters in taps, coloring
rules, Wireshark read filters, and the -Y, -R, and -e options to tshark,
the "Apply as Filter" GUI option, etc.
** The filter field names are prefixed by "_ws.col", followed by a lowercase
version of the COL_ name found in epan/column-utils.h, e.g. "_ws.col.info"
or "_ws.col.protocol"
** Using the column names as a filter is slower than other filter types
because the columns must be constructed, so when the same filtering
can be achieved via other fields, prefer that.
* The external name resolution text files "manuf", "enterprises" and "services"
have been removed and replaced with static binary data. You can dump the
respective internal data using `tshark -G manuf|enterprises|services`.
* New GUI dialog (under Tools menu) to lookup a MAC address in the IEEE OUI registry.
* The Windows build has a new SpeexDSP external dependency (https://www.speex.org).
The speex code that was previously bundled has been removed.
* The Lua console dialogs under Tools were refactored and redesigned. It now
consists of a single dialog window for input and output.
* Wireshark now shows byte units in the statistics in the user-selected language
(uses the system default language by default).
=== Removed Features and Support
* With the addition of the universal and consistent filtering support for
column text, the previous support in the -e option to tshark for displaying
column text via the column title, e.g. "_ws.col.Info", has been removed.
The previous implementation allowed names that are not legal filter names
and wsbuglink:16576[silently ignored columns that didn't exist.]
* The bundled script "dtd_gen.lua" that was disabled by default has been removed
from the installation. It can be found in the Wireshark Wiki under "Contrib".
// === Removed Dissectors
// === New File Format Decoding Support
// [commaize]
// --
// --
=== New Protocol Support
// Add one protocol per line between the -- delimiters in the format
// “Full protocol name (Abbreviation)”
// git log --oneline --diff-filter=A --stat v3.7.0rc0.. epan/dissectors plugins
Video Protocol 9 (VP9)
SAP Enqueue Server (SAPEnqueue)
SAP HANA SQL Command Network Protocol (SAPHDB)
SAP Internet Graphic Server (SAP IGS)
SAP Message Server (SAPMS)
SAP Network Interface (SAPNI)
SAP Secure Network Connection (SNC)
Management Component Transport Protocol (MCTP)
Management Component Transport Protocol - Control Protocol (MCTP CP)
Non-volatile Memory Express - Management Interface (NVMe-MI) over MCTP
DECT proprietary Mitel OMM/RFP Protocol (also named AaMiDe)
DECT DLC protocol layer (DECT-DLC)
DECT NWK protocol layer (DECT-NWK)
Low Level Signalling (ATSC3 LLS)
Train Real-Time Data Protocol (TRDP)
Windows Delivery Optimization (MS-DO)
FiRa UWB Controller Interface (UCI)
Matter home automation protocol
UBX protocol of u-blox GNSS receivers (UBX)
GPS L1 C/A LNAV navigation messages
SBAS L1 Navigation Messages (SBAS L1)
FiveCo's Register Access Protocol (5CoRAP)
UDP Tracker Protocol for BitTorrent (BT-Tracker)
Digital Object Identifier Resolution Protocol (DO-IRP)
High Speed Fahrzeugzugang (HSFZ)
Zabbix Protocol (Zabbix)
ASAM Capture Module Protocol (CMP)
=== Updated Protocol Support
* The JSON dissector now has a preference to enable/disable "unescaping"
of string values. By default it is off. Previously it was always on.
* The JSON dissector now supports "Display JSON in raw form".
* The IPv6 dissector has a new preference to show some semantic details
about addresses (default off).
* The IPv6 dissector now supports dissecting
Application-aware IPv6 Networking (APN6) option]
in the Hop-by-Hop Options Header (HBH) and Destination Options Header (DOH).
This feature supports to dissect all three types of APN ID,
which are 32-bit, 64-bit and 128-bit in length.
* The XML dissector now supports display character according to the "encoding"
attribute of the XML declaration, and has a new preference to set default
character encoding for some XML document without "encoding" attribute.
* The SIP dissector now has a new preference to set default charset for
displaying the body of SIP messages in raw text view.
* The HTTP dissector now supports dissecting chunked data in streaming reassembly
mode. Subdissectors of HTTP can register itself in "streaming_content_type"
subdissector table for enabling streaming reassembly mode while transferring in
chunked encoding. This feature ensures the server stream messages of GRPC-Web
over HTTP/1.1 can be dissected even if the last chunk is absent.
* The media type dissector table now properly treats media types and subtypes
as case-insensitive automatically, per RFC 6838. Media types no longer need
to be lower cased before registering or looking up in the table.
* The CFM dissector has been overhauled and updated to the level of IEEE std
802.1Q-2022 and ITU-T Rec. G.8013/Y.1371 (08/2015). This includes dissection
of additional PDU types and TLVs as well as deeper dissection of existing PDUs
and TLVs.
Too many other protocols have been updated to list them all here.
=== New and Updated Capture File Support
// There is no new or updated capture file support in this release.
// Add one file type per line between the -- delimiters.
// === New and Updated Capture Interfaces support
=== New and Updated Codec support
Adaptive Multi-Rate (AMR), if compiled with https://sourceforge.net/projects/opencore-amr/[opencore-amr]
//_Non-empty section placeholder._
// === Major API Changes
== Getting Wireshark
Wireshark source code and installation packages are available from
=== Vendor-supplied Packages
Most Linux and Unix vendors supply their own Wireshark packages.
You can usually install or upgrade Wireshark using the package management system specific to that platform.
A list of third-party packages can be found on the
https://www.wireshark.org/download.html[download page]
on the Wireshark web site.
== File Locations
Wireshark and TShark look in several different locations for preference files, plugins, SNMP MIBS, and RADIUS dictionaries.
These locations vary from platform to platform.
You can use menu:Help[About Wireshark,Folders] or `tshark -G folders` to find the default locations on your system.
== Getting Help
The Users Guide, manual pages and various other documentation can be found at
Community support is available on
https://ask.wireshark.org/[Wiresharks Q&A site]
and on the wireshark-users mailing list.
Subscription information and archives for all of Wiresharks mailing lists can be found on
https://www.wireshark.org/lists/[the web site].
Bugs and feature requests can be reported on
https://gitlab.com/wireshark/wireshark/-/issues[the issue tracker].
You can learn protocol analysis and meet Wiresharks developers at
// Official Wireshark training and certification are available from
// https://www.wiresharktraining.com/[Wireshark University].
== How You Can Help
The Wireshark Foundation helps as many people as possible understand their networks as much as possible.
You can find out more and donate at https://wiresharkfoundation.org[wiresharkfoundation.org].
== Frequently Asked Questions
A complete FAQ is available on the
https://www.wireshark.org/faq.html[Wireshark web site].