#!/bin/bash # Setup development environment on Debian and derivatives such as Ubuntu # # Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer # By Gerald Combs # Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # # We drag in tools that might not be needed by all users; it's easier # that way. # if [ "$1" = "--help" ] then printf "\\nUtility to setup a debian-based system for Wireshark Development.\\n" printf "The basic usage installs the needed software\\n\\n" printf "Usage: %s [--install-optional] [--install-deb-deps] [...other options...]\\n" "$0" printf "\\t--install-optional: install optional software as well\\n" printf "\\t--install-deb-deps: install packages required to build the .deb file\\n" printf "\\t[other]: other options are passed as-is to apt\\n" exit 1 fi # Check if the user is root if [ "$(id -u)" -ne 0 ] then echo "You must be root." exit 1 fi for op do if [ "$op" = "--install-optional" ] then ADDITIONAL=1 elif [ "$op" = "--install-deb-deps" ] then DEBDEPS=1 else OPTIONS="$OPTIONS $op" fi done BASIC_LIST="libglib2.0-dev \ qttools5-dev \ qttools5-dev-tools \ libqt5svg5-dev \ qtmultimedia5-dev \ qt5-default \ libpcap-dev \ bison \ flex \ make \ python3 \ perl \ libgcrypt-dev" ADDITIONAL_LIST="libnl-3-dev \ libc-ares-dev \ libkrb5-dev \ libsmi2-dev \ asciidoctor \ libsbc-dev \ liblua5.2-dev \ libnl-cli-3-dev \ libparse-yapp-perl \ libcap-dev \ liblz4-dev \ libsnappy-dev \ libspandsp-dev \ libxml2-dev \ git \ libjson-glib-dev \ ninja-build \ doxygen \ xsltproc" DEBDEPS_LIST="debhelper \ po-debconf \ python3-ply \ docbook-xsl \ docbook-xml \ libxml2-utils \ quilt" # Adds package $2 to list variable $1 if the package is found. # If $3 is given, then this version requirement must be satisfied. add_package() { local list="$1" pkgname="$2" versionreq="$3" version version=$(apt-cache show "$pkgname" 2>/dev/null | awk '/^Version:/{ print $2; exit}') # fail if the package is not known if [ -z "$version" ]; then return 1 elif [ -n "$versionreq" ]; then # Require minimum version or fail. # shellcheck disable=SC2086 dpkg --compare-versions $version $versionreq || return 1 fi # package is found, append it to list eval "${list}=\"\${${list}} \${pkgname}\"" } # cmake3 3.5.1: Ubuntu 14.04 # cmake >= 3.5: Debian >= jessie-backports, Ubuntu >= 16.04 add_package BASIC_LIST cmake3 || BASIC_LIST="$BASIC_LIST cmake" # Debian >= wheezy-backports, Ubuntu >= 16.04 add_package ADDITIONAL_LIST libnghttp2-dev || echo "libnghttp2-dev is unavailable" >&2 # libssh-gcrypt-dev: Debian >= jessie, Ubuntu >= 16.04 # libssh-dev (>= 0.6): Debian >= jessie, Ubuntu >= 14.04 add_package ADDITIONAL_LIST libssh-gcrypt-dev || add_package ADDITIONAL_LIST libssh-dev || echo "libssh-gcrypt-dev and libssh-dev are unavailable" >&2 # libgnutls-dev: Debian <= jessie, Ubuntu <= 16.04 # libgnutls28-dev: Debian >= wheezy-backports, Ubuntu >= 12.04 add_package ADDITIONAL_LIST libgnutls28-dev ">= 3.2.14-1" || add_package ADDITIONAL_LIST libgnutls-dev || echo "libgnutls28-dev and libgnutls-dev are unavailable" >&2 # mmdbresolve add_package ADDITIONAL_LIST libmaxminddb-dev || echo "libmaxminddb-dev is unavailable" >&2 # libsystemd-journal-dev: Ubuntu 14.04 # libsystemd-dev: Ubuntu >= 16.04 add_package DEBDEPS_LIST libsystemd-dev || add_package DEBDEPS_LIST libsystemd-journal-dev || echo "libsystemd-dev is unavailable" ACTUAL_LIST=$BASIC_LIST # Now arrange for optional support libraries if [ $ADDITIONAL ] then ACTUAL_LIST="$ACTUAL_LIST $ADDITIONAL_LIST" fi if [ $DEBDEPS ] then ACTUAL_LIST="$ACTUAL_LIST $DEBDEPS_LIST" fi apt-get update || exit 2 # shellcheck disable=SC2086 apt-get install $ACTUAL_LIST $OPTIONS || exit 2 if [ ! $ADDITIONAL ] then printf "\\n*** Optional packages not installed. Rerun with --install-optional to have them.\\n" fi if [ ! $DEBDEPS ] then printf "\n*** Debian packages build deps not installed. Rerun with --install-deb-deps to have them.\n" fi