ByteViewTab Packet bytes CaptureFileDialog Wireshark: Open Capture File Display Filter: All Files (*.*) &MAC name resolution &Transport name resolution &Network name resolution &External name resolver - directory unknown file format error opening file ? unknown Compress with g&zip Wireshark: Save Capture File As Wireshark: Merge Capture File Format: Size: Packets: First Packet: Elapsed Time: Wireshark: Export Specified Packets Export as: DisplayFilterCombo Display filter selector DisplayFilterEdit Apply a display filter %1 <%2/> Display filter entry Invalid filter Enter a display filter %1 FileSetDialog Dialog Directory: Filename Created Modified Size Wireshark: No files in Set No capture loaded %1 Bytes Open this capture file Wireshark: %1 File%2 in Set ImportTextDialog Wireshark: Import from Text Import From File: Set name of text file to import Browse for text file to import Browse... Offsets in the text file are in octal notation Octal Offsets: Offsets in the text file are in hexadecimal notation Hexadecimal Offsets in the text file are in decimal notation Decimal The format in which to parse timestamps in the text file (eg. %H:%M:%S.). Format specifiers are based on strptime(3) Timestamp format: Maximum frame length: The maximum size of the frames to write to the import capture file (max 64000) Encapsulation Encapsulation Type: Encapsulation type of the frames in the import capture file The UDP, TCP or SCTP source port for each frame The SCTP DATA payload protocol identifier for each frame The UDP, TCP or SCTP destination port for each frame Prefix each frame with an Ethernet header Ethernet Prefix each frame with an Ethernet, IPv4 and SCTP header SCTP PPI: Protocol (dec): Leave frames unchanged No dummy header Tag: Prefix each frame with an Ethernet, IPv4 and UDP header UDP Source port: The Ethertype value of each frame Prefix each frame with an Ethernet, IPv4 and TCP header TCP The SCTP verification tag for each frame Destination port: Ethertype (hex): The IPv4 protocol ID for each frame Prefix each frame with an Ethernet, IPv4 and SCTP (DATA) header SCTP (Data) Prefix each frame with an Ethernet and IPv4 header IPv4 Wireshark: Import text file Example: %1 <i>(No format will be applied)</i> InterfaceTree Welcome screen list No interfaces found %1 MainStatusBar is the highest expert info level ERROR WARNING NOTE CHAT No expert info MainWelcome not found Form <html><head/><body><p>Wireshark</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>User's Guide</p><p><br/></p><p>Wiki</p></body></html> Capture live packets from the network Open a recent capture file Learn more about Wireshark MainWindow Wireshark File Open Recent Edit Capture toolBar Open Ctrl+O Quit Ctrl+Q Start capturing packets Ctrl+K Stop capturing packets Close Ctrl+W No files found Loading: %1 Invalid Display Filter Clear Menu Help Wireshark Filter RawShark Dumpcap Mergecap Editcap Text2cap Website FAQ's Downloads Wiki Sample Captures Ask (Q&&A) Manual pages &Contents F1 &About Wireshark 900000000; Go to packet Cancel File Set Go View Open a capture file Quit Wireshark &Interfaces... Show interface details Ctrl+I &Start Ctrl+E S&top Close the current capture file TShark Next Packet Go to the next packet Ctrl+Down Previous Packet Go to the previous packet Ctrl+Up First Packet Go to the first packet Ctrl+Home Last Packet Go to the last packet Ctrl+End E&xpand Subtrees Expand the current packet detail Shift+Right &Expand All Expand packet details Ctrl+Right Collapse &All Collapse all packet details Ctrl+Left Go to Packet... Go to specified packet Ctrl+G &Merge... Merge one or more files &Import... Import a file &Save Save the current file Ctrl+S Save &As... Save as a different file Ctrl+Shift+S Export Packets... Export specified packets Export Packet Dissections... Export Packet &Bytes... Ctrl+H Export SSL Session Keys... Export Objects... &Print... Ctrl+P List Files Next File Previous File &Reload Reload the current file Ctrl+R &Options... Capture options Capture &Filters... Capture filters Refresh Interfaces Refresh interfaces &Restart Restart current capture . No Interface Selected You didn't specify an interface on which to capture packets. Save packets before merging? A temporary capture file can't be merged. Save changes in "%1" before merging? Changes must be saved before the files can be merged. The filter expression %1 isn't a valid display filter. (%2). before importing a new capture You have unsaved packets They will be lost if you don't save them. Do you want to stop the capture and save the captured packets Do you want to save the captured packets ? Your captured packets will be lost if you don't save them. Do you want to save the changes you've made to the capture file "%1"%2? Your changes will be lost if you don't save them. Stop and Save Stop and Quit without Saving Quit without Saving Stop and Continue without Saving Unable to export to "%1". You cannot export packets to the current capture file. PacketRangeGroupBox Form Packet Range - Displayed &Marked packets only &Range: Remove &ignored packets First &to last marked &All packets &Selected packets only Captured ProtoTree Packet details , 1 byte , %1 bytes QObject Ready to load or capture Ready to load file No Packets Packets: %1 %4 Displayed: %2 %4 Marked: %3 %1 Dropped: %2 %1 Ignored: %2 %1 Load time: %2:%3.%4