= Introduction This directory contains a set of images and icons for the Wireshark suite of applications. Of particular note for people creating packages for distribution are the files wireshark.ico, wiresharkdoc.ico, wsicon*.png, and WiresharkDoc-*.png File descriptions: wsicon.svg:: Old vector source for the wireshark icon. wsiconcap.svg:: Old vector source for the "capture" icon. wsicondoc.svg:: Old vector source for the "document" icon. wsicon16.png ... wsicon1024.png:: Wireshark application icons in various sizes wsiconcap16.png ... wsiconcap1024.png:: “Capture in progress” application icon in various sizes wsiconinst16.png ... wsiconinst1024.png:: Wireshark installer icons in various sizes WiresharkDoc-16.png ... WiresharkDoc-256.png Capture document icon in various sizes wireshark.ico:: Windows application icon file with 16 and 32 pixel 3D logo icons, high and low color. wiresharkdoc.ico:: Windows document icon file with 16 and 32 pixel 3D logo icons, high and low color. *.rc.in:: MSVC++ resource templates stock_icons:: Various stock icons. Names _mostly_ conform to the freedesktop.org https://standards.freedesktop.org/icon-naming-spec/icon-naming-spec-latest.html[Icon Naming Specification]. For example, the INS specifies “list-add” and “list-remove”. and we've added “list-copy”, “list-move-up“, “list-move-down”, and “list-clear”. The Wireshark application icon, document icon, and several toolbar icons were created by Elliott Aldrich. The list-add and list-remove images were created by Peter Hosey and released under CC-PD. The list-clear images were created by Freepik, http://www.freepik.com from https://www.flaticon.com. The following projects provide icons which are a) nicely drawn and b) released under a compatible license and c) actively developed (as of October 2020) which might want to use in the future: Bootstrap Icons: https://github.com/twbs/icons Ionicons: https://github.com/ionic-team/ionicons Mono Icons: https://github.com/mono-company/mono-icons Tabler Icons: https://github.com/tabler/tabler-icons Fluent UI System Icons: https://github.com/microsoft/fluentui-system-icons