#!/usr/bin/env python """ Check the sanity of field definitions in Wireshark. """ import sys try: from optparse import OptionParser except ImportError: sys.exit("Need python 2.3.") try: import commands except ImportError: sys.exit("Need to run on Unix.") errors = 0 class Proto: """Data for a protocol.""" def __init__(self, line): data = line.split("\t") assert len(data) == 3 assert data[0] == "P" self.name = data[1] self.abbrev = data[2] class Field: """Data for a field.""" def __init__(self, line): data = line.split("\t") assert len(data) == 8 assert data[0] == "F" self.name = data[1] self.abbrev = data[2] self.ftype = data[3] self.parent = data[4] self.blurb = data[5] self.base = data[6] self.bitmask = int(data[7]) def gather_data(tethereal): """Calls tethereal and gathers data.""" cmd = "%s -G fields3" % (tethereal,) (status, output) = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd) if status != 0: sys.exit("Failed: " + cmd) lines = output.split("\n") protos = [Proto(x) for x in lines if x[0] == "P"] fields = [Field(x) for x in lines if x[0] == "F"] return protos, fields def check_fields(fields): """Looks for problems in field definitions.""" global errors for field in fields: if field.bitmask != 0: if field.ftype.find("FT_UINT") != 0 and \ field.ftype.find("FT_INT") != 0 and \ field.ftype != "FT_BOOLEAN": print "%s has a bitmask 0x%x but is type %s" % \ (field.abbrev, field.bitmask, field.ftype) errors += 1 def run(tethereal): """Run the tests.""" global errors protos, fields = gather_data(tethereal) check_fields(fields) if errors > 0: sys.exit("%d errors found" % (errors,)) else: print "Success." def main(): """Parse the command-line.""" usage = "%prog tethereal" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) != 1: parser.error("Need location of tethereal.") run(args[0]) if __name__ == "__main__": main()