# # Find the Microsoft Visual C++ library DLLs. # These are included with the full frontal (Professional, Enterprise) editions # of Visual Studio but not Express. # # MSVCR_DLL - Path to the redistributable DLLs. # set(CMAKE_INSTALL_SYSTEM_RUNTIME_LIBS_SKIP TRUE) include(InstallRequiredSystemLibraries) # CMAKE_INSTALL_SYSTEM_RUNTIME_LIBS will likely give us a list of DLL # paths containing spaces. We'll assume that they're all in the same # directory and use it to create something that's easier to pass to # NSIS. set(MSVCR_DLL) list(GET CMAKE_INSTALL_SYSTEM_RUNTIME_LIBS 0 _msvcr_dll) if(_msvcr_dll) get_filename_component(_msvcr_dir ${_msvcr_dll} DIRECTORY) set(MSVCR_DLL "${_msvcr_dir}/*.*") file(TO_NATIVE_PATH "${MSVCR_DLL}" MSVCR_DLL) endif()