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# Wireshark tests
# By Gerald Combs <gerald@wireshark.org>
# Copyright (c) 2018 Dario Lombardo <lomato@gmail.com>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
'''outputformats tests'''
import json
import os.path
import subprocess
from matchers import *
import pytest
def check_outputformat(cmd_tshark, request, dirs, capture_file):
def check_outputformat_real(format_option, pcap_file='dhcp.pcap',
extra_args=[], expected=None, multiline=False, env=None):
''' Check a capture file against a sample, in json format. '''
tshark_proc = subprocess.run([cmd_tshark, '-r', capture_file(pcap_file),
'-T', format_option] + extra_args,
check=True, capture_output=True, encoding='utf-8', env=env)
# If a filename is given, load the expected values from those.
if isinstance(expected, str):
testdata = open(os.path.join(dirs.baseline_dir, expected)).read()
if multiline:
expected = [json.loads(line) for line in testdata.splitlines()]
expected = json.loads(testdata)
actual = tshark_proc.stdout
if multiline:
actual = actual.splitlines()
assert len(expected) == len(actual)
for expectedObj, actualStr in zip(expected, actual):
assert expectedObj == json.loads(actualStr)
actual = json.loads(actual)
assert expected == actual
return check_outputformat_real
class TestOutputFormats:
maxDiff = 1000000
def test_outputformat_json(self, check_outputformat, base_env):
'''Decode some captures into json'''
check_outputformat("json", expected="dhcp.json", env=base_env)
def test_outputformat_jsonraw(self, check_outputformat, base_env):
'''Decode some captures into jsonraw'''
check_outputformat("jsonraw", expected="dhcp.jsonraw", env=base_env)
def test_outputformat_ek(self, check_outputformat, base_env):
'''Decode some captures into ek'''
check_outputformat("ek", expected="dhcp.ek", multiline=True, env=base_env)
def test_outputformat_ek_raw(self, check_outputformat, base_env):
'''Decode some captures into ek, with raw data'''
check_outputformat("ek", expected="dhcp-raw.ek", multiline=True, extra_args=['-x'], env=base_env)
def test_outputformat_json_select_field(self, check_outputformat, base_env):
'''Checks that the -e option works with -Tjson.'''
check_outputformat("json", extra_args=['-eframe.number', '-c1'], expected=[
"_index": "packets-2004-12-05",
"_type": "doc",
"_score": None,
"_source": {
"layers": {
"frame.number": [
], env=base_env)
def test_outputformat_ek_select_field(self, check_outputformat, base_env):
'''Checks that the -e option works with -Tek.'''
check_outputformat("ek", extra_args=['-eframe.number', '-c1'], expected=[
{"index": {"_index": "packets-2004-12-05", "_type": "doc"}},
{"timestamp": "1102274184317", "layers": {"frame_number": ["1"]}}
], multiline=True, env=base_env)
def test_outputformat_ek_filter_field(self, check_outputformat, base_env):
''' Check that the option -j works with -Tek.'''
check_outputformat("ek", extra_args=['-j', 'dhcp'], expected="dhcp-filter.ek",
multiline=True, env=base_env)