-- test script for various Lua functions -- use with dhcp.pcap in test/captures directory ------------- general test helper funcs ------------ local FRAME = "frame" local ETH = "eth" local IP = "ip" local BOOTP = "bootp" local OTHER = "other" local packet_counts = {} local function incPktCount(name) if not packet_counts[name] then packet_counts[name] = 1 else packet_counts[name] = packet_counts[name] + 1 end end local function getPktCount(name) return packet_counts[name] or 0 end local passed = {} local function setPassed(name) if not passed[name] then passed[name] = 1 else passed[name] = passed[name] + 1 end end -- expected number of runs per type -- note ip only runs 3 times because it gets removed -- and bootp only runs twice because the filter makes it run -- once and then it gets replaced with a different one for the second time local taptests = { [FRAME]=4, [ETH]=4, [IP]=3, [BOOTP]=2, [OTHER]=15 } local function getResults() print("\n-----------------------------\n") for k,v in pairs(taptests) do if passed[k] ~= v then print("Something didn't run or ran too much... tests failed!") print("Listener type "..k.." expected: "..v..", but got: "..tostring(passed[k])) return false end end print("All tests passed!\n\n") return true end local function testing(type,...) print("---- Testing "..type.." ---- "..tostring(...).." for packet # "..getPktCount(type).." ----") end local function test(type,name, ...) io.stdout:write("test "..type.."-->"..name.."-"..getPktCount(type).."...") if (...) == true then io.stdout:write("passed\n") return true else io.stdout:write("failed!\n") error(name.." test failed!") end end --------- -- the following are so we can use pcall (which needs a function to call) local function makeListener(...) local foo = Listener.new(...) end local function setListener(tap,name,value) tap[name] = value end local function getListener(tap,name) local foo = tap[name] end ------------- test script ------------ testing(OTHER,"negative tests") local orig_test = test test = function (...) if orig_test(OTHER,...) then setPassed(OTHER) end end test("Listener.new-1",not pcall(makeListener,"FooBARhowdy")) test("Listener.new-2",not pcall(makeListener,"ip","FooBARhowdy")) local tmptap = Listener.new() local func = function(...) passed[OTHER] = 0 error("This shouldn't be called!") end test("Listener.set-3",pcall(setListener,tmptap,"packet",func)) test("Listener.set-4",pcall(setListener,tmptap,"reset",func)) test("Listener.set-5",pcall(setListener,tmptap,"draw",func)) test("Listener.set-6",not pcall(setListener,Listener,"packet",func)) test("Listener.set-7",not pcall(setListener,Listener,"reset",func)) test("Listener.set-8",not pcall(setListener,Listener,"draw",func)) test("Listener.set-9",not pcall(setListener,Listener,"foobar",func)) test("Listener.get-10",not pcall(getListener,tmptap,"packet",func)) test("Listener.get-11",not pcall(getListener,tmptap,"reset",func)) test("Listener.get-12",not pcall(getListener,tmptap,"draw",func)) print("removing tmptap twice") test("Listener.remove-13",pcall(tmptap.remove,tmptap)) test("Listener.remove-14",pcall(tmptap.remove,tmptap)) test("typeof-15", typeof(tmptap) == "Listener") -- revert to original test function test = orig_test -- declare some field extractors local f_eth_src = Field.new("eth.src") local f_eth_dst = Field.new("eth.dst") local f_eth_mac = Field.new("eth.addr") local f_ip_src = Field.new("ip.src") local f_ip_dst = Field.new("ip.dst") local f_bootp_hw = Field.new("bootp.hw.mac_addr") local f_bootp_opt = Field.new("bootp.option.type") local tap_frame = Listener.new() local tap_eth = Listener.new("eth") local tap_ip = Listener.new("ip","bootp") local tap_bootp = Listener.new("bootp","bootp.option.dhcp == 1") local second_time = false function tap_frame.packet(pinfo,tvb,frame) incPktCount(FRAME) testing(FRAME,"Frame") test(FRAME,"arg-1", typeof(pinfo) == "Pinfo") test(FRAME,"arg-2", typeof(tvb) == "Tvb") test(FRAME,"arg-3", frame == nil) test(FRAME,"pinfo.number-1",pinfo.number == getPktCount(FRAME)) -- check ether addr local eth_src1 = tostring(f_eth_src().range) local eth_src2 = tostring(tvb:range(6,6)) test(FRAME,"FieldInfo.range-1", eth_src1 == eth_src2) setPassed(FRAME) end function tap_eth.packet(pinfo,tvb,eth) incPktCount(ETH) -- on the 4th run of eth, remove the ip one and add a new bootp one if getPktCount(ETH) == 4 then testing(ETH,"removing ip tap, replacing bootp tap") tap_ip:remove() tap_bootp:remove() tap_bootp = Listener.new("bootp") tap_bootp.packet = bootp_packet second_time = true end testing(ETH,"Eth") test(ETH,"arg-1", typeof(pinfo) == "Pinfo") test(ETH,"arg-2", typeof(tvb) == "Tvb") test(ETH,"arg-3", type(eth) == "table") test(ETH,"pinfo.number-1",pinfo.number == getPktCount(ETH)) -- check ether addr local eth_src1 = tostring(f_eth_src().range) local eth_src2 = tostring(tvb:range(6,6)) test(ETH,"FieldInfo.range-1", eth_src1 == eth_src2) setPassed(ETH) end function tap_ip.packet(pinfo,tvb,ip) incPktCount(IP) testing(IP,"IP") test(IP,"arg-1", typeof(pinfo) == "Pinfo") test(IP,"arg-2", typeof(tvb) == "Tvb") test(IP,"arg-3", type(ip) == "table") test(IP,"pinfo.number-1",pinfo.number == getPktCount(IP)) -- check ether addr local eth_src1 = tostring(f_eth_src().range) local eth_src2 = tostring(tvb:range(6,6)) test(IP,"FieldInfo.range-1", eth_src1 == eth_src2) setPassed(IP) end bootp_packet = function (pinfo,tvb,bootp) incPktCount(BOOTP) testing(BOOTP,"Bootp") test(BOOTP,"arg-1", typeof(pinfo) == "Pinfo") test(BOOTP,"arg-2", typeof(tvb) == "Tvb") test(BOOTP,"arg-3", bootp == nil) if not second_time then test(BOOTP,"pinfo.number-1",pinfo.number == getPktCount(BOOTP)) else test(BOOTP,"pinfo.number-1",pinfo.number == 4) end -- check ether addr local eth_src1 = tostring(f_eth_src().range) local eth_src2 = tostring(tvb:range(6,6)) test(BOOTP,"FieldInfo.range-1", eth_src1 == eth_src2) setPassed(BOOTP) end tap_bootp.packet = bootp_packet function tap_frame.reset() -- reset never gets called in tshark (sadly) error("reset called!!") end function tap_frame.draw() getResults() end